#!/usr/bin/python3 # Simulate errors by doing the following for both lvm and lvm shell: # Randomly return # - Bad exit code # - Exit code 5 (exported VG) # - Truncated JSON # - Missing key in JSON # # This is done by sitting between lvm dbusd and lvm. If running via systemd, add the following to the service file # Environment="LVM_BINARY=/path/to/this file/lvm2/test/dbus/lvm_error_inject.py" # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart lvm2-lvmdbusd import copy import json import os import pty import random import select import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import traceback from collections import deque from fcntl import fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL from subprocess import Popen CS = string.ascii_letters + "\n\t " + string.digits def rs(length, character_set=CS): return ''.join(random.choice(character_set) for _ in range(length)) RS = rs(512) d_out = open("/tmp/mitm_lvm.txt", "w+") def debug(msg): m = str(msg) d_out.write(m) if m[-1] != "\n": d_out.write("\n") d_out.flush() # Make stream non-blocking def make_non_block(stream): flags = fcntl(stream, F_GETFL) fcntl(stream, F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) def read_decoded(stream): tmp = stream.read() if tmp: return tmp.decode("utf-8") return '' def write_some(q, stream, remaining=False, binary=False): if len(q) > 0: if remaining: to_send = len(q) else: to_send = random.randint(1, len(q)) for _ in range(0, to_send): c = q.popleft() if binary: stream.write(bytes(c, "utf-8")) else: stream.write(c) stream.flush() def del_random_key(src_dict): keys = list(src_dict.keys()) pick = random.randint(0, len(keys) - 1) del src_dict[keys[pick]] def inject_key_error(output_json): debug("Deleting a key") for r in output_json['report']: if 'lv' in r: for i in r['lv']: del_random_key(i) break if 'vg' in r: for i in r["vg"]: del_random_key(i) break elif 'pv' in r: for i in r["pv"]: del_random_key(i) break def inject_exit_error(output_json, val): if 'log' in output_json and len(output_json['log']) > 0: debug("Returning bad exit code") # Change the exit code to failure output_json['log'][-1:][0]['log_ret_code'] = "%d" % val else: # We are in fork & exec mode, just exit. if val == 0: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(val) def inject_error(output_str, output_json=None): try: if random.randint(0, 9) == 1: error_case = random.randint(0, 3) if error_case == 0: debug("Truncating JSON") # Create bad JSON by truncating it str_rep = output_str[:-len(output_str) // 2] rc = str_rep else: if output_json is None: output_json = json.loads(output_str) if error_case == 1: inject_key_error(output_json) elif error_case == 2: debug("Returning bad exit code") inject_exit_error(output_json, 0) else: debug("Returning exit code 5") inject_exit_error(output_json, 5) rc = json.dumps(output_json) + "\n" else: rc = output_str except Exception as e: debug("Exception %s occurred: JSON = \n%s\n" % (str(e), output_str)) sys.exit(100) return rc def run_one(cmd): debug("run_one(%s)" % str(cmd)) result = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True) if "fullreport" in cmd: sys.stdout.write(inject_error(result.stdout)) else: sys.stdout.write(result.stdout) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.write(result.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() return result.returncode class LvmShellHandler: def __init__(self, cmd): debug(os.environ) self.d_stdout = deque() self.d_stderr = deque() self.d_report = deque() tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pipeinmiddle_") self.tmp_file = "%s/middle_man_report" % tmp_dir # Let's create a fifo for the report output os.mkfifo(self.tmp_file, 0o600) self.child_report_fd = os.open(self.tmp_file, os.O_NONBLOCK) self.child_report_stream = os.fdopen(self.child_report_fd, 'rb', 0) passed_report_fd = os.open(self.tmp_file, os.O_WRONLY) debug("passed_report_fd = %d" % passed_report_fd) # The report FD from who executed us. self.daemon_report_fd = int(os.environ["LVM_REPORT_FD"]) self.daemon_report_stream = os.fdopen(self.daemon_report_fd, "wb", 0) env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ) env["LVM_REPORT_FD"] = "%s" % str(passed_report_fd) self.parent_stdin_fd, child_stdin_fd = pty.openpty() self.parent_stdout_fd, child_stdout_fd = pty.openpty() self.parent_stderr_fd, child_stderr_fd = pty.openpty() self.parent_stdin = os.fdopen(self.parent_stdin_fd, "w") self.parent_stdout = os.fdopen(self.parent_stdout_fd, "r") self.parent_stderr = os.fdopen(self.parent_stderr_fd, "r") debug("exec'ing %s" % cmd) self.process = Popen(cmd, stdin=child_stdin_fd, stdout=child_stdout_fd, stderr=child_stderr_fd, close_fds=True, env=env, pass_fds=[passed_report_fd, ], shell=False) os.close(passed_report_fd) os.close(child_stdin_fd) os.close(child_stdout_fd) os.close(child_stderr_fd) make_non_block(self.parent_stdout_fd) make_non_block(self.parent_stderr_fd) make_non_block(sys.stdin) self.report_text_in_progress = "" self.last_request = "" os.unlink(self.tmp_file) os.rmdir(tmp_dir) def _complete_response(self): try: _complete_json = json.loads(self.report_text_in_progress) return _complete_json except ValueError: return None def _write_all(self): write_some(self.d_stderr, sys.stderr, remaining=True) write_some(self.d_report, self.daemon_report_stream, remaining=True, binary=True) write_some(self.d_stdout, sys.stdout, remaining=True) def _handle_report(self): # Read from child report stream, write to parent report stream report_text = read_decoded(self.child_report_stream) self.report_text_in_progress += report_text report_json = self._complete_response() # Always wait until we have a full response before we do anything with the output if report_json is not None: # Only add data to d_report after we have the entire JSON and have injected # an error into it if we so wish, usually only for 'fullreport' if "fullreport" in self.last_request: self.d_report.extend(inject_error(self.report_text_in_progress, report_json)) else: debug("Not the cmd we are looking for ...") self.d_report.extend(self.report_text_in_progress) self.report_text_in_progress = "" def _handle_command(self): stdin_text = sys.stdin.readline() self.last_request = stdin_text debug("stdin: %s..." % stdin_text[:min(10, len(stdin_text) - 1)]) self.parent_stdin.writelines(stdin_text) self.parent_stdin.flush() @staticmethod def _empty_stream_to_queue(stream, queue): read_text = stream.readlines() for line in read_text: queue.extend(line) def run(self): select_tmo = 0.2 while True: try: rd_fd = [sys.stdin.fileno(), self.parent_stdout_fd, self.parent_stderr_fd, self.child_report_fd] ready = select.select(rd_fd, [], [], select_tmo) if len(ready[0]) == 0: write_some(self.d_stderr, sys.stderr) write_some(self.d_report, self.daemon_report_stream, binary=True) for r in ready[0]: if r == self.parent_stdout_fd: LvmShellHandler._empty_stream_to_queue(self.parent_stdout, self.d_stdout) elif r == self.parent_stderr_fd: LvmShellHandler._empty_stream_to_queue(self.parent_stderr, self.d_stderr) elif r == self.child_report_fd: self._handle_report() elif r == sys.stdin.fileno(): # Read from parent stdin write to child stdin, this is a command getting issued. self._handle_command() else: debug("FD %d not handled!" % r) sys.exit(10) # We have handled all the FDs that were ready, write some output if len(self.d_stdout) > 0: self._write_all() else: write_some(self.d_stderr, sys.stderr) write_some(self.d_report, self.daemon_report_stream, binary=True) # Check to see if child process has terminated, None when running if self.process.poll() is not None: self._write_all() debug("child process %s exited %d" % (cmd, self.process.returncode)) break except IOError as ioe: debug("run_cmd:" + str(ioe)) pass debug("exiting %d " % self.process.returncode) return self.process.returncode if __name__ == "__main__": try: args = sys.argv[1:] exe = os.getenv("LVM_MAN_IN_MIDDLE", "/usr/sbin/lvm") cmdline = [exe, ] if args: cmdline.extend(args) ec = run_one(cmdline) else: sh = LvmShellHandler(cmdline) ec = sh.run() sys.exit(ec) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=d_out) sys.exit(1)