/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "base/memory/zalloc.h" #include "lib/misc/lib.h" #include "lib/device/dev-type.h" #include "lib/device/device-types.h" #include "lib/mm/xlate.h" #include "lib/config/config.h" #include "lib/metadata/metadata.h" #include "lib/device/bcache.h" #include "lib/label/label.h" #include "lib/commands/toolcontext.h" #include "device_mapper/misc/dm-ioctl.h" #ifdef BLKID_WIPING_SUPPORT #include #endif #ifdef UDEV_SYNC_SUPPORT #include #include "lib/device/dev-ext-udev-constants.h" #endif #include #include #include /* * An nvme device has major number 259 (BLKEXT), minor number , * and reading /sys/dev/block/259:/device/dev shows a character * device cmajor:cminor where cmajor matches the major number of the * nvme character device entry in /proc/devices. Checking all of that * is excessive and unnecessary compared to just comparing /dev/name*. */ int dev_is_nvme(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return (dev->flags & DEV_IS_NVME) ? 1 : 0; } int dev_is_lv(struct device *dev) { FILE *fp; char path[PATH_MAX]; char buffer[64]; int ret = 0; if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%sdev/block/%d:%d/dm/uuid", dm_sysfs_dir(), (int) MAJOR(dev->dev), (int) MINOR(dev->dev)) < 0) { log_warn("Sysfs dm uuid path for %s is too long.", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) return 0; if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) log_debug("Failed to read %s.", path); else if (!strncmp(buffer, "LVM-", 4)) ret = 1; if (fclose(fp)) log_sys_debug("fclose", path); return ret; } int dev_is_used_by_active_lv(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, int *used_by_lv_count, char **used_by_dm_name, char **used_by_vg_uuid, char **used_by_lv_uuid) { char holders_path[PATH_MAX]; char dm_dev_path[PATH_MAX]; char dm_uuid[DM_UUID_LEN]; struct stat info; DIR *d; struct dirent *dirent; char *holder_name; int dm_dev_major, dm_dev_minor; size_t lvm_prefix_len = sizeof(UUID_PREFIX) - 1; size_t lvm_uuid_len = sizeof(UUID_PREFIX) - 1 + 2 * ID_LEN; size_t uuid_len; int used_count = 0; char *used_name = NULL; char *used_vgid = NULL; char *used_lvid = NULL; /* * An LV using this device will be listed as a "holder" in the device's * sysfs "holders" dir. */ if (dm_snprintf(holders_path, sizeof(holders_path), "%sdev/block/%d:%d/holders/", dm_sysfs_dir(), (int) MAJOR(dev->dev), (int) MINOR(dev->dev)) < 0) { log_error("%s: dm_snprintf failed for path to holders directory.", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if (!(d = opendir(holders_path))) return 0; while ((dirent = readdir(d))) { if (!strcmp(".", dirent->d_name) || !strcmp("..", dirent->d_name)) continue; holder_name = dirent->d_name; /* * dirent->d_name is the dev name of the holder, e.g. "dm-1" * from this name, create path "/dev/dm-1" to run stat on. */ if (dm_snprintf(dm_dev_path, sizeof(dm_dev_path), "%s/%s", cmd->dev_dir, holder_name) < 0) continue; /* * stat "/dev/dm-1" which is the holder of the dev we're checking * dm_dev_major:dm_dev_minor come from stat("/dev/dm-1") */ if (stat(dm_dev_path, &info)) continue; dm_dev_major = (int)MAJOR(info.st_rdev); dm_dev_minor = (int)MINOR(info.st_rdev); if (dm_dev_major != cmd->dev_types->device_mapper_major) continue; /* * if "dm-1" is a dm device, then check if it's an LVM LV * by reading /sys/block//dm/uuid and seeing * if the uuid begins with LVM- * UUID_PREFIX is "LVM-" */ dm_uuid[0] = '\0'; if (!get_dm_uuid_from_sysfs(dm_uuid, sizeof(dm_uuid), dm_dev_major, dm_dev_minor)) continue; if (!strncmp(dm_uuid, UUID_PREFIX, 4)) used_count++; if (used_by_dm_name && !used_name) used_name = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, holder_name); if (!used_by_vg_uuid && !used_by_lv_uuid) continue; /* * UUID for LV is either "LVM-" or * "LVM--", where vg_uuid and lv_uuid * has length of ID_LEN and suffix len is not restricted (only * restricted by whole DM UUID max len). */ uuid_len = strlen(dm_uuid); if (((uuid_len == lvm_uuid_len) || ((uuid_len > lvm_uuid_len) && (dm_uuid[lvm_uuid_len] == '-'))) && !strncmp(dm_uuid, UUID_PREFIX, lvm_prefix_len)) { if (used_by_vg_uuid && !used_vgid) used_vgid = dm_pool_strndup(cmd->mem, dm_uuid + lvm_prefix_len, ID_LEN); if (used_by_lv_uuid && !used_lvid) used_lvid = dm_pool_strndup(cmd->mem, dm_uuid + lvm_prefix_len + ID_LEN, ID_LEN); } } if (closedir(d)) log_sys_debug("closedir", holders_path); if (used_by_lv_count) *used_by_lv_count = used_count; if (used_by_dm_name) *used_by_dm_name = used_name; if (used_by_vg_uuid) *used_by_vg_uuid = used_vgid; if (used_by_lv_uuid) *used_by_lv_uuid = used_lvid; if (used_count) return 1; return 0; } struct dev_types *create_dev_types(const char *proc_dir, const struct dm_config_node *cn) { struct dev_types *dt; char line[80]; char proc_devices[PATH_MAX]; FILE *pd = NULL; int i, j = 0; int line_maj = 0; int blocksection = 0; size_t dev_len = 0; const struct dm_config_value *cv; const char *name; char *nl; if (!(dt = zalloc(sizeof(struct dev_types)))) { log_error("Failed to allocate device type register."); return NULL; } if (!*proc_dir) { log_verbose("No proc filesystem found: using all block device types"); for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MAJORS; i++) dt->dev_type_array[i].max_partitions = 1; return dt; } if (dm_snprintf(proc_devices, sizeof(proc_devices), "%s/devices", proc_dir) < 0) { log_error("Failed to create /proc/devices string"); goto bad; } if (!(pd = fopen(proc_devices, "r"))) { log_sys_error("fopen", proc_devices); goto bad; } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), pd) != NULL) { i = 0; while (line[i] == ' ') i++; /* If it's not a number it may be name of section */ line_maj = atoi(line + i); if (line_maj < 0 || line_maj >= NUMBER_OF_MAJORS) { /* * Device numbers shown in /proc/devices are actually direct * numbers passed to registering function, however the kernel * uses only 12 bits, so use just 12 bits for major. */ if ((nl = strchr(line, '\n'))) *nl = '\0'; log_warn("WARNING: /proc/devices line: %s, replacing major with %d.", line, line_maj & (NUMBER_OF_MAJORS - 1)); line_maj &= (NUMBER_OF_MAJORS - 1); } if (!line_maj) { blocksection = (line[i] == 'B') ? 1 : 0; continue; } /* We only want block devices ... */ if (!blocksection) continue; /* Find the start of the device major name */ while (line[i] != ' ' && line[i] != '\0') i++; while (line[i] == ' ') i++; /* Look for md device */ if (!strncmp("md", line + i, 2) && isspace(*(line + i + 2))) dt->md_major = line_maj; /* Look for blkext device */ if (!strncmp("blkext", line + i, 6) && isspace(*(line + i + 6))) dt->blkext_major = line_maj; /* Look for drbd device */ if (!strncmp("drbd", line + i, 4) && isspace(*(line + i + 4))) dt->drbd_major = line_maj; /* Look for DASD */ if (!strncmp("dasd", line + i, 4) && isspace(*(line + i + 4))) dt->dasd_major = line_maj; /* Look for EMC powerpath */ if (!strncmp("emcpower", line + i, 8) && isspace(*(line + i + 8))) dt->emcpower_major = line_maj; /* Look for Veritas Dynamic Multipathing */ if (!strncmp("VxDMP", line + i, 5) && isspace(*(line + i + 5))) dt->vxdmp_major = line_maj; if (!strncmp("loop", line + i, 4) && isspace(*(line + i + 4))) dt->loop_major = line_maj; if (!strncmp("power2", line + i, 6) && isspace(*(line + i + 6))) dt->power2_major = line_maj; /* Look for device-mapper device */ /* FIXME Cope with multiple majors */ if (!strncmp("device-mapper", line + i, 13) && isspace(*(line + i + 13))) dt->device_mapper_major = line_maj; /* Major is SCSI device */ if (!strncmp("sd", line + i, 2) && isspace(*(line + i + 2))) dt->dev_type_array[line_maj].flags |= PARTITION_SCSI_DEVICE; /* Go through the valid device names and if there is a match store max number of partitions */ for (j = 0; _dev_known_types[j].name[0]; j++) { dev_len = strlen(_dev_known_types[j].name); if (dev_len <= strlen(line + i) && !strncmp(_dev_known_types[j].name, line + i, dev_len) && (line_maj < NUMBER_OF_MAJORS)) { dt->dev_type_array[line_maj].max_partitions = _dev_known_types[j].max_partitions; break; } } if (!cn) continue; /* Check devices/types for local variations */ for (cv = cn->v; cv; cv = cv->next) { if (cv->type != DM_CFG_STRING) { log_error("Expecting string in devices/types " "in config file"); if (fclose(pd)) log_sys_debug("fclose", proc_devices); goto bad; } dev_len = strlen(cv->v.str); name = cv->v.str; cv = cv->next; if (!cv || cv->type != DM_CFG_INT) { log_error("Max partition count missing for %s " "in devices/types in config file", name); if (fclose(pd)) log_sys_debug("fclose", proc_devices); goto bad; } if (!cv->v.i) { log_error("Zero partition count invalid for " "%s in devices/types in config file", name); if (fclose(pd)) log_sys_debug("fclose", proc_devices); goto bad; } if (dev_len <= strlen(line + i) && !strncmp(name, line + i, dev_len) && (line_maj < NUMBER_OF_MAJORS)) { dt->dev_type_array[line_maj].max_partitions = cv->v.i; break; } } } if (fclose(pd)) log_sys_error("fclose", proc_devices); return dt; bad: free(dt); return NULL; } int dev_subsystem_part_major(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { dev_t primary_dev; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->device_mapper_major) return 1; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->md_major) return 1; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->drbd_major) return 1; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->emcpower_major) return 1; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->power2_major) return 1; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->vxdmp_major) return 1; if ((MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->blkext_major) && dev_get_primary_dev(dt, dev, &primary_dev) && (MAJOR(primary_dev) == dt->md_major)) return 1; return 0; } const char *dev_subsystem_name(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { if (dev->flags & DEV_IS_NVME) return "NVME"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->device_mapper_major) return "DM"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->md_major) return "MD"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->drbd_major) return "DRBD"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->dasd_major) return "DASD"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->emcpower_major) return "EMCPOWER"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->power2_major) return "POWER2"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->vxdmp_major) return "VXDMP"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->blkext_major) return "BLKEXT"; if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->loop_major) return "LOOP"; return ""; } int major_max_partitions(struct dev_types *dt, int major) { if (major >= NUMBER_OF_MAJORS) return 0; return dt->dev_type_array[major].max_partitions; } int major_is_scsi_device(struct dev_types *dt, int major) { if (major >= NUMBER_OF_MAJORS) return 0; return (dt->dev_type_array[major].flags & PARTITION_SCSI_DEVICE) ? 1 : 0; } static int _loop_is_with_partscan(struct device *dev) { FILE *fp; int partscan = 0; char path[PATH_MAX]; char buffer[64]; if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%sdev/block/%d:%d/loop/partscan", dm_sysfs_dir(), (int) MAJOR(dev->dev), (int) MINOR(dev->dev)) < 0) { log_warn("Sysfs path for partscan is too long."); return 0; } if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) return 0; /* not there -> no partscan */ if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) { log_warn("Failed to read %s.", path); } else if (sscanf(buffer, "%d", &partscan) != 1) { log_warn("Failed to parse %s '%s'.", path, buffer); partscan = 0; } if (fclose(fp)) log_sys_debug("fclose", path); return partscan; } int dev_get_partition_number(struct device *dev, int *num) { char path[PATH_MAX]; char buf[8] = { 0 }; dev_t devt = dev->dev; struct stat sb; if (dev->part != -1) { *num = dev->part; return 1; } if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%sdev/block/%d:%d/partition", dm_sysfs_dir(), (int)MAJOR(devt), (int)MINOR(devt)) < 0) { log_error("Failed to create sysfs path for %s", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if (stat(path, &sb)) { dev->part = 0; *num = 0; return 1; } if (!get_sysfs_value(path, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) { log_error("Failed to read sysfs path for %s", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if (!buf[0]) { log_error("Failed to read sysfs partition value for %s", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } dev->part = atoi(buf); *num = dev->part; return 1; } /* See linux/genhd.h and fs/partitions/msdos */ #define PART_MAGIC 0xAA55 #define PART_MAGIC_OFFSET UINT64_C(0x1FE) #define PART_OFFSET UINT64_C(0x1BE) struct partition { uint8_t boot_ind; uint8_t head; uint8_t sector; uint8_t cyl; uint8_t sys_ind; /* partition type */ uint8_t end_head; uint8_t end_sector; uint8_t end_cyl; uint32_t start_sect; uint32_t nr_sects; } __attribute__((packed)); static int _has_sys_partition(struct device *dev) { char path[PATH_MAX]; struct stat info; int major = (int) MAJOR(dev->dev); int minor = (int) MINOR(dev->dev); /* check if dev is a partition */ if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/dev/block/%d:%d/partition", dm_sysfs_dir(), major, minor) < 0) { log_warn("WARNING: %s: partition path is too long.", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if (stat(path, &info) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) log_sys_debug("stat", path); return 0; } return 1; } static int _is_partitionable(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { int parts = major_max_partitions(dt, MAJOR(dev->dev)); if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->device_mapper_major) return 1; /* All MD devices are partitionable via blkext (as of 2.6.28) */ if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->md_major) return 1; /* All loop devices are partitionable via blkext (as of 3.2) */ if ((MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->loop_major) && _loop_is_with_partscan(dev)) return 1; if (dev_is_nvme(dt, dev)) { /* If this dev is already a partition then it's not partitionable. */ if (_has_sys_partition(dev)) return 0; return 1; } if ((parts <= 1) || (MINOR(dev->dev) % parts)) return 0; return 1; } static int _has_partition_table(struct device *dev) { int ret = 0; unsigned p; struct { uint8_t skip[PART_OFFSET]; struct partition part[4]; uint16_t magic; } __attribute__((packed)) buf; /* sizeof() == SECTOR_SIZE */ if (!dev_read_bytes(dev, UINT64_C(0), sizeof(buf), &buf)) return_0; /* FIXME Check for other types of partition table too */ /* Check for msdos partition table */ if (buf.magic == xlate16(PART_MAGIC)) { for (p = 0; p < 4; ++p) { /* Table is invalid if boot indicator not 0 or 0x80 */ if (buf.part[p].boot_ind & 0x7f) { ret = 0; break; } /* Must have at least one non-empty partition */ if (buf.part[p].nr_sects) ret = 1; } } return ret; } #ifdef UDEV_SYNC_SUPPORT static int _dev_is_partitioned_udev(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { struct dev_ext *ext; struct udev_device *device; const char *value; /* * external_device_info_source="udev" enables these udev checks. * external_device_info_source="none" disables them. */ if (!(ext = dev_ext_get(dev))) return_0; device = (struct udev_device *) ext->handle; if (!(value = udev_device_get_property_value(device, DEV_EXT_UDEV_BLKID_PART_TABLE_TYPE))) return 0; /* * Device-mapper devices have DEV_EXT_UDEV_BLKID_PART_TABLE_TYPE * variable set if there's partition table found on whole device. * Partitions do not have this variable set - it's enough to use * only this variable to decide whether this device has partition * table on it. */ if (MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->device_mapper_major) return 1; /* * Other devices have DEV_EXT_UDEV_BLKID_PART_TABLE_TYPE set for * *both* whole device and partitions. We need to look at the * DEV_EXT_UDEV_DEVTYPE in addition to decide - whole device * with partition table on it has this variable set to * DEV_EXT_UDEV_DEVTYPE_DISK. */ if (!(value = udev_device_get_property_value(device, DEV_EXT_UDEV_DEVTYPE))) return_0; return !strcmp(value, DEV_EXT_UDEV_DEVTYPE_DISK); } #else static int _dev_is_partitioned_udev(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0; } #endif static int _dev_is_partitioned_native(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { int r; if (!scan_bcache) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "dev_is_partitioned_native requires i/o."); return -1; } /* Unpartitioned DASD devices are not supported. */ if ((MAJOR(dev->dev) == dt->dasd_major) && dasd_is_cdl_formatted(dev)) return 1; r = _has_partition_table(dev); return r; } int dev_is_partitioned(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev) { struct dev_types *dt = cmd->dev_types; if (!_is_partitionable(dt, dev)) return 0; if (_dev_is_partitioned_native(dt, dev) == 1) return 1; if (external_device_info_source() == DEV_EXT_UDEV) { if (_dev_is_partitioned_udev(dt, dev) == 1) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Get primary dev for the dev supplied. * * We can get a primary device for a partition either by: * A: knowing the number of partitions allowed for the dev and also * which major:minor number represents the primary and partition device * (by using the dev_types->dev_type_array) * B: by the existence of the 'partition' sysfs attribute * (/dev/block/:/partition) * * Method A is tried first, then method B as a fallback if A fails. * * N.B. Method B can only do the decision based on the pure existence of * the 'partition' sysfs item. There's no direct scan for partition * tables whatsoever! * * Returns: * 0 on error * 1 if the dev is already a primary dev, primary dev in 'result' * 2 if the dev is a partition, primary dev in 'result' */ int dev_get_primary_dev(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev, dev_t *result) { int major = (int) MAJOR(dev->dev); int minor = (int) MINOR(dev->dev); char path[PATH_MAX]; char temp_path[PATH_MAX]; char buffer[64]; FILE *fp = NULL; int parts, residue, size, ret = 0; /* * /dev/nvme devs don't use the major:minor numbering like * block dev types that have their own major number, so * the calculation based on minor number doesn't work. */ if (dev_is_nvme(dt, dev)) goto sys_partition; /* * Try to get the primary dev out of the * list of known device types first. */ if ((parts = dt->dev_type_array[major].max_partitions) > 1) { if ((residue = minor % parts)) { *result = MKDEV(major, (minor - residue)); ret = 2; } else { *result = dev->dev; ret = 1; /* dev is not a partition! */ } goto out; } sys_partition: /* * If we can't get the primary dev out of the list of known device * types, try to look at sysfs directly then. This is more complex * way and it also requires certain sysfs layout to be present * which might not be there in old kernels! */ if (!_has_sys_partition(dev)) { *result = dev->dev; ret = 1; goto out; /* dev is not a partition! */ } /* * extract parent's path from the partition's symlink, e.g.: * - readlink /sys/dev/block/259:0 = ../../block/md0/md0p1 * - dirname ../../block/md0/md0p1 = ../../block/md0 * - basename ../../block/md0/md0 = md0 * Parent's 'dev' sysfs attribute = /sys/block/md0/dev */ if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/dev/block/%d:%d", dm_sysfs_dir(), major, minor) < 0) { log_warn("WARNING: %s: major:minor sysfs path is too long.", dev_name(dev)); return 0; } if ((size = readlink(path, temp_path, sizeof(temp_path) - 1)) < 0) { log_warn("WARNING: Readlink of %s failed.", path); goto out; } temp_path[size] = '\0'; if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/block/%s/dev", dm_sysfs_dir(), basename(dirname(temp_path))) < 0) { log_warn("WARNING: sysfs path for %s is too long.", basename(dirname(temp_path))); goto out; } /* finally, parse 'dev' attribute and create corresponding dev_t */ if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) { if (errno == ENOENT) log_debug("sysfs file %s does not exist.", path); else log_sys_debug("fopen", path); goto out; } if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) { log_sys_error("fgets", path); goto out; } if (sscanf(buffer, "%d:%d", &major, &minor) != 2) { log_warn("WARNING: sysfs file %s not in expected MAJ:MIN format: %s", path, buffer); goto out; } *result = MKDEV(major, minor); ret = 2; out: if (fp && fclose(fp)) log_sys_debug("fclose", path); return ret; } #ifdef BLKID_WIPING_SUPPORT int get_fs_block_size(const char *pathname, uint32_t *fs_block_size) { char *block_size_str = NULL; if ((block_size_str = blkid_get_tag_value(NULL, "BLOCK_SIZE", pathname))) { *fs_block_size = (uint32_t)atoi(block_size_str); free(block_size_str); log_debug("Found blkid BLOCK_SIZE %u for fs on %s", *fs_block_size, pathname); return 1; } else { log_debug("No blkid BLOCK_SIZE for fs on %s", pathname); *fs_block_size = 0; return 0; } } #else int get_fs_block_size(const char *pathname, uint32_t *fs_block_size) { log_debug("Disabled blkid BLOCK_SIZE for fs."); *fs_block_size = 0; return 0; } #endif #ifdef BLKID_WIPING_SUPPORT static inline int _type_in_flag_list(const char *type, uint32_t flag_list) { return (((flag_list & TYPE_LVM2_MEMBER) && !strcmp(type, "LVM2_member")) || ((flag_list & TYPE_LVM1_MEMBER) && !strcmp(type, "LVM1_member")) || ((flag_list & TYPE_DM_SNAPSHOT_COW) && !strcmp(type, "DM_snapshot_cow"))); } #define MSG_FAILED_SIG_OFFSET "Failed to get offset of the %s signature on %s." #define MSG_FAILED_SIG_LENGTH "Failed to get length of the %s signature on %s." #define MSG_WIPING_SKIPPED " Wiping skipped." static int _blkid_wipe(blkid_probe probe, struct device *dev, const char *name, uint32_t types_to_exclude, uint32_t types_no_prompt, int yes, force_t force) { static const char _msg_wiping[] = "Wiping %s signature on %s."; const char *offset = NULL, *type = NULL, *magic = NULL, *usage = NULL, *label = NULL, *uuid = NULL; loff_t offset_value; size_t len = 0; if (!blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "TYPE", &type, NULL)) { if (_type_in_flag_list(type, types_to_exclude)) return 2; if (blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "SBMAGIC_OFFSET", &offset, NULL)) { if (force < DONT_PROMPT) { log_error(MSG_FAILED_SIG_OFFSET, type, name); return 0; } log_warn("WARNING: " MSG_FAILED_SIG_OFFSET MSG_WIPING_SKIPPED, type, name); return 2; } if (blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "SBMAGIC", &magic, &len)) { if (force < DONT_PROMPT) { log_error(MSG_FAILED_SIG_LENGTH, type, name); return 0; } log_warn("WARNING: " MSG_FAILED_SIG_LENGTH MSG_WIPING_SKIPPED, type, name); return 2; } } else if (!blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "PTTYPE", &type, NULL)) { if (blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "PTMAGIC_OFFSET", &offset, NULL)) { if (force < DONT_PROMPT) { log_error(MSG_FAILED_SIG_OFFSET, type, name); return 0; } log_warn("WARNING: " MSG_FAILED_SIG_OFFSET MSG_WIPING_SKIPPED, type, name); return 2; } if (blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "PTMAGIC", &magic, &len)) { if (force < DONT_PROMPT) { log_error(MSG_FAILED_SIG_LENGTH, type, name); return 0; } log_warn("WARNING: " MSG_FAILED_SIG_LENGTH MSG_WIPING_SKIPPED, type, name); return 2; } usage = "partition table"; } else return_0; offset_value = strtoll(offset, NULL, 10); if (!usage) (void) blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "USAGE", &usage, NULL); (void) blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "LABEL", &label, NULL); (void) blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "UUID", &uuid, NULL); /* Return values ignored here, in the worst case we print NULL */ log_verbose("Found existing signature on %s at offset %s: LABEL=\"%s\" " "UUID=\"%s\" TYPE=\"%s\" USAGE=\"%s\"", name, offset, label, uuid, type, usage); if (!_type_in_flag_list(type, types_no_prompt)) { if (!yes && (force == PROMPT) && yes_no_prompt("WARNING: %s signature detected on %s at offset %s. " "Wipe it? [y/n]: ", type, name, offset) == 'n') { log_error("Aborted wiping of %s.", type); return 0; } log_print_unless_silent(_msg_wiping, type, name); } else log_verbose(_msg_wiping, type, name); if (!dev_write_zeros(dev, offset_value, len)) { log_error("Failed to wipe %s signature on %s.", type, name); return 0; } return 1; } static int _wipe_known_signatures_with_blkid(struct device *dev, const char *name, uint32_t types_to_exclude, uint32_t types_no_prompt, int yes, force_t force, int *wiped) { blkid_probe probe = NULL; int found = 0, left = 0, wiped_tmp; int r_wipe; int r = 0; if (!wiped) wiped = &wiped_tmp; *wiped = 0; /* TODO: Should we check for valid dev - _dev_is_valid(dev)? */ if (dm_list_empty(&dev->aliases)) goto_out; if (!(probe = blkid_new_probe_from_filename(dev_name(dev)))) { log_error("Failed to create a new blkid probe for device %s.", dev_name(dev)); goto out; } blkid_probe_enable_partitions(probe, 1); blkid_probe_set_partitions_flags(probe, BLKID_PARTS_MAGIC); blkid_probe_enable_superblocks(probe, 1); blkid_probe_set_superblocks_flags(probe, BLKID_SUBLKS_LABEL | BLKID_SUBLKS_UUID | BLKID_SUBLKS_TYPE | BLKID_SUBLKS_USAGE | BLKID_SUBLKS_VERSION | BLKID_SUBLKS_MAGIC | BLKID_SUBLKS_BADCSUM); while (!blkid_do_probe(probe)) { if ((r_wipe = _blkid_wipe(probe, dev, name, types_to_exclude, types_no_prompt, yes, force)) == 1) { (*wiped)++; if (blkid_probe_step_back(probe)) { log_error("Failed to step back blkid probe to check just wiped signature."); goto out; } } /* do not count excluded types */ if (r_wipe != 2) found++; } if (!found) r = 1; left = found - *wiped; if (!left) r = 1; else log_warn("%d existing signature%s left on the device.", left, left > 1 ? "s" : ""); out: if (probe) blkid_free_probe(probe); return r; } #endif /* BLKID_WIPING_SUPPORT */ static int _wipe_signature(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, const char *type, const char *name, int wipe_len, int yes, force_t force, int *wiped, int (*signature_detection_fn)(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, uint64_t *offset_found, int full)) { int wipe; uint64_t offset_found = 0; wipe = signature_detection_fn(cmd, dev, &offset_found, 1); if (wipe == -1) { log_error("Fatal error while trying to detect %s on %s.", type, name); return 0; } if (wipe == 0) return 1; /* Specifying --yes => do not ask. */ if (!yes && (force == PROMPT) && yes_no_prompt("WARNING: %s detected on %s. Wipe it? [y/n]: ", type, name) == 'n') { log_error("Aborted wiping of %s.", type); return 0; } log_print_unless_silent("Wiping %s on %s.", type, name); if (!dev_write_zeros(dev, offset_found, wipe_len)) { log_error("Failed to wipe %s on %s.", type, name); return 0; } (*wiped)++; return 1; } static int _wipe_known_signatures_with_lvm(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, const char *name, uint32_t types_to_exclude __attribute__((unused)), uint32_t types_no_prompt __attribute__((unused)), int yes, force_t force, int *wiped) { int wiped_tmp; if (!wiped) wiped = &wiped_tmp; *wiped = 0; if (!_wipe_signature(cmd, dev, "software RAID md superblock", name, 4, yes, force, wiped, dev_is_md_component) || !_wipe_signature(cmd, dev, "swap signature", name, 10, yes, force, wiped, dev_is_swap) || !_wipe_signature(cmd, dev, "LUKS signature", name, 8, yes, force, wiped, dev_is_luks)) return 0; return 1; } int wipe_known_signatures(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, const char *name, uint32_t types_to_exclude, uint32_t types_no_prompt, int yes, force_t force, int *wiped) { int blkid_wiping_enabled = find_config_tree_bool(cmd, allocation_use_blkid_wiping_CFG, NULL); #ifdef BLKID_WIPING_SUPPORT if (blkid_wiping_enabled) return _wipe_known_signatures_with_blkid(dev, name, types_to_exclude, types_no_prompt, yes, force, wiped); #endif if (blkid_wiping_enabled) { log_warn("WARNING: allocation/use_blkid_wiping=1 configuration setting is set " "while LVM is not compiled with blkid wiping support."); log_warn("WARNING: Falling back to native LVM signature detection."); } return _wipe_known_signatures_with_lvm(cmd, dev, name, types_to_exclude, types_no_prompt, yes, force, wiped); } #ifdef __linux__ static int _snprintf_attr(char *buf, size_t buf_size, const char *sysfs_dir, const char *attribute, dev_t dev) { if (dm_snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%s/dev/block/%d:%d/%s", sysfs_dir, (int)MAJOR(dev), (int)MINOR(dev), attribute) < 0) { log_warn("WARNING: sysfs path for %s attribute is too long.", attribute); return 0; } return 1; } static int _dev_sysfs_block_attribute(struct dev_types *dt, const char *attribute, struct device *dev, unsigned long *value) { const char *sysfs_dir = dm_sysfs_dir(); char path[PATH_MAX], buffer[64]; FILE *fp; dev_t primary = 0; int ret = 0; if (!attribute || !*attribute) goto_out; if (!sysfs_dir || !*sysfs_dir) goto_out; if (!_snprintf_attr(path, sizeof(path), sysfs_dir, attribute, dev->dev)) goto_out; /* * check if the desired sysfs attribute exists * - if not: either the kernel doesn't have topology support * or the device could be a partition */ if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) { if (errno != ENOENT) { log_sys_debug("fopen", path); goto out; } if (!dev_get_primary_dev(dt, dev, &primary)) goto out; /* get attribute from partition's primary device */ if (!_snprintf_attr(path, sizeof(path), sysfs_dir, attribute, primary)) goto_out; if (!(fp = fopen(path, "r"))) { if (errno != ENOENT) log_sys_debug("fopen", path); goto out; } } if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) { log_sys_debug("fgets", path); goto out_close; } if (sscanf(buffer, "%lu", value) != 1) { log_warn("WARNING: sysfs file %s not in expected format: %s", path, buffer); goto out_close; } ret = 1; out_close: if (fclose(fp)) log_sys_debug("fclose", path); out: return ret; } static unsigned long _dev_topology_attribute(struct dev_types *dt, const char *attribute, struct device *dev, unsigned long default_value) { unsigned long result = default_value; unsigned long value = 0UL; if (_dev_sysfs_block_attribute(dt, attribute, dev, &value)) { log_very_verbose("Device %s: %s is %lu%s.", dev_name(dev), attribute, value, default_value ? "" : " bytes"); result = value >> SECTOR_SHIFT; if (!result && value) { log_warn("WARNING: Device %s: %s is %lu and is unexpectedly less than sector.", dev_name(dev), attribute, value); result = 1; } } return result; } unsigned long dev_alignment_offset(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return _dev_topology_attribute(dt, "alignment_offset", dev, 0UL); } unsigned long dev_minimum_io_size(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return _dev_topology_attribute(dt, "queue/minimum_io_size", dev, 0UL); } unsigned long dev_optimal_io_size(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return _dev_topology_attribute(dt, "queue/optimal_io_size", dev, 0UL); } unsigned long dev_discard_max_bytes(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return _dev_topology_attribute(dt, "queue/discard_max_bytes", dev, 0UL); } unsigned long dev_discard_granularity(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return _dev_topology_attribute(dt, "queue/discard_granularity", dev, 0UL); } int dev_is_rotational(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { unsigned long value; return _dev_sysfs_block_attribute(dt, "queue/rotational", dev, &value) ? (int) value : 1; } /* dev is pmem if /sys/dev/block/:/queue/dax is 1 */ int dev_is_pmem(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { unsigned long value; return _dev_sysfs_block_attribute(dt, "queue/dax", dev, &value) ? (int) value : 0; } #else int dev_get_primary_dev(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev, dev_t *result) { return 0; } unsigned long dev_alignment_offset(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0UL; } unsigned long dev_minimum_io_size(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0UL; } unsigned long dev_optimal_io_size(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0UL; } unsigned long dev_discard_max_bytes(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0UL; } unsigned long dev_discard_granularity(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0UL; } int dev_is_rotational(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 1; } int dev_is_pmem(struct dev_types *dt, struct device *dev) { return 0; } #endif