forked from altcloud/mkimage-profiles
Every .iso was assumed to be bootable since the very beginning[*], and isoboot images were deemed to be x86 isolinux ones; this didn't change with basic ppc/armh support as I never ran into hardware that would _boot_ those ISOs, not only run the code, and it was only e2k isodata project that finally forced this refactoring. It's still not perfect: pack and syslinux features still end up somewhat interwoven, and too much places care for architecture the image is being built for (instead of archdep features tossing their appropriate bits and pieces in). Should help: - any-arch regarding isodata images; - {x86,aarch64}/efi by decoupling isoboot and isolinux; - ppc{,64} as introducing yaboot support will be easier now; - mipsel{,64} too, hopefully. * I knew of school addon images baked with mkimage-profiles-desktop but postponed and then neglected the whole problem for years...
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# step 2: build up distribution's configuration
$(error this makefile is designed to be included in toplevel one)
ifeq (distro,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
# fundamental targets
distro/.init: profile/bare
@$(call try,META_PREPARER,mkimage-profiles)
@$(call try,META_APP_ID,$(IMAGE_NAME))
@$(call set,META_PUBLISHER,ALT Linux Team)
distro/.boot: distro/.init boot/iso
@$(call set,META_VOL_ID,ALT $(IMAGE_NAME)/$(ARCH))
@$(call set,META_VOL_SET,ALT)
# NB: the last flavour in KFLAVOURS gets to be the default one;
# the kernel packages regexp evaluation has to take place at build stage
distro/.base: distro/.boot use/kernel
# this one should not be fundamental as it appears (think armh)
distro/.installer: distro/.base use/bootloader/grub +installer; @: