diff --git a/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/admin.yaml b/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/admin.yaml index 3230bda38d..70b5368e6c 100644 --- a/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/admin.yaml +++ b/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/admin.yaml @@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ tabs: input_output: true context: true scheduling: true + hybrid: true other: true images-tab: panel_tabs: diff --git a/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/user.yaml b/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/user.yaml index 1c5c0645dd..d08f161b22 100644 --- a/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/user.yaml +++ b/src/sunstone/etc/sunstone-views/user.yaml @@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ tabs: input_output: true context: true scheduling: false + hybrid: true + other: true images-tab: panel_tabs: image_info_tab: true diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/templates-tab.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/templates-tab.js index b7500346c3..df3e97e4d6 100644 --- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/templates-tab.js +++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/templates-tab.js @@ -14,6 +14,271 @@ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +var hybrid_inputs = { + ec2 : [ + { + name: "AKI", + label: tr("AKI"), + tooltip: tr("The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instance.") + }, + { + name: "AMI", + label: tr("AMI"), + tooltip: tr("Unique ID of a machine image, returned by a call to ec2-describe-images.") + }, + { + name: "AVAILABILITYZONE", + label: tr("Availability Zone"), + tooltip: tr("The Availability Zone in which to run the instance.") + }, + { + name: "BLOCKDEVICEMAPPING", + label: tr("Block Device Mapping"), + tooltip: tr("The block device mapping for the instance. More than one can be specified in a space-separated list. Check the –block-device-mapping option of the EC2 CLI Reference for the syntax") + }, + { + name: "CLIENTTOKEN", + label: tr("Client Token"), + tooltip: tr("Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure idempotency of the request.") + }, + { + name: "EBS_OPTIMIZED", + label: tr("EBS Optimized"), + tooltip: tr("Obtain a better I/O throughput for VMs with EBS provisioned volumes") + }, + { + name: "ELASTICIP", + label: tr("Elastic IP"), + tooltip: tr("EC2 Elastic IP address to assign to the instance. This parameter is passed to the command ec2-associate-address -i i-0041230 elasticip.") + }, + { + name: "HOST", + label: tr("OpenNebula Host"), + tooltip: tr("Defines which OpenNebula host will use this template") + }, + { + name: "INSTANCETYPE", + label: tr("Instance Type"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the instance type.") + }, + { + name: "KEYPAIR", + label: tr("Keypair"), + tooltip: tr("The name of the key pair, later will be used to execute commands like ssh -i id_keypair or scp -i id_keypair") + }, + { + name: "LICENSEPOOL", + label: tr("License Pool"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the license pool.") + }, + { + name: "PLACEMENTGROUP", + label: tr("Placement Group"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the placement group.") + }, + { + name: "PRIVATEIP", + label: tr("Private IP"), + tooltip: tr("If you’re using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, you can optionally use this parameter to assign the instance a specific available IP address from the subnet.") + }, + { + name: "RAMDISK", + label: tr("Ramdisk"), + tooltip: tr("The ID of the RAM disk to select.") + }, + { + name: "SECURITYGROUPS", + label: tr("Security Groups"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the security group. You can specify more than one security group (comma separated).") + }, + { + name: "SUBNETID", + label: tr("Subnet ID"), + tooltip: tr("If you’re using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, this specifies the ID of the subnet you want to launch the instance into. This parameter is also passed to the command ec2-associate-address -i i-0041230 -a elasticip.") + }, + { + name: "TAGS", + label: tr("Tags"), + tooltip: tr("Key and optional value of the tag, separated by an equals sign ( = ).You can specify more than one tag (comma separated).") + }, + { + name: "TENANCY", + label: tr("Tenancy"), + tooltip: tr("The tenancy of the instance you want to launch.") + }, + { + name: "USERDATA", + label: tr("User Data"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies Base64-encoded MIME user data to be made available to the instance(s) in this reservation.") + } + ], + softlayer: [ + { + name: "BLOCKDEVICETEMPLATE", + label: tr("Block Device Template"), + tooltip: tr("A global identifier for the template to be used to provision the computing instance") + }, + { + name: "BLOCKDEVICE", + label: tr("Block Device Size"), + tooltip: tr("Size of the block device size to be presented to the VM") + }, + { + name: "DATACENTER", + label: tr("Datacenter"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies which datacenter the instance is to be provisioned in") + }, + { + name: "DEDICATEDHOST", + label: tr("Dedicated Host"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies whether or not the instance must only run on hosts with instances from the same account") + }, + { + name: "DOMAIN", + label: tr("Domain"), + tooltip: tr("Domain for the computing instance") + }, + { + name: "HOSTNAME", + label: tr("Hostname"), + tooltip: tr("Hostname for the computing instance") + }, + { + name: "HOURLYBILLING", + label: tr("Hourly Billing"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the billing type for the instance . When true the computing instance will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis") + }, + { + name: "INSTANCE_TYPE", + label: tr("Instance Type"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the capacity of the VM in terms of CPU and memory. If both STARTCPUS and MAXMEMORY are used, then this parameter is disregarded") + }, + { + name: "LOCALDISK", + label: tr("Local Disk"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the placement group. When true the disks for the computing instance will be provisioned on the host which it runs, otherwise SAN disks will be provisioned") + }, + { + name: "MAXMEMORY", + label: tr("Max Memory"), + tooltip: tr("The amount of memory to allocate in megabytes") + }, + { + name: "NETWORKCOMPONENTSMAXSPEED", + label: tr("Network Components Max Speed"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components") + }, + { + name: "OPERATINGSYSTEM", + label: tr("Operating System"), + tooltip: tr("An identifier for the operating system to provision the computing instance with. A non exhaustive list of identifiers can be found here") + }, + { + name: "POSTSCRIPT", + label: tr("Postscript"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete") + }, + { + name: "PRIVATENETWORKONLY", + label: tr("Private Netwrok Only"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies whether or not the instance only has access to the private network (ie, if it is going to have a public IP interface or not)") + }, + { + name: "PRIMARYNETWORKVLAN", + label: tr("Primary Network VLAN"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the computing instance") + }, + { + name: "PRIMARYBACKENDNETWORKVLAN", + label: tr("Primary Backed Network VLAN"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the computing instance") + }, + { + name: "SSHKEYS", + label: tr("SSH Keys"), + tooltip: tr("SSH keys to install on the computing instance upon provisioning") + }, + { + name: "STARTCPUS", + label: tr("Start CPUs"), + tooltip: tr("The number of CPU cores to allocate to the VM") + }, + { + name: "USERDATA", + label: tr("User Data"), + tooltip: tr("Arbitrary data to be made available to the computing instance") + } + ], + azure: [ + { + name: "AVAILABILITY_SET", + label: tr("Availability Set"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the availability set to which this VM will belong") + }, + { + name: "CLOUD_SERVICE", + label: tr("Cloud Service"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the name of the cloud service where this VM will be linked. Defaults to 'OpennebulaDefaultCloudServiceName'") + }, + { + name: "IMAGE", + label: tr("Image"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the base OS of the VM.") + }, + { + name: "INSTANCE_TYPE", + label: tr("Instance Type"), + tooltip: tr("Specifies the capacity of the VM in terms of CPU and memory") + }, + { + name: "LOCATION", + label: tr("Location"), + tooltip: tr("Azure datacenter where the VM will be sent. See /etc/one/az_driver.conf for possible values (under region_name)") + }, + { + name: "SSHPORT", + label: tr("SSH Port"), + tooltip: tr("Port where the VMs ssh server will listen on") + }, + { + name: "STORAGE_ACCOUNT", + label: tr("Storage Account"), + tooltip: tr("Specify the storage account where this VM will belong") + }, + { + name: "SUBNET", + label: tr("Subnet"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the particular Subnet where this VM will be connected to") + }, + { + name: "TCP_ENDPOINTS", + label: tr("TCP Endpoints"), + tooltip: tr("Comma-separated list of TCP ports to be accesible from the public internet to this VM") + }, + { + name: "VIRTUAL_NETWORK_NAME", + label: tr("Virtual Network Name"), + tooltip: tr("Name of the virtual network to which this VM will be connected") + }, + { + name: "VM_USER", + label: tr("VM User"), + tooltip: tr("If the selected IMAGE is prepared for Azure provisioning, a username can be specified here to access the VM once booted") + }, + { + name: "VM_PASSWORD", + label: tr("VM Password"), + tooltip: tr("Password for VM_USER") + }, + { + name: "WIN_RM", + label: tr("Win RM"), + tooltip: tr("Comma-separated list of possible protocols to access this Windows VM") + } + ] +} + + var create_template_wizard_html = '