mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 16:58:47 +03:00
133 lines
4.8 KiB
133 lines
4.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (C) 2022 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
. lib/inittest
aux have_thin 1 0 0 || skip
aux prepare_vg 1
lvcreate -l1 -T $vg/$lv1
lvcreate -l1 -n $lv2 --addtag lv_tag1 -an $vg
lvcreate -l1 -n $lv3 --addtag lv_tag3 --addtag lv_tag1 --addtag lv_tag2 $vg
check_json_vs_log() {
local format_param
local log_output=$2
local extra_cmd_line=$3
if [ -z $1 ]; then
format_param="--reportformat $1"
not lvs $format_param $extra_cmd_line -o name $vg/lvolX 2>&1 | tee "$OUT_LOG_FILE"
if [ "$log_output" = "log_in_report" ]; then
# {
# "report": [
# ...
# ]
# "log": [
# { ... "log_message": "Failed to find logical volume" ...},
# ...
# }
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*\"log\": \[" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*\{.*\"log_message\":\"Failed to find logical volume.*\}" out
elif [ "$log_output" = "direct_log" ]; then
# Failed to find logical volume ...
not grep -E "^[[:space:]]*\"log\": \[" out
grep -E "[[:space:]]*Failed to find logical volume" out
aux lvmconf "report/output_format = basic"
lvs -o name,kernel_major,data_percent,tags | tee "$OUT_LOG_FILE"
# LV KMaj Data% LV Tags
# lvol1 253 0.00
# lvol2 -1 lv_tag1
# lvol3 253 lv_tag1,lv_tag2,lv_tag3
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*${lv1}[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*${lv2}[[:space:]]*-1[[:space:]]*lv_tag1[[:space:]]*\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*${lv3}[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*lv_tag1,lv_tag2,lv_tag3\$" out
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log ""
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=1"
check_json_vs_log json log_in_report ""
check_json_vs_log json_std log_in_report ""
check_json_vs_log json direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=0"
check_json_vs_log json_std direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=0"
aux lvmconf "report/output_format = json"
lvs -o name,kernel_major,data_percent,tags | tee "$OUT_LOG_FILE"
# {
# "report": [
# {
# "lv": [
# {"lv_name":"lvol1", "lv_kernel_major":"253", "data_percent":"0.00", "lv_tags":""},
# {"lv_name":"lvol2", "lv_kernel_major":"-1", "data_percent":"", "lv_tags":"lv_tag1"},
# {"lv_name":"lvol3", "lv_kernel_major":"253", "data_percent":"", "lv_tags":"lv_tag1,lv_tag2,lv_tag3"}
# ]
# }
# ]
# }
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv1\", \"lv_kernel_major\":\"[[:digit:]]+\", \"data_percent\":\"[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+\", \"lv_tags\":\"\"},\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv2\", \"lv_kernel_major\":\"-1\", \"data_percent\":\"\", \"lv_tags\":\"lv_tag1\"},\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv3\", \"lv_kernel_major\":\"[[:digit:]]+\", \"data_percent\":\"\", \"lv_tags\":\"lv_tag1,lv_tag2,lv_tag3\"}\$" out
check_json_vs_log "" log_in_report ""
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=0"
aux lvmconf "report/output_format = json_std"
lvs -o name,kernel_major,data_percent,tags | tee "$OUT_LOG_FILE"
# {
# "report": [
# {
# "lv": [
# {"lv_name":"lvol1", "lv_kernel_major":253, "data_percent":0.00, "lv_tags":[]},
# {"lv_name":"lvol2", "lv_kernel_major":-1, "data_percent":null, "lv_tags":["lv_tag1"]},
# {"lv_name":"lvol3", "lv_kernel_major":253, "data_percent":null, "lv_tags":["lv_tag1","lv_tag2","lv_tag3"]}
# ]
# }
# ]
# }
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv1\", \"lv_kernel_major\":[[:digit:]]+, \"data_percent\":[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+, \"lv_tags\":\[\]},\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv2\", \"lv_kernel_major\":-1, \"data_percent\":null, \"lv_tags\":\[\"lv_tag1\"\]},\$" out
grep -E "^[[:space:]]*{\"lv_name\":\"$lv3\", \"lv_kernel_major\":[[:digit:]]+, \"data_percent\":null, \"lv_tags\":\[\"lv_tag1\",\"lv_tag2\",\"lv_tag3\"\]}\$" out
check_json_vs_log "" log_in_report ""
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=0"
aux lvmconf "log/report_command_log = 0"
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log ""
check_json_vs_log "" log_in_report "--config log/report_command_log=1"
aux lvmconf "log/report_command_log = 1"
check_json_vs_log "" log_in_report ""
check_json_vs_log "" direct_log "--config log/report_command_log=0"
vgremove -ff $vg