/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Sistina Software (UK) Limited. * * This file is released under the GPL. */ #include "libdevmapper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LINE_SIZE 1024 #define err(msg, x...) fprintf(stderr, msg "\n", ##x) /* * We have only very simple switches ATM. */ enum { READ_ONLY = 0, MAJOR_ARG, MINOR_ARG, VERBOSE_ARG, VERSION_ARG, NUM_SWITCHES }; static int _switches[NUM_SWITCHES]; static int _values[NUM_SWITCHES]; /* * Commands */ static int _parse_file(struct dm_task *dmt, const char *file) { char buffer[LINE_SIZE], *ttype, *ptr, *comment; FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r"); unsigned long long start, size; int r = 0, n, line = 0; if (!fp) { err("Couldn't open '%s' for reading", file); return 0; } while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) { line++; /* trim trailing space */ for (ptr = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1; ptr >= buffer; ptr--) if (!isspace((int) *ptr)) break; ptr++; *ptr = '\0'; /* trim leading space */ for (ptr = buffer; *ptr && isspace((int) *ptr); ptr++) ; if (!*ptr || *ptr == '#') continue; if (sscanf(ptr, "%llu %llu %as %n", &start, &size, &ttype, &n) < 3) { err("%s:%d Invalid format", file, line); goto out; } ptr += n; if ((comment = strchr(ptr, (int) '#'))) *comment = '\0'; if (!dm_task_add_target(dmt, start, size, ttype, ptr)) goto out; free(ttype); } r = 1; out: fclose(fp); return r; } static void _display_info(struct dm_task *dmt) { struct dm_info info; const char *uuid; if (!dm_task_get_info(dmt, &info)) return; if (!info.exists) { printf("Device does not exist.\n"); return; } printf("Name: %s\n", dm_task_get_name(dmt)); printf("State: %s%s\n", info.suspended ? "SUSPENDED" : "ACTIVE", info.read_only ? " (READ-ONLY)" : ""); if (!info.live_table && !info.inactive_table) printf("Tables present: None\n"); else printf("Tables present: %s%s%s\n", info.live_table ? "LIVE" : "", info.live_table && info.inactive_table ? " & " : "", info.inactive_table ? "INACTIVE" : ""); if (info.open_count != -1) printf("Open count: %d\n", info.open_count); printf("Event number: %" PRIu32 "\n", info.event_nr); printf("Major, minor: %d, %d\n", info.major, info.minor); if (info.target_count != -1) printf("Number of targets: %d\n", info.target_count); if ((uuid = dm_task_get_uuid(dmt)) && *uuid) printf("UUID: %s\n", uuid); printf("\n"); } static int _load(int task, const char *name, const char *file, const char *uuid) { int r = 0; struct dm_task *dmt; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(task))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, name)) goto out; if (uuid && !dm_task_set_uuid(dmt, uuid)) goto out; if (file && !_parse_file(dmt, file)) goto out; if (_switches[READ_ONLY] && !dm_task_set_ro(dmt)) goto out; if (_switches[MAJOR_ARG] && !dm_task_set_major(dmt, _values[MAJOR_ARG])) goto out; if (_switches[MINOR_ARG] && !dm_task_set_minor(dmt, _values[MINOR_ARG])) goto out; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; r = 1; if (_switches[VERBOSE_ARG]) _display_info(dmt); out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _create(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) return _load(DM_DEVICE_CREATE, argv[1], NULL, NULL); return _load(DM_DEVICE_CREATE, argv[1], argv[2], (argc == 3) ? argv[3] : NULL); } static int _reload(int argc, char **argv) { return _load(DM_DEVICE_RELOAD, argv[1], argv[2], NULL); } static int _rename(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; struct dm_task *dmt; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(DM_DEVICE_RENAME))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, argv[1])) goto out; if (!dm_task_set_newname(dmt, argv[2])) goto out; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; r = 1; out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _version(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; struct dm_task *dmt; char version[80]; if (dm_get_library_version(version, sizeof(version))) printf("Library version: %s\n", version); if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(DM_DEVICE_VERSION))) return 0; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; if (!dm_task_get_driver_version(dmt, (char *) &version, sizeof(version))) goto out; printf("Driver version: %s\n", version); r = 1; out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _simple(int task, const char *name, int display) { int r = 0; /* remove */ struct dm_task *dmt; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(task))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, name)) goto out; r = dm_task_run(dmt); if (r && display && _switches[VERBOSE_ARG]) _display_info(dmt); out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _remove_all(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_REMOVE_ALL, "", 0); } static int _remove(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_REMOVE, argv[1], 0); } static int _suspend(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_SUSPEND, argv[1], 1); } static int _resume(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_RESUME, argv[1], 1); } static int _clear(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_CLEAR, argv[1], 1); } static int _wait(int argc, char **argv) { return _simple(DM_DEVICE_WAITEVENT, argv[1], 2); } static int _status(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; struct dm_task *dmt; void *next = NULL; uint64_t start, length; char *target_type = NULL; char *params; int cmd; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "status")) cmd = DM_DEVICE_STATUS; else cmd = DM_DEVICE_TABLE; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(cmd))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, argv[1])) goto out; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; if (_switches[VERBOSE_ARG]) _display_info(dmt); /* Fetch targets and print 'em */ do { next = dm_get_next_target(dmt, next, &start, &length, &target_type, ¶ms); if (target_type) { printf("%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %s %s\n", start, length, target_type, params); } } while (next); r = 1; out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _info(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; /* remove */ struct dm_task *dmt; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(DM_DEVICE_INFO))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, argv[1])) goto out; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; _display_info(dmt); r = 1; out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _deps(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; uint32_t i; struct dm_deps *deps; /* remove */ struct dm_task *dmt; struct dm_info info; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(DM_DEVICE_DEPS))) return 0; if (!dm_task_set_name(dmt, argv[1])) goto out; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; if (!dm_task_get_info(dmt, &info)) goto out; if (!(deps = dm_task_get_deps(dmt))) goto out; if (!info.exists) { printf("Device does not exist.\n"); r = 1; goto out; } if (_switches[VERBOSE_ARG]) _display_info(dmt); printf("%d dependencies\t:", deps->count); for (i = 0; i < deps->count; i++) printf(" (%d, %d)", (int) MAJOR(deps->device[i]), (int) MINOR(deps->device[i])); printf("\n"); r = 1; out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } static int _ls(int argc, char **argv) { int r = 0; struct dm_names *names; unsigned next = 0; struct dm_task *dmt; if (!(dmt = dm_task_create(DM_DEVICE_LIST))) return 0; if (!dm_task_run(dmt)) goto out; if (!(names = dm_task_get_names(dmt))) goto out; r = 1; if (!names->dev) { printf("No devices found\n"); goto out; } do { names = (void *) names + next; printf("%s\t(%d, %d)\n", names->name, (int) MAJOR(names->dev), (int) MINOR(names->dev)); next = names->next; } while (next); out: dm_task_destroy(dmt); return r; } /* * dispatch table */ typedef int (*command_fn) (int argc, char **argv); struct command { const char *name; const char *help; int min_args; int max_args; command_fn fn; }; static struct command _commands[] = { {"create", " []", 1, 3, _create}, {"remove", "", 1, 1, _remove}, {"remove_all", "", 0, 0, _remove_all}, {"suspend", "", 1, 1, _suspend}, {"resume", "", 1, 1, _resume}, {"load", " ", 2, 2, _reload}, {"clear", "", 1, 1, _clear}, {"reload", " ", 2, 2, _reload}, {"rename", " ", 2, 2, _rename}, {"ls", "", 0, 0, _ls}, {"info", "", 1, 1, _info}, {"deps", "", 1, 1, _deps}, {"status", "", 1, 1, _status}, {"table", "", 1, 1, _status}, {"wait", "", 1, 1, _wait}, {"version", "", 0, 0, _version}, {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL} }; static void _usage(FILE *out) { int i; fprintf(out, "Usage:\n\n"); fprintf(out, "dmsetup [--version] [-v|--verbose [-v|--verbose ...]]\n" " [-r|--readonly] [-j|--major ] [-m|--minor ]\n\n"); for (i = 0; _commands[i].name; i++) fprintf(out, "\t%s %s\n", _commands[i].name, _commands[i].help); return; } static struct command *_find_command(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; _commands[i].name; i++) if (!strcmp(_commands[i].name, name)) return _commands + i; return NULL; } static int _process_switches(int *argc, char ***argv) { int ind; int c; static struct option long_options[] = { {"readonly", 0, NULL, READ_ONLY}, {"major", 1, NULL, MAJOR_ARG}, {"minor", 1, NULL, MINOR_ARG}, {"verbose", 1, NULL, VERBOSE_ARG}, {"version", 0, NULL, VERSION_ARG}, {"", 0, NULL, 0} }; /* * Zero all the index counts. */ memset(&_switches, 0, sizeof(_switches)); memset(&_values, 0, sizeof(_values)); while ((c = getopt_long(*argc, *argv, "j:m:rv", long_options, &ind)) != -1) { if (c == 'r' || ind == READ_ONLY) _switches[READ_ONLY]++; if (c == 'j' || ind == MAJOR_ARG) { _switches[MAJOR_ARG]++; _values[MAJOR_ARG] = atoi(optarg); } if (c == 'm' || ind == MINOR_ARG) { _switches[MINOR_ARG]++; _values[MINOR_ARG] = atoi(optarg); } if (c == 'v' || ind == VERBOSE_ARG) _switches[VERBOSE_ARG]++; if ((ind == VERSION_ARG)) _switches[VERSION_ARG]++; } if (_switches[VERBOSE_ARG] > 1) dm_log_init_verbose(_switches[VERBOSE_ARG] - 1); *argv += optind; *argc -= optind; return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct command *c; if (!_process_switches(&argc, &argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't process command line switches.\n"); exit(1); } if (_switches[VERSION_ARG]) { c = _find_command("version"); goto doit; } if (argc == 0) { _usage(stderr); exit(1); } if (!(c = _find_command(argv[0]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command\n"); _usage(stderr); exit(1); } if (argc < c->min_args + 1 || argc > c->max_args + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect number of arguments\n"); _usage(stderr); exit(1); } doit: if (!c->fn(argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Command failed\n"); exit(1); } dm_lib_release(); dm_lib_exit(); return 0; }