diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
index b047a4efa1..dd6fa8ca45 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/sunstone.js
@@ -3978,19 +3978,6 @@ function accountingGraphs(div, opt){
@@ -4480,98 +4467,6 @@ Download csv
var mem_plot = $.plot($("#acct_mem_graph", div), plot_series, options);
- // --- activity ---
- // TODO: refactor inefficient code
- series.GANTT = {};
- var group_by_index = {};
- var group_by_rev_index = {};
- var index = 0;
- $.each(response.HISTORY_RECORDS.HISTORY, function(index, history){
- if(!filter_by_fn(history)){
- return true; //continue
- }
- if(history.STIME == 0){
- return true;
- }
- var group_by = group_by_fn(history);
- if(group_by_index[group_by] == undefined){
- group_by_index[group_by] = index;
- group_by_rev_index[index] = group_by;
- index++;
- }
- var group_by_i = group_by_index[group_by];
- if (series.GANTT[group_by_i] == undefined){
- series.GANTT[group_by_i] = [];
- }
- var gantt_start = parseInt(history.STIME)*1000;
- if(gantt_start < times[0]){
- gantt_start = times[0];
- }
- var gantt_end = parseInt(history.ETIME)*1000;
- if(gantt_end == 0){
- gantt_end = times[times.length - 2];
- }
- var serie = series.GANTT[group_by_i];
- serie.push([
- gantt_start, // Start of Step
- group_by_i, // number of resource
- gantt_end, // End of step
- "" // Name for step (used for tooltip)
- ]);
- });
- var plot_series = [];
- var ticks = [];
- $.each(series.GANTT, function(key, val){
- data = val;
- var name = group_by_prefix+group_by_rev_index[key];
- plot_series.push(
- {
- label: name,
- data: data,
- });
- ticks.push([parseInt(key), name]);
- });
- options.series = {
- gantt : {
- active : true,
- show : true,
- barHeight : 1.0
- }
- };
- options.yaxis.ticks = ticks;
- options.yaxis.min = -0.5;
- options.yaxis.max = plot_series.length - 0.5;
- var plot_data = mem_plot.getData();
- if(plot_data.length != 0){
- options.xaxis.min = plot_data[0].xaxis.min;
- options.xaxis.max = plot_data[0].xaxis.max;
- }
- $.plot($("#acct_activity_graph", div), plot_series, options);
// Init dataTables
diff --git a/src/sunstone/views/index.erb b/src/sunstone/views/index.erb
index 058be2aa60..6f084a53bf 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/views/index.erb
+++ b/src/sunstone/views/index.erb
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@