{{tr " Add Network contextualization"}}
{{{tip (tr "Add network contextualization parameters. For each NIC defined in the NETWORK section, ETH$i_IP, ETH$i_NETWORK... parameters will be included in the CONTEXT section and will be available in the Virtual Machine")}}}
@@ -79,8 +84,8 @@
{{tr " Add OneGate token"}}
{{{tip (tr "Add a file (token.txt) to the context contaning the token to push custom metrics to the VirtualMachine through OneGate")}}}
@@ -90,13 +95,13 @@
{{tr "Start Script"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Text of the script executed when the machine starts up. It can contain shebang in case it is not shell script. For example 'yum upgrade'")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Text of the script executed when the machine starts up. It can contain shebang in case it is not shell script. For example 'yum upgrade'")}}}
- {{tr " Encode Script in Base64"}}
+ {{tr " Encode Script in Base64"}}
@@ -116,20 +121,20 @@
{{tr "FILES_DS"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Raw String for the FILE_DS attribute of the VM template, representing files that will be included in the contextualization image. Each file must be stored in a FILE_DS Datastore and must be of type CONTEXT")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Raw String for the FILE_DS attribute of the VM template, representing files that will be included in the contextualization image. Each file must be stored in a FILE_DS Datastore and must be of type CONTEXT")}}}
{{tr "Init scripts"}}
- {{{tip (tr "If the VM uses the OpenNebula contextualization package the init.sh file is executed by default. When the init script added is not called init.sh or more than one init script is added, this list contains the scripts to run and the order. Ex. “init.sh users.sh mysql.sh”")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "If the VM uses the OpenNebula contextualization package the init.sh file is executed by default. When the init script added is not called init.sh or more than one init script is added, this list contains the scripts to run and the order. Ex. “init.sh users.sh mysql.sh”")}}}
{{tr "Port"}}
{{{tip (tr "Port for the VNC/SPICE server")}}}
{{tr "Keymap"}}
{{{tip (tr "Keyboard configuration locale to use in the VNC/SPICE display")}}}
{{tr "Password"}}
{{{tip (tr "Password for the VNC/SPICE server")}}}
{{tr "Generate Random Password"}}
{{{tip (tr "A random password will be generated for each VM, and will be included in the VM information")}}}
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@
- {{tr "PATH"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Path to the OS kernel to boot the image")}}}
+ {{tr "Path"}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Path to the OS kernel to boot the image")}}}
- {{tr "PATH"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Path to the initrd image")}}}
+ {{tr "Path"}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Path to the initrd image")}}}
@@ -186,63 +190,63 @@
{{tr "ACPI"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)")}}}
{{tr "PAE"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for Physical Address Extension (PAE)")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for Physical Address Extension (PAE)")}}}
{{tr "HYPERV"}}
- {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for hyper-v features (HYPERV)")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "Add support in the VM for hyper-v features (HYPERV)")}}}
{{tr "Localtime"}}
- {{{tip (tr "The guest clock will be synchronized to the hosts configured timezone when booted.")}}}
+ {{{tip (tr "The guest clock will be synchronized to the hosts configured timezone when booted.")}}}
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other.js
index bb98ead3ae..a44199006b 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other.js
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ define(function(require) {
var templateJSON = CustomTagsTable.retrieve(context);
var rawJSON = {}
- var rawData = TemplateUtils.escapeDoubleQuotes($('#raw_data', context).val());
+ var rawData = TemplateUtils.escapeDoubleQuotes($('.raw_data', context).val());
if (rawData != "") {
rawJSON['DATA'] = rawData;
- var rawType = $('#raw_type', context).val();
+ var rawType = $('.raw_type', context).val();
if (rawType != undefined) {
rawJSON['TYPE'] = rawType;
@@ -177,10 +177,9 @@ define(function(require) {
function _fill(context, templateJSON) {
var rawJSON = templateJSON.RAW;
if (rawJSON) {
- $('#raw_type', context).val(rawJSON['TYPE']);
- $('#raw_type', context).change();
- $('#raw_data', context).val(TemplateUtils.htmlDecode(rawJSON['DATA']));
- $('#raw_data_vmx', context).val(TemplateUtils.htmlDecode(rawJSON['DATA_VMX']));
+ $('.raw_type', context).val(rawJSON['TYPE']);
+ $('.raw_type', context).change();
+ $('.raw_data', context).val(TemplateUtils.htmlDecode(rawJSON['DATA']));
delete templateJSON.RAW
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other/html.hbs b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other/html.hbs
index f658477f7e..39c04bf387 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other/html.hbs
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/create/wizard-tabs/other/html.hbs
@@ -14,29 +14,31 @@
{{! limitations under the License. }}
{{! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}