diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/files-tab.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/files-tab.js
index d9eeb433dc..151b0f0c80 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/files-tab.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/files-tab.js
@@ -685,75 +685,6 @@ function setupCreateFileDialog(){
- // Upload is handled by FileUploader vendor plugin
- var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic({
- button: $('#files_file-uploader',$create_file_dialog)[0],
- action: 'upload',
- multiple: false,
- params: {},
- sizeLimit: 0,
- showMessage: function(message){
- //notifyMessage(message);
- },
- onSubmit: function(id, fileName){
- //set url params
- //since the body is the upload, we need the pass
- //the file info here
- uploader.setParams({
- csrftoken: csrftoken,
- img : JSON.stringify(file_obj),
- file: fileName
- });
- //we pop up an upload progress dialog
- var pos_top = $(window).height() - 120;
- var pos_left = 220;
- $('#files_upload_progress_bars').append('
- '+tr("Uploading...")+'\
- \
'+id+' '+fileName+'
- $('#files'+id+'cancel_upload').click(function(){
- uploader.cancel();
- })
- },
- onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total){
- //update upload dialog with current progress
- $('span.meter', $('#files'+id+'progressBar')).css('width', Math.floor(loaded*100/total)+'%')
- },
- onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){
- if (uploader._handler._xhrs[id] &&
- uploader._handler._xhrs[id].status == 500) {
- onError({}, JSON.parse(uploader._handler._xhrs[id].response) )
- $('#files'+id+'progressBar').remove();
- } else {
- notifyMessage("File uploaded correctly");
- Sunstone.runAction("File.refresh");
- $('#files'+id+'progressBar').remove();
- }
- //Inform complete upload, destroy upload dialog, refresh file list
- $('div#pb_dialog').foundation('reveal', 'close')
- return false;
- },
- onCancel: function(id, fileName){
- }
- });
var upload = false;