diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/datastore.rb b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/datastore.rb
index e3af24a07c..b2643133ca 100644
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/datastore.rb
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/datastore.rb
@@ -385,13 +385,15 @@ class Datastore < Storage
         target_ds_vc  = VCenterDriver::Datastore.new_from_ref(target_ds_ref, vi_client)
         dest_name     = target_ds_vc['name']
-        dest_path = "[#{dest_name}] #{dest_path}"
+        target_ds_vc.create_directory(File.dirname(dest_path))
+        dpath_ds  = "[#{dest_name}] #{dest_path}"
         orig_path = "[#{self['name']}] #{disk.path}"
         move_params = {
             sourceName:       orig_path,
             sourceDatacenter: get_dc.item,
-            destName:         dest_path,
+            destName:         dpath_ds,
             force:            true
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/virtual_machine.rb b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/virtual_machine.rb
index c17b5f418a..679997b987 100644
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/virtual_machine.rb
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/virtual_machine.rb
@@ -2990,10 +2990,6 @@ class VirtualMachine < VCenterDriver::Template
         vc_vm = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine.new_without_id(vi_client, vm['/VM/DEPLOY_ID'])
         vc_vm.vm_id = vm_id
-        error = !vc_vm.disks_each(:managed?).empty? && !ds.nil?
-        # We know this comes from a migration from poweroff state (not a poweroff migration)
-        # since all the other cases are treated in vmm drivers: save, migrate and shutdown
-        raise 'datastore migration from poweroff state with managed disks is not supported' if error
         ccr_ref  = dst_host['/HOST/TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CCR_REF']
         vc_host  = VCenterDriver::ClusterComputeResource.new_from_ref(ccr_ref, vi_client)
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/cancel b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/cancel
index 1595620cbb..d9f9f96c2a 100755
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/cancel
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/cancel
@@ -48,16 +48,6 @@ begin
     vm = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine.new(vi_client, vm_ref, vm_id)
-    if (%{'SAVE_MIGRATE'}).include?(lcm_state_str)
-        dst_ds = drv_action['VM/HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/DS_ID']
-        src_ds = drv_action['DATASTORE/ID']
-        new_ds = dst_ds != src_ds
-        error = !vm.disks_each(:managed?).empty? && new_ds
-        raise 'cold datastore migration in poweroff hard with managed disk(s) is not supported' if error
-    end
 rescue StandardError => e
     message = "Cancel VM #{vm_ref} failed due to "\
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/migrate b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/migrate
index 2c01e95421..40b33882f8 100755
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/migrate
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/migrate
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ $LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__)
 require 'vcenter_driver'
-vm_ref   = ARGV[0]
 vm_id    = ARGV[-2]
 src_host = ARGV[-3]
 dst_host = ARGV[-4]
@@ -41,12 +40,7 @@ dst_ds = drv_action['VM/HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/DS_ID']
 src_ds = drv_action['DATASTORE/ID']
-    vi_client = VCenterDriver::VIClient.new_from_host(src_host)
-    vm        = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine.new(vi_client, vm_ref, vm_id)
-    new_ds    = dst_ds != src_ds
-    error = !vm.disks_each(:managed?).empty? && new_ds
-    raise 'live datastore migration with managed disk is not supported' if error
+    new_ds = dst_ds != src_ds
     if new_ds
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/save b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/save
index 7bbb13712f..b6e0b8b497 100755
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/save
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/save
@@ -55,19 +55,7 @@ begin
     vm = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine.new_without_id(vi_client, vm_ref)
-    if (%{'SAVE_MIGRATE'}).include?(lcm_state_str)
-        vm.vm_id = vm_id
-        dst_ds = drv_action['VM/HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/DS_ID']
-        src_ds = drv_action['DATASTORE/ID']
-        new_ds = dst_ds != src_ds
-        error = !vm.disks_each(:managed?).empty? && new_ds
-        raise 'cold datastore migration with managed disk(s) is not supported' if error
-    end
 rescue StandardError => e
     message = "Save of VM #{vm_ref} on vCenter cluster "\
               "#{vc_cluster_name} failed due to "\
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/shutdown b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/shutdown
index 810795f9dc..817dac29d4 100755
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/shutdown
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/vcenter/shutdown
@@ -62,19 +62,6 @@ begin
     vm = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine.new_without_id(vi_client, vm_ref)
-    if (%{'SAVE_MIGRATE'}).include?(lcm_state_str)
-        vm.vm_id = vm_id
-        dst_ds = drv_action['VM/HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/DS_ID']
-        src_ds = drv_action['DATASTORE/ID']
-        new_ds = dst_ds != src_ds
-        error = !vm.disks_each(:managed?).empty? && new_ds
-        raise 'cold datastore migration in poweroff with managed disk(s) is not supported' if error
-    end
     vm.shutdown # Undeploy, Poweroff or Terminate
 rescue StandardError => e
     message = "Shutdown of VM #{vm_ref} on vCenter cluster "\