Michael Shigorin 1a272e44b2 dev, ve.mk: factor out builder+extra
It's strange but ve/builder and distro/live-builder
along with distro/regular-builder are all mostly
"independent", that is duplicating functionality
without any reasonable gain; spotted finally.
2017-08-21 20:02:59 +03:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

ifeq (ve,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
# no "vzctl enter"
ve/bare: ve/.base +sysvinit; @:
# /dev/pty and friends start here
ve/base: ve/bare use/net-dns/level3
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,interactivesystem)
# a particular package list
ve/ldv: ve/bare use/control/server/ldv
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,xz bzip2 glibc hostinfo less)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,vim-console netlist rsync time)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,openssh-blacklist openssh-server)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,shadow-edit shadow-groups)
ve/docker: ve/.base use/repo; @:
# build environment
ve/builder: ve/base use/dev/builder/base use/repo
@$(call add,BASE_LISTS,openssh)
# this should be more or less convenient
ve/generic: ve/base use/repo
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,vim-console etckeeper)
@$(call add,BASE_LISTS,openssh \
$(call tags,base && (server || network || security || pkg)))
# example of service-specific template
ve/openvpn: ve/bare
@$(call add,BASE_LISTS,$(call tags,server openvpn))
ve/pgsql94: ve/generic
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,postgresql9.4-server)
ve/samba-DC: ve/generic
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,task-samba-dc glibc-locales net-tools)
ve/systemd-bare: ve/.base use/net/networkd +systemd \
use/control/sudo-su use/repo use/net-ssh
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,interactivesystem su)