diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/oneflow-templates-tab/form-panels/instantiate.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/oneflow-templates-tab/form-panels/instantiate.js
index c9d1b8819e..6fbb848184 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/oneflow-templates-tab/form-panels/instantiate.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/oneflow-templates-tab/form-panels/instantiate.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ define(function(require) {
var Sunstone = require("sunstone");
var Locale = require("utils/locale");
var Tips = require("utils/tips");
- var OpenNebulaAction = require('opennebula/action');
+ var OpenNebulaAction = require("opennebula/action");
var OpenNebulaServiceTemplate = require("opennebula/servicetemplate");
var OpenNebulaTemplate = require("opennebula/template");
var Notifier = require("utils/notifier");
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ define(function(require) {
var FORM_PANEL_ID = require("./instantiate/formPanelId");
var TAB_ID = require("../tabId");
var vm_group = "VM_GROUP";
- var classButton = 'small button leases right radius';
+ var classButton = "small button leases right radius";
@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ define(function(require) {
function _html() {
var values_hbs = {
- 'formPanelId': this.formPanelId,
- 'userInputsHTML': UserInputs.html(),
+ "formPanelId": this.formPanelId,
+ "userInputsHTML": UserInputs.html(),
if(config && config.system_config && config.system_config.leases){
values_hbs.userInputsCharters = $("
$("", {class: classButton, id:"addCharters"}).append(
- $("", {class: 'fa fa-clock'})
+ $("", {class: "fa fa-clock"})
$("", {class: "service-charters"})
- ).prop('outerHTML');
+ ).prop("outerHTML");
return TemplateHTML(values_hbs);
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ define(function(require) {
- var vmgroups = OpenNebulaAction.cache(vm_group)
+ var vmgroups = OpenNebulaAction.cache(vm_group);
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ define(function(require) {
var total_cost = 0;
var vmgroup_title = Locale.tr("Associate VM Group to Service");
var setDisplayTitle = function(value=""){
- vmgroup_title = value
- }
+ vmgroup_title = value;
+ };
$.each(template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles, function(index, role){
var div_id = "user_input_role_"+index;
if(vmgroup_title && that.display_vmgroups){
@@ -287,84 +287,85 @@ define(function(require) {
if (n_times.length){
var extra_info = ServiceUtils.getExtraInfo(
- context,
+ context,
+ var customAttrsValues = $.extend({}, extra_info.merge_template.custom_attrs_values);
- that &&
- that.service_template_json &&
+ that &&
+ that.service_template_json &&
that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT &&
that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE &&
- that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY &&
- that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles
+ that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY
- var charters = "";
- if(config && config.system_config && config.system_config.leases ){
- $(".service-charters", context).find("tr").each(function(index){
- var time = $(this).attr("data-time");
- var action = $(this).attr("data-action");
- if(time.length>0 && action.length>0){
- charters += TemplateUtils.templateToString({SCHED_ACTION:{ACTION:action, TIME: time, ID: index.toString()}});
+ if(that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.custom_attrs){
+ var customAttrs = that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.custom_attrs;
+ var optionalCustomAttrs = {};
+ Object.keys(customAttrs).forEach(function(customAttrKey){
+ customAttr = customAttrs[customAttrKey];
+ customAttrSplit = customAttr.split("|");
+ if(customAttrSplit[0] && customAttrSplit[0].toLowerCase() === "o"){
+ optionalCustomAttrs[customAttrKey] = (customAttrSplit[4] && customAttrSplit[4]!==undefined)? customAttrSplit[4] : "";
+ extra_info.merge_template.custom_attrs_values = $.extend({}, optionalCustomAttrs, extra_info.merge_template.custom_attrs_values);
- $.each(that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles, function(index, role){
- var temp_role = {};
- $.extend( temp_role, role);
- var div_id = "user_input_role_"+index;
- var tmp_json = {};
- $.extend( tmp_json, WizardFields.retrieve($("#"+div_id, context)) );
- $.each(tmp_json, function(key, value){
- if (Array.isArray(value)){
- delete tmp_json[key];
- tmp_json[key] = value.join(",");
- }
- });
- temp_role.user_inputs_values = tmp_json;
- var stringCustomValues = TemplateUtils.templateToString(extra_info.merge_template.custom_attrs_values);
- if (stringCustomValues) {
- (temp_role.vm_template_contents)
- ? temp_role.vm_template_contents += stringCustomValues
- : temp_role.vm_template_contents = stringCustomValues;
- }
- $("#instantiate_service_role_user_inputs").find("select").each(function(_, vm_group){
- var element = $(vm_group);
- rolevm_group = element.attr("data-role");
- vm_group_value = element.children("option:selected").val();
- if(rolevm_group && role.name && rolevm_group === role.name && vm_group_value){
- if(temp_role.vm_template_contents === undefined){
- temp_role.vm_template_contents = "";
+ if(that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles){
+ var charters = "";
+ if(config && config.system_config && config.system_config.leases ){
+ $(".service-charters", context).find("tr").each(function(index){
+ var time = $(this).attr("data-time");
+ var action = $(this).attr("data-action");
+ if(time.length>0 && action.length>0){
+ charters += TemplateUtils.templateToString({SCHED_ACTION:{ACTION:action, TIME: time, ID: index.toString()}});
- temp_role.vm_template_contents += TemplateUtils.templateToString({
- ROLE: role.name,
- VMGROUP_ID: vm_group_value
- }
- });
- }
- });
- if(charters.length){
- (temp_role.vm_template_contents !== undefined)
- ? temp_role.vm_template_contents += charters
- : temp_role.vm_template_contents = charters;
+ });
- extra_info.merge_template.roles.push(temp_role);
- });
- charters = "";
+ $.each(that.service_template_json.DOCUMENT.TEMPLATE.BODY.roles, function(index, role){
+ var temp_role = {};
+ $.extend( temp_role, role);
+ var div_id = "user_input_role_"+index;
+ var tmp_json = {};
+ $.extend( tmp_json, WizardFields.retrieve($("#"+div_id, context)) );
+ $.each(tmp_json, function(key, value){
+ if (Array.isArray(value)){
+ delete tmp_json[key];
+ tmp_json[key] = value.join(",");
+ }
+ });
+ temp_role.user_inputs_values = tmp_json;
+ var stringCustomValues = TemplateUtils.templateToString(customAttrsValues);
+ if (stringCustomValues) {
+ (temp_role.vm_template_contents)
+ ? temp_role.vm_template_contents += stringCustomValues
+ : temp_role.vm_template_contents = stringCustomValues;
+ }
+ $("#instantiate_service_role_user_inputs").find("select").each(function(_, vm_group){
+ var element = $(vm_group);
+ rolevm_group = element.attr("data-role");
+ vm_group_value = element.children("option:selected").val();
+ if(rolevm_group && role.name && rolevm_group === role.name && vm_group_value){
+ if(temp_role.vm_template_contents === undefined){
+ temp_role.vm_template_contents = "";
+ }
+ temp_role.vm_template_contents += TemplateUtils.templateToString({
+ ROLE: role.name,
+ VMGROUP_ID: vm_group_value
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if(charters.length){
+ (temp_role.vm_template_contents !== undefined)
+ ? temp_role.vm_template_contents += charters
+ : temp_role.vm_template_contents = charters;
+ }
+ extra_info.merge_template.roles.push(temp_role);
+ });
+ charters = "";
+ }
if (!service_name.length){ //empty name
for (var i=0; i< n_times_int; i++){