\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/form-panels/create.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/form-panels/create.js
index b573299b80..6611ae9ba9 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/form-panels/create.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/vms-tab/form-panels/create.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ define(function(require) {
- var BaseFormPanel = require('utils/form-panels/form-panel');
+ var InstantiateTemplateFormPanel = require('tabs/templates-tab/form-panels/instantiate');
var Sunstone = require('sunstone');
var Locale = require('utils/locale');
var Tips = require('utils/tips');
@@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ define(function(require) {
var UserInputs = require('utils/user-inputs');
var OpenNebulaTemplate = require('opennebula/template');
var TemplatesTable = require('tabs/templates-tab/datatable');
- /*
- */
- var TemplateWizardHTML = require('hbs!./create/wizard');
@@ -32,6 +25,8 @@ define(function(require) {
function FormPanel() {
+ InstantiateTemplateFormPanel.call(this);
this.formPanelId = FORM_PANEL_ID;
this.tabId = TAB_ID;
this.actions = {
@@ -43,134 +38,49 @@ define(function(require) {
this.templatesTable = new TemplatesTable('vm_create', {'select': true});
- BaseFormPanel.call(this);
- FormPanel.prototype = Object.create(BaseFormPanel.prototype);
+ FormPanel.prototype = Object.create(InstantiateTemplateFormPanel.prototype);
FormPanel.prototype.constructor = FormPanel;
- FormPanel.prototype.htmlWizard = _htmlWizard;
- FormPanel.prototype.setup = _setup;
FormPanel.prototype.onShow = _onShow;
- FormPanel.prototype.submitWizard = _submitWizard;
+ FormPanel.prototype.setup = _setup;
return FormPanel;
- function _htmlWizard() {
- return TemplateWizardHTML({
- 'formPanelId': this.formPanelId,
- 'templatesTableHTML': this.templatesTable.dataTableHTML
- });
- }
function _setup(context) {
- $("#create_vm_template_proceed", context).attr("disabled", "disabled");
- $("#create_vm_inputs_step", context).hide();
+ var that = this;
+ InstantiateTemplateFormPanel.prototype.setup.call(this, context);
+ $(".selectTemplateTable", context).html(
+ '
$("#selected_resource_id_vm_create", context).on("change", function(){
+ $(".nameContainer", context).show();
+ var templatesContext = $(".list_of_templates", context);
+ templatesContext.html("");
+ templatesContext.show();
var template_id = $(this).val();
- $("#create_vm_inputs_step", context).hide();
- $("#create_vm_user_inputs", context).empty();
- OpenNebulaTemplate.show({
- data : {
- id: template_id
- },
- timeout: true,
- success: function (request, template_json){
- $("#create_vm_inputs_step", context).hide();
- $("#create_vm_user_inputs", context).empty();
- var has_inputs = UserInputs.vmTemplateInsert(
- $("#create_vm_user_inputs", context),
- template_json,
- {text_header: ""});
- if(has_inputs){
- $("#create_vm_inputs_step", context).show();
- }
- $("#create_vm_template_proceed", context).removeAttr("disabled");
- },
- error: function(request,error_json, container){
- Notifier.onError(request,error_json, container);
- }
- });
+ that.setTemplateIds(context, [template_id]);
function _onShow(context) {
- $("input#vm_name", context).focus();
- }
+ InstantiateTemplateFormPanel.prototype.onShow.call(this, context);
- function _submitWizard(context) {
- var vm_name = $('#create_vm_name', context).val();
- var template_id = $("#selected_resource_id_vm_create", context).val();
- var n_times = $('#create_vm_n_times', context).val();
- var n_times_int = 1;
- var hold = $('#create_vm_hold', context).prop("checked");
- if (!template_id.length) {
- Notifier.notifyError(tr("You have not selected a template"));
- return false;
- }
- if (n_times.length) {
- n_times_int = parseInt(n_times, 10);
- }
- var extra_msg = "";
- if (n_times_int > 1) {
- extra_msg = n_times_int + " times";
- }
- Notifier.notifySubmit("Template.instantiate", template_id, extra_msg);
- var extra_info = {
- 'hold': hold
- };
- var tmp_json = WizardFields.retrieve(context);
- extra_info['template'] = tmp_json;
- if (!vm_name.length) { //empty name use OpenNebula core default
- for (var i = 0; i < n_times_int; i++) {
- extra_info['vm_name'] = "";
- Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
- }
- } else {
- if (vm_name.indexOf("%i") == -1) {//no wildcard, all with the same name
- for (var i = 0; i < n_times_int; i++) {
- extra_info['vm_name'] = vm_name;
- Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
- }
- } else { //wildcard present: replace wildcard
- for (var i = 0; i < n_times_int; i++) {
- extra_info['vm_name'] = vm_name.replace(/%i/gi, i);
- Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
- }
- }
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- Sunstone.resetFormPanel(TAB_ID, FORM_PANEL_ID);
- Sunstone.hideFormPanel(TAB_ID);
- Sunstone.runAction("VM.list");
- }, 1500);
- return false;
+ $(".nameContainer", context).hide();