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synced 2025-03-10 16:58:47 +03:00
The lv_layout and lv_type fields together help with LV identification. We can do basic identification using the lv_attr field which provides very condensed view. In contrast to that, the new lv_layout and lv_type fields provide more detialed information on exact layout and type used for LVs. For top-level LVs which are pure types not combined with any other LV types, the lv_layout value is equal to lv_type value. For non-top-level LVs which may be combined with other types, the lv_layout describes the underlying layout used, while the lv_type describes the use/type/usage of the LV. These two new fields are both string lists so selection (-S/--select) criteria can be defined using the list operators easily: [] for strict matching {} for subset matching. For example, let's consider this: $ lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type LV VG Attr Layout Type [lvol1_pmspare] vg ewi------- linear metadata,pool,spare pool vg twi-a-tz-- pool,thin pool,thin [pool_tdata] vg rwi-aor--- level10,raid data,pool,thin [pool_tdata_rimage_0] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tdata_rimage_1] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tdata_rimage_2] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tdata_rimage_3] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_0] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_1] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_2] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_3] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tmeta] vg ewi-aor--- level1,raid metadata,pool,thin [pool_tmeta_rimage_0] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tmeta_rimage_1] vg iwi-aor--- linear image,raid [pool_tmeta_rmeta_0] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tmeta_rmeta_1] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid thin_snap1 vg Vwi---tz-k thin snapshot,thin thin_snap2 vg Vwi---tz-k thin snapshot,thin thin_vol1 vg Vwi-a-tz-- thin thin thin_vol2 vg Vwi-a-tz-- thin multiple,origin,thin Which is a situation with thin pool, thin volumes and thin snapshots. We can see internal 'pool_tdata' volume that makes up thin pool has actually a level10 raid layout and the internal 'pool_tmeta' has level1 raid layout. Also, we can see that 'thin_snap1' and 'thin_snap2' are both thin snapshots while 'thin_vol1' is thin origin (having multiple snapshots). Such reporting scheme provides much better base for selection criteria in addition to providing more detailed information, for example: $ lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type -S 'type=metadata' LV VG Attr Layout Type [lvol1_pmspare] vg ewi------- linear metadata,pool,spare [pool_tdata_rmeta_0] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_1] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_2] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tdata_rmeta_3] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tmeta] vg ewi-aor--- level1,raid metadata,pool,thin [pool_tmeta_rmeta_0] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid [pool_tmeta_rmeta_1] vg ewi-aor--- linear metadata,raid (selected all LVs which are related to metadata of any type) lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type -S 'type={metadata,thin}' LV VG Attr Layout Type [pool_tmeta] vg ewi-aor--- level1,raid metadata,pool,thin (selected all LVs which hold metadata related to thin) lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type -S 'type={thin,snapshot}' LV VG Attr Layout Type thin_snap1 vg Vwi---tz-k thin snapshot,thin thin_snap2 vg Vwi---tz-k thin snapshot,thin (selected all LVs which are thin snapshots) lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type -S 'layout=raid' LV VG Attr Layout Type [pool_tdata] vg rwi-aor--- level10,raid data,pool,thin [pool_tmeta] vg ewi-aor--- level1,raid metadata,pool,thin (selected all LVs with raid layout, any raid layout) lvs -a -o name,vg_name,lv_attr,layout,type -S 'layout={raid,level1}' LV VG Attr Layout Type [pool_tmeta] vg ewi-aor--- level1,raid metadata,pool,thin (selected all LVs with raid level1 layout exactly) And so on...