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.TH LVM-FULLREPORT 8 "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Red Hat, Inc" \" -*- nroff -*-
lvm fullreport \(em Report information about PVs, PV segments, VGs, LVs and LV segments, all at once for each VG.
.B lvm fullreport
.RB [ \-a | \-\-all ]
.RB [ \-\-aligned ]
.RB [ \-\-binary ]
.RB [ \-\-commandprofile
.IR ProfileName ]
.RB [[ \-\-configreport
.IR ReportName ]
.RB [ \-o | \-\-options
.RI [ + | \- | # ] Field1 [, Field2 ...]
.RB [ \-O | \-\-sort
.RI [ + | \- ] Key1 [, Key2 ...]]
.RB [ \-S | \-\-select
.IR Selection ]
.RB ...]
.RB [ \-d | \-\-debug ]
.RB [ \-h | \-? | \-\-help ]
.RB [ \-\-ignorelockingfailure ]
.RB [ \-\-ignoreskippedcluster ]
.RB [ \-\-logonly ]
.RB [ \-\-nameprefixes ]
.RB [ \-\-noheadings ]
.RB [ \-\-nosuffix ]
.RB [ \-P | \-\-partial ]
.RB [ \-\-reportformat
.RB { basic | json }]
.RB [ \-\-rows ]
.RB [ \-\-separator
.IR Separator ]
.RB [ \-\-unbuffered ]
.RB [ \-\-units
.IR hHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE ]
.RB [ \-\-unquoted ]
.RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ]
.RB [ \-\-version ]
.RI [ VolumeGroupName
.RI [ VolumeGroupName ...]]
lvm fullreport produces formatted output about PVs, PV segments, VGs, LVs
and LV segments, all at once for each VG and guarded by per-VG lock
for consistency.
See \fBlvm\fP(8) for common options.
.B \-\-all
Include information in the output about internal Logical Volumes that
are components of normally-accessible Logical Volumes, such as mirrors,
but which are not independently accessible (e.g. not mountable).
The names of such Logical Volumes are enclosed within square brackets
in the output. For example, after creating a mirror using
.B lvcreate -m1 \-\-mirrorlog disk
, this option will reveal three internal Logical
Volumes, with suffixes mimage_0, mimage_1, and mlog.
.B \-\-aligned
Use with \fB\-\-separator\fP to align the output columns.
.B \-\-binary
Use binary values "0" or "1" instead of descriptive literal values
for columns that have exactly two valid values to report (not counting
the "unknown" value which denotes that the value could not be determined).
.B \-\-configreport \fI ReportName
Make any subsequent \fB\-o, \-\-options\fP, \fB\-O, \-\-sort\fP or
\fB\-S, \-\-select\fP to apply for \fIReportName\fP where \fIReportName\fP
is 'pv' for PV subreport, 'pvseg' for PV segment subreport, 'vg' for
VG subreport, 'lv' for LV subreport, 'seg' for LV segment subreport or 'log'
for log report. If \fB\-\-configreport\fP option is not used to identify a
report, then all command's subreports are assumed except log report. The log
report is available only if enabled by \fBlog/report_command_log\fP
\fBlvm.conf\fP(5) setting or if \fB\-\-logonly\fP option is used.
.B \-\-logonly
Suppress the main report itself and display only log report on output.
.B \-\-nameprefixes
Add an "LVM2_" prefix plus the field name to the output. Useful
with \fB\-\-noheadings\fP to produce a list of field=value pairs that can
be used to set environment variables (for example, in \fBudev\fP(7) rules).
.B \-\-noheadings
Suppress the headings line that is normally the first line of output.
Useful if grepping the output.
.B \-\-nosuffix
Suppress the suffix on output sizes. Use with \fB\-\-units\fP
(except h and H) if processing the output.
.BR \-o ", " \-\-options
Comma-separated ordered list of columns.
Precede the list with '\fI+\fP' to append to the current list
of columns, '\fI-\fP' to remove from the current list of columns
or '\fI#\fP' to compact given columns. The \fI\-o\fP option can
be repeated, providing several lists. These lists are evaluated
from left to right.
For the list of columns, see \fBpvs\fP(8), \fBvgs\fP(8),
\fBlvs\fP(8) man page or check \fBpvs\fP, \fBvgs\fP, \fBlvs -o help\fP
.BR \-O ", " \-\-sort
Comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by. Replaces the default
selection. Precede any column with '\fI\-\fP' for a reverse sort on that
.B \-\-rows
Output columns as rows.
.BR \-S ", " \-\-select " " \fISelection
Display only rows that match Selection criteria. All rows are displayed with
the additional "selected" column (\fB-o selected\fP) showing 1 if the row
matches the Selection and 0 otherwise. The Selection criteria are defined
by specifying column names and their valid values (that can include reserved
values) while making use of supported comparison operators. See \fBlvm\fP(8)
and \fB\-S\fP, \fB\-\-select\fP description for more detailed information
about constructing the Selection criteria. As a quick help and to see full
list of column names that can be used in Selection including the list of
reserved values and the set of supported selection operators, check the
output of \fBpvs\fP, \fBvgs\fP, \fBlvs -S help\fP command.
.B \-\-separator \fISeparator
String to use to separate each column. Useful if grepping the output.
.B \-\-unbuffered
Produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the columns properly.
.B \-\-units \fIhHbBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE
All sizes are output in these units: (h)uman-readable, (b)ytes, (s)ectors,
(k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, (g)igabytes, (t)erabytes, (p)etabytes, (e)xabytes.
Capitalise to use multiples of 1000 (S.I.) instead of 1024. Can also specify
custom units e.g. \-\-units 3M
.B \-\-unquoted
When used with \fB\-\-nameprefixes\fP, output values in the field=value
pairs are not quoted.
.BR lvm (8),
.BR pvs (8),
.BR vgs (8),
.BR lvs (8)