diff --git a/src/im_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter.rb.orig b/src/im_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter.rb.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 63f2503567..0000000000
--- a/src/im_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter.rb.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Copyright 2002-2020, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems                #
-#                                                                            #
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    #
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain    #
-# a copy of the License at                                                   #
-#                                                                            #
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                 #
-#                                                                            #
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #
-# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
-# limitations under the License.                                             #
-#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-    RUBY_LIB_LOCATION ||= '/usr/lib/one/ruby'
-    GEMS_LOCATION     ||= '/usr/share/one/gems'
-    VAR_LOCATION      ||= '/var/lib/one/'
-    RUBY_LIB_LOCATION ||= ONE_LOCATION + '/lib/ruby'
-    GEMS_LOCATION     ||= ONE_LOCATION + '/share/gems'
-    VAR_LOCATION      ||= ONE_LOCATION + '/var/'
-VCENTER_DRIVER_CONF = "#{VAR_LOCATION}/remotes/etc/vmm/vcenter/vcenterrc"
-VCENTER_DATABASE_BASE = "#{VAR_LOCATION}/remotes/im/vcenter.d/"
-if File.directory?(GEMS_LOCATION)
-    Gem.use_paths(GEMS_LOCATION)
-    $LOAD_PATH.reject! {|l| l =~ /(vendor|site)_ruby/ }
-require 'opennebula'
-require 'vcenter_driver'
-require 'sqlite3'
-require 'yaml'
-# Gather vCenter cluster monitor info
-class VcenterMonitor
-    attr_accessor :vcenter_conf
-    POLL_ATTRIBUTE = OpenNebula::VirtualMachine::Driver::POLL_ATTRIBUTE
-    VM_STATE = OpenNebula::VirtualMachine::Driver::VM_STATE
-    STATE_MAP = {
-        'poweredOn' => 'RUNNING',
-        'suspended' => 'POWEROFF',
-        'poweredOff' => 'POWEROFF'
-    }
-    DEFAULTS = {
-        :cache_expire       => 120
-    }
-    def initialize(host_id)
-        @hypervisor = 'vcenter'
-        @host_id = host_id
-        load_conf = YAML.safe_load(File.read(VCENTER_DRIVER_CONF), [Symbol])
-        @vcenter_conf = DEFAULTS
-        @vcenter_conf.merge!(load_conf)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # create or open cache db
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-        db_path = File.join(VCENTER_DATABASE_BASE,
-                            "cache_#{@hypervisor}_#{@host_id}.db")
-        @db = InstanceCache.new(db_path)
-        @vi_client = VCenterDriver::VIClient.new_from_host(host_id)
-        @vc_uuid = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.about.instanceUuid
-        @client = OpenNebula::Client.new
-        @ccr_ref = @vi_client.ccr_ref
-        # Get vCenter Cluster
-        @cluster = VCenterDriver::ClusterComputeResource
-                   .new_from_ref(@ccr_ref, @vi_client)
-    end
-    def monitor_clusters
-        total_cpu,
-        num_cpu_cores,
-        effective_cpu,
-        total_memory,
-        effective_mem,
-        num_hosts,
-        num_eff_hosts,
-        overall_status,
-        drs_enabled,
-        ha_enabled= @cluster.item.collect('summary.totalCpu',
-                                          'summary.numCpuCores',
-                                          'summary.effectiveCpu',
-                                          'summary.totalMemory',
-                                          'summary.effectiveMemory',
-                                          'summary.numHosts',
-                                          'summary.numEffectiveHosts',
-                                          'summary.overallStatus',
-                                          'configuration.drsConfig.enabled',
-                                          'configuration.dasConfig.enabled')
-        mhz_core = total_cpu.to_f / num_cpu_cores.to_f
-        eff_core = effective_cpu.to_f / mhz_core
-        # rubocop:disable Style/FormatStringToken
-        free_cpu  = format('%.2f', eff_core * 100).to_f
-        total_cpu = num_cpu_cores.to_f * 100
-        used_cpu  = format('%.2f', total_cpu - free_cpu).to_f
-        # rubocop:enable Style/FormatStringToken
-        total_mem = total_memory.to_i / 1024
-        free_mem  = effective_mem.to_i * 1024
-        str_info = ''
-        # Get cluster name for info purposes (replace space with _ if any)
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_NAME=' << @cluster['name'].tr(' ', '_') << "\n"
-        # System
-        str_info << "HYPERVISOR=vcenter\n"
-        str_info << 'TOTALHOST=' << num_hosts.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'AVAILHOST=' << num_eff_hosts.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'STATUS=' << overall_status << "\n"
-        # CPU
-        str_info << 'CPUSPEED=' << mhz_core.to_s   << "\n"
-        str_info << 'TOTALCPU=' << total_cpu.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'USEDCPU=' << used_cpu.to_s  << "\n"
-        str_info << 'FREECPU=' << free_cpu.to_s << "\n"
-        # Memory
-        str_info << 'TOTALMEMORY=' << total_mem.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'FREEMEMORY=' << free_mem.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'USEDMEMORY=' << (total_mem - free_mem).to_s << "\n"
-        # DRS enabled
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_DRS=' << drs_enabled.to_s << "\n"
-        # HA enabled
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_HA=' << ha_enabled.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << monitor_resource_pools(mhz_core)
-        raise 'vCenter cluster health is on red, check issues on vCenter' \
-            if str_info.include?('STATUS=red')
-        str_info
-    end
-    def monitor_resource_pools(mhz_core)
-        @rp_list = @cluster.get_resource_pool_list
-        view = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.viewManager
-                         .CreateContainerView({ container: @cluster.item,
-                                                type: ['ResourcePool'],
-                                                recursive: true })
-        pc = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.propertyCollector
-        monitored_properties = [
-            'config.cpuAllocation.expandableReservation',
-            'config.cpuAllocation.limit',
-            'config.cpuAllocation.reservation',
-            'config.cpuAllocation.shares.level',
-            'config.cpuAllocation.shares.shares',
-            'config.memoryAllocation.expandableReservation',
-            'config.memoryAllocation.limit',
-            'config.memoryAllocation.reservation',
-            'config.memoryAllocation.shares.level',
-            'config.memoryAllocation.shares.shares'
-        ]
-        filter_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.PropertyFilterSpec(
-            :objectSet => [
-                :obj => view,
-                :skip => true,
-                :selectSet => [
-                    RbVmomi::VIM.TraversalSpec(
-                        :name => 'traverseEntities',
-                        :type => 'ContainerView',
-                        :path => 'view',
-                        :skip => false
-                    )
-                ]
-            ],
-            :propSet => [
-                { :type => 'ResourcePool', :pathSet => monitored_properties }
-            ]
-        )
-        result = pc.RetrieveProperties(:specSet => [filter_spec])
-        rps = {}
-        result.each do |r|
-            hashed_properties = r.to_hash
-            if r.obj.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::ResourcePool)
-                rps[r.obj._ref] = hashed_properties
-            end
-        end
-        return '' if rps.empty?
-        rp_info = ''
-        rps.each do |ref, info|
-            # CPU
-            # cpu_expandable
-            if info['config.cpuAllocation.expandableReservation']
-                cpu_expandable = 'YES'
-            else
-                cpu_expandable = 'NO'
-            end
-            # cpu_limit
-            if info['config.cpuAllocation.limit'] == '-1'
-                cpu_limit = 'UNLIMITED'
-            else
-                cpu_limit = info['config.cpuAllocation.limit']
-            end
-            cpu_reservation = info['config.cpuAllocation.reservation']
-            cpu_num = cpu_reservation.to_f / mhz_core
-            cpu_shares_level = info['config.cpuAllocation.shares.level']
-            cpu_shares = info['config.cpuAllocation.shares.shares']
-            # MEMORY
-            # mem_expandable
-            if info['config.memoryAllocation.expandableReservation']
-                mem_expandable = 'YES'
-            else
-                mem_expandable = 'NO'
-            end
-            # mem_limit
-            if info['config.memoryAllocation.limit'] == '-1'
-                mem_limit = 'UNLIMITED'
-            else
-                mem_limit = info['config.memoryAllocation.limit']
-            end
-            mem_reservation = info['config.memoryAllocation.reservation'].to_f
-            mem_shares_level = info['config.memoryAllocation.shares.level']
-            mem_shares = info['config.memoryAllocation.shares.shares']
-            rp_name = @rp_list.select {|item| item[:ref] == ref }.first[:name] \
-                rescue ''
-            rp_name = 'Resources' if rp_name.empty?
-            rp_info << "\nVCENTER_RESOURCE_POOL_INFO = ["
-            rp_info << "NAME=\"#{rp_name}\","
-            rp_info << "CPU_EXPANDABLE=#{cpu_expandable},"
-            rp_info << "CPU_LIMIT=#{cpu_limit},"
-            rp_info << "CPU_RESERVATION=#{cpu_reservation},"
-            rp_info << "CPU_RESERVATION_NUM_CORES=#{cpu_num},"
-            rp_info << "CPU_SHARES=#{cpu_shares},"
-            rp_info << "CPU_SHARES_LEVEL=#{cpu_shares_level},"
-            rp_info << "MEM_EXPANDABLE=#{mem_expandable},"
-            rp_info << "MEM_LIMIT=#{mem_limit},"
-            rp_info << "MEM_RESERVATION=#{mem_reservation},"
-            rp_info << "MEM_SHARES=#{mem_shares},"
-            rp_info << "MEM_SHARES_LEVEL=#{mem_shares_level}"
-            rp_info << ']'
-        end
-        view.DestroyView
-        rp_info
-    end
-    def monitor_host_systems
-        host_info = ''
-        result = @cluster.filter_hosts
-        hosts = {}
-        result.each do |r|
-            hashed_properties = r.to_hash
-            if r.obj.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::HostSystem)
-                hosts[r.obj._ref] = hashed_properties
-            end
-        end
-        hosts.each do |_ref, info|
-            next if info['runtime.connectionState'] != 'connected'
-            total_cpu = info['summary.hardware.numCpuCores'] * 100
-            used_cpu  = (info['summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage'].to_f \
-                        / info['summary.hardware.cpuMhz'].to_f) * 100
-            # rubocop:disable Style/FormatStringToken
-            used_cpu  = format('%.2f', used_cpu).to_f # Trim precission
-            # rubocop:enable Style/FormatStringToken
-            free_cpu  = total_cpu - used_cpu
-            total_memory = info['summary.hardware.memorySize']/1024
-            used_memory  = info['summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage']*1024
-            free_memory  = total_memory - used_memory
-            host_info << "\nHOST=["
-            host_info << 'STATE=on,'
-            host_info << 'HOSTNAME="' << info['name'].to_s << '",'
-            host_info << 'MODELNAME="' \
-                      << info['summary.hardware.cpuModel'].to_s << '",'
-            host_info << 'CPUSPEED=' \
-                      << info['summary.hardware.cpuMhz'].to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'MAX_CPU=' << total_cpu.to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'USED_CPU=' << used_cpu.to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'FREE_CPU=' << free_cpu.to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'MAX_MEM=' << total_memory.to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'USED_MEM=' << used_memory.to_s << ','
-            host_info << 'FREE_MEM=' << free_memory.to_s
-            host_info << ']'
-        end
-        host_info
-    end
-    def monitor_customizations
-        customizations = @cluster['_connection'].serviceContent
-                                                .customizationSpecManager.info
-        text = ''
-        customizations.each do |c|
-            t = 'CUSTOMIZATION = [ '
-            t << %Q<NAME = "#{c.name}", >
-            t << %Q<TYPE = "#{c.type}" ]\n>
-            text << t
-        end
-        text
-    end
-    def wilds
-        wilds = ''
-        vms = @db.select_wilds
-        vms.each do |vm|
-            wilds << Base64.decode64(vm)
-        end
-        wilds
-    end
-    def error_monitoring(e, vm)
-        error_info = ''
-        vm_name = vm[:name] || nil
-        vm_ref = vm[:deploy_id] || nil
-        tmp_str = e.inspect
-        tmp_str << e.backtrace.join("\n")
-        error_info << %(
-        VM = [
-            VM_NAME="#{vm_name}",
-            DEPLOY_ID="#{vm_ref}",
-        )
-        error_info << "ERROR=\"#{Base64.encode64(tmp_str).gsub("\n", '')}\"]"
-    end
-    #  Generates a OpenNebula IM Driver valid string with the monitor info
-    def info(vm)
-        used_cpu = @monitor[:used_cpu]
-        used_memory = @monitor[:used_memory]
-        netrx = @monitor[:netrx]
-        nettx = @monitor[:nettx]
-        diskrdbytes = @monitor[:diskrdbytes]
-        diskwrbytes = @monitor[:diskwrbytes]
-        diskrdiops = @monitor[:diskrdiops]
-        diskwriops = @monitor[:diskwriops]
-        if vm[:mob]
-            guest_ip = vm[:mob].guest.ipAddress
-            esx_host = vm[:mob].runtime.host.name.to_s
-            guest_state = vm[:mob].guest.guestState.to_s
-            vmware_tools = vm[:mob].guest.toolsRunningStatus.to_s
-            vm_name = vm[:mob].name.to_s
-            vmtools_ver = vm[:mob].guest.toolsVersion.to_s
-            vmtools_verst = vm[:mob].guest.toolsVersionStatus2.to_s
-        end
-        # if vm[:mob]
-        #     rp_name = vm[:mob][:rp_list]
-        #                  .select do |item|
-        #                      item[:ref] == vm[:mob]['resourcePool']._ref
-        #                  end
-        #                  .first[:name] rescue ''
-        #     rp_name = 'Resources' if rp_name.empty?
-        # else
-        #     rp_name = @vm['resourcePool'].name
-        # end
-        str_info = ''
-        str_info << 'GUEST_IP=' << guest_ip.to_s << "\n" if guest_ip
-        if @guest_ip_addresses && !@guest_ip_addresses.empty?
-            str_info << 'GUEST_IP_ADDRESSES="' << @guest_ip_addresses.to_s \
-                        << '" '
-        end
-        str_info << "#{POLL_ATTRIBUTE[:cpu]}=" << used_cpu.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << "#{POLL_ATTRIBUTE[:memory]}=" << used_memory.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << "#{POLL_ATTRIBUTE[:netrx]}=" << netrx.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << "#{POLL_ATTRIBUTE[:nettx]}=" << nettx.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'DISKRDBYTES=' << diskrdbytes.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'DISKWRBYTES=' << diskwrbytes.to_s << "\n"
-        str_info << 'DISKRDIOPS='  << diskrdiops.to_s  << "\n"
-        str_info << 'DISKWRIOPS='  << diskwriops.to_s  << "\n"
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_ESX_HOST="' << esx_host << '" ' << "\n"
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_GUEST_STATE=' << guest_state << "\n"
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_VM_NAME="' << vm_name << '" ' << "\n"
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_VMWARETOOLS_RUNNING_STATUS=' << vmware_tools << "\n"
-        str_info << 'VCENTER_VMWARETOOLS_VERSION=' << vmtools_ver << "\n"
-                    << vmtools_verst << "\n"
-        # str_info << 'VCENTER_RP_NAME="' << rp_name << '" '
-        # I need modify this Carlos improvement.
-        # @vm.info_disks.each do |disk|
-        #     str_info << "DISK_#{disk[0]}_ACTUAL_PATH=\"[" <<
-        #         disk[1].ds.name << '] ' << disk[1].path << '" '
-        # end
-        str_info
-    end
-    def reset_monitor
-        @monitor = {
-            :used_cpu    => 0,
-            :used_memory => 0,
-            :netrx       => 0,
-            :nettx       => 0,
-            :diskrdbytes => 0,
-            :diskwrbytes => 0,
-            :diskrdiops  => 0,
-            :diskwriops  => 0
-        }
-    end
-    # Converts the VI string state to OpenNebula state convention
-    # Guest states are:
-    # - poweredOff   The virtual machine is currently powered off.
-    # - poweredOn    The virtual machine is currently powered on.
-    # - suspended    The virtual machine is currently suspended.
-    def state_to_c(state)
-        case state
-        when 'poweredOn'
-            VM_STATE[:active]
-        when 'suspended'
-            VM_STATE[:paused]
-        when 'poweredOff'
-            VM_STATE[:deleted]
-        else
-            VM_STATE[:unknown]
-        end
-    end
-    def vm_to_one(vm)
-        str = "NAME = \"#{vm.name} - #{@cluster.item.name}\"\n"\
-              "CPU = \"#{vm.config.hardware.numCPU}\"\n"\
-              "vCPU = \"#{vm.config.hardware.numCPU}\"\n"\
-              "MEMORY = \"#{vm.config.hardware.memoryMB}\"\n"\
-              "HYPERVISOR = \"vcenter\"\n"\
-              "CONTEXT = [\n"\
-              "    NETWORK = \"YES\",\n"\
-              "    SSH_PUBLIC_KEY = \"$USER[SSH_PUBLIC_KEY]\"\n"\
-              "]\n"\
-              "VCENTER_INSTANCE_ID =\"#{@vc_uuid}\"\n"\
-              "VCENTER_CCR_REF =\"#{@ccr_ref}\"\n"
-        str << "DEPLOY_ID =\"#{vm._ref}\"\n"
-        @state = vm_state(vm.summary.runtime.powerState)
-        str << "IMPORT_STATE =\"#{@state}\"\n"
-        # Get DS information
-        if !vm.datastore.nil?
-            vm.datastore.each do |ds|
-                str << "VCENTER_DS_REF = \"#{ds._ref}\"\n"
-            end
-        end
-        vnc_port = nil
-        keymap = VCenterDriver::VIHelper.get_default("VM/TEMPLATE/GRAPHICS/KEYMAP")
-        vm.config.extraConfig.select do |xtra|
-            if xtra[:key].downcase=="remotedisplay.vnc.port"
-                vnc_port = xtra[:value]
-            end
-            if xtra[:key].downcase=="remotedisplay.vnc.keymap"
-                keymap = xtra[:value]
-            end
-        end
-        if !vm.config.extraConfig.empty?
-            str << "GRAPHICS = [\n"\
-                   "  TYPE     =\"vnc\",\n"
-            str << "  PORT     =\"#{vnc_port}\",\n" if vnc_port
-            str << "  KEYMAP   =\"#{keymap}\",\n" if keymap
-            str << "  LISTEN   =\"\"\n"
-            str << "]\n"
-        end
-        if !vm.config.annotation || vm.config.annotation.empty?
-            str << "DESCRIPTION = \"vCenter Template imported by OpenNebula" \
-                " from Cluster #{@cluster_name}\"\n"
-        else
-            notes = vm.config.annotation.gsub("\\", "\\\\").gsub("\"", "\\\"")
-            str << "DESCRIPTION = \"#{notes}\"\n"
-        end
-        case vm.guest.guestFullName
-            when /CentOS/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/centos.png\n"
-            when /Debian/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/debian.png\n"
-            when /Red Hat/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/redhat.png\n"
-            when /Ubuntu/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/ubuntu.png\n"
-            when /Windows XP/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/windowsxp.png\n"
-            when /Windows/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/windows8.png\n"
-            when /Linux/i
-                str << "LOGO=images/logos/linux.png\n"
-        end
-        return str
-    end
-    # Return Datastores information
-    def monitor_datastores
-        dc = @cluster.get_dc
-        ds_folder = dc.datastore_folder
-        items = ds_folder.fetch!
-        monitor = ''
-        items.each do |ref, ds|
-            monitor << "VCENTER_DS_REF=\"#{ref}\"\n"
-        end
-        monitor
-    end
-    # Get NSX Manager info detected from vCenter side.
-    def nsx_info
-        nsx_info = ''
-        nsx_obj = {}
-        # In the future add more than one nsx manager
-        extension_list = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.extensionManager
-                                   .extensionList
-        extension_list.each do |ext_list|
-            if ext_list.key == NSXDriver::NSXConstants::NSXV_EXTENSION_LIST
-                nsx_obj['type'] = NSXDriver::NSXConstants::NSXV
-                urlFull = ext_list.client[0].url
-                urlSplit = urlFull.split("/")
-                # protocol = "https://"
-                protocol = urlSplit[0] + "//"
-                # ipPort = ip:port
-                ipPort = urlSplit[2]
-                nsx_obj['url'] = protocol + ipPort
-                nsx_obj['version'] = ext_list.version
-                nsx_obj['label'] = ext_list.description.label
-            elsif ext_list.key == NSXDriver::NSXConstants::NSXT_EXTENSION_LIST
-                nsx_obj['type'] = NSXDriver::NSXConstants::NSXT
-                nsx_obj['url'] = ext_list.server[0].url
-                nsx_obj['version'] = ext_list.version
-                nsx_obj['label'] = ext_list.description.label
-            else
-                next
-            end
-        end
-        unless nsx_obj.empty?
-            nsx_info << "NSX_MANAGER=\"#{nsx_obj['url']}\"\n"
-            nsx_info << "NSX_TYPE=\"#{nsx_obj['type']}\"\n"
-            nsx_info << "NSX_VERSION=\"#{nsx_obj['version']}\"\n"
-            nsx_info << "NSX_LABEL=\"#{nsx_obj['label']}\"\n"
-        end
-        nsx_info
-    end
-    # Converts the VI string state to OpenNebula state convention
-    # Guest states are:
-    # - poweredOff   The virtual machine is currently powered off.
-    # - poweredOn    The virtual machine is currently powered on.
-    # - suspended    The virtual machine is currently suspended.
-    def vm_state(state)
-        STATE_MAP[state] || 'UNKNOWN'
-    end
-    # monitor function used when VMM poll action is called
-    def get_vm_monitor_data(vm)
-        reset_monitor
-        cpu_mhz = vm[:mob].runtime.host.summary.hardware.cpuMhz.to_f
-        @monitor[:used_memory] = vm[:mob].summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage *
-                                 1024
-        used_cpu = vm[:mob].summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage.to_f / cpu_mhz
-        used_cpu = (used_cpu * 100).to_s
-        @monitor[:used_cpu] = format('%.2f', used_cpu).to_s
-        # Check for negative values
-        @monitor[:used_memory] = 0 if @monitor[:used_memory].to_i < 0
-        @monitor[:used_cpu]    = 0 if @monitor[:used_cpu].to_i < 0
-        guest_ip_addresses = []
-        unless vm[:mob].guest.net.empty?
-            vm[:mob].guest.net.each do |net|
-                next unless net.ipConfig
-                next if net.ipConfig.ipAddress.empty?
-                net.ipConfig.ipAddress.each do |ip|
-                    guest_ip_addresses << ip.ipAddress
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        @guest_ip_addresses = guest_ip_addresses.join(',')
-        pm = vm[:mob]._connection.serviceInstance.content.perfManager
-        provider = pm.provider_summary(vm[:mob])
-        refresh_rate = provider.refreshRate
-        stats = {}
-        @one_vm = OpenNebula::VirtualMachine
-                  .new_with_id(vm[:id], @client)
-        if @one_vm['MONITORING/LAST_MON'] &&
-            @one_vm['MONITORING/LAST_MON'].to_i != 0
-            # Real time data stores max 1 hour. 1 minute has 3 samples
-            interval = (Time.now.to_i -
-                        @one_vm['MONITORING/LAST_MON'].to_i)
-             # If last poll was more than hour ago get 3 minutes,
-             # else calculate how many samples since last poll
-            if interval > 3600
-                samples = 9
-            else
-                samples = (interval / refresh_rate) + 1
-            end
-            samples > 0 ? max_samples = samples : max_samples = 1
-            stats = pm.retrieve_stats(
-                [vm[:mob]],
-                ['net.transmitted', 'net.bytesRx', 'net.bytesTx',
-                 'net.received', 'virtualDisk.numberReadAveraged',
-                 'virtualDisk.numberWriteAveraged', 'virtualDisk.read',
-                 'virtualDisk.write'],
-                interval => refresh_rate, max_samples => max_samples
-            ) rescue {}
-        else
-            # First poll, get at least latest 3 minutes = 9 samples
-            stats = pm.retrieve_stats(
-                [vm[:mob]],
-                ['net.transmitted', 'net.bytesRx', 'net.bytesTx',
-                 'net.received', 'virtualDisk.numberReadAveraged',
-                 'virtualDisk.numberWriteAveraged', 'virtualDisk.read',
-                 'virtualDisk.write'],
-                interval => refresh_rate, max_samples => 9
-            ) rescue {}
-        end
-        if !stats.empty? && !stats.first[1][:metrics].empty?
-            metrics = stats.first[1][:metrics]
-            nettx_kbpersec = 0
-            if metrics['net.transmitted']
-                metrics['net.transmitted'].each do |sample|
-                    nettx_kbpersec += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-            netrx_kbpersec = 0
-            if metrics['net.bytesRx']
-                metrics['net.bytesRx'].each do |sample|
-                    netrx_kbpersec += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-            read_kbpersec = 0
-            if metrics['virtualDisk.read']
-                metrics['virtualDisk.read'].each do |sample|
-                    read_kbpersec += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-            read_iops = 0
-            if metrics['virtualDisk.numberReadAveraged']
-                metrics['virtualDisk.numberReadAveraged'].each do |sample|
-                    read_iops += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-            write_kbpersec = 0
-            if metrics['virtualDisk.write']
-                metrics['virtualDisk.write'].each do |sample|
-                    write_kbpersec += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-            write_iops = 0
-            if metrics['virtualDisk.numberWriteAveraged']
-                metrics['virtualDisk.numberWriteAveraged'].each do |sample|
-                    write_iops += sample if sample > 0
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            nettx_kbpersec = 0
-            netrx_kbpersec = 0
-            read_kbpersec = 0
-            read_iops = 0
-            write_kbpersec = 0
-            write_iops = 0
-        end
-        # Accumulate values if present
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/NETTX']
-            previous_nettx = @one_item['MONITORING/NETTX'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_nettx = 0
-        end
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/NETRX']
-            previous_netrx = @one_item['MONITORING/NETRX'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_netrx = 0
-        end
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/DISKRDIOPS']
-            previous_diskrdiops = @one_item['MONITORING/DISKRDIOPS'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_diskrdiops = 0
-        end
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/DISKWRIOPS']
-            previous_diskwriops = @one_item['MONITORING/DISKWRIOPS'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_diskwriops = 0
-        end
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/DISKRDBYTES']
-            previous_diskrdbytes = @one_item['MONITORING/DISKRDBYTES'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_diskrdbytes = 0
-        end
-        if @one_item && @one_item['MONITORING/DISKWRBYTES']
-            previous_diskwrbytes = @one_item['MONITORING/DISKWRBYTES'].to_i
-        else
-            previous_diskwrbytes = 0
-        end
-        @monitor[:nettx] = previous_nettx +
-                        (nettx_kbpersec * 1024 * refresh_rate).to_i
-        @monitor[:netrx] = previous_netrx +
-                        (netrx_kbpersec * 1024 * refresh_rate).to_i
-        @monitor[:diskrdiops]  = previous_diskrdiops + read_iops
-        @monitor[:diskwriops]  = previous_diskwriops + write_iops
-        @monitor[:diskrdbytes] = previous_diskrdbytes +
-                                (read_kbpersec * 1024 * refresh_rate).to_i
-        @monitor[:diskwrbytes] = previous_diskwrbytes +
-                                (write_kbpersec * 1024 * refresh_rate).to_i
-        @monitor
-    end
-    def retrieve_vms_data
-        return fetch_vms_data if @db.expired?('timestamp', @vcenter_conf[:cache_expire])
-        @db.select_vms
-    end
-    def fetch_vms_data(with_monitoring: false)
-        # opts common to all vms
-        opts = {
-            vc_uuid: @vc_uuid
-        }
-        # View for VMs inside this cluster
-        view = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.viewManager
-                         .CreateContainerView({ container: @cluster.item,
-                                                type: ['VirtualMachine'],
-                                                recursive: true })
-        pc = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.propertyCollector
-        monitored_properties = [
-            'name', # VM name
-            'config.template', # To filter out templates
-            'summary.runtime.powerState', # VM power state
-            'summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage', # Memory usage
-            'summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage', # CPU used by VM
-            'runtime.host', # ESX host
-            'resourcePool', # RP
-            'guest.guestFullName',
-            'guest.net', # IP addresses as seen by guest tools,
-            'guest.guestState',
-            'guest.toolsVersion',
-            'guest.toolsRunningStatus',
-            'guest.toolsVersionStatus2', # IP addresses as seen by guest tools,
-            'config.extraConfig', # VM extraconfig info.. opennebula.vm.running
-            'config.hardware.numCPU',
-            'config.hardware.memoryMB',
-            'config.annotation',
-            'datastore'
-        ]
-        filter_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.PropertyFilterSpec(
-            :objectSet => [
-                :obj => view,
-                :skip => true,
-                :selectSet => [
-                    RbVmomi::VIM.TraversalSpec(
-                        :name => 'traverseEntities',
-                        :type => 'ContainerView',
-                        :path => 'view',
-                        :skip => false
-                    )
-                ]
-            ],
-            :propSet => [
-                { :type => 'VirtualMachine', :pathSet => monitored_properties }
-            ]
-        )
-        result = pc.RetrieveProperties(:specSet => [filter_spec])
-        vms_hash = {}
-        result.each do |r|
-            # Next if it's not a VirtualMachine
-            next unless r.obj.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine)
-            hashed_properties = r.to_hash
-            # Next if it's a template
-            next if hashed_properties["config.template"]
-            vms_hash[r.obj._ref] = hashed_properties
-            vms_hash[r.obj._ref][:mob] = r.obj
-        end
-        view.DestroyView # Destroy the view
-        # Get one vms from database
-        one_vms = retrieve_one_vms
-        vms = []
-        vms_hash.each do |vm_ref, info|
-            one_uuid = "#{vm_ref}#{@vc_uuid}"
-            vm = { :uuid => one_uuid,
-                :id => one_id(one_uuid, one_vms),
-                :name => "#{info['name']} - #{@cluster.item.name}",
-                :deploy_id => vm_ref,
-                :state => vm_state(info['summary.runtime.powerState']),
-                :type => @hypervisor,
-                :mob => info[:mob] }
-            begin
-                monitor_info = ''
-                # Wilds
-                if vm[:id] == -1
-                    vm[:import_template] = vm_to_one(vm[:mob])
-                    monitor_info << "VM = [ ID=\"#{vm[:id]}\", "
-                    monitor_info << "VM_NAME=\"#{vm[:name]}\", "
-                    monitor_info << "DEPLOY_ID=\"#{vm[:deploy_id]}\", "
-                    vm_template64 = Base64.encode64(vm[:import_template]).delete("\n")
-                    monitor_info << "IMPORT_TEMPLATE=\"#{vm_template64}\"]\n"
-                    vm[:monitor_info] = Base64.encode64(monitor_info)
-                else
-                    # @monitor
-                    get_vm_monitor_data(vm)
-                    mon_s64 = Base64.strict_encode64(info(vm))
-                    monitor_info << "VM = [ ID=\"#{vm[:id]}\", "
-                    monitor_info << "DEPLOY_ID=\"#{vm[:deploy_id]}\", "
-                    monitor_info << "MONITOR=\"#{mon_s64}\"]\n"
-                    vm[:monitor_info] = Base64.encode64(monitor_info)
-                end
-            rescue StandardError => e
-                monitor_info = error_monitoring(e, vm)
-            end
-            vms << vm
-        end
-        @db.insert(vms)
-        vms
-    end
-    def fetch_vms_state
-        # opts common to all vms
-        opts = {
-            vc_uuid: @vc_uuid
-        }
-        # View for VMs inside this cluster
-        view = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.viewManager
-                         .CreateContainerView({ container: @cluster.item,
-                                                type: ['VirtualMachine'],
-                                                recursive: true })
-        pc = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.propertyCollector
-        monitored_properties = [
-            'name', # VM name
-            'summary.runtime.powerState' # VM power state
-        ]
-        filter_spec = RbVmomi::VIM.PropertyFilterSpec(
-            :objectSet => [
-                :obj => view,
-                :skip => true,
-                :selectSet => [
-                    RbVmomi::VIM.TraversalSpec(
-                        :name => 'traverseEntities',
-                        :type => 'ContainerView',
-                        :path => 'view',
-                        :skip => false
-                    )
-                ]
-            ],
-            :propSet => [
-                { :type => 'VirtualMachine', :pathSet => monitored_properties }
-            ]
-        )
-        result = pc.RetrieveProperties(:specSet => [filter_spec])
-        vms_hash = {}
-        result.each do |r|
-            # Next if it's not a VirtualMachine
-            next unless r.obj.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine)
-            hashed_properties = r.to_hash
-            vms_hash[r.obj._ref] = hashed_properties
-        end
-        view.DestroyView # Destroy the view
-        # # Get one vms from database
-        one_vms = @db.select_one_vms
-        vms = []
-        vms_hash.each do |vm_ref, info|
-            next if info['name'].match(/^one-(\d*)(-(.*))?$/)
-            one_uuid = "#{vm_ref}#{@vc_uuid}"
-            vm = { :uuid => one_uuid,
-                :id => one_id(one_uuid, one_vms),
-                :name => "#{info['name']} - #{@cluster.item.name}",
-                :deploy_id => vm_ref,
-                :state => vm_state(info['summary.runtime.powerState']),
-                :type => @hypervisor }
-            vms << vm
-        end
-        vms
-    end
-    def fetch_ccr_ref(host, host_id)
-        one_host = OpenNebula::Host.new_with_id(host_id, @client)
-        rc = one_host.info
-        if OpenNebula.is_error? rc
-            STDERR.puts rc.message
-            exit 1
-        end
-        ccr_ref = one_host['TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CCR_REF']
-        @db.insert_host(host_id, host, ccr_ref)
-        ccr_ref
-    end
-    def retrieve_ccr_ref(host, host_id)
-        return fetch_ccr_ref(host, host_id) \
-            if @db.expired_host?(host_id, @vcenter_conf[:cache_expire])
-        @db.select_ccr_ref(host_id)
-    end
-    def fetch_one_vms
-        vm_pool = OpenNebula::VirtualMachinePool
-                  .new(@client, OpenNebula::VirtualMachinePool::INFO_ALL_VM)
-        rc = vm_pool.info
-        if OpenNebula.is_error?(rc)
-            puts rc.message
-            exit -1
-        end
-        one_vms = []
-        vm_pool.each do |vm|
-            one_id = vm['ID']
-            deploy_id = vm['DEPLOY_ID']
-            uuid = "#{deploy_id}#{@vc_uuid}"
-            one_vm = {
-                :id => one_id,
-                :uuid => uuid
-            }
-            one_vms << one_vm
-        end
-        @db.insert_one_vms(one_vms)
-        one_vms
-    end
-    def retrieve_one_vms
-        return fetch_one_vms \
-        if @db.expired?('timestamp_one_vms', @vcenter_conf[:cache_expire])
-        @db.select_one_vms
-    end
-    def one_id(uuid, one_vms)
-        vm = one_vms.select do |one_vm|
-            one_vm[:uuid] == uuid
-        end
-        return -1 if vm.empty?
-        vm[0][:id]
-    end
-    #  Returns VM monitor information
-    #
-    #  @return [String]
-    def probe_vm_monitor
-        one_vms = ''
-        vms = @db.select_one
-        vms.each do |vm|
-            one_vms << Base64.decode64(vm)
-        end
-        one_vms
-    end
-    # Return string info for different vm types:
-    # 'wilds' : VMs in vCenter but not in OpenNebula
-    # 'ones' : VMs in OpenNebula
-    def monitor_vms(vm_type)
-        str_info, last_mon_time = @cluster.monitor_vms(@host_id,
-                                                       vm_type,
-                                                       @vcenter_conf[:debug_information])
-        return str_info
-    end
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This class implements a simple local cache to store VM information
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class InstanceCache
-    def initialize(path)
-        @db = SQLite3::Database.new(path)
-        bootstrap
-    end
-    def execute_retry(query, tries = 5, tsleep = 0.5)
-        i=0
-        while i < tries
-            begin
-                return @db.execute(query)
-            rescue SQLite3::BusyException
-                i += 1
-                sleep tsleep
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    # TODO: document DB schema
-    def bootstrap
-        sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vms(uuid VARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY,'
-        sql << ' id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(128), deploy_id VARCHAR(128),'
-        sql << ' state VARCHAR(128), type VARCHAR(128),'
-        sql << ' monitor_info VARCHAR(1024))'
-        execute_retry(sql)
-        sql << ' name VARCHAR(128), ccr_ref VARCHAR(128), timestamp INTEGER)'
-        execute_retry(sql)
-        sql << ' uuid VARCHAR(128))'
-        execute_retry(sql)
-        execute_retry(sql)
-        sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timestamp_one_vms(ts INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)'
-        execute_retry(sql)
-    end
-    def insert(instances)
-        execute_retry('DELETE from vms')
-        instances.each do |i|
-            sql = 'INSERT INTO vms VALUES ('
-            sql << "\"#{i[:uuid]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:id]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:name]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:deploy_id]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:state]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:type]}\", "
-            sql << "\"#{i[:monitor_info]}\")"
-            execute_retry(sql)
-        end
-        execute_retry('DELETE from timestamp')
-        execute_retry("INSERT INTO timestamp VALUES (#{Time.now.to_i})")
-    end
-    def insert_host(host_id, host_name, ccr_ref)
-        execute_retry('DELETE from hosts')
-        timestamp = Time.now.to_i
-        sql = 'INSERT INTO hosts VALUES('
-        sql << "#{host_id}, "
-        sql << "\"#{host_name}\", "
-        sql << "\"#{ccr_ref}\", "
-        sql << "#{timestamp})"
-        execute_retry(sql)
-    end
-    def insert_one_vms(instances)
-        execute_retry('DELETE from one_vms')
-        instances.each do |i|
-            sql = "INSERT INTO one_vms VALUES(#{i[:id]}, \"#{i[:uuid]}\")"
-            execute_retry(sql)
-        end
-        execute_retry('DELETE from timestamp_one_vms')
-        execute_retry("INSERT INTO timestamp_one_vms VALUES (#{Time.now.to_i})")
-    end
-    def select_vms
-        query = 'SELECT * FROM vms'
-        vms = []
-        execute_retry(query).each do |vm|
-            vms << Hash[[:uuid, :id, :name, :deploy_id, :state, :type, :monitor_info].zip(vm)]
-        end
-        vms
-    end
-    def select_wilds
-        vms = []
-        execute_retry('SELECT monitor_info from vms WHERE ID = -1').each do |vm|
-            vms << vm[0]
-        end
-        vms
-    end
-    def select_one
-        vms = []
-        execute_retry('SELECT monitor_info from vms WHERE ID != -1').each do |vm|
-            vms << vm[0]
-        end
-        vms
-    end
-    def select_ccr_ref(host_id)
-        query = "SELECT ccr_ref from hosts WHERE id = #{host_id}"
-        result = execute_retry(query)
-        raise "There is more than one CCR_REF for host_id = #{host_id}" \
-            if result.length > 1
-        result.empty? ? nil : result[0][0]
-    end
-    def select_one_vms
-        query = 'SELECT * FROM one_vms'
-        vms = []
-        execute_retry(query).each do |vm|
-            vms << Hash[[:id, :uuid].zip(vm)]
-        end
-        vms
-    end
-    # return true if the cache data expired
-    #
-    #   @param[Integer] time_limit time to expire cache data
-    #
-    #   @return[Boolean]
-    def expired?(table, time_limit)
-        ts = execute_retry("SELECT * from #{table}")
-        ts.empty? || (Time.now.to_i - time_limit > ts.first.first)
-    end
-    def expired_host?(host_id, time_limit)
-        ts = execute_retry("SELECT timestamp from hosts WHERE id = #{host_id}")
-        ts.empty? || (Time.now.to_i - time_limit > ts.first.first)
-    end
-#  Module Interface
-#  Interface for probe_db - VirtualMachineDB
-module DomainList
-    def self.state_info(_, id)
-        vcm = VcenterMonitor.new(id)
-        vms = vcm.fetch_vms_state
-        info = {}
-        vms.each do |vm|
-            info[vm[:uuid]] = { :id => vm[:id],
-                                :uuid => vm[:uuid],
-                                :name => vm[:name],
-                                :deploy_id => vm[:deploy_id],
-                                :state => vm[:state],
-                                :hyperv => 'vcenter' }
-        end
-        info
-    end