mirror of https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git synced 2025-03-25 02:50:08 +03:00

feature #4222: Add resource pool support and monitoring

This commit is contained in:
Tino Vazquez 2016-03-09 18:14:43 +01:00
parent ba7ffbb543
commit 8dff7559aa

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class VIClient
# The associated cluster for this connection
# Is this Cluster confined in a resource pool?
def rp_confined?
@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ class VIClient
def find_resource_pool(poolName)
baseEntity = @cluster
entityArray = poolName.split('/')
entityArray.each do |entityArrItem|
if entityArrItem != ''
@ -285,6 +286,9 @@ class VIClient
ccrs.each { |c|
if !hpool["HOST[NAME=\"#{c.name}\"]"]
vc_hosts[dc.name] << c.name
@ -937,6 +941,63 @@ class VCenterHost < ::OpenNebula::Host
str_info << "TOTALMEMORY=" << total_mem.to_s << "\n"
str_info << "FREEMEMORY=" << free_mem.to_s << "\n"
str_info << "USEDMEMORY=" << (total_mem - free_mem).to_s
str_info << monitor_resource_pools(@cluster.resourcePool, "", mhz_core)
# Generate an OpenNebula monitor string for all resource pools of a cluster
# Reference:
# http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-60/index.jsp#com.vmware.wssdk.apiref.doc
# /vim.ResourcePool.html
def monitor_resource_pools(parent_rp, parent_prefix, mhz_core)
return if parent_rp.resourcePool.size == 0
rp_info = ""
rpcpu = rp.config.cpuAllocation
rpmem = rp.config.memoryAllocation
cpu_expandable = rpcpu.expandableReservation ? "YES" : "NO"
cpu_limit = rpcpu.limit == "-1" ? "UNLIMITED" : rpcpu.limit
cpu_reservation = rpcpu.reservation
cpu_num = rpcpu.reservation.to_f / mhz_core
cpu_shares_level = rpcpu.shares.level
cpu_shares = rpcpu.shares.shares
mem_expandable = rpmem.expandableReservation ? "YES" : "NO"
mem_limit = rpmem.limit == "-1" ? "UNLIMITED" : rpmem.limit
mem_reservation = rpmem.reservation.to_f
mem_shares_level = rpmem.shares.level
mem_shares = rpmem.shares.shares
rp_name = (parent_prefix.empty? ? "" : parent_prefix + "/")
rp_name += rp.name
rp_info << "\nRESOURCE_POOL = ["
rp_info << "NAME=#{rp_name},"
rp_info << "CPU_EXPANDABLE=#{cpu_expandable},"
rp_info << "CPU_LIMIT=#{cpu_limit},"
rp_info << "CPU_RESERVATION=#{cpu_reservation},"
rp_info << "CPU_RESERVATION_NUM_CORES=#{cpu_num},"
rp_info << "CPU_SHARES=#{cpu_shares},"
rp_info << "CPU_SHARES_LEVEL=#{cpu_shares_level},"
rp_info << "MEM_EXPANDABLE=#{mem_expandable},"
rp_info << "MEM_LIMIT=#{mem_limit},"
rp_info << "MEM_RESERVATION=#{mem_reservation},"
rp_info << "MEM_SHARES=#{mem_shares},"
rp_info << "MEM_SHARES_LEVEL=#{mem_shares_level}"
rp_info << "]"
if rp.resourcePool.size != 0
rp_info << monitor_resource_pools(rp, rp_name, mhz_core)
return rp_info
@ -1709,10 +1770,14 @@ private
def self.clone_vm(xml_text, hostname, datastore)
host_id = VCenterDriver::VIClient.translate_hostname(hostname)
# Retrieve hostname
host = OpenNebula::Host.new_with_id(host_id, OpenNebula::Client.new())
host.info # Not failing if host retrieval fails
# Get VM prefix name
if host["/HOST/TEMPLATE/VM_PREFIX"] and !host["/HOST/TEMPLATE/VM_PREFIX"].empty?
vmname_prefix = host["/HOST/TEMPLATE/VM_PREFIX"]
else # fall back to default value
@ -1720,7 +1785,7 @@ private
xml = REXML::Document.new xml_text
pcs = xml.root.get_elements("//USER_TEMPLATE/PUBLIC_CLOUD")
pcs = xml.root.get_elements("/VM/USER_TEMPLATE/PUBLIC_CLOUD")
raise "Cannot find VCenter element in VM template." if pcs.nil?
@ -1730,6 +1795,7 @@ private
# If there are multiple vcenter templates, find the right one
if template.is_a? Array
all_vcenter_templates = template.clone
# If there is more than one coincidence, pick the first one
@ -1758,18 +1824,36 @@ private
vmid = xml.root.elements["/VM/ID"].text
vmname_prefix.gsub!("$i", vmid)
vcenter_name = "#{vmname_prefix}#{xml.root.elements["/VM/NAME"].text}"
hid = xml.root.elements["//HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/HID"]
hid = xml.root.elements["/VM/HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY/HID"]
raise "Cannot find host id in deployment file history." if hid.nil?
context = xml.root.elements["//TEMPLATE/CONTEXT"]
context = xml.root.elements["/VM/TEMPLATE/CONTEXT"]
connection = VIClient.new(hid)
vc_template = connection.find_vm_template(uuid)
# Find out requested and available resource pool
req_rp = nil
if !template.elements["RESOURCE_POOL"].nil?
req_rp = template.elements["RESOURCE_POOL"].text
if connection.rp_confined?
rp = connection.resource_pool.first
if req_rp && rp.name != req_rp
raise "Available resource pool in host [#{rp.name}]"\
" does not match requested resource pool"\
" [#{req_rp}]"
rp = connection.default_resource_pool
if req_rp # if there is requested resource pool, retrieve it
rp = connection.find_resource_pool(req_rp)
raise "Cannot find resource pool "\
"#{template.elements["RESOURCE_POOL"].text}" if !rp
else # otherwise, get the default resource pool
rp = connection.default_resource_pool
if datastore
@ -1929,7 +2013,7 @@ private
# NIC section, build the reconfig hash
nics = xml.root.get_elements("//TEMPLATE/NIC")
nics = xml.root.get_elements("/VM/TEMPLATE/NIC")
nic_spec = {}
if !nics.nil?
@ -1946,7 +2030,7 @@ private
# DISK section, build the reconfig hash
disks = xml.root.get_elements("//TEMPLATE/DISK")
disks = xml.root.get_elements("/VM/TEMPLATE/DISK")
disk_spec = {}
if !disks.nil?
@ -1963,8 +2047,8 @@ private
# Capacity section
cpu = xml.root.elements["//TEMPLATE/VCPU"] ? xml.root.elements["//TEMPLATE/VCPU"].text : 1
memory = xml.root.elements["//TEMPLATE/MEMORY"].text
cpu = xml.root.elements["/VM/TEMPLATE/VCPU"] ? xml.root.elements["//TEMPLATE/VCPU"].text : 1
memory = xml.root.elements["/VM/TEMPLATE/MEMORY"].text
capacity_spec = {:numCPUs => cpu.to_i,
:memoryMB => memory }