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synced 2025-03-11 20:58:50 +03:00
The signalling code (pthread_cond_signal/pthread_cond_wait) in the pre_and_post_thread was using the wait mutex (see man pthread_cond_wait) incorrectly, and this could cause clvmd to deadlock when timing was right. Detailed explanation of the problem follows. There is a single mutex around (L for Lock, U for Unlock), a signal (S) and a wait (W). C for pthread_create. Time flows from left to right, each arrow is a thread. So first the "naive" scenario, with no mutex (PPT = pre_and_post_thread, MCT = main clvmd thread; well actually the thread that does read_from_local_sock). I will also use X, for a moment when MCT actually waits for something to happen that PPT was supposed to do. MCT -----C ------S--X-----S----X----------------------S------XXXXXXXXX | everything OK up to this --> <-- point... PPT -----WWW-----WWWW------------------------------WWWWWWWWWWWWW Ok, so pthread API actually does not let you use W/S like that. It goes out of its way to tell you that you need a mutex to protect the W so that the above cannot happen. *But* if you are creative and just lock around the W's and S's, this happens: MCT ----C-----LSU----X-----LSU----X------------LSU------XXXXXXX | PPT ---LWWWU-------LWWWWU-----------------------LWWWWWWWWW Ooops. Nothing changed (the above is what actually was done by clvmd before this satch). So let's do it differently, holding L locked *all* the time in PPT, unless we are actually in W (this is something that the pthread API does itself, see the man page). MCT ----C-----LSU------X---LSU---X-----LLLLLLLSU----X---- | (and they live happily ever after) PPT L---WWWWW---------WWWW----------------W---------- So W actually ensures that L is unlocked *atomically* together with entering the wait. That means that unless PPT is actually waiting, it cannot be signalled by MCT. So if MCT happens to signal it too soon (it wasn't waiting yet), it (MCT) will be blocked on the mutex (L), until PPT is actually ready to do something.