#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from collections import OrderedDict

import pprint as prettyprint
import os
import sys

from lvmdbusd import cmdhandler
from lvmdbusd.utils import log_debug, log_error

class DataStore(object):
	def __init__(self, usejson=True):
		self.pvs = {}
		self.vgs = {}
		self.lvs = {}
		self.pv_lvs = {}
		self.lv_pvs = {}
		self.lvs_hidden = {}

		self.pv_path_to_uuid = {}
		self.vg_name_to_uuid = {}
		self.lv_full_name_to_uuid = {}

		self.lvs_in_vgs = {}
		self.pvs_in_vgs = {}

		# self.refresh()
		self.num_refreshes = 0

		if usejson:
			self.json = cmdhandler.supports_json()
			self.json = usejson

	def _insert_record(table, key, record, allowed_multiple):
		if key in table:
			existing = table[key]

			for rec_k, rec_v in record.items():
				if rec_k in allowed_multiple:
					# This column name allows us to store multiple value for
					# each type
					if not isinstance(existing[rec_k], list):
						existing_value = existing[rec_k]
						existing[rec_k] = [existing_value, rec_v]
					# If something is not expected to have changing values
					# lets ensure that
					if existing[rec_k] != rec_v:
						raise RuntimeError(
							"existing[%s]=%s != %s" %
							(rec_k, str(existing[rec_k]),
			table[key] = record

	def _pvs_parse_common(c_pvs, c_pvs_in_vgs, c_lookup):
		for p in c_pvs.values():
			# Capture which PVs are associated with which VG
			if p['vg_uuid'] not in c_pvs_in_vgs:
				c_pvs_in_vgs[p['vg_uuid']] = []

			if p['vg_name']:
					(p['pv_name'], p['pv_uuid']))

			# Lookup for translating between /dev/<name> and pv uuid
			c_lookup[p['pv_name']] = p['pv_uuid']

	def _parse_pvs(_pvs):
		pvs = sorted(_pvs, key=lambda pk: pk['pv_name'])

		c_pvs = OrderedDict()
		c_lookup = {}
		c_pvs_in_vgs = {}

		for p in pvs:
				c_pvs, p['pv_uuid'], p,
				['pvseg_start', 'pvseg_size', 'segtype'])

		DataStore._pvs_parse_common(c_pvs, c_pvs_in_vgs, c_lookup)
		return c_pvs, c_lookup, c_pvs_in_vgs

	def _parse_pvs_json(_all):

		c_pvs = OrderedDict()
		c_lookup = {}
		c_pvs_in_vgs = {}

		# Each item item in the report is a collection of information pertaining
		# to the vg
		for r in _all['report']:
			tmp_pv = []

			# Get the pv data for this VG.
			if 'pv' in r:

				# Sort them
				sorted_tmp_pv = sorted(tmp_pv, key=lambda pk: pk['pv_name'])

				# Add them to result set
				for p in sorted_tmp_pv:
					c_pvs[p['pv_uuid']] = p

				if 'pvseg' in r:
					for s in r['pvseg']:
						r = c_pvs[s['pv_uuid']]
						r.setdefault('pvseg_start', []).append(s['pvseg_start'])
						r.setdefault('pvseg_size', []).append(s['pvseg_size'])
						r.setdefault('segtype', []).append(s['segtype'])

				# TODO: Remove this bug work around when we have orphan segs.
				for i in c_pvs.values():
					if 'pvseg_start' not in i:
						i['pvseg_start'] = '0'
						i['pvseg_size'] = i['pv_pe_count']
						i['segtype'] = 'free'

		DataStore._pvs_parse_common(c_pvs, c_pvs_in_vgs, c_lookup)

		return c_pvs, c_lookup, c_pvs_in_vgs

	def _parse_vgs(_vgs):
		vgs = sorted(_vgs, key=lambda vk: vk['vg_name'])

		c_vgs = OrderedDict()
		c_lookup = {}

		for i in vgs:
			c_lookup[i['vg_name']] = i['vg_uuid']
			DataStore._insert_record(c_vgs, i['vg_uuid'], i, [])

		return c_vgs, c_lookup

	def _parse_vgs_json(_all):

		tmp_vg = []
		for r in _all['report']:
			# Get the pv data for this VG.
			if 'vg' in r:

		# Sort for consistent output, however this is optional
		vgs = sorted(tmp_vg, key=lambda vk: vk['vg_name'])

		c_vgs = OrderedDict()
		c_lookup = {}

		for i in vgs:
			c_lookup[i['vg_name']] = i['vg_uuid']
			c_vgs[i['vg_uuid']] = i

		return c_vgs, c_lookup

	def _parse_lvs_common(c_lvs, c_lv_full_lookup):

		c_lvs_in_vgs = OrderedDict()
		c_lvs_hidden = OrderedDict()

		for i in c_lvs.values():
			if i['vg_uuid'] not in c_lvs_in_vgs:
				c_lvs_in_vgs[i['vg_uuid']] = []

					(i['lv_attr'], i['lv_layout'], i['lv_role']),

			if i['lv_parent']:
				# Lookup what the parent refers too
				parent_name = i['lv_parent']
				full_parent_name = "%s/%s" % (i['vg_name'], parent_name)
				if full_parent_name not in c_lv_full_lookup:
					parent_name = '[%s]' % (parent_name)
					full_parent_name = "%s/%s" % (i['vg_name'], parent_name)

				parent_uuid = c_lv_full_lookup[full_parent_name]

				if parent_uuid not in c_lvs_hidden:
					c_lvs_hidden[parent_uuid] = []

					(i['lv_uuid'], i['lv_name']))

		return c_lvs, c_lvs_in_vgs, c_lvs_hidden, c_lv_full_lookup

	def _parse_lvs(_lvs):
		lvs = sorted(_lvs, key=lambda vk: vk['lv_name'])

		c_lvs = OrderedDict()
		c_lv_full_lookup = OrderedDict()

		for i in lvs:
			full_name = "%s/%s" % (i['vg_name'], i['lv_name'])
			c_lv_full_lookup[full_name] = i['lv_uuid']
				c_lvs, i['lv_uuid'], i,
				['seg_pe_ranges', 'segtype'])

		return DataStore._parse_lvs_common(c_lvs, c_lv_full_lookup)

	def _parse_lvs_json(_all):

		c_lvs = OrderedDict()
		c_lv_full_lookup = {}

		# Each item item in the report is a collection of information pertaining
		# to the vg
		for r in _all['report']:
			# Get the lv data for this VG.
			if 'lv' in r:
				# Add them to result set
				for i in r['lv']:
					full_name = "%s/%s" % (i['vg_name'], i['lv_name'])
					c_lv_full_lookup[full_name] = i['lv_uuid']
					c_lvs[i['lv_uuid']] = i

				# Add in the segment data
				if 'seg' in r:
					for s in r['seg']:
						r = c_lvs[s['lv_uuid']]
						r.setdefault('seg_pe_ranges', []).append(s['seg_pe_ranges'])
						r.setdefault('segtype', []).append(s['segtype'])

		return DataStore._parse_lvs_common(c_lvs, c_lv_full_lookup)

	def _make_list(l):
		if not isinstance(l, list):
			l = [l]
		return l

	def _parse_seg_entry(se, segtype):
		if se:
			# print("_parse_seg_entry %s %s" % (str(se), str(segtype)))
			device, segs = se.split(":")
			start, end = segs.split('-')
			return (device, (start, end), segtype)
			return ("", (), segtype)

	def _build_segments(l, seg_types):
		rc = []
		l = DataStore._make_list(l)
		s = DataStore._make_list(seg_types)

		assert len(l) == len(s)
		ls = list(zip(l, s))

		for i in ls:
			if ' ' in i[0]:
				tmp = i[0].split(' ')
				for t in tmp:
					rc.append(DataStore._parse_seg_entry(t, i[1]))
		return rc

	def _pv_device_lv_entry(table, pv_device, lv_uuid, meta, lv_attr,

		if pv_device not in table:
			table[pv_device] = {}

		if lv_uuid not in table[pv_device]:
			table[pv_device][lv_uuid] = {}
			table[pv_device][lv_uuid]['segs'] = [segment_info]
			table[pv_device][lv_uuid]['name'] = meta
			table[pv_device][lv_uuid]['meta'] = lv_attr

	def _pv_device_lv_format(pv_device_lvs):
		rc = {}

		for pv_device, pd in pv_device_lvs.items():
			lvs = []
			for lv_uuid, ld in sorted(pd.items()):
				lvs.append((lv_uuid, ld['name'], ld['meta'], ld['segs']))

			rc[pv_device] = lvs
		return rc

	def _lvs_device_pv_entry(table, lv_uuid, pv_device, pv_uuid, segment_info):
		if lv_uuid not in table:
			table[lv_uuid] = {}

		if pv_device not in table[lv_uuid]:
			table[lv_uuid][pv_device] = {}
			table[lv_uuid][pv_device]['segs'] = [segment_info]
			table[lv_uuid][pv_device]['pv_uuid'] = pv_uuid

	def _lvs_device_pv_format(lvs_device_pvs):
		rc = {}

		for lv_uuid, ld in lvs_device_pvs.items():
			pvs = []
			for pv_device, pd in sorted(ld.items()):
				pvs.append((pd['pv_uuid'], pv_device, pd['segs']))

			rc[lv_uuid] = pvs
		return rc

	def _parse_pv_in_lvs(self):
		pv_device_lvs = {}  # What LVs are stored on a PV
		lvs_device_pv = {}  # Where LV data is stored

		for i in self.lvs.values():
			segs = self._build_segments(i['seg_pe_ranges'], i['segtype'])
			for s in segs:
				# We are referring to physical device
				if '/dev/' in s[0]:
					device, r, seg_type = s

						pv_device_lvs, device, i['lv_uuid'], i['lv_name'],
						(i['lv_attr'], i['lv_layout'], i['lv_role']),
						(r[0], r[1], seg_type))

					# (pv_name, pv_segs, pv_uuid)
						lvs_device_pv, i['lv_uuid'], device,
						self.pv_path_to_uuid[device], (r[0], r[1], seg_type))
					# TODO Handle the case where the segments refer to a LV
					# and not a PV
					# print("Handle this %s %s %s" % (s[0], s[1], s[2]))

		# Convert form to needed result for consumption
		pv_device_lvs_result = DataStore._pv_device_lv_format(pv_device_lvs)
		lvs_device_pv_result = DataStore._lvs_device_pv_format(lvs_device_pv)

		return pv_device_lvs_result, lvs_device_pv_result

	def refresh(self, log=True):
		Go out and query lvm for the latest data in as few trips as possible
		:param log  Add debug log entry/exit messages
		:return: None
		self.num_refreshes += 1
		if log:
			log_debug("lvmdb - refresh entry")

		# Grab everything first then parse it
		if self.json:
			# Do a single lvm retrieve for everything in json
			a = cmdhandler.lvm_full_report_json()

			_pvs, _pvs_lookup, _pvs_in_vgs = self._parse_pvs_json(a)
			_vgs, _vgs_lookup = self._parse_vgs_json(a)
			_lvs, _lvs_in_vgs, _lvs_hidden, _lvs_lookup = self._parse_lvs_json(a)

			_raw_pvs = cmdhandler.pv_retrieve_with_segs()
			_raw_vgs = cmdhandler.vg_retrieve(None)
			_raw_lvs = cmdhandler.lv_retrieve_with_segments()

			_pvs, _pvs_lookup, _pvs_in_vgs = self._parse_pvs(_raw_pvs)
			_vgs, _vgs_lookup = self._parse_vgs(_raw_vgs)
			_lvs, _lvs_in_vgs, _lvs_hidden, _lvs_lookup = self._parse_lvs(_raw_lvs)

		# Set all
		self.pvs = _pvs
		self.pv_path_to_uuid = _pvs_lookup
		self.vg_name_to_uuid = _vgs_lookup
		self.lv_full_name_to_uuid = _lvs_lookup

		self.vgs = _vgs
		self.lvs = _lvs
		self.lvs_in_vgs = _lvs_in_vgs
		self.pvs_in_vgs = _pvs_in_vgs
		self.lvs_hidden = _lvs_hidden

		# Create lookup table for which LV and segments are on each PV
		self.pv_lvs, self.lv_pvs = self._parse_pv_in_lvs()

		if log:
			log_debug("lvmdb - refresh exit")

	def fetch_pvs(self, pv_name):
		if not pv_name:
			return self.pvs.values()
			rc = []
			for s in pv_name:
				# Ths user could be using a symlink instead of the actual
				# block device, make sure we are using actual block device file
				# if the pv name isn't in the lookup
				if s not in self.pv_path_to_uuid:
					s = os.path.realpath(s)
			return rc

	def pv_missing(self, pv_uuid):
		if pv_uuid in self.pvs:
			if self.pvs[pv_uuid]['pv_missing'] == '':
				return False
		return True

	def fetch_vgs(self, vg_name):
		if not vg_name:
			return self.vgs.values()
			rc = []
			for s in vg_name:
			return rc

	def fetch_lvs(self, lv_names):
			if not lv_names:
				return self.lvs.values()
				rc = []
				for s in lv_names:
				return rc
		except KeyError as ke:
			log_error("Key %s not found!" % (str(lv_names)))
			log_error("lv name to uuid lookup")
			for keys in sorted(self.lv_full_name_to_uuid.keys()):
				log_error("%s" % (keys))
			log_error("lvs entries by uuid")
			for keys in sorted(self.lvs.keys()):
				log_error("%s" % (keys))
			raise ke

	def pv_pe_segments(self, pv_uuid):
		pv = self.pvs[pv_uuid]
		return list(zip(pv['pvseg_start'], pv['pvseg_size']))

	def pv_contained_lv(self, pv_device):
		rc = []
		if pv_device in self.pv_lvs:
			rc = self.pv_lvs[pv_device]
		return rc

	def lv_contained_pv(self, lv_uuid):
		rc = []
		if lv_uuid in self.lv_pvs:
			rc = self.lv_pvs[lv_uuid]
		return rc

	def lvs_in_vg(self, vg_uuid):
		# Return an array of
		# (lv_name, (lv_attr, lv_layout, lv_role), lv_uuid)
		rc = []
		if vg_uuid in self.lvs_in_vgs:
			rc = self.lvs_in_vgs[vg_uuid]
		return rc

	def pvs_in_vg(self, vg_uuid):
		# Returns an array of (pv_name, pv_uuid)
		rc = []
		if vg_uuid in self.pvs_in_vgs:
			rc = self.pvs_in_vgs[vg_uuid]
		return rc

	def hidden_lvs(self, lv_uuid):
		# For a specified LV, return a list of hidden lv_uuid, lv_name
		# for it
		rc = []
		if lv_uuid in self.lvs_hidden:
			rc = self.lvs_hidden[lv_uuid]
		return rc

if __name__ == "__main__":
	pp = prettyprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

	use_json = False

	if len(sys.argv) != 1:
		use_json = True

	ds = DataStore(use_json)

	for v in ds.pvs.values():
		print('PV missing is %s' % ds.pv_missing(v['pv_uuid']))

	for v in ds.vgs.values():

	for v in ds.lvs.values():

	print("LVS in VG")
	for k, v in ds.lvs_in_vgs.items():
		print("VG uuid = %s" % (k))

	for k, v in ds.pv_lvs.items():
		print("PV %s contains LVS:" % (k))

	for k, v in ds.lv_pvs.items():
		print("LV device = %s" % (k))