mirror of git://sourceware.org/git/lvm2.git synced 2025-03-11 20:58:50 +03:00
Tony Asleson 4902034c89 lvmdbusd: Use udev until ExternalEvent occurs
The normal mode of operation will be to monitor for udev events until an
ExternalEvent occurs.  In that case the service will disable monitoring
for udev events and use ExternalEvent exclusively.

Note: User specifies --udev the service will always monitor udev regardless
if ExternalEvent is being called too.
2016-08-29 15:26:55 -05:00

492 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
import sys
import inspect
import ctypes
import os
import string
import datetime
import dbus
import dbus.service
import dbus.mainloop.glib
from . import cfg
except SystemError:
import cfg
STDOUT_TTY = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())
def rtype(dbus_type):
Decorator making sure that the decorated function returns a value of
specified type.
:param dbus_type: The specific dbus type to return value as
def decorator(fn):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
return dbus_type(fn(*args, **kwargs))
return decorated
return decorator
# Field is expected to be a number, handle the corner cases when parsing
def n(v):
if not v:
return 0
return int(float(v))
def n32(v):
if not v:
return 0
return int(float(v))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def init_class_from_arguments(obj_instance):
for k, v in list(sys._getframe(1).f_locals.items()):
if k != 'self':
nt = k
# If the current attribute has a value, but the incoming does
# not, don't overwrite it. Otherwise the default values on the
# property decorator don't work as expected.
cur = getattr(obj_instance, nt, v)
# print 'Init class %s = %s' % (nt, str(v))
if not (cur and len(str(cur)) and (v is None or len(str(v))) == 0):
setattr(obj_instance, nt, v)
def get_properties(f):
Walks through an object instance or it's parent class(es) and determines
which attributes are properties and if they were created to be used for
:param f: Object to inspect
:return: A dictionary of tuples with each tuple being:
0 = An array of dicts with the keys being: p_t, p_name,
p_access(type, name, access)
1 = Hash of property names and current value
interfaces = dict()
for c in inspect.getmro(f.__class__):
h = vars(c)
for p, value in h.items():
if isinstance(value, property):
# We found a property, see if it has a metadata type
key = attribute_type_name(p)
if key in h:
interface = h[key][1]
if interface not in interfaces:
interfaces[interface] = ([], {})
access = ''
if getattr(f.__class__, p).fget:
access += 'read'
if getattr(f.__class__, p).fset:
access += 'write'
p_t=getattr(f, key)[0],
interfaces[interface][1][p] = getattr(f, p)
return interfaces
def get_object_property_diff(o_prop, n_prop):
Walk through each object properties and report what has changed and with
the new values
:param o_prop: Old keys/values
:param n_prop: New keys/values
:return: hash of properties that have changed and their new value
rc = {}
for intf_k, intf_v in o_prop.items():
for k, v in list(intf_v[1].items()):
# print('Comparing %s:%s to %s:%s' %
# (k, o_prop[intf_k][1][k], k, str(n_prop[intf_k][1][k])))
if o_prop[intf_k][1][k] != n_prop[intf_k][1][k]:
new_value = n_prop[intf_k][1][k]
if intf_k not in rc:
rc[intf_k] = dict()
rc[intf_k][k] = new_value
return rc
def add_properties(xml, interface, props):
Given xml that describes the interface, add property values to the XML
for the specified interface.
:param xml: XML to edit
:param interface: Interface to add the properties too
:param props: Output from get_properties
:return: updated XML string
root = Et.fromstring(xml)
if props:
for c in root:
# print c.attrib['name']
if c.attrib['name'] == interface:
for p in props:
temp = '<property type="%s" name="%s" access="%s"/>\n' % \
(p['p_t'], p['p_name'], p['p_access'])
return Et.tostring(root, encoding='utf8')
return xml
def attribute_type_name(name):
Given the property name, return string of the attribute type
:param name:
return "_%s_meta" % name
_type_map = dict(
def _pass_through(v):
If we have something which is not a simple type we return the original
value un-wrapped.
:param v:
return v
def _dbus_type(t, value):
return _type_map.get(t, _pass_through)(value)
def dbus_property(interface_name, name, dbus_type, doc=None):
Creates the get/set properties for the given name. It assumes that the
actual attribute is '_' + name and the attribute metadata is stuffed in
There is probably a better way todo this.
:param interface_name: Dbus interface this property is associated with
:param name: Name of property
:param dbus_type: dbus string type eg. s,t,i,x
:param doc: Python __doc__ for the property
attribute_name = '_' + name
def getter(self):
t = getattr(self, attribute_name + '_meta')[0]
return _dbus_type(t, getattr(self.state, attribute_name[1:]))
prop = property(getter, None, None, doc)
def decorator(cls):
setattr(cls, attribute_name + '_meta', (dbus_type, interface_name))
setattr(cls, name, prop)
return cls
return decorator
def parse_tags(tags):
if len(tags):
if ',' in tags:
return tags.split(',')
return sorted([tags])
return dbus.Array([], signature='s')
def _common_log(msg, *attributes):
tid = ctypes.CDLL('libc.so.6').syscall(186)
msg = "%s: %d:%d - %s" % \
(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S.%f"),
os.getpid(), tid, msg)
msg = "%d:%d - %s" % (os.getpid(), tid, msg)
if STDOUT_TTY and attributes:
print(color(msg, *attributes))
# Serializes access to stdout to prevent interleaved output
# @param msg Message to output to stdout
# @return None
def log_debug(msg, *attributes):
if cfg.args.debug:
_common_log(msg, *attributes)
def log_error(msg, *attributes):
_common_log(msg, *attributes)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def handler(signum, frame):
cfg.run.value = 0
log_debug('Signal handler called with signal %d' % signum)
if cfg.loop is not None:
def pv_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.PV_OBJ_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.pv_id)
def vg_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.VG_OBJ_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.vg_id)
def lv_object_path_method(name, meta):
if name[0] == '[':
return _hidden_lv_obj_path_generate
elif meta[0][0] == 't':
return _thin_pool_obj_path_generate
elif meta[0][0] == 'C' and 'pool' in meta[1]:
return _cache_pool_obj_path_generate
return _lv_obj_path_generate
# Note: None of the individual LV path generate functions should be called
# directly, they should only be dispatched through lv_object_path_method
def _lv_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.LV_OBJ_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.lv_id)
def _thin_pool_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.THIN_POOL_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.thin_id)
def _cache_pool_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.CACHE_POOL_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.cache_pool_id)
def _hidden_lv_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.HIDDEN_LV_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.hidden_lv)
def job_obj_path_generate():
return cfg.JOB_OBJ_PATH + "/%d" % next(cfg.job_id)
def color(text, *user_styles):
styles = {
# styles
'reset': '\033[0m',
'bold': '\033[01m',
'disabled': '\033[02m',
'underline': '\033[04m',
'reverse': '\033[07m',
'strike_through': '\033[09m',
'invisible': '\033[08m',
# text colors
'fg_black': '\033[30m',
'fg_red': '\033[31m',
'fg_green': '\033[32m',
'fg_orange': '\033[33m',
'fg_blue': '\033[34m',
'fg_purple': '\033[35m',
'fg_cyan': '\033[36m',
'fg_light_grey': '\033[37m',
'fg_dark_grey': '\033[90m',
'fg_light_red': '\033[91m',
'fg_light_green': '\033[92m',
'fg_yellow': '\033[93m',
'fg_light_blue': '\033[94m',
'fg_pink': '\033[95m',
'fg_light_cyan': '\033[96m',
# background colors
'bg_black': '\033[40m',
'bg_red': '\033[41m',
'bg_green': '\033[42m',
'bg_orange': '\033[43m',
'bg_blue': '\033[44m',
'bg_purple': '\033[45m',
'bg_cyan': '\033[46m',
'bg_light_grey': '\033[47m'
color_text = ''
for style in user_styles:
color_text += styles[style]
except KeyError:
return 'def color: parameter {} does not exist'.format(style)
color_text += text
return '\033[0m{0}\033[0m'.format(color_text)
def pv_range_append(cmd, device, start, end):
if (start, end) == (0, 0):
if start != 0 and end == 0:
cmd.append("%s:%d-" % (device, start))
"%s:%d-%d" %
(device, start, end))
def pv_dest_ranges(cmd, pv_dest_range_list):
if len(pv_dest_range_list):
for i in pv_dest_range_list:
pv_range_append(cmd, *i)
def round_size(size_bytes):
bs = 512
remainder = size_bytes % bs
if not remainder:
return size_bytes
return size_bytes + bs - remainder
_ALLOWABLE_CH = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '#+-.:=@_\/%'
_ALLOWABLE_VG_LV_CH = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '.-_+'
_LV_NAME_RESERVED = ("_cdata", "_cmeta", "_corig", "_mimage", "_mlog",
"_pmspare", "_rimage", "_rmeta", "_tdata", "_tmeta", "_vorigin")
# Tags can have the characters, based on the code
# a-zA-Z0-9._-+/=!:&#
_ALLOWABLE_TAG_CH = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "._-+/=!:&#"
def _allowable_tag(tag_name):
# LVM should impose a length restriction
return set(tag_name) <= _ALLOWABLE_TAG_CH_SET
def _allowable_vg_name(vg_name):
if vg_name is None:
raise ValueError("VG name is None or empty")
vg_len = len(vg_name)
if vg_len == 0 or vg_len > 127:
raise ValueError("VG name (%s) length (%d) not in the domain 1..127" %
(vg_name, vg_len))
if not set(vg_name) <= _ALLOWABLE_VG_LV_CH_SET:
raise ValueError("VG name (%s) contains invalid character, "
"allowable set(%s)" % (vg_name, _ALLOWABLE_VG_LV_CH))
if vg_name == "." or vg_name == "..":
raise ValueError('VG name (%s) cannot be "." or ".."' % (vg_name))
def _allowable_lv_name(vg_name, lv_name):
if lv_name is None:
raise ValueError("LV name is None or empty")
lv_len = len(lv_name)
# This length is derived from empirical testing
if lv_len == 0 or (len(vg_name) + lv_len) > 125:
raise ValueError("LV name (%s) length (%d) + VG name length "
"not in the domain 1..125" % (lv_name, lv_len))
if not set(lv_name) <= _ALLOWABLE_VG_LV_CH_SET:
raise ValueError("LV name (%s) contains invalid character, "
"allowable (%s)" % (lv_name, _ALLOWABLE_VG_LV_CH))
if any(x in lv_name for x in _LV_NAME_RESERVED):
raise ValueError("LV name (%s) contains a reserved word, "
"reserved set(%s)" % (lv_name, str(_LV_NAME_RESERVED)))
if lv_name.startswith("snapshot") or lv_name.startswith("pvmove"):
raise ValueError("LV name (%s) starts with a reserved word, "
"reserved set(%s)" % (lv_name, str(["snapshot", "pvmove"])))
if lv_name[0] == '-':
raise ValueError("LV name (%s) cannot start with a '-' "
"character" % lv_name)
def validate_device_path(interface, device):
if not set(device) <= _ALLOWABLE_CH_SET:
raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
interface, 'Device path (%s) has invalid characters, '
'allowable (%s)' % (device, _ALLOWABLE_CH))
def validate_vg_name(interface, vg_name):
except ValueError as ve:
raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
interface, str(ve))
def validate_lv_name(interface, vg_name, lv_name):
_allowable_lv_name(vg_name, lv_name)
except ValueError as ve:
raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
interface, str(ve))
def validate_tag(interface, tag):
if not _allowable_tag(tag):
raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
interface, 'tag (%s) contains invalid character, allowable set(%s)'