mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 18:50:08 +03:00
feature #4162: Sanitize libvirt deployment file. Patch merge from a
contribution by Roy Keene
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static void do_network_hosts(ofstream& file,
if (cg_host.empty())
file << "'/>" << endl;
file << "/>" << endl;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static void do_network_hosts(ofstream& file,
hosts = one_util::split(cg_host, ' ');
file << "'>" << endl;
file << ">" << endl;
for (it = hosts.begin(); it != hosts.end(); it++)
@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ static void do_network_hosts(ofstream& file,
file << "\t\t\t\t<host name='" << parts[0];
file << "\t\t\t\t<host name=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(parts[0]);
if (parts.size() > 1)
file << "' port='" << parts[1];
file << " port=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(parts[1]);
else if ( default_port != -1 )
file << "' port='" << default_port;
file << " port=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(default_port);
if (!transport.empty())
file << "' transport='" << transport;
file << " transport=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(transport);
file << "'/>" << endl;
file << "/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t</source>" << endl;
@ -222,9 +222,8 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
// Starting XML document
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
file << "<domain type='"
<< emulator
<< "' xmlns:qemu='http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0'>"
file << "<domain type=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(emulator)
<< " xmlns:qemu='http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0'>"
<< endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if (!vcpu.empty())
file << "\t<vcpu>" << vcpu << "</vcpu>" << endl;
file << "\t<vcpu>" << one_util::escape_xml(vcpu) << "</vcpu>" << endl;
//Every process gets 1024 shares by default (cgroups), scale this with CPU
@ -303,11 +302,11 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
get_default("OS", "MACHINE", machine);
file << "\t\t<type arch='" << arch << "'";
file << "\t\t<type arch=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(arch);
if ( !machine.empty() )
file << " machine='" << machine << "'";
file << " machine=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(machine);
file << ">hvm</type>" << endl;
@ -351,11 +350,11 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( !kernel.empty() )
file << "\t\t<kernel>" << kernel << "</kernel>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<kernel>" << one_util::escape_xml(kernel) << "</kernel>\n";
if ( !initrd.empty() )
file << "\t\t<initrd>" << initrd << "</initrd>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<initrd>" << one_util::escape_xml(initrd) << "</initrd>\n";
if ( !root.empty() )
@ -365,19 +364,21 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if (!kernel_cmd.empty())
file << "\t\t<cmdline>" << kernel_cmd << "</cmdline>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<cmdline>" << one_util::escape_xml(kernel_cmd)
<< "</cmdline>\n";
else if ( !bootloader.empty() )
file << "\t\t<bootloader>" << bootloader << "</bootloader>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<bootloader>" << one_util::escape_xml(bootloader)
<< "</bootloader>\n";
boots = one_util::split(boot, ',');
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=boots.begin(); it!=boots.end(); it++)
file << "\t\t<boot dev='" << *it << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<boot dev=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(*it) << "/>\n";
file << "\t</os>" << endl;
@ -394,7 +395,8 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
emulator_path = "/usr/bin/kvm";
file << "\t\t<emulator>" << emulator_path << "</emulator>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<emulator>" << one_util::escape_xml(emulator_path)
<< "</emulator>\n";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disks
@ -508,33 +510,38 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( type == "BLOCK" )
file << "\t\t<disk type='block' device='disk'>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t<source dev='" << vm->get_remote_system_dir()
<< "/disk." << disk_id << "'/>" << endl;
ostringstream dev;
dev << vm->get_remote_system_dir() << "/disk." << disk_id;
file << "\t\t<disk type='block' device='disk'>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<source dev=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(dev)
<< "/>\n";
else if ( type == "ISCSI" )
file << "\t\t<disk type='network' device='disk'>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='iscsi' name='";
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='iscsi' name=";
if ( !iscsi_iqn.empty() )
file << iscsi_iqn;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(iscsi_iqn);
file << source;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(source);
do_network_hosts(file, iscsi_host, "", ISCSI_DEFAULT_PORT);
if ( !iscsi_user.empty() && !iscsi_usage.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t<auth username='"<< iscsi_user <<"'>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t\t<secret type='iscsi' usage='"
<< iscsi_usage << "'/>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t</auth>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<auth username="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(iscsi_user) << ">\n"
<< "\t\t\t\t<secret type='iscsi' usage="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(iscsi_usage)<< "/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t</auth>\n";
else if ( type == "RBD" || type == "RBD_CDROM" || disk_type == "RBD" )
@ -548,39 +555,44 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
file << "\t\t<disk type='network' device='cdrom'>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='rbd' name='";
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='rbd' name=";
ostringstream rbd_name;
if ( !source.empty() )
file << source;
rbd_name << source;
if ( !pool_name.empty() )
file << pool_name;
rbd_name << pool_name;
file << "one";
rbd_name << "one";
file << "/one-sys";
rbd_name << "/one-sys";
if ( clone == "YES" || source.empty() )
file << "-" << vm->get_oid() << "-" << disk_id;
rbd_name << "-" << vm->get_oid() << "-" << disk_id;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(rbd_name);
do_network_hosts(file, ceph_host, "", CEPH_DEFAULT_PORT);
if ( !ceph_secret.empty() && !ceph_user.empty())
file << "\t\t\t<auth username='"<< ceph_user <<"'>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t\t<secret type='ceph' uuid='"
<< ceph_secret <<"'/>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t</auth>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<auth username="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(ceph_user) << ">\n"
<< "\t\t\t\t<secret type='ceph' uuid="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(ceph_secret) <<"/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t</auth>\n";
else if ( type == "SHEEPDOG" || type == "SHEEPDOG_CDROM" )
@ -594,13 +606,19 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
file << "\t\t<disk type='network' device='cdrom'>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='sheepdog' name='" << source;
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='sheepdog' name=";
ostringstream sheep_name;
sheep_name << source;
if ( clone == "YES" )
file << "-" << vm->get_oid() << "-" << disk_id;
sheep_name << "-" << vm->get_oid() << "-" << disk_id;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(sheep_name);
do_network_hosts(file, sheepdog_host, "tcp", -1);
else if ( type == "GLUSTER" || type == "GLUSTER_CDROM" )
@ -614,36 +632,49 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
file << "\t\t<disk type='network' device='cdrom'>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='gluster' name='" << gluster_volume
<< "/";
file << "\t\t\t<source protocol='gluster' name=";
ostringstream gluster_name;
gluster_name << gluster_volume << "/";
if ( clone == "YES" )
file << vm->get_oid() << "/disk." << disk_id;
gluster_name << vm->get_oid() << "/disk." << disk_id;
file << one_util::split(source, '/').back();
gluster_name << one_util::split(source, '/').back();
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(gluster_name);
do_network_hosts(file, gluster_host, "tcp", GLUSTER_DEFAULT_PORT);
else if ( type == "CDROM" )
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t<source file='" << vm->get_remote_system_dir()
<< "/disk." << disk_id << "'/>" << endl;
ostringstream cd_name;
cd_name << vm->get_remote_system_dir() << "/disk." << disk_id;
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<source file="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(cd_name)<< "/>\n";
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='disk'>" << endl
<< "\t\t\t<source file='" << vm->get_remote_system_dir()
<< "/disk." << disk_id << "'/>" << endl;
ostringstream fname;
fname << vm->get_remote_system_dir() << "/disk." << disk_id;
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='disk'>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<source file="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(fname) << "/>\n";
// ---- target device to map the disk ----
file << "\t\t\t<target dev='" << target << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<target dev=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(target) << "/>\n";
// ---- readonly attribute for the disk ----
@ -654,48 +685,48 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
// ---- Image Format using qemu driver ----
file << "\t\t\t<driver name='qemu' type='";
file << "\t\t\t<driver name='qemu' type=";
if ( type == "CDROM" ) // Use driver raw for CD's
file << "raw";
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr("raw");
else if ( !driver.empty() )
file << driver;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(driver);
file << default_driver;
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(default_driver);
file << "' cache='";
file << " cache=";
if ( !cache.empty() )
file << cache << "'";
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(cache);
file << default_driver_cache << "'";
file << one_util::escape_xml_attr(default_driver_cache);
if ( !disk_io.empty() )
file << " io='" << disk_io << "'";
file << " io=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(disk_io);
else if ( !default_driver_disk_io.empty() )
file << " io='" << default_driver_disk_io << "'";
file << " io=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(default_driver_disk_io);
if ( !discard.empty() )
file << " discard='" << discard << "'";
file << " discard=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(discard);
else if ( !default_driver_discard.empty() )
file << " discard='" << default_driver_discard << "'";
file << " discard=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(default_driver_discard);
file << "/>" << endl;
@ -710,38 +741,44 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( !total_bytes_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<total_bytes_sec>" << total_bytes_sec
<< "</total_bytes_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<total_bytes_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(total_bytes_sec)
<< "</total_bytes_sec>\n";
if ( !read_bytes_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<read_bytes_sec>" << read_bytes_sec
<< "</read_bytes_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<read_bytes_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(read_bytes_sec)
<< "</read_bytes_sec>\n";
if ( !write_bytes_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<write_bytes_sec>" << write_bytes_sec
<< "</write_bytes_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<write_bytes_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(write_bytes_sec)
<< "</write_bytes_sec>\n";
if ( !total_iops_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<total_iops_sec>" << total_iops_sec
<< "</total_iops_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<total_iops_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(total_iops_sec)
<< "</total_iops_sec>\n";
if ( !read_iops_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<read_iops_sec>" << read_iops_sec
<< "</read_iops_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<read_iops_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(read_iops_sec)
<< "</read_iops_sec>\n";
if ( !write_iops_sec.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t\t<write_iops_sec>" << write_iops_sec
<< "</write_iops_sec>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<write_iops_sec>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(write_iops_sec)
<< "</write_iops_sec>\n";
file << "\t\t\t</iotune>" << endl;
@ -764,17 +801,18 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( !target.empty() )
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>" << endl;
ostringstream fname;
file << "\t\t\t<source file='" << vm->get_remote_system_dir()
<< "/disk." << disk_id << "'/>" << endl;
fname << vm->get_remote_system_dir() << "/disk." << disk_id;
file << "\t\t\t<target dev='" << target << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<readonly/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t</disk>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<source file="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(fname) << "/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<target dev="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(target) << "/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<readonly/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>\n"
<< "\t\t</disk>\n";
@ -824,22 +862,26 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
file << "\t\t\t<virtualport type='openvswitch'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source bridge='" << *the_bridge << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source bridge="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(*the_bridge) << "/>\n";
if( !mac.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t<mac address='" << mac << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<mac address=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(mac)
<< "/>\n";
if( !target.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t<target dev='" << target << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<target dev=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(target)
<< "/>\n";
if( !script.empty() )
file << "\t\t\t<script path='" << script << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<script path=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(script)
<< "/>\n";
string * the_model = 0;
@ -855,7 +897,8 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if (the_model != 0)
file << "\t\t\t<model type='" << *the_model << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<model type="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(*the_model) << "/>\n";
if (!ip.empty() )
@ -873,10 +916,11 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( the_filter != 0 )
file <<"\t\t\t<filterref filter='"<< *the_filter <<"'>"<<endl;
file << "\t\t\t\t<parameter name='IP' value='"
<< ip << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t</filterref>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<filterref filter="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(*the_filter) << ">\n"
<< "\t\t\t\t<parameter name='IP' value="
<< one_util::escape_xml_attr(ip) << "/>\n"
<< "\t\t\t</filterref>\n";
@ -900,26 +944,26 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( type == "vnc" || type == "spice" )
file << "\t\t<graphics type='" << type << "'";
file << "\t\t<graphics type=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(type);
if ( !listen.empty() )
file << " listen='" << listen << "'";
file << " listen=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(listen);
if ( !port.empty() )
file << " port='" << port << "'";
file << " port=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(port);
if ( !passwd.empty() )
file << " passwd='" << passwd << "'";
file << " passwd=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(passwd);
if ( !keymap.empty() )
file << " keymap='" << keymap << "'";
file << " keymap=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(keymap);
file << "/>" << endl;
@ -953,11 +997,11 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
if ( !type.empty() )
file << "\t\t<input type='" << type << "'";
file << "\t\t<input type=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(type);
if ( !bus.empty() )
file << " bus='" << bus << "'";
file << " bus=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr(bus);
file << "/>" << endl;
@ -985,17 +1029,17 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
file << "\t\t<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>";
file << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>\n";
file << "\t\t\t\t<address ";
file << "domain='0x" << domain << "' ";
file << "bus='0x" << bus << "' ";
file << "slot='0x" << slot << "' ";
file << "function='0x" << func << "'/>" << endl;
file << "\t\t\t<source>\n";
file << "\t\t\t\t<address "
<< "domain=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr("0x" + domain)
<< "bus=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr("0x" + bus)
<< "slot=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr("0x" + slot)
<< "function=" << one_util::escape_xml_attr("0x" + func)
<< "/>\n";
file << "\t\t\t</source>\n";
file << "\t\t\t</source>" << endl;
file << "\t\t</hostdev>" << endl;
@ -1104,10 +1148,11 @@ int LibVirtDriver::deployment_description_kvm(
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metadata used by drivers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
file << "\t<metadata>" << endl;
file << "\t\t<system_datastore>" << vm->get_remote_system_dir() <<
"</system_datastore>" << endl;
file << "\t</metadata>" << endl;
file << "\t<metadata>\n"
<< "\t\t<system_datastore>"
<< one_util::escape_xml(vm->get_remote_system_dir())
<< "</system_datastore>\n"
<< "\t</metadata>\n";
file << "</domain>" << endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user