forked from altcloud/mkimage-profiles
The features might get copy-pasted (or even copied-and-pruned) when initialized; there's an unneccessary duplication of the function name in the line adding it to FEATURES list, thus prone to being forgotten and causing some havoc later on. It was wrong in the first place but tackling this with some double-colon rules ran into terminality issues, and further tortures were considered unneccessary. The current solution isn't perfect (no completely transparent function name registration upon corresponding target being called) but at least it is an improvement...
Добавление модуля hdt (Hardware Detection Tool) к syslinux; может быть востребовано для инсталяторов, live/rescue. Фича не только требует фичу syslinux (и соответствующий пакет, а также pciids), но и тесно с ней интегрирована; в частности, фрагмент конфигурационного файла располагается не "здесь", а "там", поскольку сам hdt.c32 также входит в пакет syslinux.