- "+Locale.tr("Comma separated list of days of the month to repeat the action on. Ex: 1,15,25 repeats the action every first, 15th and 25th day of the month")+"
- break;
- case "year":
- input_html = "
- "+Locale.tr("Comma separated list of days of the year to repeat the action on. Ex: 1,30,330 repeats the action every first, 30th and 330th day of the year")+"
- break;
- case "hour":
- input_html = "
- \
+ break;
+ case "month":
+ input_html = "
+ "+ Locale.tr("Comma separated list of days of the month to repeat the action on. Ex: 1,15,25 repeats the action every first, 15th and 25th day of the month") + "
+ break;
+ case "year":
+ input_html = "
+ "+ Locale.tr("Comma separated list of days of the year to repeat the action on. Ex: 1,30,330 repeats the action every first, 30th and 330th day of the year") + "
+ break;
+ case "hour":
+ input_html = "
+ \
- \
+ \
- break;
- }
- $("#td_days").html(input_html);
- Tips.setup(context);
- });
+ break;
+ }
+ $("#td_days").html(input_html);
+ Tips.setup(context);
+ });
- $("input[name='end_type']", context).change(function () {
- var value = $(this).val();
- that.end_type = value;
- var input_html = "";
- var min;
- $(".end_input", context).prop("disabled", true);
- switch (value) {
- case "n_rep":
- min = 1;
- break;
- case "date":
- var today = new Date();
- var dd = today.getDate();
- var mm = today.getMonth() + 1;
- var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
- if (dd < 10) {
- dd = "0" + dd;
- }
- if (mm < 10) {
- mm = "0" + mm;
- }
- min = yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
- break;
- }
- $("#end_value_" + value, context).attr("min", min);
- $("#end_value_" + value, context).prop("disabled", false);
- });
+ $("input[name='end_type']", context).change(function () {
+ var value = $(this).val();
+ that.end_type = value;
+ var input_html = "";
+ var min;
+ $(".end_input", context).prop("disabled", true);
+ switch (value) {
+ case "n_rep":
+ min = 1;
+ break;
+ case "date":
+ var today = new Date();
+ var dd = today.getDate();
+ var mm = today.getMonth() + 1;
+ var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
+ if (dd < 10) {
+ dd = "0" + dd;
+ }
+ if (mm < 10) {
+ mm = "0" + mm;
+ }
+ min = yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
+ break;
+ }
+ $("#end_value_" + value, context).attr("min", min);
+ $("#end_value_" + value, context).prop("disabled", false);
+ });
- context.on("focusout", "#time_input", function () {
- $("#time_input").removeAttr("data-invalid");
- $("#time_input").removeAttr("class");
- });
+ context.on("focusout", "#time_input", function () {
+ $("#time_input").removeAttr("data-invalid");
+ $("#time_input").removeAttr("class");
+ });
- }
+ }
- function _retrieve(context) {
- $("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table .create", context).remove();
- var actionsJSON = [];
- $("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table tbody tr").each(function (index) {
- var first = $(this).children("td")[0];
- if (!$("select", first).html()) {
- var actionJSON = {};
- if ($(this).attr("data")){
- actionJSON = JSON.parse($(this).attr("data"));
- actionJSON.ID = index;
- }
- }
- if (!$.isEmptyObject(actionJSON)) { actionsJSON.push(actionJSON); };
- });
- return actionsJSON;
- }
+ function _retrieve(context) {
+ $("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table .create", context).remove();
+ var actionsJSON = [];
+ $("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table tbody tr").each(function (index) {
+ var first = $(this).children("td")[0];
+ if (!$("select", first).html()) {
+ var actionJSON = {};
+ if ($(this).attr("data")) {
+ actionJSON = JSON.parse($(this).attr("data"));
+ actionJSON.ID = index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(actionJSON)) { actionsJSON.push(actionJSON); };
+ });
+ return actionsJSON;
+ }
- function _retrieveNewAction(context) {
- var relative_time = $("#relative_time",context).prop("checked");
+ function _retrieveNewAction(context) {
+ var relative_time = $("#relative_time", context).prop("checked");
var new_action = $("#select_new_action", context).val();
var sched_action = {};
- if(relative_time){
+ if (relative_time) {
var time_number = $("#time_number", context).val();
var time_unit = $("#time_unit", context).val();
var send_time = 0;
- if (time_number === "" || time_number <= 0 ) {
- Notifier.notifyError("Time Number not defined.");
- return false;
- }
+ if (time_number === "" || time_number <= 0) {
+ Notifier.notifyError("Time Number not defined.");
+ return false;
+ }
switch (time_unit) {
case "years":
send_time = time_number * 365 * 24 * 3600;
- break;
+ break;
case "months":
send_time = time_number * 30 * 24 * 3600;
- break;
+ break;
case "weeks":
send_time = time_number * 7 * 24 * 3600;
- break;
+ break;
case "days":
send_time = time_number * 24 * 3600;
- break;
+ break;
case "hours":
send_time = time_number * 3600;
- break;
+ break;
case "minutes":
send_time = time_number * 60;
- break;
+ break;
Notifier.notifyError("Error in unit time");
- return false;
- break;
+ return false;
+ break;
sched_action.TIME = "+" + send_time;
- }else{
+ } else {
var periodic = $("input#schedule_type", context).prop("checked");
- var time_input_value = $("#time_input", context).val();
- var date_input_value = $("#date_input", context).val();
- var rep = 0;
- var end_type = 1;
- var days = "";
- var end_value = 1;
- if (date_input_value === "") {
- Notifier.notifyError("Date not defined.");
- return false;
- }
- if (time_input_value === ""){
- Notifier.notifyError("Time not defined.");
- return false;
+ var time_input_value = $("#time_input", context).val();
+ var date_input_value = $("#date_input", context).val();
+ var rep = 0;
+ var end_type = 1;
+ var days = "";
+ var end_value = 1;
+ if (date_input_value === "") {
+ Notifier.notifyError("Date not defined.");
+ return false;
+ if (time_input_value === "") {
+ Notifier.notifyError("Time not defined.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ end_type = 2;
var timeCal = date_input_value + " " + time_input_value;
- epochStr = new Date(timeCal);
+ epochStr = new Date(timeCal);
var time = parseInt(epochStr.getTime()) / 1000;
sched_action.END_TYPE = end_type;
sched_action.END_VALUE = time;
- sched_action.TIME = time;
- if (periodic) {
- if (!this.repeat || !this.end_type) {
- return false;
- }
- if (this.repeat === "week") {
- $("input[name='days']:checked").each(function () {
- days = days + (this).value + ",";
- });
- days = days.slice(0, -1);
- } else if (this.repeat === "month") {
- rep = 1;
- days = $("#days_month_value", context).val();
- } else if (this.repeat === "year"){
- rep = 2;
- days = $("#days_year_value", context).val();
- } else {
- rep = 3;
- days = $("#days_hour_value", context).val();
- }
- if (days === "") {
- Notifier.notifyError("Hours or days not defined.");
- return false;
- }
- if (this.end_type === "never") {
- end_type = 0;
- } else if (this.end_type === "n_rep") {
- end_value = $("#end_value_n_rep", context).val();
- if (end_value === "") {
- Notifier.notifyError("Repetition number not defined.");
- return false;
- }
- } else if (this.end_type === "date") {
- end_type = 2;
- end_date = $("#end_value_date", context).val();
- if (end_date === "") {
- Notifier.notifyError("End date not defined.");
- return false;
- }
- var time_value = end_date + " " + time_input_value;
- var epoch_str = new Date(time_value);
- end_value = parseInt(epoch_str.getTime()) / 1000;
- }
- sched_action.DAYS = days;
- sched_action.REPEAT = rep;
- sched_action.END_VALUE = end_value;
- }
+ sched_action.TIME = time;
+ if (periodic) {
+ end_type = 1;
+ if (!this.repeat || !this.end_type) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.repeat === "week") {
+ $("input[name='days']:checked").each(function () {
+ days = days + (this).value + ",";
+ });
+ days = days.slice(0, -1);
+ } else if (this.repeat === "month") {
+ rep = 1;
+ days = $("#days_month_value", context).val();
+ } else if (this.repeat === "year") {
+ rep = 2;
+ days = $("#days_year_value", context).val();
+ } else {
+ rep = 3;
+ days = $("#days_hour_value", context).val();
+ }
+ if (days === "") {
+ Notifier.notifyError("Hours or days not defined.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.end_type === "never") {
+ end_type = 0;
+ } else if (this.end_type === "n_rep") {
+ end_value = $("#end_value_n_rep", context).val();
+ if (end_value === "") {
+ Notifier.notifyError("Repetition number not defined.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (this.end_type === "date") {
+ end_type = 2;
+ end_date = $("#end_value_date", context).val();
+ if (end_date === "") {
+ Notifier.notifyError("End date not defined.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ var time_value = end_date + " " + time_input_value;
+ var epoch_str = new Date(time_value);
+ end_value = parseInt(epoch_str.getTime()) / 1000;
+ }
+ sched_action.DAYS = days;
+ sched_action.REPEAT = rep;
+ sched_action.END_VALUE = end_value;
+ }
+ sched_action.END_TYPE = end_type;
sched_action.ACTION = new_action;
$("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table .create", context).remove();
$("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table #relative_time_form", context).remove();
$("#scheduling_" + this.res + "_actions_table #no_relative_time_form", context).remove();
- $("#no_relative_time_form",context).addClass("hide");
+ $("#no_relative_time_form", context).addClass("hide");
$("#add_scheduling_" + this.res + "_action", context).removeAttr("disabled");
return sched_action;
- }
+ }
- function _fromJSONtoActionsTable(actions_array, action_id, minus) {
- var str = "";
+ function _fromJSONtoActionsTable(actions_array, action_id, minus) {
+ var str = "";
- if (!actions_array) {
- return "";
- }
+ if (!actions_array) {
+ return "";
+ }
- if (!$.isArray(actions_array)) {
- var tmp_array = new Array();
- tmp_array[0] = actions_array;
- actions_array = tmp_array;
- }
+ if (!$.isArray(actions_array)) {
+ var tmp_array = new Array();
+ tmp_array[0] = actions_array;
+ actions_array = tmp_array;
+ }
- if (!actions_array.length) {
- return "";
- }
+ if (!actions_array.length) {
+ return "";
+ }
- $.each(actions_array, function (index, scheduling_action) {
- str += _fromJSONtoActionRow(scheduling_action, action_id, minus);
- });
+ $.each(actions_array, function (index, scheduling_action) {
+ str += _fromJSONtoActionRow(scheduling_action, action_id, minus);
+ });
- return str;
- }
+ return str;
+ }
- function _parseTime(time=0){
+ function _parseTime(time = 0) {
r = time;
- if(Math.round(time) !== time) {
- r = time.toFixed(2);
+ if (Math.round(time) !== time) {
+ r = time.toFixed(2);
return r;
- function _time(unit=undefined){
- if(unit && unit>0){
+ function _time(unit = undefined) {
+ if (unit && unit > 0) {
years = unit / 365 / 24 / 3600;
months = unit / 30 / 24 / 3600;
weeks = unit / 7 / 24 / 3600;
days = unit / 24 / 3600;
hours = unit / 3600;
minutes = unit / 60;
- if(years >= 1){
+ if (years >= 1) {
return _parseTime(years) + " " + Locale.tr("Years");
- if(months >= 1){
+ if (months >= 1) {
return _parseTime(months) + " " + Locale.tr("Months");
- if(weeks >= 1){
+ if (weeks >= 1) {
return _parseTime(weeks) + " " + Locale.tr("Weeks");
- if(days >= 1){
+ if (days >= 1) {
return _parseTime(days) + " " + Locale.tr("Days");
- if(hours >= 1){
+ if (hours >= 1) {
return _parseTime(hours) + " " + Locale.tr("Hours");
- if(minutes >= 1){
+ if (minutes >= 1) {
return _parseTime(minutes) + " " + Locale.tr("Minutes");
- function _fromJSONtoActionRow(scheduling_action, action_id, minus) {
- var time_str = Humanize.prettyTime(scheduling_action.TIME);
- var rep_str = "";
- var end_str = "";
+ function _fromJSONtoActionRow(scheduling_action, action_id, minus) {
+ var time_str = Humanize.prettyTime(scheduling_action.TIME);
+ var rep_str = "";
+ var end_str = "";
- if (scheduling_action.REPEAT !== undefined) {
- if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 0) {
- rep_str = "Weekly ";
- } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 1) {
- rep_str = "Monthly ";
- } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 2) {
- rep_str = "Yearly ";
- } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 3) {
- rep_str = "Each " + scheduling_action.DAYS + " hours";
- }
+ if (scheduling_action.REPEAT !== undefined) {
+ if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 0) {
+ rep_str = "Weekly ";
+ } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 1) {
+ rep_str = "Monthly ";
+ } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 2) {
+ rep_str = "Yearly ";
+ } else if (scheduling_action.REPEAT == 3) {
+ rep_str = "Each " + scheduling_action.DAYS + " hours";
+ }
- if (scheduling_action.REPEAT != 3) {
- if (scheduling_action.REPEAT != 0) {
- rep_str += scheduling_action.DAYS;
- } else {
- rep_str += Humanize.week_days(scheduling_action.DAYS);
- }
- }
- }
+ if (scheduling_action.REPEAT != 3) {
+ if (scheduling_action.REPEAT != 0) {
+ rep_str += scheduling_action.DAYS;
+ } else {
+ rep_str += Humanize.week_days(scheduling_action.DAYS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE !== undefined) {
- if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 0) {
- end_str = "None";
- } else if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 1) {
- end_str = "After " + scheduling_action.END_VALUE + " times";
- } else if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 2) {
- end_str = "on " + Humanize.prettyTime(scheduling_action.END_VALUE);
- }
- }
+ if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE !== undefined) {
+ if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 0) {
+ end_str = "None";
+ } else if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 1) {
+ end_str = "After " + scheduling_action.END_VALUE + " times";
+ } else if (scheduling_action.END_TYPE == 2) {
+ end_str = "on " + Humanize.prettyTime(scheduling_action.END_VALUE);
+ }
+ }
- var str = "";
- if (action_id === undefined) {
- str += "
+ var str = "";
+ if (action_id === undefined) {
+ str += "
var time = scheduling_action.TIME.toString();
- time = isNaN(time)? time_str : (time && time.match(/^\+(.*)/gi)? _time(time) : time_str);
+ time = isNaN(time) ? time_str : (time && time.match(/^\+(.*)/gi) ? _time(time) : time_str);
- str += "