mirror of https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git synced 2025-03-21 14:50:08 +03:00

Bug #3251: Generic methods for image tables

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Martín 2014-10-23 13:16:25 +02:00
parent aab52cbd74
commit 7c0ff89b52

View File

@ -5581,7 +5581,7 @@ function generateVNetTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which vnets to show
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
function setupVNetTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
@ -5690,7 +5690,7 @@ function generateTemplateTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which vnets to show
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
function setupTemplateTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
@ -5788,7 +5788,7 @@ function generateHostTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which vnets to show
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
@ -5885,7 +5885,7 @@ function generateDatastoreTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which vnets to show
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
@ -5955,6 +5955,123 @@ function setupDatastoreTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
return setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options);
function generateImageTableSelect(context_id){
var columns = [
tr("Registration time"),
var options = {
"id_index": 1,
"name_index": 4,
"uname_index": 2,
"select_resource": tr("Please select an image from the list"),
"you_selected": tr("You selected the following image:")
return generateResourceTableSelect(context_id, columns, options);
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
function setupImageTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
if(opts == undefined){
opts = {};
if(opts.bVisible == undefined){
// Use the settings in the conf, but removing the checkbox
var config = Config.tabTableColumns('images-tab').slice(0);
var i = config.indexOf(0);
if(i != -1){
opts.bVisible = config;
var options = {
"dataTable_options": {
"iDisplayLength": 4,
"sDom" : '<"H">t<"F"p>',
"bRetrieve": true,
"bSortClasses" : false,
"bDeferRender": true,
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [0,1] },
{ "bVisible": true, "aTargets": opts.bVisible},
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": ['_all']}
"id_index": 1,
"name_index": 4,
"uname_index": 2,
"update_fn": function(datatable){
timeout: true,
success: function (request, resource_list){
var list_array = [];
var add = true;
add = opts.filter_fn(this.IMAGE);
updateView(list_array, datatable);
error: onError
"select_callback": opts.select_callback
return setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options);
// Clicks the refresh button
function refreshImageTableSelect(section, context_id){
return refreshResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
// Returns an ID, or an array of IDs for opts.multiple_choice
function retrieveImageTableSelect(section, context_id){
return retrieveResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
// Clears the current selection, and selects the given IDs
// opts.ids must be a single ID, or an array of IDs for options.multiple_choice
// opts.names must be an array of {name, uname}
function selectImageTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
return selectResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, opts);
function generateResourceTableSelect(context_id, columns, options){
if (!options.select_resource){
options.select_resource = tr("Please select a resource from the list");