mirror of https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git synced 2025-03-16 22:50:10 +03:00

Feature #1268: Add language scripts and upgrade sunstone translations

This commit is contained in:
Hector Sanjuan 2012-05-21 14:40:42 +02:00
parent ae1497bcba
commit 498468ca39
24 changed files with 12916 additions and 13725 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
# a copy of the License at #
# #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
find ../public/js -name \*.js > file_list.txt
xgettext --from-code=utf-8 --no-wrap --keyword=tr -L python -f file_list.txt -p .
mv messages.po messages.pot
rm file_list.txt

src/sunstone/locale/json2po.rb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
# a copy of the License at #
# #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
if !ARGV[0] || ARGV[0].length == 0
puts "Usage ./json2po.rb <json dictionary> > new_file.po"
exit 1
js = File.read(ARGV[0])
parsed = JSON.parse(js)
puts <<EOF
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-18 11:43+0200\\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\\n"
"Language: #{File.basename(ARGV[0]).split('.')[0]}\\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"
parsed.each do | key, value |
puts "msgid \"#{key}\""
puts "msgstr \"#{value}\""
puts ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/sunstone/locale/po2json.rb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
# a copy of the License at #
# #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if !ARGV[0]
puts "Usage ./po2json.rb <file.po> > <output.js>"
exit 1
po_file = File.open(ARGV[0])
lang = File.basename(ARGV[0]).split('.')[0]
datatable_lang = lang.split("_")[0]
puts "lang=\"#{lang}\""
puts "datatable_lang=\"#{datatable_lang}_datatable.txt\""
puts "locale={"
msgid = nil
po_file.each do |line|
if msgid
msgstr = line.sub("msgstr ", "").chomp
puts " #{msgid}:#{msgstr},"
msgid = nil
if line.include?("msgid")
msgid = line.sub("msgid ", "").chomp
if msgid.length == 0
msgid = nil
puts "}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
languages="en_US fr_FR it_IT pt_PT ru"
for lang in $languages; do
echo "Upgrading $lang..."
./po2json.rb languages/$lang.po > ../public/locale/$lang/$lang.js

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) #
@ -17,15 +16,8 @@
# limitations under the License. #
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
tr_strings = `grep -h -o -R -e 'tr("[[:print:]]*")' ../js/* | cut -d'"' -f 2 | sort -u`
#msgmerge [option] def.po ref.pot
puts "//Translated by"
puts 'lang="en_US"'
puts 'datatable_lang=""'
puts "locale={"
tr_strings.each_line do | line |
puts " \"#{line.chomp}\":\"\","
puts "};"
for lang in $(ls languages/*); do
msgmerge --backup=off --update $lang messages.pot

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
{ "802.1Q":"802.1Q",
"Accept (default)":"Accept&eacute; (d&eacute;faut)",
"ACL Rules":"Permissions",
"ACL String preview":"Pr&eacute;visualisation (ACL strring)",
"Add context variables":"Ajouter des variables de contexte",
"Add custom variables":"Ajouter des variables personnalis&eacute;es",
"Add disk/image":"Ajouter des disque/image",
"Add disks/images":"Ajouter des disques/images",
"Add Graphics":"Configurer l'interface graphique",
"Add Hypervisor raw options":"Ajouter des options sp&eacute;cifiques &agrave; l'hyperviseur",
"Add inputs":"Ajouter des p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques de saisie",
"Add lease":"Ajouter un bail"
"Add network":"Ajouter un r&eacute;seau",
"Add placement options":"Ajouter des options de localisation",
"Advanced mode":"Mode avanc&eacute;",
"Affected resources":"Ressources affect&eacute;es",
"Allowed operations":"Op&eacute;rations permises",
"Amount of RAM required for the VM, in Megabytes.":"M&eacute;moire requise pour la VM, en m&eacute;ga-octets",
"Applies to":"S'applique &agrave;",
"are mandatory":"sont obligatoires",
"Arguments for the booting kernel":"Directives pour le noyau",
"Authentication driver":"Pilote d'authentification",
"Base path":"Racine",
"Boolean expression that rules out provisioning hosts from list of machines suitable to run this VM":"Expression bool&eacute;enne r&eacute;gissant le choix des serveurs h&ocirc;tes &agrave; utiliser pour l'ex&eacute;cution de la VM",
"Boot device type":"Type de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique d'amor&ccedil;age",
"Boot method":"M&eacute;thode d'amorce",
"Boot/OS options":"Options syst&egrave;me et d&quot;amor&ccedil;age",
"Cannot contact server: is it running and reachable?":"Impossible de contacter le serveur. V&eacute;rifier qu'il fonctionne et qu'il est joignable.",
"Canvas not supported.":"Canvas non support&eacute;",
"Capacity options":"Caract&eacute;ristiques de base",
"Change authentication":"Changer le mode d'authentification",
"Change group":"Changer le groupe",
"Change owner":"Changer de propri&eacute;taire",
"Change password":"Changer le mot de passe",
"Change password successful":"Nouveau mot de passe d&eacute;fini avec succ&egrave;s",
"Changing language":"Changement de la langue",
"Clone this image":"Cloner cette image",
"Cluster information":"Information cluster",
"Cluster name missing!":"Nom de cluster manquant",
"Confirmation of action":"Confirmation d'action",
"Context variable name and value must be filled in":"Les nom et valeur de la variable de contexte doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s",
"CPU architecture to virtualization":"Architecture CPU souhait&eacute;e",
"CPU Monitoring information":"M&eacute;triques CPU",
"CPU Use":"Utilisation CPU",
"Create ACL":"Cr&eacute;er une permission",
"Create an empty datablock":"Cr&eacute;er un datablock vide",
"Create cluster":"Cr&eacute;er un cluster",
"Create Datastore":"Cr&eacute;er un espace de stockage",
"Create group":"Cr&eacute;er un groupe",
"Create host":"Cr&eacute;er un h&ocirc;te",
"Create Image":"Cr&eacute;er une image",
"Create new":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau",
"Create new ACL":"Cr&eacute;er une nouvelle Permission",
"Create new Cluster":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau Cluster",
"Create new datastore":"Cr&eacute;er un nouvel espace de stockage",
"Create new Datastore":"Cr&eacute;er un nouvel Espace de Stockage",
"Create new Group":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau Groupe",
"Create new host":"Cr&eacute;er un nouvel h&ocirc;te",
"Create new Host":"Cr&eacute;er un nouvel H&ocirc;te",
"Create new Image":"Cr&eacute;er une nouvelle Image",
"Create new User":"Cr&eacute;er un nouvel Utilisateur",
"Create new Virtual Machine":"Cr&eacute;er une nouvelle VM",
"Create new virtual network":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau r&eacute;seau virtuel",
"Create new Virtual Network":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau R&eacute;seau Virtuel",
"Create new VM Template":"Cr&eacute;er un nouveau Mod&egrave;le de VM",
"Create user":"Cr&eacute;er un utilisateur",
"Create Virtual Machine":"Cr&eacute;er une machine virtuelle",
"Create Virtual Network":"Cr&eacute;er un r&eacute;seau virtuel",
"Create VM Template":"Cr&eacute;er un mod&egrave;le de VM",
"Current disks":"Disque existant",
"Current inputs":"P&eacute;riph&eacute;riques actuels",
"Current leases":"Baux actuels",
"Current NICs":"Interfaces actuelles",
"Current number of datastores in this cluster":"Nombre d'espaces de stockage d&eacute;finis dans ce cluster",
"Current number of hosts in this cluster":"Nombre de serveurs membres dans le cluster",
"Current number of virtual networks in this cluster":"Nombre de r&eacute;seaux virtuels dans ce cluster",
"Current variables":"Variables actuelles",
"Custom attribute name and value must be filled in":"Les nom et valeur de l'attribut sp&eacute;cifique doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s",
"Custom attributes":"Attributs sp&eacute;cifiques",
"Custom variable name and value must be filled in":"Les nom et valeur de la variable sp&eacute;cifique doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s",
"Custom variables":"Variable sp&eacute;cifique",
"Dashboard":"Tableau de bord",
"Datastore":"Espace de stockage",
"Datastore information":"Informations sur l'espace de stockage",
"Datastore manager":"Gestion d'espace",
"Datastores":"Espaces de stockage",
"Datastore template":"Mod&egrave;le d'espace de stockage",
"Datastore Template":"Mod&egrave;le d'Espace de Stockage",
"Datastore updated correctly":"Mise &agrave; jour de l'espace de stockage r&eacute;ussie",
"Default (current image type)":"D&eacute;faut (type de l'image)",
"Default (dummy)":"D&eacute;faut (dummy)",
"Default (none)":"D&eacute;faut (aucun)",
"Defaults to template name when emtpy":"Utilise par d&eacute;faut le nom du mod&egrave;le lorsque la case est laiss&eacute;e vide",
"Define a subnet by IP range":"D&eacute;finir une plage de sous-r&eacute;seau IP",
"Delete host":"Supprimer l'h&ocirc;te",
"Deploy ID":"ID d&eacute;ploiement",
"Deploy # VMs":"D&eacute;ployer # VMs",
"Device prefix":"Pr&eacute;fix du p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique",
"Device to be mounted as root":"P&eacute;riph&eacute;rique racine",
"Device to map image disk. If set, it will overwrite the default device mapping":"P&eacute;riph&eacute;rique auquel relier l'image. Surcharge la valeur par d&eacute;faut lorsque d&eacute;finie",
"Disallow access to the VM through the specified ports in the TCP protocol":"D&eacute;sactiver l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; la VM par les ports TCP sp&eacute;cifi&eacute;s",
"Disallow access to the VM through the specified ports in the UDP protocol":"D&eacute;sactiver l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; la VM par les ports UDP sp&eacute;cifi&eacute;s",
"Disk file location path or URL":"Chemin ou URL d'acc&egrave;s au disque",
"disk id":"id disque",
"Disk type":"Type de disque",
"Do you want to proceed?":"Voulez-vous continuer?",
"Driver default":"D&eacute;faut (pilote)",
"DS Mad":"DS Mad",
"Fields marked with":"Les champs marqu&eacute;s avec",
"Filesystem":"Syst&egrave;me de fichiers",
"Filesystem type":"Type de FS",
"Filesystem type for the fs images":"Type de FS pour le FS images",
"Fill in a new password":"Saisir un nouveau mot de passe",
"Fixed network":"R&eacute;seau fixe",
"Fold / Unfold all sections":"Rouler / D&eacute;rouler toutes les sections",
"FS type":"Type de FS",
"Graphics type":"Type de console",
"Group ":"Groupe ",
"Group name":"Nom de groupe",
"Hardware that will emulate this network interface. With Xen this is the type attribute of the vif.":"Mat&eacute;riel &eacute;mul&eacute; par l'interface. Correspond &agrave; l'attribut type de la 'vif'",
"Historical monitoring information":"Historique de consommation de ressources",
"History information":"Historique",
"Hold lease":"Maintenir le bail",
"Host information":"Information d'h&ocirc;te",
"Hostname":"Nom d'h&ocirc;te",
"Host name missing!":"Nom manquant",
"Host parameters":"Param&egrave,tres d'h&ocirc;te",
"Hosts CPU":"Serveurs h&ocirc;tes - CPU",
"Host shares":"Ressources du serveur h&ocirc;te",
"Hosts memory":"Serveurs h&ocirc;tes - M&eacute;moire",
"Hosts (total/active)":"H&ocirc;tes (total/actifs)",
"Host template":"Mod&egrave;le d'h&ocirc;te",
"Human readable description of the image for other users.":"Description du contenu de l'image, &agrave; destination des autres utilisateurs.",
"HW address associated with the network interface":"Adresse mat&eacute;rielle associ&eacute;e avec l'interface r&eacute;seau",
"ICMP policy":"Politique ICMP",
"Image information":"Information sur l'image",
"Image location":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s",
"Image name":"Nom de l'image",
"Image template":"Mod&egrave;le d'image",
"Image updated correctly":"Image t&eacute;l&eacute;vers&eacute;e avec succ&egrave;s",
"Information Manager":"Gestionnaire d'informations",
"Infrastructure resources":"Ressources d'infrastructure",
"IP End":"IP fin",
"IP Start":"IP d&eacute;but",
"IP to listen on":"IP &agrave; &eacute;couter",
"Kernel commands":"Commandes noyau",
"Keyboard configuration locale to use in the VNC display":"Param&egrave;tres r&eacute;gionaux clavier pour l'affichage VNC",
"Keymap":"Code clavier",
"LCM State":"&Eacute;tat LCM",
"Lease IP":"Bail (IP)",
"Lease MAC (opt):":"Bail (MAC - opt.)",
"Lease management":"Gestion des baux",
"Leases information":"Informations sur les baux",
"Listen IP":"IP d'&eacute;coute",
"Live migrate":"'Live migrate'",
"Loading new language... please wait":"Chargement de la nouvelle image... patientez svp",
"Make non persistent":"Rendre non persistant",
"Make persistent":"Rendre persistant",
"Manage cluster datastores":"G&eacute;rer les espaces de stockage du cluster",
"Manage cluster hosts":"G&eacute;rer les h&ocirc;tes du cluster",
"Manage cluster virtual networks":"G&eacute;rer les r&eacute;seaux virtuels du cluster",
"Manage unclustered datastores":"G&eacute;rer les espaces de stockage non clusteris&eacute;s",
"Manage unclustered hosts":"G&eacute;rer les h&ocirc;tes non clusteris&eacute;s",
"Manage unclustered virtual networks":"G&eacute;rer les espaces de stockage non clusteris&eacute;s",
"Max Mem":"M&eacute;moire max",
"Memory monitoring information":"M&eacute;triques m&eacute;moire",
"Memory use":"M&eacute;moire utilis&eacute;e",
"Monitoring information":"M&eacute;trologie",
"Mount image as read-only":"Monter l'image en lecture seule",
"Name for the context variable":"Nom de la variable de contexte",
"Name for the custom variable":"Nom de la variable de personnalis&eacute;e",
"Name for the tun device created for the VM":"Nom du p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique 'tun' &agrave; cr&eacute;er pour la VM",
"Name of a shell script to be executed after creating the tun device for the VM":"Nom du script shell &agrave; ex&eacute;cuter suite &agrave; la cr&eacute;ation du p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique 'tun' de la VM",
"Name of the bridge the network device is going to be attached to":"Nom du pont r&eacute;seau auquel le p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique r&eacute;seau sera connect&eacute;",
"Name of the image to use":"Nom de l'image &agrave; utiliser",
"Name of the network to attach this device":"Nom du r&eacute;seau auquel connecter le p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique",
"Name that the Image will get. Every image must have a unique name.":"Nom de l'image. Chaque nom d'image doit &ecirc;tre unique.",
"Name that the VM will get for description purposes. If NAME is not supplied a name generated by one will be in the form of one-&lt;VID&gt;.":"Nom de la VM en guise de description. Si le nom n'est pas fourni, un nom sera automatiquement g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute; par 'one' sous la forme one-&lt;VID&gt;.",
"Network Address":"Adresse r&eacute;seau",
"Network is unreachable: is OpenNebula running?":"R&eacute;seau injoignable: est-ce qu'OpenNebula est en marche?",
"Network mask":"Masque r&eacute;seau",
"Network Mask":"Masque de r&eacute;seau",
"Network mode":"Gestion de r&eacute;seau",
"Network reception":"R&eacute;seau - r&eacute;ception",
"Network transmission":"R&eacute;seau - transmission",
"Network type":"Type de r&eacute;seau",
"+ New":"+ Nouveau",
"+ New Group":"+ Nouveau",
"New password":"Nouveau mot de passe",
"No datastores in this cluster":"Pas d'espace de stockage dans le cluster",
"No disk id or image name specified":"Pas d'identifiant d'image sp&eacute;cifi&eacute; (id ou nom)",
"No disks defined":"Aucun disque d&eacute;fini",
"No hosts in this cluster":"Aucun h&ocirc;te dans ce cluster",
"No leases to show":"Aucun bail &agrave; afficher",
"No virtual networks in this cluster":"Aucun r&eacute;seau virtuel dans ce cluster",
"Number of virtual cpus. This value is optional, the default hypervisor behavior is used, usually one virtual CPU.":"Nombre de processeurs virtuels. Valeur optionnelle. Lorsque non sp&eacute;cifi&eacute;e, la valeur par d&eacute;faut de l'hyperviseur est utilis&eacute;e (g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement 1)",
"Open VNC Session":"Ouvrir une session VNC",
"Open vSwitch":"Open vSwitch",
"Optional, please select":"Optionnel, choisir...",
"OS and Boot options":"OS et option d'amorce",
"Owned by group":"Appartenant &agrave; un groupe",
"Password":"Mot de passe",
"Password for the VNC server":"Mot de passe pour le serveur VNC",
"Path":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s",
"Path to the bootloader executable":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s du lanceur",
"Path to the initrd image":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s &agrave; l'image initrd",
"Path to the original file that will be copied to the image repository. If not specified for a DATABLOCK type image, an empty image will be created.":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s au fichier d'origine &agrave; copier vers la librairie d'images. Un fichier vide sera cr&eacute;&eacute; si aucun chemin n'est sp&eacute;cifi&eacute; pour une image de type DATABLOCK.",
"Path to the OS kernel to boot the image":"Chemin d'acc&egrave;s &agrave; l'image du noyau",
"Percentage of CPU divided by 100 required for the Virtual Machine. Half a processor is written 0.5.":"Pourcentage CPU divis&eacute; par 100 demand&eacute; pour la Machine Virtuelle. Pour la moiti&eacute; d'un core, inscrire 0.5.",
"Permits access to the VM only through the specified ports in the TCP protocol":"Permets l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; la VM seulement pour les ports sp&eacute;fici&eacute;s - Protocole TCP",
"Permits access to the VM only through the specified ports in the UDP protocol":"Permets l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; la VM seulement pour les ports sp&eacute;fici&eacute;s - Protocole UDP",
"Persistence of the image":"L'image est-elle persistante ou non?",
"Physical address extension mode allows 32-bit guests to address more than 4 GB of memory":"Mode d'extension physique, permet aux VM 32-bit d'acc&eacute;der &agrave; plus de 4 Go de m&eacute;moire",
"Physical device":"P&eacute;riph&eacute;rique",
"Please choose":"S&eacute;lectionner",
"Please, choose and modify the datastore you want to update":"Choisir et modifier l'espace de stockage &agrave; mettre &agrave; jour",
"Please, choose and modify the image you want to update":"Choisir et modifier l'image &agrave; mettre &agrave; jour",
"Please, choose and modify the template you want to update":"Choisir et modifier le mod&egrave;le &agrave; mettre &agrave; jour",
"Please, choose and modify the virtual machine you want to update":"Choisir et modifier la machine virtuelle &agrave; mettre &agrave; jour",
"Please, choose and modify the virtual network you want to update":"Choisir et modifier le r&eacute;seau virtuel &agrave; mettre &agrave; jour",
"Please choose path if you have a file-based image. Choose source otherwise or create an empty datablock disk.":"Choisir le chemin d'acc&egrave;s pour une image bas&eacute;e sur un fichier. Choisir la source ou encore cr&eacute;er un 'datablock' vide.",
"Please choose the new type of authentication for the selected users":"Choisir le nouveau mode d'authentification pour les utilisateurs s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s",
"Please provide a lease IP":"Saisir l'IP pour le bail",
"Please provide a resource ID for the resource(s) in this rule":"Saisir l'ID de ressource de cette r&grave;gle",
"Please select":"S&eacute;lectionner",
"Please select a datastore for this image":"Choisir l'espace de stockage pour cette image",
"Please select at least one resource":"S&eacute;lectionner au moins une ressource",
"Please specify to who this ACL applies":"Sp&eacute;cifier &agrave; qui appliquer cette ACL",
"Port blacklist":"Port - liste noire",
"Port for the VNC server":"Port pour le serveur VNC",
"Port whitelist":"Port - liste blanche",
"Prefix for the emulated device this image will be mounted at. For instance, “hd”, “sd”. If omitted, the default value is the one defined in oned.conf (installation default is “hd”).":"Pr&eacufixte; utilis&eacute pour monter l'image.Par exemple 'hd' ou 'sd'. La valeur par d&eacute;faut est 'hd'.",
"Previous action":"Action pr&eacute;c&eacute;dante",
"Prolog time":"Prolog time",
"Provide a path":"Indiquer un chemin d'acc&egrave;s",
"Provide a source":"Indiquer un fichier source",
"Quickstart":"D&eacute;marage rapide",
"Ranged network":"Plage r&eacute;seau",
"Raw data to be passed directly to the hypervisor":"Directives &agrave; passer directement &agrave; l'hyperviseur",
"Read only":"Lecture seule",
"Refresh list":"Actualiser la liste",
"Register time":"Heure d'enregistrement",
"Registration time":"Heure d'enregistrement",
"Remove selected":"Supprimer...",
"Request an specific IP from the Network":"Utiliser une adresse IP pr&eacute;d&eacute;termin&eacute;e",
"Resource ID":"ID Ressource",
"Resource ID / Owned by":"ID Ressource / Propri&eacute;taire",
"Resource subset":"Sous-r&eacute;seau cible",
"running":"en fonctionnement",
"Running VMs":"#VM d&eacute;marr&eacute;es",
"Running #VMS":"#VM d&eacute;marr&eacute;es",
"Save as":"Enregistrer sous",
"Saveas for VM with ID":"Enregistrer la VM ayant l'ID sous",
"Save this image after shutting down the VM":"Sauvegarder l'image de la VM apr&egrave;s extinction",
"Secure websockets connection":"Utilisation des websockets s&eacute;curis&eacute;es",
"Select a datastore":"Choisir un espace de stockage",
"Select a network":"Choisir un r&eacute;seau",
"Select an image":"Choisir une image",
"Select a template":"Choisir un mod&egrave;le",
"Select a VM":"Choisir une VM",
"Select boot method":"Choisir le mode d'amor&ccedil;age",
"Select cluster":"D&eacute;finir le cluster",
"Select disk":"Choisir un disque",
"Select template":"Choisir du mod&egrave;le",
"Select the datastore for this image":"Choisir l'espace de stockage pour cette image:",
"Select the destination cluster:":"Choisir le cluster de destination:",
"Select the new group":"Choisir un nouveau groupe",
"Select the new owner":"Choisir un nouveau propri&eacute;taire",
"Server (Cipher)":"Serveur (Cipher)",
"Server (x509)":"Serveur (x509)",
"Setup Networks":"Configurer les connexions r&eacute;seaux",
"Sign out":"D&eacute;connection",
"Size in MB":"Taille en Mo",
"Size (Mb)":"Taille (Mb)",
"Size of the datablock in MB.":"Taille du datablock en Mo",
"Skipping VM ":"VM ignor&eacute;e",
"Source to be used in the DISK attribute. Useful for not file-based images.":"Fichier source &agrave; utiliser pour l'attribut DISK.",
"Specific ID":"Identifiant sp&eacute;cifique",
"Specific image mapping driver. KVM: raw, qcow2. XEN: tap:aio, file:":"Pilote de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique sp&eacute;cifique &agrave; utiliser. KVM: raw, qcow2. XEN:tap:aio:, file:.",
"Specific image mapping driver. KVM: raw, qcow2. Xen:tap:aio:, file:. VMware unsupported":"Pilote de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique sp&eacute;cifique &agrave; utiliser. KVM: raw, qcow2. XEN:tap:aio:, file:. VMware non support&eacute;",
"Start time":"D&eacute;marrage",
"Start Time":"D&eacute;marrage",
"State change time":"Heure de changement de statut",
"Summary of infrastructure resources":"Synth&egrave;se des ressources d'infrastructure",
"Summary of resources":"Synth&egrave;se des ressources",
"Summary of system resources":"Synth&egrave;se des ressources syst&egrave;mes",
"Summary of virtual resources":"Synth&egrave;se des ressources virtuelles",
"Sunstone UI Configuration":"Configuration de l'interface utilisateur Sunstone",
"Suspend":"Mise en veille",
"System Resources":"Ressources syst&egrave;me",
"System resources management is only accesible to users of the oneadmin group. It comprises the operations regarding OpenNebula groups, users and ACLs.":"La gestion des ressources syst&egrave;me est accessible uniquement aux utilisateurs membres du groupe oneadmin et permet la gestion des utilisateurs, groupes et permissions OpenNebula.",
"Tcp black ports":"Port TCP - liste noire",
"Tcp firewall mode":"Mode firecall TCP",
"Tcp white ports":"Port TCP - liste blanche",
"Template information":"Information sur le mod&egrave;le",
"Templates":"Mod&egrave;les de VM",
"Template updated correctly":"Mise &agrave; du mod&egrave;le r&eacute;ussie",
"The Infrastructure menu allows management of Hosts, Datastores, Virtual Networks. Users in the oneadmin group can manage clusters as well.":"Le menu Infrastructure permet la gestion des serveurs H&ocirc;tes, des Espaces de Stockage et des R&eacute;seaux Virtuels. Les utilisateurs membres du groupe oneadmin peuvent de plus g&eacute;rer les clusters.",
"There are mandatory fields missing in the capacity section":"Des champs obligatoires ne sont pas remplis dans la section capacit&eacute;",
"There are mandatory fields missing in the OS Boot options section":"Des champs obligatoires ne sont pas remplis dans la section d'amorce;",
"There are mandatory parameters missing":"Des champs obligatoires ne sont pas remplis",
"There are mandatory parameters missing in this section":"Des champs obligatoires ne sont pas remplis dans cette section",
"There are missing network parameters":"Des param&egrave;tres r&eacute;seaux sont manquants",
"The Virtual Resources menu allows management of Virtual Machine Templates, Instances and Images.":"Le menu Ressources Virtuelles permet la gestion des Mod&egrave;les, des Instances et des Images de machines virtuelles.",
"This field sets which attribute will be used to sort the suitable hosts for this VM. Basically, it defines which hosts are more suitable than others":"Attribut permettant &agrave; l'ordonnanceur de choisir le serveur h&ocirc;te le plus appropri&eacute;",
"This rule applies to":"R&egrave;gle s'appliquant &agrave;",
"This will cancel selected VMs":"Ceci cancellera les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es",
"This will change the main group of the selected users. Select the new group":"Ceci changera le groupe principal des utilisateurs s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s. Choisir le nouveau groupe",
"This will change the password for the selected users":"Ceci changera le mot de passe des utilisateurs s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s",
"This will delete the selected VMs from the database":"Ceci effacera les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es de la base de donn&eacute;es",
"This will deploy the selected VMs on the chosen host":"Ceci d&eacute;ploiera les VMs s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es sur les h&ocirc;tes choisis",
"This will hold selected pending VMs from being deployed":"Ceci retardera les VM en attente de d&eacute;ploiement",
"This will initiate the shutdown process in the selected VMs":"Ceci initiera le processus de mise hors tension des VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es",
"This will live-migrate the selected VMs to the chosen host":"Ceci d&eacute;placera les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es vers l'h&ocirc;te choisi ('live-migrate')",
"This will migrate the selected VMs to the chosen host":"Ceci d&eacute;placera les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es vers l'h&ocirc;te choisi (&agrave; froid)",
"This will redeploy selected VMs (in UNKNOWN or BOOT state)":"Ceci red&eacute;ploiera les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es (en &eacute;tat UNKNOWN ou BOOT)",
"This will release held machines":"Ceci lib&eacute;rera les VM en attente",
"This will resubmits VMs to PENDING state":"Ceci resoumettra les VM en &eacute;tat PENDING",
"This will resume selected stopped or suspended VMs":"Ceci reprendra les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es (en &eacute;tat STOPPED ou SUSPENDED",
"This will send a reboot action to running VMs":"Ceci transmettra un signal de red&eacute;marrage aux VM d&eacute;marr&eacute;es",
"This will suspend selected machines":"Ceci susprendra les VM s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es",
"TM Mad":"TM Mad",
"Total Leases":"Baux totaux",
"Total time":"Temps total",
"Total VM count":"VM - Nombre total",
"Total VM CPU":"Total VM CPU",
"Total VM Memory":"Total VM Memory",
"Transfer manager":"Gestion de tranferts",
"Transfer Manager":"Gestion de Tranferts",
"Type of disk device to emulate.":"Type de disque &agrave; &eacute;muler",
"Type of disk device to emulate: ide, scsi":"Type de disque &agrave; &eacute;muler: ide, scsi",
"Type of file system to be built. This can be any value understood by mkfs unix command.":"Type de syst&egrave;me de fichiers &agrave; cr&eacute;er. Toutes options reconnues par la commande unix 'mkfs'.",
"Type of the image, explained in detail in the following section. If omitted, the default value is the one defined in oned.conf (install default is OS).":"Type d'image tel que d&eacute;crit dans la section suivante. Si laiss&eacute;e vide, la valeur sera celle d&eacute;finie dans le fichier oned.conf (d&eacute;faut: OS).",
"Udp black ports":"Ports UDP - Liste noire",
"Udp firewall mode":"Mode firewall UDP",
"Udp white ports":"Ports UDP - Liste blanche",
"Unauthorized":"Non autoris&eacute;",
"Update":"Mettre &agrave; jour",
"Update a template":"Mettre &agrave; jour le mod&egrave;le",
"Update Datastore properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour l'espace de stockage",
"Update image properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s de l'image",
"Update network properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s r&eacute;seau",
"Update properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s",
"Update template":"Mettre &agrave; jour le mod&egrave;le",
"Update template properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s du mod&egrave;le",
"Update VM properties":"Mettre &agrave; jour les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s de la VM",
"Upload file":"Fichier &agrave; t&eacute;l&eacute;verser",
"Used by VM":"Utilis&eacute; par VM",
"Used CPU":"CPU utilis&eacute;",
"Used CPU (allocated)":"CPU utilis&eacute; (allou&eacute;)",
"Used CPU (real)":"CPU utilis&eacute; (r&eacute;el)",
"Used Mem (allocated)":"M&eacute;moire utilis&eacute;e (allou&eacute;e)",
"Used Memory":"M&eacute;moire utilis&eacute;e",
"Used Mem (real)":"M&eacute;moire utilis&eacute;e (r&eacute;elle)",
"Useful for power management, for example, normally required for graceful shutdown to work":"Utile pour la gestion de l'alimentation &eacute;lectrique. G&eacute;n&eacute;ralement requis pour la gestion de l'arr&ecirc;t 'propre' de l'OS",
"User information":"Informations utilisateur",
"Username":"Nom d'utilisateur",
"User name and password must be filled in":"Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe doivent &ecirc;tre fournis",
"Users & Groups subsystem":"Sous-syst&egrave;me Utilisateurs & Groupes",
"User template":"Mod&egrave; utilisateur",
"Value of the context variable":"Valeur de la variable de contexte",
"Value of the custom variable":"Valeur de la variable personnalis&eacute;e",
"Virtio (KVM)":"Virtio (KVM)",
"Virtualization Manager":"Gestionnaire de virtualisation",
"Virtual Machine information":"Informations sur la machine virtuelle",
"Virtual Machines":"Machines virtuelles",
"Virtual Network":"R&eacute;seau virtuel",
"Virtual network information":"Informations sur le r&eacute;seau virtuel",
"Virtual Network information":"Informations sur le r&eacute;seau virtuel",
"Virtual Network name missing!":"Nom du r&eacute;seau virtuel manquant",
"Virtual Networks":"R&eacute;seaux virtuels",
"Virtual Network Manager":"Gestionnaire de r&eacute;seaux virtuels",
"Virtual Network template (attributes)":"Mod&egrave;le de r&eacute;seau virtuel (attributs)",
"Virtual Resources":"Ressources virtuelles",
"VM information":"Informations g&eacute;n&eacute;rales",
"VM Instance":"Instance de VM",
"VM Instances":"Instances de VM",
"VM log":"Journal",
"VM Name":"Nom de la VM",
"VM Network stats":"VM - Statistiques r&eacute;seau",
"VM Save As":"Enregistrer la VM sous",
"VM template":"Mod&egrave;le de VM utilis&eacute;",
"VM Template":"Mod&egrave;le de VM",
"VM Templates":"Mod&egrave;les de VM",
"VNC Access":"Console VNC",
"VNC connection":"Connexion VNC",
"VNC Disabled":"VNC d&eacute;sactiv&eacute;",
"VNC Session":"Session VNC",
"Wizard KVM":"Assistant KVM",
"Wizard VMware":"Assistant VMware",
"Wizard XEN":"Assistant XEN",
"Write the image template here":"Saisir les caract&eacute;ristiques de l'image dans la case ci-dessous",
"Write the Virtual Machine template here":"Saisir les caract&eacute;ristiques du mod&egrave;le de VM dans la case ci-dessous",
"Write the Virtual Network template here":"Saisir les caract&eacute;ristiques du mod&egrave;le de r&eacute;seau dans la case ci-dessous",
"Xen templates must specify a boot method":"Les mod&egrave;les XEN doivent sp&eacute;cifier la m&eacute;thode d'amor&ccedil;age.",
"You can find further information on the following links:":"Veuillez vous r&eacute;f&eacute;rer aux pages suivantes pour plus d'informations :",
"You can use the wildcard %i. When creating several VMs, %i will be replaced with a different number starting from 0 in each of them":"Le param&egrave;tre g&eacute;n&eacute;rique '%i' peut &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute; dans le nom de la VM. Celui-ci sera remplac&eacute; par un chiffre de 0 &agrave; N",
"You have not selected a template":"Vous n'avez pas s&eacute;lectionn&eacute; de mod&egrave;le",
"You have to confirm this action.":"Il vous faut confirmer cette action",
"You need to select something.":"Vous devez choisir une option",

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
languages="en_US it_IT"
find ../public/js -name *.js > file_list.txt
xgettext --from-code=utf-8 --keyword=tr -L python -f file_list.txt -p .
for lang in $languages; do
#msgmerge $lang messages.pot #sin probar
msginit -l $lang -o $lang.po

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
js = File.read(ARGV[0])
parsed = JSON.parse(js)
puts parsed

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) */
/* */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */
/* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */
/* a copy of the License at */
/* */
/* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */
/* */
/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
/* limitations under the License. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!arguments[0] || !arguments[1]){
print("Usage: upgrade_translation.js <old_translation> <empty_template> > <new_translation>");
var from = arguments[0];
var to = arguments[1];
var tr="";
var locale_old= {};
for (tr in locale){
locale_old[tr] = locale[tr];
var lang_old = lang;
var dt_lang_old = datatable_lang
for (tr in locale){
if (locale_old[tr]){
locale[tr] = locale_old[tr]
print("//Translated by");
for (tr in locale){
print(' "'+tr+'":"'+locale[tr]+'",');