diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/opennebula/vm.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/opennebula/vm.js
index 90917d9286..05649020a5 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/opennebula/vm.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/opennebula/vm.js
@@ -401,7 +401,6 @@ define(function(require) {
@@ -999,7 +998,7 @@ define(function(require) {
}, [])
- // Return the IP or several IPs of a VM
+ // Return the IP or several IPs of a VM
function ipsStr(element, options) {
options = $.extend({
defaultValue: '--',
@@ -1025,91 +1024,98 @@ define(function(require) {
}).join(options.divider) || options.defaultValue
- // Return a dropdown with all the
+ // Return a dropdown with all the IPs
function ipsDropdown(element, divider) {
- var ipsHtml = this.ipsStr(element, { divider, groupStrFunction: groupByIpsDropdown });
- var ips = ipsHtml.split("
- var html = "";
+ var ipsHtml = this.ipsStr(element, { divider, groupStrFunction: groupByIpsDropdown, forceGroup: true });
+ var ips = [];
- // If its generated by groupByIpsDropdown
- if (~ipsHtml.indexOf("li")){
- ips = [];
- $.each($.parseHTML(ipsHtml), function() {
- ips.push($( this ).text());
- });
- ipsHtml = "
- }
- // If it has less than "numIPs" IPs
- var numIPs = 2;
- if ((ips.length < numIPs)) return ipsHtml;
- // Take the first x
- var insideHtml = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < numIPs-1; i++) {
- insideHtml += ips.shift();
- if (i != numIPs-2){insideHtml+="
- }
- // Format the other IPs inside a dropdown
- if (ips.length){
- html += "";
- }
- return html;
+ $.each($.parseHTML(ipsHtml), function() {
+ ips.push($( this ).text());
+ });
+ var firstIP = ipsHtml.split("")[0]
+ ipsHtml = ipsHtml.split("")[1]
+ ipsHtml =
+ "";
+ return ipsHtml;
- function groupByIpsDropdown(element = {}, nics = []) {
- // Show the first IP two times for the dropdown.
- var copy_nics = Object.assign([], nics);
+ function orderNICs(nics){
+ // The external IPs must be first
+ var external_nics = [];
+ var non_external_nics = [];
- var first_nic = Object.assign({}, nics[0]);
+ nics.forEach(function(nic){
+ if (nic.EXTERNAL_IP && nic.EXTERNAL_IP.toLowerCase() === "yes")
+ external_nics.push(nic);
+ else
+ non_external_nics.push(nic);
+ });
+ return external_nics.concat(non_external_nics);
+ }
+ function groupByIpsDropdown(element = {}, nics = []) {
+ var all_nics = orderNICs(nics);
+ // Show the first IP two times for the dropdown.
+ var copy_nics = Object.assign([], all_nics);
+ var first_nic = Object.assign({}, all_nics[0]);
delete first_nic["EXTERNAL_IP"];
delete first_nic["ALIAS_IDS"];
+ var first = true;
+ var identation = " ";
return copy_nics.reduce(function(column, nic) {
- if (nic.EXTERNAL_IP && String(nic.EXTERNAL_IP).toLowerCase() !== 'yes') {
- column.append($("").append(
- $("")
- .css("color", "gray")
- .html("
" + nic.NIC_ID + ": " + nic.EXTERNAL_IP)
- ))
+ if (first){
+ if (nic.IP || (nic.IP6_ULA && nic.IP6_GLOBAL)) {
+ var ip = nic.IP || nic.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + nic.IP6_GLOBAL;
+ column.append(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + ip + "");
+ }
+ first=false;
- if (nic.IP || (nic.IP6_ULA && nic.IP6_GLOBAL)) {
- var identation = " ";
- var ip = nic.IP || nic.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + nic.IP6_GLOBAL;
+ else{
+ if (nic.IP || (nic.IP6_ULA && nic.IP6_GLOBAL)) {
+ var ip = nic.IP || nic.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + nic.IP6_GLOBAL;
+ var nicSection = $("").css("color", "gray").html(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + ip);
- var nicSection = nic.NIC_ID
- ? $("").append($("").css("color", "gray").html(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + ip))
- : $("").append("").html("-") ;
- column.append(nicSection)
- if (nic.ALIAS_IDS) {
- nic.ALIAS_IDS.split(",").forEach(function(aliasId) {
- var templateAlias = Array.isArray(element.TEMPLATE.NIC_ALIAS)
- : [element.TEMPLATE.NIC_ALIAS];
- var alias = templateAlias.find(function(alias) {
- return alias.NIC_ID === aliasId;
+ if (nic.EXTERNAL_IP && String(nic.EXTERNAL_IP).toLowerCase() === 'yes') {
+ nicSection.css("font-weight", "bold");
+ }
+ column.append($("").append(nicSection));
+ if (nic.ALIAS_IDS) {
+ nic.ALIAS_IDS.split(",").forEach(function(aliasId) {
+ var templateAlias = Array.isArray(element.TEMPLATE.NIC_ALIAS)
+ : [element.TEMPLATE.NIC_ALIAS];
+ var alias = templateAlias.find(function(alias) {
+ return alias.NIC_ID === aliasId;
+ });
+ if (alias) {
+ var alias_ip = alias.IP || alias.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + "> " + alias.IP6_GLOBAL;
+ column.append($("").append($("").css({
+ "color": "gray",
+ "font-style": "italic",
+ }).html(identation + "> " + alias_ip)));
+ }
- if (alias) {
- var alias_ip = alias.IP || alias.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + "> " + alias.IP6_GLOBAL;
- column.append($("").append($("").css({
- "color": "gray",
- "font-style": "italic",
- }).html(identation + "> " + alias_ip)));
- }
- });
+ }
@@ -1118,21 +1124,26 @@ define(function(require) {
function groupByIpsStr(element = {}, nics = []) {
+ var all_nics = orderNICs(nics);
var identation = " ";
- return nics.reduce(function(column, nic) {
- if (nic.EXTERNAL_IP && String(nic.EXTERNAL_IP).toLowerCase() !== 'yes') {
- column.append($("")
- .css("margin-bottom", 0)
- .html(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + nic.EXTERNAL_IP)
- )
- }
+ return all_nics.reduce(function(column, nic) {
if (nic.IP || (nic.IP6_ULA && nic.IP6_GLOBAL)) {
var ip = nic.IP || nic.IP6_ULA + "
" + identation + nic.IP6_GLOBAL
- column.append($("").css("margin-bottom", 0).html(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + ip))
+ var nicSection = $("")
+ .css("color", "gray")
+ .css("margin-bottom", 0)
+ .html(nic.NIC_ID + ": " + ip);
+ if (nic.EXTERNAL_IP && String(nic.EXTERNAL_IP).toLowerCase() === 'yes'){
+ nicSection.css("font-weight","bold");
+ }
+ column.append(nicSection);
if (nic.ALIAS_IDS) {
nic.ALIAS_IDS.split(",").forEach(function(aliasId) {
var templateAlias = Array.isArray(element.TEMPLATE.NIC_ALIAS)