# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions # of the GNU General Public License v.2. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from .automatedproperties import AutomatedProperties from . import utils from .utils import pv_obj_path_generate, vg_obj_path_generate, n import dbus from . import cfg from .cfg import VG_INTERFACE from . import cmdhandler from .request import RequestEntry from .loader import common from .state import State from . import background from .utils import round_size # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def vgs_state_retrieve(selection, cache_refresh=True): rc = [] if cache_refresh: cfg.db.refresh() for v in cfg.db.fetch_vgs(selection): rc.append( VgState( v['vg_uuid'], v['vg_name'], v['vg_fmt'], n(v['vg_size']), n(v['vg_free']), v['vg_sysid'], n(v['vg_extent_size']), n(v['vg_extent_count']), n(v['vg_free_count']), v['vg_profile'], n(v['max_lv']), n(v['max_pv']), n(v['pv_count']), n(v['lv_count']), n(v['snap_count']), n(v['vg_seqno']), n(v['vg_mda_count']), n(v['vg_mda_free']), n(v['vg_mda_size']), n(v['vg_mda_used_count']), v['vg_attr'], v['vg_tags'])) return rc def load_vgs(vg_specific=None, object_path=None, refresh=False, emit_signal=False, cache_refresh=True): return common(vgs_state_retrieve, (Vg,), vg_specific, object_path, refresh, emit_signal, cache_refresh) # noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal class VgState(State): @property def lvm_id(self): return self.Name def identifiers(self): return (self.Uuid, self.Name) def _lv_paths_build(self): rc = [] for lv in cfg.db.lvs_in_vg(self.Uuid): (lv_name, meta, lv_uuid) = lv full_name = "%s/%s" % (self.Name, lv_name) gen = utils.lv_object_path_method(lv_name, meta) lv_path = cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id( lv_uuid, full_name, gen) rc.append(lv_path) return dbus.Array(rc, signature='o') def _pv_paths_build(self): rc = [] for p in cfg.db.pvs_in_vg(self.Uuid): (pv_name, pv_uuid) = p rc.append(cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id( pv_uuid, pv_name, pv_obj_path_generate)) return dbus.Array(rc, signature='o') def __init__(self, Uuid, Name, Fmt, SizeBytes, FreeBytes, SysId, ExtentSizeBytes, ExtentCount, FreeCount, Profile, MaxLv, MaxPv, PvCount, LvCount, SnapCount, Seqno, MdaCount, MdaFree, MdaSizeBytes, MdaUsedCount, attr, tags): utils.init_class_from_arguments(self) self.Pvs = self._pv_paths_build() self.Lvs = self._lv_paths_build() def create_dbus_object(self, path): if not path: path = cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id( self.Uuid, self.Name, vg_obj_path_generate) return Vg(path, self) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def creation_signature(self): return (Vg, vg_obj_path_generate) # noinspection PyPep8Naming @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'Uuid', 's') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'Name', 's') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'Fmt', 's') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'SizeBytes', 't', 0) @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'FreeBytes', 't', 0) @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'SysId', 's') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'ExtentSizeBytes', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'ExtentCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'FreeCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'Profile', 's') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MaxLv', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MaxPv', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'PvCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'LvCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'SnapCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'Seqno', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MdaCount', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MdaFree', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MdaSizeBytes', 't') @utils.dbus_property(VG_INTERFACE, 'MdaUsedCount', 't') class Vg(AutomatedProperties): _Tags_meta = ("as", VG_INTERFACE) _Pvs_meta = ("ao", VG_INTERFACE) _Lvs_meta = ("ao", VG_INTERFACE) _Writeable_meta = ("b", VG_INTERFACE) _Readable_meta = ("b", VG_INTERFACE) _Resizeable_meta = ("b", VG_INTERFACE) _Exportable_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _Partial_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _AllocContiguous_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _AllocCling_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _AllocNormal_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _AllocAnywhere_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) _Clustered_meta = ('b', VG_INTERFACE) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyPep8Naming def __init__(self, object_path, object_state): super(Vg, self).__init__(object_path, vgs_state_retrieve) self.set_interface(VG_INTERFACE) self._object_path = object_path self.state = object_state @staticmethod def fetch_new_lv(vg_name, lv_name): full_name = "%s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name) cfg.load() l = cfg.om.get_object_by_lvm_id(full_name) created_lv = l.dbus_object_path() return created_lv @staticmethod def _rename(uuid, vg_name, new_name, rename_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_rename(vg_name, new_name, rename_options) if rc == 0: cfg.load() else: # Need to work on error handling, need consistent raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return '/' @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='sia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Rename(self, name, tmo, rename_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_vg_name(VG_INTERFACE, name) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._rename, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, rename_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _remove(uuid, vg_name, remove_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: # Remove the VG, if successful then remove from the model rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_remove(vg_name, remove_options) if rc == 0: # Remove the VG cfg.om.remove_object(dbo, True) # If an LV has hidden LVs, things can get quite involved, # especially if it's the last thin pool to get removed, so # lets refresh all cfg.load() else: # Need to work on error handling, need consistent raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return '/' @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='ia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Remove(self, tmo, remove_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._remove, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, remove_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _change(uuid, vg_name, change_options): dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_change(change_options, vg_name) # To use an example with d-feet (Method input) # {"activate": __import__('gi.repository.GLib', globals(), # locals(), ['Variant']).Variant("s", "n")} if rc == 0: dbo.refresh() if (('activate' in change_options) or ('-a' in change_options)): cfg.load() else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return '/' # TODO: This should be broken into a number of different methods # instead of having one method that takes a hash for parameters. Some of # the changes that vgchange does works on entire system, not just a # specfic vg, thus that should be in the Manager interface. @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='ia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Change(self, tmo, change_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._change, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, change_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _reduce(uuid, vg_name, missing, pv_object_paths, reduce_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: pv_devices = [] # If pv_object_paths is not empty, then get the device paths if pv_object_paths and len(pv_object_paths) > 0: for pv_op in pv_object_paths: pv = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(pv_op) if pv: pv_devices.append(pv.lvm_id) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'PV Object path not found = %s!' % pv_op) rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_reduce(vg_name, missing, pv_devices, reduce_options) if rc == 0: cfg.load() else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return '/' @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='baoia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Reduce(self, missing, pv_object_paths, tmo, reduce_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._reduce, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, missing, pv_object_paths, reduce_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _extend(uuid, vg_name, pv_object_paths, extend_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: extend_devices = [] for i in pv_object_paths: pv = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(i) if pv: extend_devices.append(pv.lvm_id) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'PV Object path not found = %s!' % i) if len(extend_devices): rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_extend(vg_name, extend_devices, extend_options) if rc == 0: cfg.load() else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'No pv_object_paths provided!') else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return '/' @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='aoia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Extend(self, pv_object_paths, tmo, extend_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._extend, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, pv_object_paths, extend_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='o(tt)a(ott)ia{sv}', out_signature='o') def Move(self, pv_src_obj, pv_source_range, pv_dests_and_ranges, tmo, move_options): return background.move( VG_INTERFACE, None, pv_src_obj, pv_source_range, pv_dests_and_ranges, move_options, tmo) @staticmethod def _lv_create(uuid, vg_name, name, size_bytes, pv_dests_and_ranges, create_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it pv_dests = [] dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: if len(pv_dests_and_ranges): for pr in pv_dests_and_ranges: pv_dbus_obj = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(pr[0]) if not pv_dbus_obj: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'PV Destination (%s) not found' % pr[0]) pv_dests.append((pv_dbus_obj.lvm_id, pr[1], pr[2])) rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_lv_create( vg_name, create_options, name, size_bytes, pv_dests) if rc == 0: return Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='sta(ott)ia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LvCreate(self, name, size_bytes, pv_dests_and_ranges, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): """ This one it for the advanced users that want to roll their own :param name: Name of the LV :param size_bytes: Size of LV in bytes :param pv_dests_and_ranges: Optional array of PV object paths and ranges :param tmo: -1 == Wait forever, 0 == return job immediately, > 0 == willing to wait that number of seconds before getting a job :param create_options: hash of key/value pairs :param cb: Internal, not accessible by dbus API user :param cbe: Internal, not accessible by dbus API user :return: (oo) First object path is newly created object, second is job object path if created. Each == '/' when it doesn't apply. """ utils.validate_lv_name(VG_INTERFACE, self.Name, name) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._lv_create, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, round_size(size_bytes), pv_dests_and_ranges, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _lv_create_linear(uuid, vg_name, name, size_bytes, thin_pool, create_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_lv_create_linear( vg_name, create_options, name, size_bytes, thin_pool) if rc == 0: created_lv = Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return created_lv @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='stbia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LvCreateLinear(self, name, size_bytes, thin_pool, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_lv_name(VG_INTERFACE, self.Name, name) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._lv_create_linear, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, round_size(size_bytes), thin_pool, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _lv_create_striped(uuid, vg_name, name, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, thin_pool, create_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_lv_create_striped( vg_name, create_options, name, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, thin_pool) if rc == 0: created_lv = Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return created_lv @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='stuubia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LvCreateStriped(self, name, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, thin_pool, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_lv_name(VG_INTERFACE, self.Name, name) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Vg._lv_create_striped, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, round_size(size_bytes), num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, thin_pool, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _lv_create_mirror(uuid, vg_name, name, size_bytes, num_copies, create_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_lv_create_mirror( vg_name, create_options, name, size_bytes, num_copies) if rc == 0: created_lv = Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return created_lv @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='stuia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LvCreateMirror(self, name, size_bytes, num_copies, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_lv_name(VG_INTERFACE, self.Name, name) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Vg._lv_create_mirror, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, round_size(size_bytes), num_copies, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _lv_create_raid(uuid, vg_name, name, raid_type, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, create_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_lv_create_raid( vg_name, create_options, name, raid_type, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb) if rc == 0: created_lv = Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) return created_lv @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='sstuuia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LvCreateRaid(self, name, raid_type, size_bytes, num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_lv_name(VG_INTERFACE, self.Name, name) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._lv_create_raid, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, name, raid_type, round_size(size_bytes), num_stripes, stripe_size_kb, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _create_pool(uuid, vg_name, meta_data_lv, data_lv, create_options, create_method): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) # Retrieve the full names for the metadata and data lv md = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(meta_data_lv) data = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(data_lv) if dbo and md and data: new_name = data.Name rc, out, err = create_method( md.lv_full_name(), data.lv_full_name(), create_options) if rc == 0: cfg.om.remove_object(md, emit_signal=True) cfg.om.remove_object(data, emit_signal=True) cache_pool_lv = Vg.fetch_new_lv(vg_name, new_name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: msg = "" if not dbo: msg += 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % \ (uuid, vg_name) if not md: msg += 'Meta data LV with object path %s not present!' % \ (meta_data_lv) if not data_lv: msg += 'Data LV with object path %s not present!' % \ (meta_data_lv) raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(VG_INTERFACE, msg) return cache_pool_lv @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='ooia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def CreateCachePool(self, meta_data_lv, data_lv, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry( tmo, Vg._create_pool, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, meta_data_lv, data_lv, create_options, cmdhandler.vg_create_cache_pool), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='ooia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def CreateThinPool(self, meta_data_lv, data_lv, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry( tmo, Vg._create_pool, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, meta_data_lv, data_lv, create_options, cmdhandler.vg_create_thin_pool), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _pv_add_rm_tags(uuid, vg_name, pv_object_paths, tags_add, tags_del, tag_options): pv_devices = [] # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: # Check for existence of pv object paths for p in pv_object_paths: pv = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(p) if pv: pv_devices.append(pv.Name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'PV object path = %s not found' % p) rc, out, err = cmdhandler.pv_tag( pv_devices, tags_add, tags_del, tag_options) if rc == 0: cfg.load() return '/' else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='aoasia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def PvTagsAdd(self, pvs, tags, tmo, tag_options, cb, cbe): for t in tags: utils.validate_tag(VG_INTERFACE, t) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._pv_add_rm_tags, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, pvs, tags, None, tag_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='aoasia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def PvTagsDel(self, pvs, tags, tmo, tag_options, cb, cbe): for t in tags: utils.validate_tag(VG_INTERFACE, t) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Vg._pv_add_rm_tags, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, pvs, None, tags, tag_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _vg_add_rm_tags(uuid, vg_name, tags_add, tags_del, tag_options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_tag( vg_name, tags_add, tags_del, tag_options) if rc == 0: dbo.refresh() return '/' else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='asia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def TagsAdd(self, tags, tmo, tag_options, cb, cbe): for t in tags: utils.validate_tag(VG_INTERFACE, t) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_add_rm_tags, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, tags, None, tag_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='asia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def TagsDel(self, tags, tmo, tag_options, cb, cbe): for t in tags: utils.validate_tag(VG_INTERFACE, t) r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_add_rm_tags, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, None, tags, tag_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _vg_change_set(uuid, vg_name, method, value, options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = method(vg_name, value, options) if rc == 0: dbo.refresh() return '/' else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='sia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def AllocationPolicySet(self, policy, tmo, policy_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_change_set, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, cmdhandler.vg_allocation_policy, policy, policy_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='tia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def MaxPvSet(self, number, tmo, max_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_change_set, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, cmdhandler.vg_max_pv, number, max_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='ia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def UuidGenerate(self, tmo, options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_change_set, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, cmdhandler.vg_uuid_gen, None, options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) def _attribute(self, pos, ch): if self.state.attr[pos] == ch: return True return False @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='tia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def MaxLvSet(self, number, tmo, max_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_change_set, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, cmdhandler.vg_max_lv, number, max_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _vg_activate_deactivate(uuid, vg_name, activate, control_flags, options): # Make sure we have a dbus object representing it dbo = cfg.om.get_object_by_uuid_lvm_id(uuid, vg_name) if dbo: rc, out, err = cmdhandler.activate_deactivate( 'vgchange', vg_name, activate, control_flags, options) if rc == 0: cfg.load() return '/' else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( VG_INTERFACE, 'VG with uuid %s and name %s not present!' % (uuid, vg_name)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='tia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Activate(self, control_flags, tmo, activate_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_activate_deactivate, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, True, control_flags, activate_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=VG_INTERFACE, in_signature='tia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Deactivate(self, control_flags, tmo, activate_options, cb, cbe): r = RequestEntry(tmo, Vg._vg_activate_deactivate, (self.state.Uuid, self.state.lvm_id, False, control_flags, activate_options), cb, cbe, return_tuple=False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @property def Tags(self): return utils.parse_tags(self.state.tags) @property def Pvs(self): return self.state.Pvs @property def Lvs(self): return self.state.Lvs @property def lvm_id(self): return self.state.lvm_id @property def Writeable(self): return self._attribute(0, 'w') @property def Readable(self): return self._attribute(0, 'r') @property def Resizeable(self): return self._attribute(1, 'z') @property def Exportable(self): return self._attribute(2, 'x') @property def Partial(self): return self._attribute(3, 'p') @property def AllocContiguous(self): return self._attribute(4, 'c') @property def AllocCling(self): return self._attribute(4, 'l') @property def AllocNormal(self): return self._attribute(4, 'n') @property def AllocAnywhere(self): return self._attribute(4, 'a') @property def Clustered(self): return self._attribute(5, 'c')