mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 18:50:08 +03:00
Feature #507: Comments, code cleaning and small fixes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ var host_actions = {
type: "create",
call : OpenNebula.Cluster.create,
callback : function(){
//OpenNebula.Cluster.list({success: updateClustersView, error: onError});
error : onError
@ -336,39 +335,44 @@ Sunstone.addMainTab('hosts_tab',hosts_tab);
//Creates an array to be added to the dataTable from the JSON of a host.
function hostElementArray(host_json){
host = host_json.HOST;
acpu = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_CPU);
var host = host_json.HOST;
//Calculate some values
var acpu = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_CPU);
if (!acpu) {acpu=100};
acpu = acpu - parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.CPU_USAGE);
total_mem = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_MEM);
free_mem = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.FREE_MEM);
var total_mem = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_MEM);
var free_mem = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.FREE_MEM);
if (total_mem == 0) {
ratio_mem = 0;
} else {
var ratio_mem = 0;
if (total_mem) {
ratio_mem = Math.round(((total_mem - free_mem) / total_mem) * 100);
total_cpu = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_CPU);
used_cpu = Math.max(total_cpu - parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.USED_CPU),acpu);
var total_cpu = parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.MAX_CPU);
var used_cpu = Math.max(total_cpu - parseInt(host.HOST_SHARE.USED_CPU),acpu);
if (total_cpu == 0) {
ratio_cpu = 0;
} else {
var ratio_cpu = 0;
if (total_cpu){
ratio_cpu = Math.round(((total_cpu - used_cpu) / total_cpu) * 100);
pb_mem =
//progressbars html code - hardcoded jquery html result
var pb_mem =
'<div style="height:10px" class="ratiobar ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="'+ratio_mem+'">\
<div class="ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" style="width: '+ratio_mem+'%;"/>\
<span style="position:relative;left:45px;top:-4px;font-size:0.6em">'+ratio_mem+'%</span>\
pb_cpu =
var pb_cpu =
'<div style="height:10px" class="ratiobar ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="'+ratio_cpu+'">\
<div class="ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" style="width: '+ratio_cpu+'%;"/>\
<span style="position:relative;left:45px;top:-4px;font-size:0.6em">'+ratio_cpu+'%</span>\
@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ function hostElementArray(host_json){
//Listen to clicks on the tds of the tables and shows the info dialogs.
function hostInfoListener(){
$('#tbodyhosts tr').live("click",function(e){
@ -395,14 +399,14 @@ function hostInfoListener(){
if ($(e.target).is('input')) {return true;}
aData = dataTable_hosts.fnGetData(this);
id = $(aData[0]).val();
var aData = dataTable_hosts.fnGetData(this);
var id = $(aData[0]).val();
//OpenNebula.Host.show({data:{id:id},success: updateHostInfo,error: onError});
return false;
//updates the host select by refreshing the options in it
function updateHostSelect(host_list){
//update select helper
@ -412,11 +416,9 @@ function updateHostSelect(host_list){
hosts_select += "<option value=\""+this.HOST.ID+"\">"+this.HOST.NAME+"</option>";
//update static selectors
//updates the cluster select by refreshing the options in it
function updateClusterSelect(cluster_list){
//update select helper
@ -425,31 +427,32 @@ function updateClusterSelect(cluster_list){
$.each(cluster_list, function(){
clusters_select += "<option value=\""+this.CLUSTER.ID+"\">"+this.CLUSTER.NAME+"</option>";
//update static selectors
//callback for an action affecting a host element
function updateHostElement(request, host_json){
id = host_json.HOST.ID;
element = hostElementArray(host_json);
var id = host_json.HOST.ID;
var element = hostElementArray(host_json);
//callback for actions deleting a host element
function deleteHostElement(req){
//call back for actions creating a host element
function addHostElement(request,host_json){
id = host_json.HOST.ID;
element = hostElementArray(host_json);
var id = host_json.HOST.ID;
var element = hostElementArray(host_json);
hosts_select += "<option value=\""+host_json.HOST.NAME+"\">"+host_json.HOST.NAME+"</option>";
//callback to update the list of hosts.
function updateHostsView (request,host_list){
host_list_json = host_list;
host_list_array = []
var host_list_array = []
//Grab table data from the host_list
@ -458,24 +461,22 @@ function updateHostsView (request,host_list){
//dependency with the dashboard plugin
//updates the list of clusters
function updateClustersView(request, cluster_list){
cluster_list_json = cluster_list;
//~ cluster_list_array = [];
//~ $.each(cluster_list, function(){
//~ cluster_list_array.push(clusterElementArray(this));
//~ });
//~ updateView(cluster_list_array,dataTable_clusters);
//Updates the host info panel tab's content and pops it up
function updateHostInfo(request,host){
var host_info = host.HOST;
//Information tab
var info_tab = {
title : "Host information",
content :
@ -539,6 +540,7 @@ function updateHostInfo(request,host){
//Template tab
var template_tab = {
title : "Host template",
content :
@ -548,12 +550,14 @@ function updateHostInfo(request,host){
//Sunstone.updateInfoPanelTab(info_panel_name,tab_name, new tab object);
//Prepares the host creation dialog
function setupCreateHostDialog(){
$('div#dialogs').append('<div title="Create host" id="create_host_dialog"></div>');
@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ function setupCreateHostDialog(){
notifyError("Host name missing!");
return false;
host_json = { "host": { "name": $('#name',this).val(),
var host_json = { "host": { "name": $('#name',this).val(),
"tm_mad": $('#tm_mad :selected',this).val(),
"vm_mad": $('#vmm_mad :selected',this).val(),
"im_mad": $('#im_mad :selected',this).val()}}
@ -586,6 +590,7 @@ function setupCreateHostDialog(){
//Prepares the dialog to create a cluster
function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
$('div#dialogs').append('<div title="Create cluster" id="create_cluster_dialog"></div>');
@ -599,8 +604,8 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
$('#create_cluster_dialog button').button();
cluster_json = { "cluster" : { "name" : name }};
var name=$('#name',this).val();
var cluster_json = { "cluster" : { "name" : name }};
return false;
@ -609,7 +614,7 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
//Open creation dialogs
function popUpCreateHostDialog(){
return false;
@ -620,6 +625,7 @@ function popUpCreateClusterDialog(){
return false;
//Prepares the autorefresh for hosts
function setHostAutorefresh() {
var checked = $('input:checked',dataTable_hosts.fnGetNodes());
@ -630,13 +636,16 @@ function setHostAutorefresh() {
//Prepares the autorefresh for clusters
function setClusterAutorefresh(){
//Document ready
//This is executed after the sunstone.js ready() is run.
//Here we can basicly init the host datatable, preload it
//and add specific listeners
//prepare host datatable
@ -663,13 +672,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
@ -817,6 +817,11 @@ Sunstone.addMainTab('vms_tab',vms_tab);
// Returns a human readable running time for a VM
function str_start_time(vm){
return pretty_time(vm.STIME);
function vMachineElementArray(vm_json){
var vm = vm_json.VM;
var state = OpenNebula.Helper.resource_state("vm",vm.STATE);
@ -270,18 +270,23 @@ Sunstone.addActions(vnet_actions);
//returns an array with the VNET information fetched from the JSON object
function vNetworkElementArray(vn_json){
network = vn_json.VNET;
var network = vn_json.VNET;
var total_leases = "0";
if (network.TOTAL_LEASES){
total_leases = network.TOTAL_LEASES;
}else if (network.LEASES && network.LEASES.LEASE){
} else if (network.LEASES && network.LEASES.LEASE){
total_leases = network.LEASES.LEASE.length ? network.LEASES.LEASE.length : "1";
} else{
total_leases = "0";
username = network.USERNAME? network.USERNAME : getUserName(network.UID)
return ['<input type="checkbox" id="vnetwork_'+network.ID+'" name="selected_items" value="'+network.ID+'"/>',
//Does the JSON bring a username field? Otherwise try
//to get it from the users dataTable
var username = network.USERNAME? network.USERNAME : getUserName(network.UID)
return ['<input type="checkbox" id="vnetwork_'+network.ID+'" name="selected_items" value="'+network.ID+'"/>',
@ -297,15 +302,15 @@ function vNetworkInfoListener(){
$('#tbodyvnetworks tr').live("click", function(e){
if ($(e.target).is('input')) {return true;}
aData = dataTable_vNetworks.fnGetData(this);
id = $(aData[0]).val();
var aData = dataTable_vNetworks.fnGetData(this);
var id = $(aData[0]).val();
return false;
//updates the vnet select different options
function updateNetworkSelect(network_list){
//update select helper
vnetworks_select += "<option value=\"\">Select a network</option>";
$.each(network_list, function(){
@ -313,31 +318,38 @@ function updateNetworkSelect(network_list){
//update static selectors
//update static selectors:
//in the VM creation dialog
$('div.vm_section#networks select#NETWORK').html(vnetworks_select);
//Callback to update a vnet element after an action on it
function updateVNetworkElement(request, vn_json){
id = vn_json.VNET.ID;
element = vNetworkElementArray(vn_json);
//Callback to delete a vnet element from the table
function deleteVNetworkElement(req){
//How to delete vNetwork select option here?
//TODO: Delete vNetwork select option here?
//Callback to add a new element
function addVNetworkElement(request,vn_json){
element = vNetworkElementArray(vn_json);
var element = vNetworkElementArray(vn_json);
//update select variable and
vnetworks_select += "<option value=\""+vn_json.VNET.NAME+"\">"+vn_json.VNET.NAME+"</option>";
$('div.vm_section#networks select#NETWORK').html(vnetworks_select);
//updates the list of virtual networks
function updateVNetworksView(request, network_list){
network_list_json = network_list;
network_list_array = [];
var network_list_array = [];
@ -345,11 +357,12 @@ function updateVNetworksView(request, network_list){
//dependency with dashboard
//updates the information panel tabs and pops the panel up
function updateVNetworkInfo(request,vn){
var vn_info = vn.VNET;
var info_tab_content =
@ -370,7 +383,8 @@ function updateVNetworkInfo(request,vn){
<td class="value_td">'+(parseInt(vn_info.PUBLIC) ? "yes" : "no" )+'</td>\
//if it is a fixed VNET we can add leases information
if (vn_info.TEMPLATE.TYPE == "FIXED"){
info_tab_content += '<table id="vn_leases_info_table" class="info_table">\
@ -402,6 +416,7 @@ function updateVNetworkInfo(request,vn){
//Prepares the vnet creation dialog
function setupCreateVNetDialog() {
$('div#dialogs').append('<div title="Create Virtual Network" id="create_vn_dialog"></div>');
@ -477,7 +492,7 @@ function setupCreateVNetDialog() {
var bridge = $('#bridge',this).val();
var type = $('input:checked',this).val();
//TBD: Name and bridge provided?!
//TODO: Name and bridge provided?!
var network_json = null;
if (type == "fixed") {
@ -569,6 +584,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ function someTime(){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*30000);
//introduces 0s before a number until in reaches 'length'.
function pad(number,length) {
var str = '' + number;
while (str.length < length)
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ function pad(number,length) {
return str;
//turns a Unix-formatted time into a human readable string
function pretty_time(time_seconds)
var d = new Date();
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ function pretty_time(time_seconds)
return hour + ":" + mins +":" + secs + " " + month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
//returns a human readable size in Kilo, Mega, Giga or Tera bytes
function humanize_size(value) {
if (typeof(value) === "undefined") {
value = 0;
@ -64,21 +67,27 @@ function humanize_size(value) {
return st;
//Wrapper to add an element to a dataTable
function addElement(element,data_table){
//deletes an element with id 'tag' from a dataTable
function deleteElement(data_table,tag){
tr = $(tag).parents('tr')[0];
var tr = $(tag).parents('tr')[0];
//Listens to the checkboxes of the datatable. This function is used
//by standard sunstone plugins to enable/disable certain action buttons
//according to the number of elements checked in the dataTables.
//It also checks the "check-all" box when all elements are checked
function tableCheckboxesListener(dataTable){
context = dataTable.parents('form');
last_action_b = $('.last_action_button',context);
//Initialization - disable all buttons
var context = dataTable.parents('form');
var last_action_b = $('.last_action_button',context);
$('.top_button, .list_button',context).button("disable");
if (last_action_b.length && last_action_b.val().length){
@ -87,35 +96,40 @@ function tableCheckboxesListener(dataTable){
//listen to changes
dataTable = $(this).parents('table').dataTable();
context = dataTable.parents('form');
last_action_b = $('.last_action_button',context);
nodes = dataTable.fnGetNodes();
total_length = nodes.length;
checked_length = $('input:checked',nodes).length;
var dataTable = $(this).parents('table').dataTable();
var context = dataTable.parents('form');
var last_action_b = $('.last_action_button',context);
var nodes = dataTable.fnGetNodes();
var total_length = nodes.length;
var checked_length = $('input:checked',nodes).length;
//if all elements are checked we check the check-all box
if (total_length == checked_length && total_length != 0){
} else {
//if some element is checked, we enable buttons, otherwise
//we disable them.
if (checked_length){
$('.top_button, .list_button',context).button("enable");
//check if the last_action_button should be enabled
if (last_action_b.length && last_action_b.val().length){
} else {
$('.top_button, .list_button',context).button("disable");
//any case the create dialog buttons should always be enabled.
// Updates a data_table, with a 2D array containing
// Updates a data_table, with a 2D array containing the new values
// Does a partial redraw, so the filter and pagination are kept
function updateView(item_list,data_table){
if (data_table!=null) {
@ -125,9 +139,10 @@ function updateView(item_list,data_table){
//replaces an element with id 'tag' in a dataTable with a new one
function updateSingleElement(element,data_table,tag){
tr = $(tag).parents('tr')[0];
position = data_table.fnGetPosition(tr);
var tr = $(tag).parents('tr')[0];
var position = data_table.fnGetPosition(tr);
@ -136,20 +151,15 @@ function updateSingleElement(element,data_table,tag){
// Returns an string in the form key=value key=value ...
// Does not explore objects in depth.
function stringJSON(json){
str = ""
var str = ""
for (field in json) {
str+= field + '=' + json[field] + ' ';
return str;
// Returns the running time data
function str_start_time(vm){
return pretty_time(vm.STIME);
//Notification of submission of action
function notifySubmit(action, args, extra_param){
var action_text = action.replace(/OpenNebula\./,'').replace(/\./,' ');
@ -161,6 +171,7 @@ function notifySubmit(action, args, extra_param){
$.jGrowl(msg, {theme: "jGrowl-notify-submit"});
//Notification on error
function notifyError(msg){
msg = "<h1>Error</h1>" + msg;
@ -172,7 +183,7 @@ function notifyError(msg){
// It recursively explores objects, and flattens their contents in
// the result.
function prettyPrintJSON(template_json){
str = ""
var str = ""
for (field in template_json) {
if (typeof template_json[field] == 'object'){
str += prettyPrintJSON(template_json[field]) + '<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>';
@ -183,11 +194,14 @@ function prettyPrintJSON(template_json){
return str;
//Adds a listener to checks all the elements of a table
//Add a listener to the check-all box of a datatable, enabling it to
//check and uncheck all the checkboxes of its elements.
function initCheckAllBoxes(datatable){
//not showing nice in that position
//$('.check_all').button({ icons: {primary : "ui-icon-check" },
// text : true});
//small css hack
if ($(this).attr("checked")) {
@ -204,6 +218,8 @@ function initCheckAllBoxes(datatable){
//standard handling for the server errors on ajax requests.
//Pops up a message with the information.
function onError(request,error_json) {
var method;
var action;
@ -266,19 +282,26 @@ function onError(request,error_json) {
return true;
//Replaces the checkboxes of a datatable with a ajax-loading spinner.
//Used when refreshing elements of a datatable.
function waitingNodes(dataTable){
nodes = dataTable.fnGetData();
var nodes = dataTable.fnGetData();
for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
//given a user ID, returns an string with the user name.
//To do this it finds the user name in the user dataTable. If it is
//not defined then it returns "uid UID".
//TODO not very nice to hardcode a dataTable here...
function getUserName(uid){
var user = "uid "+uid;
if (typeof(dataTable_users) == "undefined") {
return user;
nodes = dataTable_users.fnGetData();
var nodes = dataTable_users.fnGetData();
if (uid == this[1]) {
@ -294,17 +317,26 @@ function getUserName(uid){
//Replaces all class"tip" divs with an information icon that
//displays the tip information on mouseover.
function setupTips(context){
//For each tip in this context
tip = $(this).html();
//store the text
var tip = $(this).html();
//replace the text with an icon and spans
$(this).html('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info info_icon"></span>');
$(this).append('<span class="tipspan"></span>');
$(this).append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert man_icon" />');
//add the text to .tipspan
//make sure it is not floating in the wrong place
$(this).parent().append('<div class="clear"></div>');
//hide the text
//When the mouse is hovering on the icon we fadein/out
//the tip text
var top, left;
top = e.pageY - 15;// - $(this).parents('#create_vm_dialog').offset().top - 15;
@ -319,7 +351,7 @@ function setupTips(context){
//functions that used as true and false conditions for testing mainly
function True(){
return true;
@ -190,7 +190,8 @@ var Sunstone = {
// function with an extraparam if defined.
switch (action_cfg.type){
case "create","register":
case "create":
case "register":
call({data:data_arg, success: callback, error:err});
case "single":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user