diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/panels/wilds.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/panels/wilds.js
index c50bcb254f..ecf4fbd91a 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/panels/wilds.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/panels/wilds.js
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ define(function(require) {
var Locale = require('utils/locale');
var CanImportWilds = require('../utils/can-import-wilds');
+ var OpenNebulaVM = require('opennebula/vm');
+ var OpenNebulaAction = require('opennebula/action');
+ var Sunstone = require('sunstone');
+ var Notifier = require('utils/notifier');
@@ -30,13 +34,8 @@ define(function(require) {
this.element = info[RESOURCE.toUpperCase()];
- // Do not create an instance of this panel if the Wilds cannot be imported
- if (!CanImportWilds(this.element)) {
- throw "Panel not available for this element";
- }
return this;
- };
+ }
Panel.prototype.html = _html;
@@ -54,59 +53,84 @@ define(function(require) {
function _setup(context) {
var that = this;
+ // Hide the import button if the Wilds cannot be imported
+ if (!CanImportWilds(this.element)) {
+ $("#import_wilds").hide();
+ }
that.dataTableWildHosts = $("#datatable_host_wilds", context).dataTable({
"bSortClasses" : false,
- "bDeferRender": true
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "aoColumnDefs": [
+ {"bSortable": false, "aTargets": [0]},
+ {"sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [0]}
+ ]
- var wilds_list_array = [];
if (that.element.TEMPLATE.VM) {
wilds = that.element.TEMPLATE.VM;
- $.each(wilds, function() {
- name = this.VM_NAME;
- safe_name = name.replace(/ /g, "_").replace(/\./g, "_");
- deploy_id = this.DEPLOY_ID;
+ if (!$.isArray(wilds)) { // If only 1 VM convert to array
+ wilds = [wilds];
+ }
- wilds_list_array.push([
- '',
+ $.each(wilds, function() {
+ var name = this.VM_NAME;
+ var safe_name = name.replace(/ /g, "_").replace(/\./g, "_");
+ var deploy_id = this.DEPLOY_ID;
+ var wilds_list_array = [
+ [
+ '',
- ]);
+ ]
+ ];
$(".import_" + safe_name, that.dataTableWildHosts).data("wild_template", atob(this.IMPORT_TEMPLATE));
- $(".import_" + safe_name, that.dataTableWildHosts).data("host_id", that.element.ID);
- wilds_list_array = [];
delete that.element.TEMPLATE.WILDS;
delete that.element.TEMPLATE.VM;
+ // Enable the import button when at least a VM is selected
+ $("#import_wilds", context).attr("disabled", "disabled").on("click.disable", function(e) { return false; });
+ $(".import_wild_checker", context).off("change");
+ $(".import_wild_checker", context).on("change", function(){
+ if ($(".import_wild_checker:checked", context).length == 0){
+ $("#import_wilds", context).attr("disabled", "disabled").on("click.disable", function(e) { return false; });
+ } else {
+ $("#import_wilds", context).removeAttr("disabled").off("click.disable");
+ }
+ });
// Add event listener for importing WILDS
- /* TODO Use only 1 action -----
context.off("click", '#import_wilds');
context.on("click", '#import_wilds', function () {
- $("#import_wild_checker:checked", "#datatable_host_wilds").each(function() {
+ $("#import_wilds", context).attr("disabled", "disabled").on("click.disable", function(e) { return false; });
+ $("#import_wilds", context).html('');
+ $(".import_wild_checker:checked", "#datatable_host_wilds").each(function() {
var vm_json = {
"vm": {
"vm_raw": $(this).data("wild_template")
- var import_host_id = $(this).data("host_id");
+ var import_host_id = that.element.ID;
var wild_row = $(this).closest('tr');
// Create the VM in OpenNebula
- OpenNebula.VM.create({
+ OpenNebulaVM.create({
timeout: true,
data: vm_json,
success: function(request, response) {
- //TODO OpenNebula.Helper.clear_cache("VM");
+ OpenNebulaAction.clear_cache("VM");
var extra_info = {};
@@ -115,23 +139,36 @@ define(function(require) {
extra_info['enforce'] = false;
// Deploy the VM
- Sunstone.runAction("VM.silent_deploy_action",
- response.VM.ID,
+ Sunstone.runAction("VM.silent_deploy_action",
+ response.VM.ID,
// Notify
- notifyCustom(tr("VM imported"), " ID: " + response.VM.ID, false);
+ Notifier.notifyCustom(Locale.tr("VM imported"), " ID: " + response.VM.ID, false);
// Delete row (shouldn't be there in next monitorization)
- dataTable_wilds_hosts = $("#datatable_host_wilds").dataTable();
- dataTable_wilds_hosts.fnDeleteRow(wild_row);
+ that.dataTableWildHosts.fnDeleteRow(wild_row);
+ $("#import_wilds", context).removeAttr("disabled").off("click.disable");
+ $("#import_wilds", context).html(Locale.tr("Import Wilds"));
error: function (request, error_json) {
- notifyError(error_json.error.message || tr("Cannot contact server: is it running and reachable?"));
+ var msg;
+ if (error_json.error.message){
+ msg = error_json.error.message;
+ } else {
+ msg = Locale.tr("Cannot contact server: is it running and reachable?");
+ }
+ Notifier.notifyError(msg);
+ $("#import_wilds", context).removeAttr("disabled").off("click.disable");
+ $("#import_wilds", context).html(Locale.tr("Import Wilds"));
- })
- });*/
+ });
+ });
return false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/actions.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/actions.js
index 244a0b7984..b5556b8e58 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/actions.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/actions.js
@@ -66,12 +66,28 @@ define(function(require) {
Sunstone.showFormPanel(TAB_ID, CREATE_DIALOG_ID, "create");
+ "VM.create" : {
+ type: "custom",
+ call: function(id, name) {
+ Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate", [id], name);
+ Sunstone.runAction("VM.refresh");
+ },
+ callback: function(request, response) {
+ Sunstone.getDataTable(TAB_ID).addElement(request, response);
+ },
+ error: Notifier.onError
+ },
"VM.deploy" : {
type: "custom",
call: function() {
+ "VM.silent_deploy_action" : {
+ type: "single",
+ call: OpenNebulaVM.deploy,
+ error: Notifier.onError
+ },
"VM.migrate" : {
type: "custom",
call: function() {
@@ -160,29 +176,8 @@ define(function(require) {
// },
// notify: true
- /*"VM.create" : {
- type: "custom",
- call: function(id, name) {
- Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate", [id], name);
- Sunstone.runAction("VM.list");
- },
- callback: function(request, response) {
- //Sunstone.resetFormPanel(TAB_ID, CREATE_DIALOG_ID);
- //Sunstone.hideFormPanel(TAB_ID);
- Sunstone.getDataTable(TAB_ID).addElement(request, response);
- },
- error: onError
- },
- "VM.silent_deploy_action" : {
- type: "single",
- call: OpenNebula.VM.deploy,
- error: onError
- },
+ /*
"VM.saveas" : {
type: "single",
call: OpenNebula.VM.saveas,