.TH VGREMOVE 8 "LVM TOOLS" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME vgremove \- remove a volume group .SH SYNOPSIS .B vgremove [\-d/\-\-debug] [\-h/\-?/\-\-help] [\-t/\-\-test] [\-v/\-\-verbose] VolumeGroupName [VolumeGroupName...] .SH DESCRIPTION vgremove allows you to remove one or more volume groups. The volume group(s) must not have any logical volumes allocated and must also be inactive (see .B vgchange(8) ). .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP for common options. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm (8), .BR vgcreate (8), .BR vgreduce (8)