# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions # of the GNU General Public License v.2. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from utils import log_debug from .automatedproperties import AutomatedProperties from . import utils from .cfg import MANAGER_INTERFACE import dbus from . import cfg from . import cmdhandler from .request import RequestEntry from . import udevwatch # noinspection PyPep8Naming class Manager(AutomatedProperties): _Version_meta = ("s", MANAGER_INTERFACE) def __init__(self, object_path): super(Manager, self).__init__(object_path) self.set_interface(MANAGER_INTERFACE) @property def Version(self): return dbus.String('1.0.0') @staticmethod def handle_execute(rc, out, err): if rc == 0: cfg.load() else: # Need to work on error handling, need consistent raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( MANAGER_INTERFACE, 'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err)) @staticmethod def _pv_create(device, create_options): # Check to see if we are already trying to create a PV for an existing # PV pv = cfg.om.get_object_path_by_uuid_lvm_id(device, device) if pv: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( MANAGER_INTERFACE, "PV Already exists!") rc, out, err = cmdhandler.pv_create(create_options, [device]) Manager.handle_execute(rc, out, err) return cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id(device) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='sia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def PvCreate(self, device, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_device_path(MANAGER_INTERFACE, device) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Manager._pv_create, (device, create_options), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _create_vg(name, pv_object_paths, create_options): pv_devices = [] for p in pv_object_paths: pv = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(p) if pv: pv_devices.append(pv.Name) else: raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException( MANAGER_INTERFACE, 'object path = %s not found' % p) rc, out, err = cmdhandler.vg_create(create_options, pv_devices, name) Manager.handle_execute(rc, out, err) return cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id(name) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='saoia{sv}', out_signature='(oo)', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def VgCreate(self, name, pv_object_paths, tmo, create_options, cb, cbe): utils.validate_vg_name(MANAGER_INTERFACE, name) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Manager._create_vg, (name, pv_object_paths, create_options,), cb, cbe) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _refresh(): utils.log_debug('Manager.Refresh - entry') # This is a diagnostic and should not be run in normal operation, so # lets remove the log entries for refresh as it's implied. # Run an internal diagnostic on the object manager look up tables lc = cfg.om.validate_lookups() rc = cfg.load(log=False) if rc != 0: utils.log_debug('Manager.Refresh - exit %d' % (rc), 'bg_black', 'fg_light_red') else: utils.log_debug('Manager.Refresh - exit %d' % (rc)) return rc + lc @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, out_signature='t', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def Refresh(self, cb, cbe): """ Take all the objects we know about and go out and grab the latest more of a test method at the moment to make sure we are handling object paths correctly. :param cb Callback for result :param cbe Callback for errors Returns the number of changes, object add/remove/properties changed """ r = RequestEntry(-1, Manager._refresh, (), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE) def FlightRecorderDump(self): """ Dump the flight recorder to syslog """ cfg.blackbox.dump() @staticmethod def _lookup_by_lvm_id(key): p = cfg.om.get_object_path_by_uuid_lvm_id(key, key) if not p: p = '/' log_debug('LookUpByLvmId: key = %s, result = %s' % (key, p)) return p @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def LookUpByLvmId(self, key, cb, cbe): """ Given a lvm id in one of the forms: /dev/sda some_vg some_vg/some_lv Oe1rPX-Pf0W-15E5-n41N-ZmtF-jXS0-Osg8fn return the object path in O(1) time. :param key: The lookup value :return: Return the object path. If object not found you will get '/' """ r = RequestEntry(-1, Manager._lookup_by_lvm_id, (key,), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _use_lvm_shell(yes_no): return dbus.Boolean(cmdhandler.set_execution(yes_no)) @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='b', out_signature='b', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def UseLvmShell(self, yes_no, cb, cbe): """ Allow the client to enable/disable lvm shell, used for testing :param yes_no: :param cb: dbus python call back parameter, not client visible :param cbe: dbus python error call back parameter, not client visible :return: Boolean """ r = RequestEntry(-1, Manager._use_lvm_shell, (yes_no,), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @staticmethod def _external_event(command): utils.log_debug("Processing _external_event= %s" % command, 'bg_black', 'fg_orange') cfg.load() @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='i') def ExternalEvent(self, command): utils.log_debug("ExternalEvent %s" % command) # If a user didn't explicitly specify udev, we will turn it off now. if not cfg.args.use_udev: if udevwatch.remove(): utils.log_debug("ExternalEvent received, disabling " "udev monitoring") # We are dependent on external events now to stay current! cfg.got_external_event = True r = RequestEntry( -1, Manager._external_event, (command,), None, None, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) return dbus.Int32(0) @staticmethod def _pv_scan(activate, cache, device_path, major_minor, scan_options): rc, out, err = cmdhandler.pv_scan( activate, cache, device_path, major_minor, scan_options) Manager.handle_execute(rc, out, err) return '/' @dbus.service.method( dbus_interface=MANAGER_INTERFACE, in_signature='bbasa(ii)ia{sv}', out_signature='o', async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe')) def PvScan(self, activate, cache, device_paths, major_minors, tmo, scan_options, cb, cbe): """ Scan all supported LVM block devices in the system for physical volumes NOTE: major_minors & device_paths only usable when cache == True :param activate: If True, activate any newly found LVs :param cache: If True, update lvmetad :param device_paths: Array of device paths or empty :param major_minors: Array of structures (major,minor) :param tmo: Timeout for operation :param scan_options: Additional options to pvscan :param cb: Not visible in API (used for async. callback) :param cbe: Not visible in API (used for async. error callback) :return: '/' if operation done, else job path """ for d in device_paths: utils.validate_device_path(MANAGER_INTERFACE, d) r = RequestEntry( tmo, Manager._pv_scan, (activate, cache, device_paths, major_minors, scan_options), cb, cbe, False) cfg.worker_q.put(r) @property def lvm_id(self): """ Intended to be overridden by classes that inherit """ return str(id(self)) @property def Uuid(self): """ Intended to be overridden by classes that inherit """ import uuid return uuid.uuid1()