+ ''+
+ ''+
+ tr("Role Elasticity")+
+ '\
- \
- \
- \
- '+tr("Elasticity policies")+'\
- | \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- '+tr("CHANGE: Add/substract the given number of VMs.")+' \
- '+tr("CARDINALITY: Set the cardinality to the given number.")+' \
- '+tr("PERCENTAGE_CHANGE: Add/substract the given percentage to the current cardinality.")+
- '" style="width:14%">'+tr("Type")+'\
- | \
- \
- '+tr("CHANGE: -2, will substract 2 VMs from the role")+' \
- '+tr("CARDINALITY: 8, will set carditanilty to 8")+' \
- '+tr("PERCENTAGE_CHANGE: 20, will increment cardinality by 20%")+
- '" style="width:12%">'+tr("Adjust")+'\
- | \
- '+
- tr(" If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+
- '" style="width:9%">'+tr("Min")+'\
- | \
- \
- '+tr("Example: ATT < 20")+
- '" style="width:30%">'+tr("Expression")+'\
- | \
- #\
- | \
- '+tr("Period")+'\
- | \
- '+tr("Cooldown")+'\
- | \
- | \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- '+tr("Add another policy")+'\
- | \
- \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
- \
- '+tr("Scheduled policies")+'\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Elasticity policies")+'\
| \
@@ -373,36 +287,92 @@ function generate_elasticity_accordion(role_id, context) {
'+tr("PERCENTAGE_CHANGE: 20, will increment cardinality by 20%")+
'" style="width:12%">'+tr("Adjust")+'\
- '+
+ tr(" If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+
'" style="width:9%">'+tr("Min")+'\
| \
- \
- '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+
- '" style="width:28%">'+tr("Time format")+'\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Example: ATT < 20")+
+ '" style="width:30%">'+tr("Expression")+'\
| \
- \
- '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+' \
- '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+
- '" style="width:33%">'+tr("Time expression")+'\
+ | #\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Period")+'\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Cooldown")+'\
| \
| \
- \
+ \
- \
- '+tr("Add another policy")+'\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Add another policy")+'\
| \
- \
- ');
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ '+tr("Scheduled policies")+'\
+ | \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ '+tr("CHANGE: Add/substract the given number of VMs.")+' \
+ '+tr("CARDINALITY: Set the cardinality to the given number.")+' \
+ '+tr("PERCENTAGE_CHANGE: Add/substract the given percentage to the current cardinality.")+
+ '" style="width:14%">'+tr("Type")+'\
+ | \
+ \
+ '+tr("CHANGE: -2, will substract 2 VMs from the role")+' \
+ '+tr("CARDINALITY: 8, will set carditanilty to 8")+' \
+ '+tr("PERCENTAGE_CHANGE: 20, will increment cardinality by 20%")+
+ '" style="width:12%">'+tr("Adjust")+'\
+ | \
+ '+tr("Min")+'\
+ | \
+ \
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+
+ '" style="width:28%">'+tr("Time format")+'\
+ | \
+ \
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+' \
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+
+ '" style="width:33%">'+tr("Time expression")+'\
+ | \
+ | \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ '+tr("Add another policy")+'\
+ | \
+ \
@@ -440,45 +410,56 @@ var instantiate_service_template_tmpl ='\
var dataTable_service_templates;
-var $create_service_template_dialog;
var service_template_actions = {
"ServiceTemplate.create" : {
type: "create",
call: OpenNebula.ServiceTemplate.create,
- callback: function(request, response) {
- //empty creation dialog roles after successful creation
- var dialog = $create_service_template_dialog;
- $('table#current_roles tbody', dialog).empty();
- $('select[name="parents"]', dialog).empty();
- dialog.foundation('reveal', 'close');
- $create_service_template_dialog.foundation('reveal', 'close')
- $create_service_template_dialog.empty();
+ callback: function(request, response){
+ $("a[href=back]", $("#oneflow-templates")).trigger("click");
+ popFormDialog("create_service_template_form", $("#oneflow-templates"));
addServiceTemplateElement(request, response);
notifyCustom(tr("Service Template created"), " ID: " + response.DOCUMENT.ID, false);
- error: onError
+ error: function(request, response){
+ popFormDialog("create_service_template_form", $("#oneflow-templates"));
+ onError(request, response);
+ }
"ServiceTemplate.create_dialog" : {
type : "custom",
- call: popUpCreateServiceTemplateDialog
+ call: function(){
+ Sunstone.popUpFormPanel("create_service_template_form", "oneflow-templates", "create", false);
+ }
"ServiceTemplate.update_dialog" : {
type : "single",
- call: popUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog,
+ call: function(){
+ var selected_nodes = getSelectedNodes(dataTable_service_templates);
+ if ( selected_nodes.length != 1 ) {
+ notifyMessage("Please select one (and just one) template to update.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get proper cluster_id
+ var template_id = ""+selected_nodes[0];
+ Sunstone.runAction("ServiceTemplate.show_to_update", template_id);
+ },
error: onError
"ServiceTemplate.show_to_update" : {
type : "single",
call: OpenNebula.ServiceTemplate.show,
- callback: fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog,
+ callback: function(request, response) {
+ Sunstone.popUpFormPanel("create_service_template_form", "oneflow-templates", "update", true, function(context){
+ fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(response, context)
+ });
+ },
error: onError
@@ -486,12 +467,16 @@ var service_template_actions = {
type: "single",
call: OpenNebula.ServiceTemplate.update,
callback: function(request,response){
- $create_service_template_dialog.foundation('reveal', 'close');
+ $("a[href=back]", $("#oneflow-templates")).trigger("click");
+ popFormDialog("create_service_template_form", $("#oneflow-templates"));
notifyMessage(tr("ServiceTemplate updated correctly"));
- error: onError
+ error: function(request, response){
+ popFormDialog("create_service_template_form", $("#oneflow-templates"));
+ onError(request, response);
+ }
"ServiceTemplate.list" : {
@@ -686,7 +671,24 @@ var service_templates_tab = {
- '
+ ',
+ forms: {
+ "create_service_template_form": {
+ actions: {
+ create: {
+ title: tr("Create Service Template"),
+ submit_text: tr("Create")
+ },
+ update: {
+ title: tr("Update Service Template"),
+ submit_text: tr("Update")
+ }
+ },
+ wizard_html: create_service_template_wizard_html,
+ advanced_html: create_service_template_advanced_html,
+ setup: initialize_create_service_template_dialog
+ }
+ }
@@ -1227,19 +1229,10 @@ function setup_role_tab_content(role_section, html_role_id) {
// Prepare the creation dialog
-function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
- dialogs_context.append('
- $create_service_template_dialog = $('#create_service_template_dialog',dialogs_context);
- var dialog = $create_service_template_dialog;
- dialog.html(create_service_template_tmpl);
- dialog.addClass("reveal-modal large").attr("data-reveal", "");
+function initialize_create_service_template_dialog(dialog){
- dialog.off();
- dialog.on("click", ".add_service_network", function(){
+ $(".add_service_network", dialog).on("click", function(){
$(".service_networks tbody").append(
@@ -1258,8 +1251,7 @@ function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
$(".add_service_network", dialog).trigger("click");
var redo_service_networks_selector = function(dialog){
- $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content',
- $create_service_template_dialog).each(function(){
+ $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', dialog).each(function(){
var role_section = this;
@@ -1268,8 +1260,7 @@ function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
var redo_service_networks_selector_role = function(dialog, role_section){
- $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content',
- $create_service_template_dialog).each(function(){
+ $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', dialog).each(function(){
var role_section = this;
@@ -1325,7 +1316,7 @@ function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
// Append the new div containing the tab and add the tab to the list
var role_section = $(' '+
role_tab_content +
- ' ').appendTo($("#roles_tabs_content"));
+ '').appendTo($("#roles_tabs_content", dialog));
generate_elasticity_accordion(role_id, $(".elasticity_accordion", role_section))
generate_advanced_role_accordion(role_id, $(".advanced_role_accordion", role_section))
@@ -1337,7 +1328,7 @@ function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
"+tr("Role ")+role_id+" \
- ").appendTo($("dl#roles_tabs"));
+ ").appendTo($("dl#roles_tabs", dialog));
$("a", a).trigger("click");
@@ -1404,29 +1395,24 @@ function setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
- $('#create_service_template_form',dialog).on('invalid', function () {
+ $('#create_service_template_form_wizard',dialog).on('invalid', function () {
notifyError(tr("One or more required fields are missing or malformed."));
+ popFormDialog("create_service_template_form", $("#oneflow-templates"));
}).on('valid', function() {
- if ($('#create_service_template_form',dialog).attr("opennebula_action") == "create") {
- var json_template = generate_json_service_template_from_form();
+ if ($('#create_service_template_form_wizard',dialog).attr("action") == "create") {
+ var json_template = generate_json_service_template_from_form(this);
Sunstone.runAction("ServiceTemplate.create", json_template );
return false;
- } else if ($('#create_service_template_form',dialog).attr("opennebula_action") == "update") {
- var json_template = generate_json_service_template_from_form();
+ } else if ($('#create_service_template_form_wizard',dialog).attr("action") == "update") {
+ var json_template = generate_json_service_template_from_form(this);
Sunstone.runAction("ServiceTemplate.update",service_template_to_update_id, JSON.stringify(json_template));
return false;
- $('#create_service_template_reset', dialog).click(function(){
- dialog.html("");
- setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog();
+ // TODO advanced
- popUpCreateServiceTemplateDialog();
- });
- $(document).foundation();
+ dialog.foundation();
roles_index = 0;
@@ -1478,12 +1464,12 @@ var removeEmptyObjects = function(obj){
return obj;
-function generate_json_service_template_from_form() {
- var name = $('input[name="service_name"]', $create_service_template_dialog).val();
- var description = $('#description', $create_service_template_dialog).val();
- var deployment = $('select[name="deployment"]', $create_service_template_dialog).val();
- var shutdown_action_service = $('select[name="shutdown_action_service"]', $create_service_template_dialog).val();
- var ready_status_gate = $('input[name="ready_status_gate"]', $create_service_template_dialog).prop("checked");
+function generate_json_service_template_from_form(dialog) {
+ var name = $('input[name="service_name"]', dialog).val();
+ var description = $('#description', dialog).val();
+ var deployment = $('select[name="deployment"]', dialog).val();
+ var shutdown_action_service = $('select[name="shutdown_action_service"]', dialog).val();
+ var ready_status_gate = $('input[name="ready_status_gate"]', dialog).prop("checked");
var custom_attrs = {};
@@ -1498,7 +1484,7 @@ function generate_json_service_template_from_form() {
var roles = [];
- $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', $create_service_template_dialog).each(function(){
+ $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', dialog).each(function(){
var role = {};
role['name'] = $('input[name="name"]', this).val();
role['cardinality'] = $('input[name="cardinality"]', this).val();
@@ -1587,58 +1573,7 @@ function generate_json_service_template_from_form() {
return obj;
-function popUpCreateServiceTemplateDialog(){
- if (!$create_service_template_dialog || $create_service_template_dialog.html() == "") {
- setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog();
- }
- var dialog = $create_service_template_dialog;
- dialog.die();
- $("#create_service_template_form", dialog).attr("opennebula_action", "create");
- $("#create_service_template_header", dialog).show();
- $("#update_service_template_header", dialog).hide();
- $("#create_service_template_submit", dialog).show();
- $("#update_service_template_submit", dialog).hide();
- $("#create_service_template_reset", dialog).show();
- $("#service_name", dialog).removeAttr("disabled");
- dialog.foundation().foundation('reveal', 'open');
-function popUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog() {
- var selected_nodes = getSelectedNodes(dataTable_service_templates);
- if ( selected_nodes.length != 1 )
- {
- notifyMessage("Please select one (and just one) template to update.");
- return false;
- }
- if (!$create_service_template_dialog) {
- setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog();
- } else {
- $create_service_template_dialog.remove();
- setupCreateServiceTemplateDialog();
- }
- var template_id = ""+selected_nodes[0];
- Sunstone.runAction("ServiceTemplate.show_to_update", template_id);
-function fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(request, response){
- var dialog = $('#create_service_template_dialog',dialogs_context);
- $("#create_service_template_form", dialog).attr("opennebula_action", "update");
- $("#create_service_template_header", dialog).hide();
- $("#update_service_template_header", dialog).show();
- $("#create_service_template_submit", dialog).hide();
- $("#update_service_template_submit", dialog).show();
- $("#create_service_template_reset", dialog).hide();
+function fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(response, dialog){
var service_template = response[OpenNebula.ServiceTemplate.resource]
$("#service_name", dialog).attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#service_name", dialog).val(htmlDecode(service_template.NAME));
@@ -1683,7 +1618,7 @@ function fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(request, response){
$.each(service_template.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles, function(index, value){
more_than_one ? $("#tf_btn_roles", dialog).click() : (more_than_one = true);
- var context = $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', $create_service_template_dialog).last();
+ var context = $('#roles_tabs_content .role_content', dialog).last();
$("#role_name", context).val(htmlDecode(value.name));
$("#role_name", context).change();
@@ -1766,7 +1701,7 @@ function fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(request, response){
$(tab_id+" .parent_roles_body").html(str);
- var context = $('#roles_tabs_content .content#role'+index+'Tab', $create_service_template_dialog);
+ var context = $('#roles_tabs_content .content#role'+index+'Tab', dialog);
if (value.parents) {
$.each(value.parents, function(index, value){
@@ -1776,13 +1711,6 @@ function fillUpUpdateServiceTemplateDialog(request, response){
service_template_to_update_id = service_template.ID;
- dialog.die();
- dialog.live('closed', function () {
- $create_service_template_dialog.html("");
- });
- dialog.foundation('reveal', 'open');
function popUpInstantiateServiceTemplateDialog(){