 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This file is part of LVM2.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
 * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#define _REENTRANT

#include "tool.h"

#include "daemon-io.h"
#include "daemon-client.h"
#include "dm-logging.h"

#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

daemon_handle daemon_open(daemon_info i)
	daemon_handle h = { .error = 0 };
	daemon_reply r = { 0 };
	struct sockaddr_un sockaddr = { .sun_family = AF_UNIX };

	log_debug("%s: Opening daemon socket to %s for protocol %s version %d.",
		  i.socket, i.path, i.protocol, i.protocol_version);

	if ((h.socket_fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM /* | SOCK_NONBLOCK */, 0)) < 0) {
		h.error = errno;
		log_sys_error("socket", i.socket);
		goto error;

	if (!dm_strncpy(sockaddr.sun_path, i.socket, sizeof(sockaddr.sun_path))) {
		log_error("%s: Daemon socket path too long.", i.socket);
		goto error;

	if (connect(h.socket_fd,(struct sockaddr *) &sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr))) {
		h.error = errno;
		log_sys_error("connect", i.socket);
		goto error;

	log_debug("Sending daemon %s: hello", i.path);
	r = daemon_send_simple(h, "hello", NULL);
	if (r.error || strcmp(daemon_reply_str(r, "response", "unknown"), "OK")) {
		h.error = r.error;
		log_error("Daemon %s returned error %d", i.path, r.error);
		goto error;

	/* Check protocol and version matches */
	h.protocol = daemon_reply_str(r, "protocol", NULL);
	if (h.protocol)
		h.protocol = dm_strdup(h.protocol); /* keep around */
	h.protocol_version = daemon_reply_int(r, "version", 0);

	if (i.protocol && (!h.protocol || strcmp(h.protocol, i.protocol))) {
		log_error("Daemon %s: requested protocol %s != %s",
			i.path, i.protocol, h.protocol ? : "");
		goto error;
	if (i.protocol_version && h.protocol_version != i.protocol_version) {
		log_error("Daemon %s: requested protocol version %d != %d",
			  i.path, i.protocol_version, h.protocol_version);
		goto error;

	return h;

	if (h.socket_fd >= 0 && close(h.socket_fd))
		log_sys_error("close", "daemon_open");
	h.socket_fd = -1;

	if (r.cft)

	dm_free((char *)h.protocol);
	h.protocol = NULL;

	return h;

daemon_reply daemon_send(daemon_handle h, daemon_request rq)
	struct buffer buffer;
	daemon_reply reply = { 0 };

	if (h.socket_fd < 0) {
		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Daemon send: socket fd cannot be negative %d", h.socket_fd);
		reply.error = EINVAL;
		return reply;

	buffer = rq.buffer;

	if (!buffer.mem)
		if (!dm_config_write_node(rq.cft->root, buffer_line, &buffer)) {
			reply.error = ENOMEM;
			return reply;

	if (!buffer.mem) {
		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Daemon send: no memory available");
		reply.error = ENOMEM;
		return reply;

	if (!buffer_write(h.socket_fd, &buffer))
		reply.error = errno;

	if (buffer_read(h.socket_fd, &reply.buffer)) {
		reply.cft = config_tree_from_string_without_dup_node_check(reply.buffer.mem);
		if (!reply.cft)
			reply.error = EPROTO;
	} else
		reply.error = errno;

	if (buffer.mem != rq.buffer.mem)

	return reply;

void daemon_reply_destroy(daemon_reply r)
	if (r.cft)

daemon_reply daemon_send_simple_v(daemon_handle h, const char *id, va_list ap)
	static const daemon_reply err = { .error = ENOMEM };
	daemon_request rq = { .cft = NULL };
	daemon_reply repl;
	va_list apc;

	va_copy(apc, ap);
	if (!buffer_append_f(&rq.buffer, "request = %s", id, NULL) ||
	    !buffer_append_vf(&rq.buffer, apc)) {
		return err;

	repl = daemon_send(h, rq);

	return repl;

daemon_reply daemon_send_simple(daemon_handle h, const char *id, ...)
	daemon_reply r;
	va_list ap;

	va_start(ap, id);
	r = daemon_send_simple_v(h, id, ap);

	return r;

void daemon_close(daemon_handle h)
	if (h.socket_fd >= 0) {
		log_debug("Closing daemon socket (fd %d).", h.socket_fd);
 		if (close(h.socket_fd))
			log_sys_error("close", "daemon_close");

	dm_free((char *)h.protocol);

daemon_request daemon_request_make(const char *id)
	daemon_request r;


	if (!(r.cft = dm_config_create()))

	if (!(r.cft->root = make_text_node(r.cft, "request", id, NULL, NULL)))

	return r;
	if (r.cft) {
		r.cft = NULL;

	return r;

int daemon_request_extend_v(daemon_request r, va_list ap)
	int res;
	va_list apc;

	if (!r.cft)
		return 0;

	va_copy(apc, ap);
	res = config_make_nodes_v(r.cft, NULL, r.cft->root, apc) ? 1 : 0;

	return res;

int daemon_request_extend(daemon_request r, ...)
	int res;
	va_list ap;

	va_start(ap, r);
	res = daemon_request_extend_v(r, ap);

	return res;

void daemon_request_destroy(daemon_request r)
	if (r.cft)