diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/clusters-tab.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/clusters-tab.js
index 5c2342bbe1..fe80b545d3 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/clusters-tab.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/clusters-tab.js
@@ -18,25 +18,6 @@
/* ------------ Cluster creation dialog ------------ */
-var datastore_datatable_table_tmpl='\
- \
- | \
- '+tr("ID")+' | \
- '+tr("Owner")+' | \
- '+tr("Group")+' | \
- '+tr("Name")+' | \
- '+tr("Capacity")+' | \
- '+tr("Cluster")+' | \
- '+tr("Basepath")+' | \
- '+tr("TM MAD")+' | \
- '+tr("DS MAD")+' | \
- '+tr("Type")+' | \
- \
@@ -66,25 +47,7 @@ var create_cluster_tmpl ='
- \
- \
' + datastore_datatable_table_tmpl + '
- '+tr("Please select one or more datastores from the list")+'\
- '+tr("You selected the following datastores:")+'\
+ '+generateDatastoreTableSelect("cluster_wizard_datastores")+'\
@@ -97,17 +60,9 @@ var create_cluster_tmpl ='
-// Common utils for datatatables
- // Holds the selected items
-selected_datastore_list = {};
-datastore_row_hash = {};
// Prepares the cluster creation dialog
function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
- reset_counters();
@@ -124,98 +79,12 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
setupHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts", opts);
setupVNetTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_vnets", opts);
- dataTable_cluster_datastores = $("#datatable_cluster_datastores", dialog).dataTable({
- "sDom" : '<"H">t<"F"p>',
- "oColVis": {
- "aiExclude": [ 0 ]
- },
- "bSortClasses" : false,
- "bDeferRender": true,
- "aoColumnDefs": [
- { "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [1] },
- { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0,7,8,9] }
- ]
- });
- $('#cluster_datastores_search', dialog).keyup(function(){
- dataTable_cluster_datastores.fnFilter( $(this).val() );
- })
- // ------- End of create the dialog datatables ------------
- $('#datatable_cluster_datastores tbody', dialog).delegate("tr", "click", function(e){
- if ($(e.target).is('input') ||
- $(e.target).is('select') ||
- $(e.target).is('option')) return true;
- var aData = dataTable_cluster_datastores.fnGetData(this);
- var ds_id = aData[1];
- var name = aData[4];
- if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_datastore_list)) {
- $('#cluster_datastores_selected', dialog).show();
- $('#select_cluster_datastores', dialog).hide();
- }
- if(!$("td:first", this).hasClass('markrowchecked'))
- {
- selected_datastore_list[ds_id]=1;
- datastore_row_hash[ds_id]=this;
- $(this).children().each(function(){$(this).addClass('markrowchecked');});
- $('div#selected_datastores_div', dialog).append('
'+name+' ');
- }
- else
- {
- delete selected_datastore_list[ds_id];
- $(this).children().each(function(){$(this).removeClass('markrowchecked');});
- $('div#selected_datastores_div span#tag_datastores_'+ds_id, dialog).remove();
- }
- if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_datastore_list)) {
- $('#cluster_datastores_selected', dialog).hide();
- $('#select_cluster_datastores', dialog).show();
- }
- return false;
- });
- // Add tag listeners
- $( "#cluster_create_tabs span.fa.fa-times",$create_cluster_dialog).die();
- $( "#cluster_create_tabs span.fa.fa-times" ).live( "click", function() {
- // Remove the tag
- $(this).parent().remove();
- // Unselect row
- var id = $(this).parent().attr("ID");
- if (id.match(/datastore/g))
- {
- var datastore_id=id.substring(15,id.length);
- delete selected_datastore_list[datastore_id];
- $("td:first", datastore_row_hash[datastore_id]).parent().children().each(function(){$(this).removeClass('markrowchecked');});
- if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_datastore_list)) {
- $('#cluster_datastores_selected', dialog).hide();
- $('#select_cluster_datastores', dialog).show();
- }
- }
- });
- $("#refresh_datastore_table_button_class", dialog).click( function(){
- Sunstone.runAction("ClusterDS.list");
- return false;
- }
- );
+ setupDatastoreTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_datastores", opts);
// Handle the Create button
if (!($('input#name',dialog).val().length)){
notifyError(tr("Cluster name missing!"));
return false;
@@ -235,12 +104,19 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
selected_vnets_list[e] = 1;
+ var selected_datastores_arr = retrieveDatastoreTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_datastores");
+ var selected_datastores_list = {};
+ $.each(selected_datastores_arr, function(i,e){
+ selected_datastores_list[e] = 1;
+ });
var cluster_json = {
"cluster": {
"name": $('#name',dialog).val(),
"hosts": selected_hosts_list,
"vnets": selected_vnets_list,
- "datastores": selected_datastore_list
+ "datastores": selected_datastores_list
@@ -250,14 +126,6 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
-function reset_counters(){
- selected_datastore_list = {};
- original_datastores_list = {};
- datastore_row_hash = {};
// Open creation dialogs
function popUpCreateClusterDialog(){
if (!$create_cluster_dialog || $create_cluster_dialog.html() == "") {
@@ -274,7 +142,7 @@ function popUpCreateClusterDialog(){
refreshHostTableSelect($create_cluster_dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts");
refreshVNetTableSelect($create_cluster_dialog, "cluster_wizard_vnets");
- Sunstone.runAction("ClusterDS.list");
+ refreshDatastoreTableSelect($create_cluster_dialog, "cluster_wizard_datastores");
$create_cluster_dialog.foundation().foundation('reveal', 'open');
@@ -376,32 +244,17 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
selectVNetTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_vnets", opts);
+ var original_datastores_list = [];
+ // Select datastores belonging to the cluster
if (ds_ids)
- dataTable_cluster_datastores.on('draw', function(){
- dataTable_cluster_datastores.unbind('draw');
- var rows = dataTable_cluster_datastores.fnGetNodes();
- // Select datastores belonging to the cluster
- for (var i = 0; i < ds_ids.length; i++)
- {
- for(var j=0;j
' +
- datastore_datatable_table_tmpl +
- '
+ '+generateDatastoreTableSelect("cluster_info_datastores")+'\
@@ -977,23 +776,22 @@ function updateClusterInfo(request,cluster){
// Datastores datatable
- dataTable_cluster_datastores_panel = $("#datatable_cluster_datastores_info_panel").dataTable({
- "sDom" : "<'H'>t<'row'<'large-6 columns'i><'large-6 columns'p>>",
- "oColVis": {
- "aiExclude": [ 0 ]
- },
- "bSortClasses" : false,
- "bDeferRender": true,
- "aoColumnDefs": [
- { "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [1] },
- { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0,7,8,9] }
- ]
- });
+ var datastore_ids = cluster_info.DATASTORES.ID;
- infoListener(dataTable_cluster_datastores_panel,'Datastore.show','datastores-tab');
+ if (typeof datastore_ids == 'string'){
+ datastore_ids = [datastore_ids];
+ } else if (datastore_ids == undefined){
+ datastore_ids = [];
+ }
- // initialize datatables values
- Sunstone.runAction("ClusterDSInfo.list");
+ var opts = {
+ read_only: true,
+ fixed_ids: datastore_ids
+ }
+ setupDatastoreTableSelect($("#cluster_info_panel"), "cluster_info_datastores", opts);
+ refreshDatastoreTableSelect($("#cluster_info_panel"), "cluster_info_datastores");
//This is executed after the sunstone.js ready() is run.
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
index 62dbb48c2b..0d0118d40f 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
@@ -5986,7 +5986,9 @@ function generateDatastoreTableSelect(context_id){
"name_index": 4,
"uname_index": 2,
"select_resource": tr("Please select a datastore from the list"),
- "you_selected": tr("You selected the following datastore:")
+ "you_selected": tr("You selected the following datastore:"),
+ "select_resource_multiple": tr("Please select one or more datastores from the list"),
+ "you_selected_multiple": tr("You selected the following datastores:")
return generateResourceTableSelect(context_id, columns, options);
@@ -5995,6 +5997,11 @@ function generateDatastoreTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
+// opts.multiple_choice: boolean true to enable multiple element selection
+// opts.read_only: boolean true so user is not asked to select elements
+// opts.fixed_ids: Array of IDs to show. Any other ID will be filtered out. If
+// an ID is not returned by the pool, it will be included as a
+// blank row
function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
if(opts == undefined){
@@ -6013,6 +6020,18 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
opts.bVisible = config;
+ if(opts.multiple_choice == undefined){
+ opts.multiple_choice = false;
+ }
+ var fixed_ids_map_orig = {};
+ if(opts.fixed_ids != undefined){
+ $.each(opts.fixed_ids,function(){
+ fixed_ids_map_orig[this] = true;
+ });
+ }
var options = {
"dataTable_options": {
@@ -6029,6 +6048,10 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
+ "multiple_choice": opts.multiple_choice,
+ "read_only": opts.read_only,
+ "fixed_ids": opts.fixed_ids,
"id_index": 1,
"name_index": 4,
"uname_index": 2,
@@ -6039,6 +6062,8 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
success: function (request, resource_list){
var list_array = [];
+ var fixed_ids_map = $.extend({}, fixed_ids_map_orig);
var add = true;
@@ -6046,11 +6071,31 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
add = opts.filter_fn(this.DATASTORE);
+ if(opts.fixed_ids != undefined){
+ add = (add && fixed_ids_map[this.DATASTORE.ID]);
+ }
+ delete fixed_ids_map[this.DATASTORE.ID];
+ var n_columns = 11; // SET FOR EACH RESOURCE
+ $.each(fixed_ids_map, function(id,v){
+ var empty = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<=n_columns; i++){
+ empty.push("");
+ }
+ empty[1] = id; // SET FOR EACH RESOURCE, id_index
+ list_array.push(empty);
+ });
updateView(list_array, datatable);
error: onError
@@ -6063,6 +6108,21 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
return setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options);
+// Clicks the refresh button
+function refreshDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id){
+ return refreshResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
+// Returns an ID, or an array of IDs for opts.multiple_choice
+function retrieveDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id){
+ return retrieveResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
+// Clears the current selection, and selects the given IDs
+// opts.ids must be a single ID, or an array of IDs for options.multiple_choice
+function selectDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
+ return selectResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, opts);
function generateImageTableSelect(context_id){