mirror of https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git synced 2025-03-22 18:50:08 +03:00

F #4913: Improve premigrator logic

* Tune the pre-migrator messages a bit
* Use /var/tmp for migrator files (premigrator)
* Get the cluster info
* Automatically select a cluster if there's only one
* Fix source of unmanaged disk discovery
* Cosmetic changes
* Fix race condition when deleting images
This commit is contained in:
Jaime Melis 2017-07-04 16:48:39 +02:00
parent 95817d4969
commit 593600f707

View File

@ -32,13 +32,16 @@ $: << RUBY_LIB_LOCATION
$: << RUBY_LIB_LOCATION+"/cli"
$: << REMOTES_LOCATION+"vmm/vcenter/"
require 'fileutils'
require 'command_parser'
require 'one_helper/onehost_helper'
require 'one_helper/onecluster_helper'
require 'vcenter_driver'
require 'opennebula'
FileUtils.mkdir_p TEMP_DIR
def banner(msg, header=false, extended=nil)
@ -65,9 +68,6 @@ def logo_banner(msg, header=false)
STDOUT.puts "="*80
# Monkey patch XMLElement with retrieve_xmlelements
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class OpenNebula::XMLElement
def get_image_size(ds, img_str)
ds_name = ds.name
img_path = File.dirname img_str
img_name = File.basename img_str
@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ def get_image_size(ds, img_str)
:fileType => true,
:modification => true)
spec.matchPattern = img_name.nil? ? [] : [img_name]
datastore_path = "[#{ds_name}]"
@ -483,11 +482,22 @@ def vm_unmanaged_discover(devices, xml_doc, template_xml,
template_disk = template_xml.xpath("VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/DISK")[unmanaged_disk_index] rescue nil
raise "Cannot find unmanaged disk inside template" if !template_disk
image_id = template_disk.xpath("IMAGE_ID").text
raise "Cannot find image id for unmanaged disk" if image_id.empty?
one_image = OpenNebula::Image.new_with_id(image_id, one_client)
rc = one_image.info
raise "\n ERROR! Could not get image info for unmanged disk. Reason #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
rc = one_image.info
raise "\n ERROR! Could not get image info for unmanaged disk. image_id '#{image_id}'. Reason #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
ds_id = one_image['DATASTORE_ID']
ds = OpenNebula::Datastore.new_with_id(ds_id, one_client)
rc = ds.info
raise "\n ERROR! Could not get ds info. Reason #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
ds_name = ds["NAME"]
STDOUT.puts "--- Image #{one_image["NAME"]} with ID #{one_image["ID"]} already exists"
@ -1198,7 +1208,7 @@ def select_cluster(vc_clusters, ccr_name, vi_client)
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick up one number\e[39m in order to specify the cluster: ")
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick a number\e[39m in order to specify the cluster: ")
cluster_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if cluster_index == 0 || cluster_index - 1 < 0 || cluster_index - 1 > ccr_refs.size
ccr_ref = ccr_refs[cluster_index-1] rescue nil
@ -1286,7 +1296,6 @@ def create_new_clusters(vc_clusters, hpool, cpool, one_client)
# Get all hosts from pool with VN_MAD="vcenter"
hosts = hpool.retrieve_xmlelements("HOST[VM_MAD=\"vcenter\"]")
hosts.each do |host|
@ -1322,6 +1331,13 @@ def create_new_clusters(vc_clusters, hpool, cpool, one_client)
# We inform that the Cluster has been created
STDOUT.puts "OpenNebula Cluster named #{ccr_name} \e[92mhas been created.\e[39m"
# Fetch the cluster info
rc = one_cluster.info
if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
STDOUT.puts " Error Getting information from cluster '#{ccr_name}'. Reason: #{rc.message}\n"
STDOUT.puts "OpenNebula Cluster #{ccr_name} \e[92malready exists.\e[39m"
@ -1403,6 +1419,7 @@ def inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool,
# Refresh dspool and retrieve datastores again
@ -1420,7 +1437,7 @@ def inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool,
raise rc.message if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
ds_name = one_ds["NAME"]
ccr_name = one_ds["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CLUSTER"]
next if !ccr_name #If VCENTER_CLUSTER doesn't exist it's not usable
next if !ccr_name # If VCENTER_CLUSTER doesn't exist it's not usable
# Get cluster's host from its name stored in VCENTER_CLUSTER
hosts = hpool.retrieve_xmlelements("HOST[NAME=\"#{ccr_name}\"]")
@ -1460,7 +1477,6 @@ def inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool,
# otherwise the administrator should select one from the list
# We need to extract the datacenter ref and name as they are now
# required attributes.
if datastores_with_name.size == 1
vc_datastores[vcenter_uuid].each do |ref, ds|
if ds["name"] == ds_name
@ -1525,7 +1541,7 @@ def inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool,
# Loop until the admin user chooses the right datastore
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick up one number\e[39m in order to specify the datastore: ")
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick one number\e[39m in order to specify the datastore: ")
ds_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if ds_index == 0 || ds_index - 1 < 0 || ds_index - 1 > ds_info.size
ds_ref = ds_info[ds_index-1][:ref] rescue nil
@ -1563,14 +1579,14 @@ def inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool,
# Inform what attributes have been added
STDOUT.puts "Datastore \e[96m#{ds_name}\e[39m got new attributes:\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DS_REF=#{ds_ref}\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DS_NAME=#{ds_name}\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DC_REF=#{dc_ref}\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DC_NAME=#{dc_name}\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_HOST=#{vcenter_host}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_USER=#{vcenter_user}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_PASSWORD=#{vcenter_pass}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_INSTANCE_ID=#{vcenter_uuid}\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DS_REF=\"#{ds_ref}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DS_NAME=\"#{ds_name}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DC_REF=\"#{dc_ref}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_DC_NAME=\"#{dc_name}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_HOST=\"#{vcenter_host}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_USER=\"#{vcenter_user}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_PASSWORD=\"#{vcenter_pass}\"\n"
STDOUT.puts "--- VCENTER_INSTANCE_ID=\"#{vcenter_uuid}\"\n"
@ -1690,7 +1706,7 @@ def inspect_networks(vc_networks, vc_clusters, one_clusters, vnpool, hpool, one_
STDOUT.puts("#{ccr_names.size+1}: None of the above.")
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please pick up one number in order to specify the cluster: ")
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please pick one number in order to specify the cluster: ")
cluster_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if cluster_index == 0 || cluster_index - 1 < 0 || cluster_index - 1 > ccr_names.size+1
ccr_name = ccr_names[cluster_index-1] rescue nil
@ -1758,7 +1774,7 @@ def inspect_networks(vc_networks, vc_clusters, one_clusters, vnpool, hpool, one_
# Loop until the administrator selects a vnet
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick up one number\e[39m in order to specify the vnet: ")
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick one number\e[39m in order to specify the vnet: ")
vnet_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if vnet_index == 0 || vnet_index - 1 < 0 || vnet_index - 1 > vnet_refs.size
vnet_ref = vnet_refs[vnet_index-1] rescue nil
@ -1854,7 +1870,13 @@ def add_new_image_attrs(ipool, one_client, vcenter_ids)
imported_images.each do |image|
one_image = OpenNebula::Image.new_with_id(image["ID"], one_client)
loop do
rc = one_image.info
break if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
# Refresh pool
@ -1962,13 +1984,10 @@ end
def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnpool, dspool, hpool, one_client, vcenter_ids)
# Retrieve all OpenNebula templates associated with PUBLIC_CLOUD=vcenter
templates = tpool.retrieve_xmlelements("VMTEMPLATE[TEMPLATE/PUBLIC_CLOUD/TYPE=\"vcenter\"]")
templates.each do |template|
# Refresh pools
rc = vnpool.info_all
@ -1979,9 +1998,10 @@ def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnp
raise "\n ERROR! Could not update dspool. Reason #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
# Get some variables
ccr_ref = nil
ccr_ref = nil
vcenter_uuid = nil
host_id = nil
host_id = nil
template_name = template["NAME"]
template_uuid = template["TEMPLATE/PUBLIC_CLOUD/VM_TEMPLATE"]
template_ref = template["TEMPLATE/PUBLIC_CLOUD/VCENTER_REF"]
@ -2001,6 +2021,10 @@ def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnp
ccr_ref = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CCR_REF"]
vcenter_uuid = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_INSTANCE_ID"]
host_id = hosts.first["ID"]
vcenter_user = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_USER"]
vcenter_pass = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_PASSWORD"]
vcenter_host = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_HOST"]
template_cluster = nil if !ccr_ref || !vcenter_uuid
@ -2008,30 +2032,36 @@ def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnp
# As we don't know which vCenter cluster is associated with the template
# The administrator must select one from a list
if !template_cluster
STDOUT.puts("\n\e[93mWARNING: Manual intervention required!\e[39m")
STDOUT.puts("\nWhich vCenter cluster is associated with OpenNebula \e[96mtemplate #{template_name}?\n\e[39m")
hpool_vcenter = hpool.select{|h| h["VM_MAD"] == "vcenter"}
ccr_names = []
hpool.each_with_index do |host, index|
STDOUT.puts("#{index+1}: #{host["NAME"]} in #{host["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_HOST"]}")
ccr_names << host["NAME"]
if hpool_vcenter.count == 1
template_cluster = hpool_vcenter.first["NAME"]
STDOUT.puts("\n\e[93mWARNING: Manual intervention required!\e[39m")
STDOUT.puts("\nWhich vCenter cluster is associated with OpenNebula \e[96mtemplate #{template_name}?\n\e[39m")
ccr_names = []
hpool_vcenter.each_with_index do |host, index|
STDOUT.puts("#{index+1}: #{host["NAME"]} in #{host["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_HOST"]}")
ccr_names << host["NAME"]
STDOUT.puts("#{ccr_names.size+1}: None of the above.")
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick one number\e[39m in order to specify the cluster: ")
cluster_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if cluster_index == 0 || cluster_index - 1 < 0 || cluster_index > ccr_names.size+1
template_cluster = ccr_names[cluster_index-1] rescue nil
STDOUT.puts "-" * 80
STDOUT.puts("#{ccr_names.size+1}: None of the above.")
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick up one number\e[39m in order to specify the cluster: ")
cluster_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if cluster_index == 0 || cluster_index - 1 < 0 || cluster_index > ccr_names.size+1
template_cluster = ccr_names[cluster_index-1] rescue nil
STDOUT.puts "-" * 80
if !template_cluster
raise "We could not find the host name associated to template #{template_name}\n"\
"You may have to import the OpenNebula host first using onevcenter tool."
@ -2040,20 +2070,18 @@ def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnp
# Get host attributes from the name of the cluster associated
# to the template
hosts = hpool.retrieve_xmlelements("HOST[NAME=\"#{template_cluster}\"]")
ccr_ref = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CCR_REF"]
vcenter_uuid = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_INSTANCE_ID"]
host_id = hosts.first["ID"]
vcenter_user = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_USER"]
vcenter_pass = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_PASSWORD"]
vcenter_host = hosts.first["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_HOST"]
if ccr_ref.nil? || vcenter_uuid.nil?
raise "Template #{template_name} could not be updated, cannot find cluster's MOREF or vcenter uuid"
if !ccr_ref
raise "Template #{template_name} could not be updated, cannot find cluster's MOREF"
if ccr_ref.nil? || vcenter_uuid.nil?
raise "Template #{template_name} could not be updated, cannot find cluster's MOREF: '#{ccr_ref}'" \
", or vcenter uuid: '#{vcenter_uuid}'. "
# Create Rbvmomi connection
@ -2126,7 +2154,7 @@ def inspect_templates(vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, tpool, ipool, vnp
STDOUT.puts("#{template_refs.size+1}: None of the above.")
loop do
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick up one number\e[39m in order to specify the template: ")
STDOUT.print("\nFrom the list above, please \e[95mpick a number\e[39m in order to specify the template: ")
template_index = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
next if template_index == 0 || template_index - 1 < 0 || template_index > template_refs.size + 1
template_ref = template_refs[template_index-1] rescue nil
@ -2341,7 +2369,6 @@ def inspect_vms(vc_vmachines, vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, vmpool, i
next if !vm["DEPLOY_ID"] # Ignore undeployed vms
# Refresh pools
rc = vnpool.info_all
raise "\n ERROR! Could not update vnpool. Reason #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
@ -2542,8 +2569,9 @@ def inspect_vms(vc_vmachines, vc_templates, vc_clusters, one_clusters, vmpool, i
dc_ref = dc._ref
# Get xml template from tmp with unmanaged disks and nics and new attributes
template_id = vm["TEMPLATE/TEMPLATE_ID"]
template_xml = nil
template_id = vm["TEMPLATE/TEMPLATE_ID"]
template_xml = nil
if !vm_wild
template_filename = "#{TEMP_DIR}/one_migrate_template_#{template_id}"
if File.exist?("#{template_filename}")
@ -2665,17 +2693,18 @@ CommandParser::CmdParser.new(ARGV) do
hpool = OpenNebula::HostPool.new(one_client)
rc = hpool.info
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
cpool = OpenNebula::ClusterPool.new(one_client)
rc = cpool.info
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
vc_clusters = {}
vc_clusters = {}
vc_datastores = {}
vc_networks = {}
vc_vmachines = {}
vc_templates = {}
vc_networks = {}
vc_vmachines = {}
vc_templates = {}
banner " PHASE 0 - Before running the script please read the following notes", true
@ -2685,9 +2714,10 @@ CommandParser::CmdParser.new(ARGV) do
" restarted your OpenNebula services to apply the new configuration before\n"\
" launching the script.")
STDOUT.puts("- Don't forget to edit the file \e[92m/var/lib/one/remotes/datastore/vcenter/rm\e[39m\n"\
" and replace the following line:\n\n"\
" \e[96mvi_client.delete_virtual_disk(img_src,ds_name)\e[39m \n\n"\
STDOUT.puts("- Edit the file \e[92m/var/lib/one/remotes/datastore/vcenter/rm\e[39m and replace the\n"\
" following lines:\n\n"\
" \e[96mvi_client.delete_virtual_disk(img_src,\n"\
" ds_name)\e[39m \n\n"\
" with the following lines:\n\n"\
" vi_client.delete_virtual_disk(img_src,ds_name) \n"\
@ -2711,9 +2741,10 @@ CommandParser::CmdParser.new(ARGV) do
STDOUT.puts("- This script can be executed as many times as you wish. It will update previous\n"\
" results and XML template will be always overwritten.")
STDOUT.puts("\e[93mDon't forget to restart OpenNebula if you have made changes!\e[39m")
STDOUT.print("\nDo you want to continue? ([y]/n): ")
exit! if STDIN.gets.strip.downcase == 'n'
banner " PHASE 1 - Retrieve objects from vCenter instances", true
@ -2736,11 +2767,13 @@ CommandParser::CmdParser.new(ARGV) do
vcenter_instances << vcenter_uuid
# Retrieve vCenter Managed Objects
vc_clusters[vcenter_uuid] = retrieve_vcenter_clusters(vi_client)
vc_datastores[vcenter_uuid] = retrieve_vcenter_datastores(vi_client)
vc_networks[vcenter_uuid] = retrieve_vcenter_networks(vi_client)
vc_vmachines[vcenter_uuid], vc_templates[vcenter_uuid] = retrieve_vcenter_vms(vi_client)
vc_vmachines[vcenter_uuid], vc_templates[vcenter_uuid] = retrieve_vcenter_vms(vi_client)
STDOUT.puts "--- #{host["TEMPLATE/VCENTER_HOST"]} \e[92mobjects have been retrieved\e[39m"
@ -2759,25 +2792,28 @@ CommandParser::CmdParser.new(ARGV) do
banner " PHASE 3 - Create OpenNebula clusters if needed", true
one_clusters = create_new_clusters(vc_clusters, hpool, cpool, one_client)
dspool = OpenNebula::DatastorePool.new(one_client)
rc = dspool.info
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
rc = hpool.info #Update host pool to get new attributes
rc = hpool.info # Update host pool to get new attributes
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
rc = cpool.info #Update cluster pool to get new clusters
rc = cpool.info # Update cluster pool to get new clusters
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
extended_message = " - Add new attributes to datastores\n"\
" - Create SYSTEM datastores if needed\n"\
" - Assign datastores to OpenNebula Clusters"
banner " PHASE 4 - Inspect existing datatores ", true, extended_message
inspect_datastores(vc_datastores, vc_clusters, one_clusters, dspool, hpool, one_client, vcenter_ids)
rc = dspool.info #Refresh datastore pool
rc = dspool.info # Refresh datastore pool
raise "Error contacting OpenNebula #{rc.message}" if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
vnpool = OpenNebula::VirtualNetworkPool.new(one_client)