diff --git a/src/onedb/1.rb b/src/onedb/1.rb
index b2722aebea..29239ee339 100644
--- a/src/onedb/1.rb
+++ b/src/onedb/1.rb
@@ -36,13 +36,22 @@ class Migrator < MigratorBase
# Create new user_pool
@db.run "CREATE TABLE user_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256), body TEXT, UNIQUE(name));"
+ user_group_ids = ""
# Read each entry in the old user_pool, and insert into new user_pool
@db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_user_pool") do |row|
oid = row[:oid]
- gid = (oid == 0) ? 0 : 1
+ if( oid == 0 )
+ gid = 0
+ else
+ gid = 1
+ user_group_ids += "#{oid}"
+ end
name = row[:user_name]
- body = "#{oid}#{name}#{gid}#{row[:password]}#{row[:enabled]}"
+ body = "#{oid}#{gid}#{name}#{row[:password]}#{row[:enabled]}#{gid}"
@db.run "INSERT INTO user_pool VALUES(#{oid},'#{name}','#{body}');"
@@ -50,6 +59,54 @@ class Migrator < MigratorBase
# Delete old user_pool
@db.run "DROP TABLE old_user_pool"
+ ########################################################################
+ # Hosts
+ ########################################################################
+ # 2.2 Schema
+ # CREATE TABLE host_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,host_name VARCHAR(256), state INTEGER,im_mad VARCHAR(128),vm_mad VARCHAR(128),tm_mad VARCHAR(128),last_mon_time INTEGER, cluster VARCHAR(128), template TEXT, UNIQUE(host_name));
+ # CREATE TABLE host_shares(hid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,disk_usage INTEGER, mem_usage INTEGER, cpu_usage INTEGER,max_disk INTEGER, max_mem INTEGER, max_cpu INTEGER,free_disk INTEGER, free_mem INTEGER, free_cpu INTEGER,used_disk INTEGER, used_mem INTEGER, used_cpu INTEGER,running_vms INTEGER);
+ # Move table
+ @db.run "ALTER TABLE host_pool RENAME TO old_host_pool;"
+ # Create new table
+ @db.run "CREATE TABLE host_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256), body TEXT, state INTEGER, last_mon_time INTEGER, cid INTEGER, UNIQUE(name));"
+ cluster_host_ids = Hash.new
+ # Read each entry in the old table, and insert into new table
+ @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_host_pool") do |row|
+ oid = row[:oid]
+ name = row[:host_name]
+ state = row[:state]
+ last_mon_time = row[:last_mon_time]
+ cluster = row[:cluster]
+ # OpenNebula 2.X stored the cluster name, we need the cluster ID
+ cluster_id = 0
+ @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM cluster_pool WHERE cluster_name='#{cluster}'") do |cluster_row|
+ cluster_id = cluster_row[:oid]
+ cluster_host_ids[cluster_id] = "" if cluster_host_ids[cluster_id] == nil
+ cluster_host_ids[cluster_id] += "#{oid}"
+ end
+ # There is one host share for each host
+ host_share = ""
+ @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM host_shares WHERE hid=#{oid}") do |share|
+ host_share = "#{share[:disk_usage]}#{share[:mem_usage]}#{share[:cpu_usage]}#{share[:max_disk]}#{share[:max_mem]}#{share[:max_cpu]}#{share[:free_disk]}#{share[:free_mem]}#{share[:free_cpu]}#{share[:used_disk]}#{share[:used_mem]}#{share[:used_cpu]}#{share[:running_vms]}"
+ end
+ body = "#{oid}#{name}#{state}#{row[:im_mad]}#{row[:vm_mad]}#{row[:tm_mad]}#{last_mon_time}#{cluster_id}#{host_share}#{row[:template]}"
+ @db.run "INSERT INTO host_pool VALUES(#{oid},'#{name}','#{body}', #{state}, #{last_mon_time}, #{cluster_id});"
+ end
+ # Delete old table
+ @db.run "DROP TABLE old_host_pool"
+ @db.run "DROP TABLE host_shares"
# Clusters
@@ -68,7 +125,12 @@ class Migrator < MigratorBase
oid = row[:oid]
name = row[:cluster_name]
- body = "#{oid}#{name}"
+ hids = ""
+ if cluster_host_ids[oid] != nil
+ hids = cluster_host_ids[oid]
+ end
+ body = "#{oid}#{name}#{hids}"
@db.run "INSERT INTO cluster_pool VALUES(#{oid},'#{name}','#{body}');"
@@ -76,49 +138,6 @@ class Migrator < MigratorBase
# Delete old table
@db.run "DROP TABLE old_cluster_pool"
- ########################################################################
- # Hosts
- ########################################################################
- # 2.2 Schema
- # CREATE TABLE host_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,host_name VARCHAR(256), state INTEGER,im_mad VARCHAR(128),vm_mad VARCHAR(128),tm_mad VARCHAR(128),last_mon_time INTEGER, cluster VARCHAR(128), template TEXT, UNIQUE(host_name));
- # CREATE TABLE host_shares(hid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,disk_usage INTEGER, mem_usage INTEGER, cpu_usage INTEGER,max_disk INTEGER, max_mem INTEGER, max_cpu INTEGER,free_disk INTEGER, free_mem INTEGER, free_cpu INTEGER,used_disk INTEGER, used_mem INTEGER, used_cpu INTEGER,running_vms INTEGER);
- # Move table
- @db.run "ALTER TABLE host_pool RENAME TO old_host_pool;"
- # Create new table
- @db.run "CREATE TABLE host_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256), body TEXT, state INTEGER, last_mon_time INTEGER, cid INTEGER, UNIQUE(name));"
- # Read each entry in the old table, and insert into new table
- @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_host_pool") do |row|
- oid = row[:oid]
- name = row[:host_name]
- state = row[:state]
- last_mon_time = row[:last_mon_time]
- cluster = row[:cluster]
- # OpenNebula 2.X stored the cluster name, we need the cluster ID
- cluster_id = 0
- @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM cluster_pool WHERE name='#{cluster}'") do |cluster_row|
- cluster_id = cluster_row[:oid]
- end
- # There is one host share for each host
- host_share = ""
- @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM host_shares WHERE hid=#{oid}") do |share|
- host_share = "#{share[:disk_usage]}#{share[:mem_usage]}#{share[:cpu_usage]}#{share[:max_disk]}#{share[:max_mem]}#{share[:max_cpu]}#{share[:free_disk]}#{share[:free_mem]}#{share[:free_cpu]}#{share[:used_disk]}#{share[:used_mem]}#{share[:used_cpu]}#{share[:running_vms]}"
- end
- body = "#{oid}#{name}#{state}#{row[:im_mad]}#{row[:vm_mad]}#{row[:tm_mad]}#{last_mon_time}#{cluster_id}#{host_share}#{row[:template]}"
- @db.run "INSERT INTO host_pool VALUES(#{oid},'#{name}','#{body}', #{state}, #{last_mon_time}, '#{cluster}');"
- end
- # Delete old table
- @db.run "DROP TABLE old_host_pool"
- @db.run "DROP TABLE host_shares"
# Images
@@ -261,8 +280,8 @@ class Migrator < MigratorBase
# The group pool has two default ones
@db.run "CREATE TABLE group_pool (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256), body TEXT, uid INTEGER, UNIQUE(name));"
- @db.run "INSERT INTO group_pool VALUES(0,'oneadmin','00oneadmin',0);"
- @db.run "INSERT INTO group_pool VALUES(1,'users','10users',0);"
+ @db.run "INSERT INTO group_pool VALUES(0,'oneadmin','00oneadmin0',0);"
+ @db.run "INSERT INTO group_pool VALUES(1,'users','10users#{user_group_ids}',0);"
# New pool_control table contains the last_oid used, must be rebuilt
@db.run "CREATE TABLE pool_control (tablename VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, last_oid BIGINT UNSIGNED)"