diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/distributed_firewall.rb b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/distributed_firewall.rb
index 4691b2fd0c..0cd34535c6 100644
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/distributed_firewall.rb
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/distributed_firewall.rb
@@ -196,12 +196,10 @@ module NSXDriver
             vm = VCenterDriver::VirtualMachine
                  .new_one(vi_client, deploy_id, one_vm)
-            # NSX Objects needed
-            ls = LogicalSwitch.new(@nsx_client)
             # Search NSX Nics
             # First try to search only new attached NSX Nics
-            nsx_nics = ls.nsx_nics(template_xml, only_attached)
+            nsx_nics = NSXDriver::LogicalSwitch.nsx_nics(template_xml,
+                                                         only_attached)
             # If there is no NSX Nics
             return if nsx_nics.empty?
@@ -251,10 +249,9 @@ module NSXDriver
             vm_id = template_xml.xpath('/VM/ID').text
             vm_deploy_id = template_xml.xpath('/VM/DEPLOY_ID').text
-            # Search NSX Nics
-            ls = LogicalSwitch.new(@nsx_client)
             # First try to search only new attached NSX Nics
-            nsx_nics = ls.nsx_nics(template_xml, only_detached)
+            nsx_nics = NSXDriver::LogicalSwitch.nsx_nics(template_xml,
+                                                         only_detached)
             # If there is no NSX Nics
             return if nsx_nics.empty?
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/logical_switch.rb b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/logical_switch.rb
index a02dfd3036..7950624e5b 100644
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/logical_switch.rb
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/nsx_driver/logical_switch.rb
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module NSXDriver
         # Return nsx nics of type NSX-V and NSX-T
         # If only_new_attached = true --> Only returns new attached nsx nics
-        def nsx_nics(template_xml, only_new_attached = true)
+        def self.nsx_nics(template_xml, only_new_attached = true)
             if only_new_attached == true
                 nics = template_xml.xpath('//TEMPLATE/NIC[ATTACH="YES"]')
diff --git a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/clean b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/clean
index 8c90a8c6ab..fa4714996c 100755
--- a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/clean
+++ b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/clean
@@ -69,19 +69,39 @@ end
 nsx_status = one_host['TEMPLATE/NSX_STATUS']
 exit 0 if nsx_status.nil?
-# Clear rules
-nsx_client = NSXDriver::NSXClient.new_from_id(one_host['ID'])
-dfw = NSXDriver::DistributedFirewall.new_child(nsx_client)
+# Exit if there is no NSX_PASSWORD
+nsx_password = one_host['TEMPLATE/NSX_PASSWORD']
+exit 0 if nsx_password.nil?
-    dfw.clear_rules(template, modified?(template))
-rescue StandardError => e
-    OpenNebula.log_error('Error deleting security groups rules ' \
-        "due to \"#{e.message}\"")
-    if VCenterDriver::CONFIG[:debug_information]
-        OpenNebula.error_message(e.backtrace)
+# OpenNebula VM
+vmid = template_xml.xpath('//VM/ID')
+one_vm = VCenterDriver::VIHelper.one_item(OpenNebula::VirtualMachine, vmid)
+rc = one_vm.info
+if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
+    err_msg = rc.message
+    raise err_msg
+# Get all modified or all NSX Nics
+is_modified = modified?(template)
+nsx_nics = NSXDriver::LogicalSwitch.nsx_nics(template_xml,
+                                             is_modified)
+vm_state = one_vm.state_str
+unless nsx_nics.empty? || (vm_state != 'POWEROFF')
+    begin
+        # Clear rules
+        nsx_client = NSXDriver::NSXClient.new_from_id(one_host['ID'])
+        dfw = NSXDriver::DistributedFirewall.new_child(nsx_client)
+        dfw.clear_rules(template, modified?(template))
+    rescue StandardError => e
+        OpenNebula.log_error('Error deleting security groups rules ' \
+            "due to \"#{e.message}\"")
+        if VCenterDriver::CONFIG[:debug_information]
+            OpenNebula.error_message(e.backtrace)
+        end
+        exit 1
-    exit 1
 exit 0
diff --git a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/post b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/post
index 062d2d0b9b..ffcf7b5435 100755
--- a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/post
+++ b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/post
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ end
 template = Base64.decode64(STDIN.read)
 deploy_id = ARGV[0]
 template_xml = Nokogiri::XML(template)
 # OpenNebula host
@@ -71,6 +70,10 @@ end
 nsx_status = one_host['TEMPLATE/NSX_STATUS']
 exit 0 if nsx_status.nil?
+# Exit if there is no NSX_PASSWORD
+nsx_password = one_host['TEMPLATE/NSX_PASSWORD']
+exit 0 if nsx_password.nil?
 # OpenNebula VM
 vmid = template_xml.xpath('//VM/ID')
 one_vm = VCenterDriver::VIHelper.one_item(OpenNebula::VirtualMachine, vmid)
@@ -81,17 +84,16 @@ if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
     raise err_msg
-# NSX Objects
-nsx_client = NSXDriver::NSXTClient.new_from_id(one_host['ID'])
-dfw = NSXDriver::DistributedFirewall.new_child(nsx_client)
-ls = NSXDriver::LogicalSwitch.new(nsx_client)
 # Get all modified or all NSX Nics
 is_modified = modified?(template)
-nsx_nics = ls.nsx_nics(template_xml, is_modified)
+nsx_nics = NSXDriver::LogicalSwitch.nsx_nics(template_xml,
+                                             is_modified)
 vm_state = one_vm.state_str
 unless nsx_nics.empty? || (vm_state == 'POWEROFF')
+        # NSX Objects
+        nsx_client = NSXDriver::NSXTClient.new_from_id(one_host['ID'])
+        dfw = NSXDriver::DistributedFirewall.new_child(nsx_client)
         dfw.create_rules(deploy_id, template, is_modified)
     rescue StandardError => e
         dfw.clear_rules(template, is_modified)
diff --git a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/pre b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/pre
index c2199d9379..fef41023e8 100755
--- a/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/pre
+++ b/src/vnm_mad/remotes/vcenter/pre
@@ -15,59 +15,5 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
 # limitations under the License.                                             #
 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Define libraries location
-    RUBY_LIB_LOCATION = '/usr/lib/one/ruby'
-    GEMS_LOCATION     = '/usr/share/one/gems'
-    VMDIR             = '/var/lib/one'
-    CONFIG_FILE       = '/var/lib/one/config'
-    GEMS_LOCATION     = ONE_LOCATION + '/share/gems'
-    VMDIR             = ONE_LOCATION + '/var'
-    CONFIG_FILE       = ONE_LOCATION + '/var/config'
-if File.directory?(GEMS_LOCATION)
-    Gem.use_paths(GEMS_LOCATION)
-$LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__)
-$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
-require 'vnmmad'
-require 'nokogiri'
-require 'opennebula'
-require 'vcenter_driver'
-require 'nsx_driver'
-template = Base64.decode64(STDIN.read)
-template_xml = Nokogiri::XML(template)
-# Check Host exists
-host_name = template_xml
-            .xpath('//HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY[last()]/HOSTNAME').text
-one_host = VCenterDriver::VIHelper
-           .find_by_name(OpenNebula::HostPool, host_name)
-rc = one_host.info
-if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
-    err_msg = rc.message
-    raise err_msg
-# Exit if there is no NSX
-nsx_status = one_host['TEMPLATE/NSX_STATUS']
-exit 0 if nsx_status.nil?
-unless nsx_status == 'OK'
-    OpenNebula.log_error('NSX_STATUS is not OK')
-    OpenNebula.error_message('NSX_STATUS is not OK')
-    exit 1
 exit 0