forked from altcloud/mkimage-profiles
Few things: - extend feature specification + SysVinit can be chosen explicitly via init feature, no need to keep sysklogd in yet another pkglist; + power management should be included too (both cpufreq setup and power button handling); + LILO seems to be heavily preferred among the target audience :) - use desktop installer for regular-server + the seeming controversy is explained easily: installer-distro-altlinux-generic has very few modules to the point of being inconvenient for anything but quick rounds of basic testing, and distributions rather do need network setup along with a non-privileged user.
90 lines
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90 lines
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# regular build/usage images
ifeq (distro,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
# common ground
distro/.regular-bare: distro/.base +wireless use/efi/signed \
use/memtest use/stage2/net-eth use/kernel/net
@$(call try,SAVE_PROFILE,yes)
# graphical target (not enforcing xorg drivers or blobs)
distro/.regular-x11: distro/.regular-bare use/x11/wacom +vmguest \
use/live/x11 use/live/ru use/live/install use/live/repo use/live/rw \
use/luks use/branding
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,(base || desktop) && regular))
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,base rescue))
# WM base target
distro/.regular-base: distro/.regular-x11 use/x11/xorg
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,installer-feature-desktop-other-fs-stage2)
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,indexhtml notes alterator)
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,graphics)
# DE base target
# TODO: use/plymouth/live when luks+plymouth is done, see also #28255
distro/.regular-desktop: distro/.regular-base \
use/syslinux/ui/gfxboot use/firmware/laptop use/efi/refind +systemd
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,fuse-exfat)
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,domain-client)
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,bootloader)
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,std-def)
distro/.regular-gtk: distro/.regular-desktop use/x11/lightdm/gtk +plymouth; @:
distro/regular-icewm: distro/.regular-base use/init/sysv \
use/x11/lightdm/gtk +icewm
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,regular icewm))
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,un-def)
distro/regular-wmaker: distro/.regular-desktop use/x11/lightdm/gtk \
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-install-wmaker)
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,xxkb)
ifeq (i586,$(ARCH))
distro/regular-gnustep: distro/regular-wmaker use/x11/gnustep +plymouth
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,graphics)
$(error $@ is known buggy on non-i586 at the moment)
distro/regular-xfce: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/xfce +nm; @:
distro/regular-lxde: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/lxde use/fonts/infinality +nm; @:
distro/regular-xmonad: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/xmonad
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-regular-xmonad)
distro/regular-mate: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/mate +nm
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,mobile mate))
distro/regular-e17: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/e17 use/fonts/infinality
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,xterm)
distro/regular-cinnamon: distro/.regular-gtk \
use/x11/cinnamon use/fonts/infinality
@$(call set,META_VOL_ID,ALT Linux $(IMAGE_NAME)) # see also #28271
distro/regular-gnome3: distro/.regular-desktop use/x11/gnome3 +plymouth; @:
distro/regular-tde: distro/.regular-desktop +tde +plymouth +nm
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,kdegames kdeedu)
distro/regular-kde4: distro/.regular-desktop use/x11/kde4 use/x11/kdm4 \
use/fonts/zerg +pulse +plymouth
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,regular kde4))
distro/regular-razorqt: distro/.regular-desktop +razorqt +plymouth; @:
distro/regular-sugar: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/sugar; @:
distro/regular-rescue: distro/.regular-bare use/rescue/rw \
use/syslinux/ui/menu use/hdt use/efi/refind
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,un-def)
distro/regular-server: distro/.regular-bare +installer +sysvinit +power \
use/install2/fs use/bootloader/lilo use/firmware use/server/mini
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,(base || server) && regular))
@$(call set,INSTALLER,desktop)