diff --git a/src/fireedge/src/client/components/Timer/index.js b/src/fireedge/src/client/components/Timer/index.js
index 9c6a9d0b07..5e96941026 100644
--- a/src/fireedge/src/client/components/Timer/index.js
+++ b/src/fireedge/src/client/components/Timer/index.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
* limitations under the License. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-import { ReactElement, memo, useState, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { ReactElement, memo, useState, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
@@ -24,23 +24,25 @@ const Timer = memo(
* @param {object} config - Config
* @param {number|string|DateTime} config.initial - Initial time
- * @param {boolean} [config.luxon] - If `true`, the time will be a parsed as luxon DateTime
* @param {number} [config.translateWord] - Add translate component to wrap the time
* @param {number} [config.interval] - Interval time to update the time
* @param {number} [config.finishAt] - Clear the interval once time is up (in ms)
* @returns {ReactElement} Relative DateTime
- ({ initial, luxon, translateWord, interval = 1000, finishAt }) => {
- const [time, setTime] = useState('...')
+ ({ initial, translateWord, interval = 1000, finishAt }) => {
+ /** @type {DateTime} Luxon DateTime */
+ const initialValue = useMemo(() => {
+ const isLuxon = initial?.isValid
+ return isLuxon ? initial : timeFromMilliseconds(+initial)
+ }, [initial])
+ const [time, setTime] = useState(() => initialValue.toRelative())
useEffect(() => {
- const isLuxon = luxon || initial?.isValid
- const initialValue = isLuxon ? initial : timeFromMilliseconds(+initial)
const tick = setInterval(() => {
const newTime = initialValue.toRelative()
- console.log({ ms: initialValue.millisecond, finishAt })
if (finishAt && initialValue.millisecond === finishAt) {
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@ const Timer = memo(
}, [])
- if (translateWord) {
- return
- }
- return <>{time}>
+ return translateWord ? (
+ ) : (
+ <>{time}>
+ )
(prev, next) =>
prev.initial === next.initial && prev.translateWord === next.translateWord
diff --git a/src/fireedge/src/server/routes/websockets/hooks/index.js b/src/fireedge/src/server/routes/websockets/hooks/index.js
index 5c14b493be..0f28ec7cf9 100644
--- a/src/fireedge/src/server/routes/websockets/hooks/index.js
+++ b/src/fireedge/src/server/routes/websockets/hooks/index.js
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ const {
} = require('server/utils/server')
+ color: 'red',
+ message: 'Error: %s',
* Route of websocket HOOKS.
@@ -42,45 +47,34 @@ const main = (app = {}, type = '') => {
const { zone: queryZone } = getQueryData(server)
const zone = queryZone && queryZone !== 'undefined' ? queryZone : '0'
const dataZone = getDataZone(zone)
if (dataZone && dataZone.zeromq) {
const zeromqSock = socketZeroMQ('sub')
zeromqSock.subscribe(`EVENT ${resource.toUpperCase()} ${id}/`) // state
- server.on('disconnect', function () {
- zeromqSock.close()
- })
+ server.on('disconnect', () => zeromqSock.close())
zeromqSock.on('message', (...args) => {
- const mssgs = []
- Array.prototype.slice.call(args).forEach((arg) => {
- mssgs.push(arg.toString())
- })
- if (mssgs[0] && mssgs[1]) {
- xml2json(atob(mssgs[1]), (error, result) => {
- if (error) {
- const configErrorParser = {
- color: 'red',
- error,
- message: 'Error parser: %s',
- }
- messageTerminal(configErrorParser)
- } else {
- server.emit(type, {
- command: mssgs[0],
- data: result,
- })
- }
+ const [command, encodedMessage] = Array.prototype.slice
+ .call(args)
+ .map((arg) => arg.toString())
+ if (command && encodedMessage) {
+ const xmlMessage = atob(encodedMessage)
+ xml2json(xmlMessage, (error, data) => {
+ error
+ ? messageTerminal({ ...DEFAULT_ERROR_CONFIG, error })
+ : server.emit(type, { command, data })
} catch (error) {
- const configErrorHooks = {
- color: 'red',
- error,
- message: '%s',
- }
- messageTerminal(configErrorHooks)
+ messageTerminal({ ...DEFAULT_ERROR_CONFIG, error })