#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of LVM2. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions # of the GNU General Public License v.2. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Zdenek Kabelac # # Script for resizing devices (usable for LVM resize) # # Needed utilities: # mount, umount, grep, readlink, blockdev, blkid, fsck, xfs_check # # ext2/ext3/ext4: resize2fs, tune2fs # reiserfs: resize_reiserfs, reiserfstune # xfs: xfs_growfs, xfs_info # # Return values: # 0 success # 1 error # 2 break detected # 3 unsupported online filesystem check for given mounted fs TOOL=fsadm PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH # utilities TUNE_EXT=tune2fs RESIZE_EXT=resize2fs TUNE_REISER=reiserfstune RESIZE_REISER=resize_reiserfs TUNE_XFS=xfs_info RESIZE_XFS=xfs_growfs MOUNT=mount UMOUNT=umount MKDIR=mkdir RMDIR=rmdir BLOCKDEV=blockdev BLKID=blkid GREP=grep READLINK=readlink READLINK_E="-e" FSCK=fsck XFS_CHECK=xfs_check # user may override lvm location by setting LVM_BINARY LVM=${LVM_BINARY:-lvm} YES=${_FSADM_YES} DRY=0 VERB= FORCE= EXTOFF=0 DO_LVRESIZE=0 FSTYPE=unknown VOLUME=unknown TEMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${TOOL}_${RANDOM}$$/m" BLOCKSIZE= BLOCKCOUNT= MOUNTPOINT= MOUNTED= REMOUNT= PROCMOUNTS="/proc/mounts" IFS_OLD=$IFS # without bash $'\n' NL=' ' tool_usage() { echo "${TOOL}: Utility to resize or check the filesystem on a device" echo echo " ${TOOL} [options] check device" echo " - Check the filesystem on device using fsck" echo echo " ${TOOL} [options] resize device [new_size[BKMGTPE]]" echo " - Change the size of the filesystem on device to new_size" echo echo " Options:" echo " -h | --help Show this help message" echo " -v | --verbose Be verbose" echo " -e | --ext-offline unmount filesystem before ext2/ext3/ext4 resize" echo " -f | --force Bypass sanity checks" echo " -n | --dry-run Print commands without running them" echo " -l | --lvresize Resize given device (if it is LVM device)" echo " -y | --yes Answer \"yes\" at any prompts" echo echo " new_size - Absolute number of filesystem blocks to be in the filesystem," echo " or an absolute size using a suffix (in powers of 1024)." echo " If new_size is not supplied, the whole device is used." exit } verbose() { test -n "$VERB" && echo "$TOOL: $@" || true } error() { echo "$TOOL: $@" >&2 cleanup 1 } dry() { if [ "$DRY" -ne 0 ]; then verbose "Dry execution $@" return 0 fi verbose "Executing $@" $@ } cleanup() { trap '' 2 # reset MOUNTPOINT - avoid recursion test "$MOUNTPOINT" = "$TEMPDIR" && MOUNTPOINT="" temp_umount if [ -n "$REMOUNT" ]; then verbose "Remounting unmounted filesystem back" dry $MOUNT "$VOLUME" "$MOUNTED" fi IFS=$IFS_OLD trap 2 test "$1" -eq 2 && verbose "Break detected" if [ "$DO_LVRESIZE" -eq 2 ]; then # start LVRESIZE with the filesystem modification flag # and allow recursive call of fsadm _FSADM_YES=$YES export _FSADM_YES unset FSADM_RUNNING dry exec $LVM lvresize $VERB $FORCE -r -L${NEWSIZE}b $VOLUME_ORIG fi # error exit status for break exit ${1:-1} } # convert parameter from Exa/Peta/Tera/Giga/Mega/Kilo/Bytes and blocks # (2^(60/50/40/30/20/10/0)) decode_size() { case "$1" in *[eE]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[eE]} * 1152921504606846976 )) ;; *[pP]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[pP]} * 1125899906842624 )) ;; *[tT]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[tT]} * 1099511627776 )) ;; *[gG]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[gG]} * 1073741824 )) ;; *[mM]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[mM]} * 1048576 )) ;; *[kK]) NEWSIZE=$(( ${1%[kK]} * 1024 )) ;; *[bB]) NEWSIZE=${1%[bB]} ;; *) NEWSIZE=$(( $1 * $2 )) ;; esac #NEWBLOCKCOUNT=$(round_block_size $NEWSIZE $2) NEWBLOCKCOUNT=$(( $NEWSIZE / $2 )) if [ $DO_LVRESIZE -eq 1 ]; then # start lvresize, but first cleanup mounted dirs DO_LVRESIZE=2 cleanup 0 fi } # detect filesystem on the given device # dereference device name if it is symbolic link detect_fs() { VOLUME_ORIG=$1 VOLUME=${1#/dev/} VOLUME=$($READLINK $READLINK_E "/dev/$VOLUME") || error "Cannot get readlink $1" RVOLUME=$VOLUME case "$RVOLUME" in /dev/dm-[0-9]*) read &1 && VOLUME="/dev/mapper/$SYSVOLUME" ;; esac # use /dev/null as cache file to be sure about the result # not using option '-o value' to be compatible with older version of blkid FSTYPE=$($BLKID -c /dev/null -s TYPE "$VOLUME") || error "Cannot get FSTYPE of \"$VOLUME\"" FSTYPE=${FSTYPE##*TYPE=\"} # cut quotation marks FSTYPE=${FSTYPE%%\"*} verbose "\"$FSTYPE\" filesystem found on \"$VOLUME\"" } # check if the given device is already mounted and where # FIXME: resolve swap usage and device stacking detect_mounted() { test -e $PROCMOUNTS || error "Cannot detect mounted device $VOLUME" MOUNTED=$($GREP ^"$VOLUME" $PROCMOUNTS) # for empty string try again with real volume name test -z "$MOUNTED" && MOUNTED=$($GREP ^"$RVOLUME" $PROCMOUNTS) # for systems with different device names - check also mount output test -z "$MOUNTED" && MOUNTED=$($MOUNT | $GREP ^"$VOLUME") test -z "$MOUNTED" && MOUNTED=$($MOUNT | $GREP ^"$RVOLUME") # cut device name prefix and trim everything past mountpoint # echo translates \040 to spaces MOUNTED=${MOUNTED#* } MOUNTED=$(echo -n -e ${MOUNTED%% *}) test -n "$MOUNTED" } # get the full size of device in bytes detect_device_size() { # check if blockdev supports getsize64 $BLOCKDEV 2>&1 | $GREP getsize64 >/dev/null if test $? -eq 0; then DEVSIZE=$($BLOCKDEV --getsize64 "$VOLUME") || error "Cannot read size of device \"$VOLUME\"" else DEVSIZE=$($BLOCKDEV --getsize "$VOLUME") || error "Cannot read size of device \"$VOLUME\"" SSSIZE=$($BLOCKDEV --getss "$VOLUME") || error "Cannot block size read device \"$VOLUME\"" DEVSIZE=$(($DEVSIZE * $SSSIZE)) fi } # round up $1 / $2 # could be needed to gaurantee 'at least given size' # but it makes many troubles round_up_block_size() { echo $(( ($1 + $2 - 1) / $2 )) } temp_mount() { dry $MKDIR -p -m 0000 "$TEMPDIR" || error "Failed to create $TEMPDIR" dry $MOUNT "$VOLUME" "$TEMPDIR" || error "Failed to mount $TEMPDIR" } temp_umount() { dry $UMOUNT "$TEMPDIR" || error "Failed to umount $TEMPDIR" dry $RMDIR "${TEMPDIR}" || error "Failed to remove $TEMPDIR" dry $RMDIR "${TEMPDIR%%m}" || error "Failed to remove ${TEMPDIR%%m}" } yes_no() { echo -n "$@? [Y|n] " if [ -n "$YES" ]; then echo y ; return 0 fi while read -r -s -n 1 ANS ; do case "$ANS" in "y" | "Y" | "") echo y ; return 0 ;; "n" | "N") echo n ; return 1 ;; esac done } try_umount() { yes_no "Do you want to unmount \"$MOUNTED\"" && dry $UMOUNT "$MOUNTED" && return 0 error "Cannot proceed with mounted filesystem \"$MOUNTED\"" } validate_parsing() { test -n "$BLOCKSIZE" -a -n "$BLOCKCOUNT" || error "Cannot parse $1 output" } #################################### # Resize ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem # - unmounted or mounted for upsize # - unmounted for downsize #################################### resize_ext() { verbose "Parsing $TUNE_EXT -l \"$VOLUME\"" for i in $($TUNE_EXT -l "$VOLUME"); do case "$i" in "Block size"*) BLOCKSIZE=${i##* } ;; "Block count"*) BLOCKCOUNT=${i##* } ;; esac done validate_parsing $TUNE_EXT decode_size $1 $BLOCKSIZE FSFORCE=$FORCE if [ "$NEWBLOCKCOUNT" -lt "$BLOCKCOUNT" -o "$EXTOFF" -eq 1 ]; then detect_mounted && verbose "$RESIZE_EXT needs unmounted filesystem" && try_umount REMOUNT=$MOUNTED # CHECKME: after umount resize2fs requires fsck or -f flag. FSFORCE="-f" fi verbose "Resizing filesystem on device \"$VOLUME\" to $NEWSIZE bytes ($BLOCKCOUNT -> $NEWBLOCKCOUNT blocks of $BLOCKSIZE bytes)" dry $RESIZE_EXT $FSFORCE "$VOLUME" $NEWBLOCKCOUNT } ############################# # Resize reiserfs filesystem # - unmounted for upsize # - unmounted for downsize ############################# resize_reiser() { detect_mounted && verbose "ReiserFS resizes only unmounted filesystem" && try_umount REMOUNT=$MOUNTED verbose "Parsing $TUNE_REISER \"$VOLUME\"" for i in $($TUNE_REISER "$VOLUME"); do case "$i" in "Blocksize"*) BLOCKSIZE=${i##*: } ;; "Count of blocks"*) BLOCKCOUNT=${i##*: } ;; esac done validate_parsing $TUNE_REISER decode_size $1 $BLOCKSIZE verbose "Resizing \"$VOLUME\" $BLOCKCOUNT -> $NEWBLOCKCOUNT blocks ($NEWSIZE bytes, bs: $NEWBLOCKCOUNT)" if [ -n "$YES" ]; then echo y | dry $RESIZE_REISER -s $NEWSIZE "$VOLUME" else dry $RESIZE_REISER -s $NEWSIZE "$VOLUME" fi } ######################## # Resize XFS filesystem # - mounted for upsize # - cannot downsize ######################## resize_xfs() { detect_mounted MOUNTPOINT=$MOUNTED if [ -z "$MOUNTED" ]; then MOUNTPOINT=$TEMPDIR temp_mount || error "Cannot mount Xfs filesystem" fi verbose "Parsing $TUNE_XFS \"$MOUNTPOINT\"" for i in $($TUNE_XFS "$MOUNTPOINT"); do case "$i" in "data"*) BLOCKSIZE=${i##*bsize=} ; BLOCKCOUNT=${i##*blocks=} ;; esac done BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE%%[^0-9]*} BLOCKCOUNT=${BLOCKCOUNT%%[^0-9]*} validate_parsing $TUNE_XFS decode_size $1 $BLOCKSIZE if [ $NEWBLOCKCOUNT -gt $BLOCKCOUNT ]; then verbose "Resizing Xfs mounted on \"$MOUNTPOINT\" to fill device \"$VOLUME\"" dry $RESIZE_XFS $MOUNTPOINT elif [ $NEWBLOCKCOUNT -eq $BLOCKCOUNT ]; then verbose "Xfs filesystem already has the right size" else error "Xfs filesystem shrinking is unsupported" fi } #################### # Resize filesystem #################### resize() { NEWSIZE=$2 detect_fs "$1" detect_device_size verbose "Device \"$VOLUME\" size is $DEVSIZE bytes" # if the size parameter is missing use device size #if [ -n "$NEWSIZE" -a $NEWSIZE < test -z "$NEWSIZE" && NEWSIZE=${DEVSIZE}b IFS=$NL case "$FSTYPE" in "ext3"|"ext2"|"ext4") resize_ext $NEWSIZE ;; "reiserfs") resize_reiser $NEWSIZE ;; "xfs") resize_xfs $NEWSIZE ;; *) error "Filesystem \"$FSTYPE\" on device \"$VOLUME\" is not supported by this tool" ;; esac || error "Resize $FSTYPE failed" cleanup 0 } ################### # Check filesystem ################### check() { detect_fs "$1" if detect_mounted ; then verbose "Skipping filesystem check for device \"$VOLUME\" as the filesystem is mounted on $MOUNTED"; cleanup 3 fi case "$FSTYPE" in "xfs") dry $XFS_CHECK "$VOLUME" ;; *) # check if executed from interactive shell environment case "$-" in *i*) dry $FSCK $YES $FORCE "$VOLUME" ;; *) dry $FSCK $FORCE -p "$VOLUME" ;; esac esac } ############################# # start point of this script # - parsing parameters ############################# trap "cleanup 2" 2 # test if we are not invoked recursively test -n "$FSADM_RUNNING" && exit 0 # test some prerequisities test -n "$TUNE_EXT" -a -n "$RESIZE_EXT" -a -n "$TUNE_REISER" -a -n "$RESIZE_REISER" \ -a -n "$TUNE_XFS" -a -n "$RESIZE_XFS" -a -n "$MOUNT" -a -n "$UMOUNT" -a -n "$MKDIR" \ -a -n "$RMDIR" -a -n "$BLOCKDEV" -a -n "$BLKID" -a -n "$GREP" -a -n "$READLINK" \ -a -n "$FSCK" -a -n "$XFS_CHECK" -a -n "LVM" \ || error "Required command definitions in the script are missing!" $LVM version >/dev/null 2>&1 || error "Could not run lvm binary '$LVM'" $($READLINK -e / >/dev/null 2>&1) || READLINK_E="-f" TEST64BIT=$(( 1000 * 1000000000000 )) test $TEST64BIT -eq 1000000000000000 || error "Shell does not handle 64bit arithmetic" $(echo Y | $GREP Y >/dev/null) || error "Grep does not work properly" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then tool_usage fi while [ "$#" -ne 0 ] do case "$1" in "") ;; "-h"|"--help") tool_usage ;; "-v"|"--verbose") VERB="-v" ;; "-n"|"--dry-run") DRY=1 ;; "-f"|"--force") FORCE="-f" ;; "-e"|"--ext-offline") EXTOFF=1 ;; "-y"|"--yes") YES="-y" ;; "-l"|"--lvresize") DO_LVRESIZE=1 ;; "check") CHECK="$2" ; shift ;; "resize") RESIZE="$2"; NEWSIZE="$3" ; shift 2 ;; *) error "Wrong argument \"$1\". (see: $TOOL --help)" esac shift done if [ -n "$CHECK" ]; then check "$CHECK" elif [ -n "$RESIZE" ]; then export FSADM_RUNNING="fsadm" resize "$RESIZE" "$NEWSIZE" else error "Missing command. (see: $TOOL --help)" fi