diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/marketplace-tab.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/marketplace-tab.js
index 77dab8142b..9f2b325aec 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/marketplace-tab.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/marketplace-tab.js
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
/* Marketpplace tab plugin */
var dataTable_marketplace;
+var $marketplace_import_dialog;
var market_actions = {
"Marketplace.list" : {
@@ -42,36 +43,115 @@ var market_actions = {
elements: marketplaceElements,
call: OpenNebula.Marketplace.show,
callback: function(request,response){
- $('#img_name', $create_image_dialog).val(response['name']);
- $('#img_path', $create_image_dialog).val(response['links']['download']['href']);
- $('#src_path_select input[value="path"]', $create_image_dialog).trigger('click');
- $('select#img_type', $create_image_dialog).val('OS');
- $('select#img_type', $create_image_dialog).trigger('change');
- if (response['files'][0]['hypervisor'] == "KVM") {
- $('#img_driver', $create_image_dialog).val(response['files'][0]['format'])
+ if (response['status'] && response['status'] != 'ready') {
+ notifyError(tr("The appliance is not ready"));
+ return;
- //remove any options from the custom vars dialog box
- $("#custom_var_image_box",$create_image_dialog).empty();
- var md5 = response['files'][0]['md5']
- if ( md5 ) {
- option = '';
- $("#custom_var_image_box",$create_image_dialog).append(option);
+ if ($marketplace_import_dialog != undefined) {
+ $marketplace_import_dialog.remove();
- var sha1 = response['files'][0]['sha1']
- if ( sha1 ) {
- option = '';
- $("#custom_var_image_box",$create_image_dialog).append(option);
+ dialogs_context.append(marketplace_import_dialog);
+ $marketplace_import_dialog = $('#marketplace_import_dialog',dialogs_context);
+ $marketplace_import_dialog.addClass("reveal-modal xlarge max-height");
+ $marketplace_import_dialog.reveal();
+ var tab_id = 1;
+ $.each(response['files'], function(index, value){
+ // Append the new div containing the tab and add the tab to the list
+ var image_dialog = $('
+ create_image_tmpl +
+ '').appendTo($("ul#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs_content"));
+ var a_image_dialog = $("\
+ "+tr("Image")+"\
+ ").appendTo($("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs"));
+ initialize_create_image_dialog(image_dialog);
+ initialize_datastore_info_create_image_dialog(image_dialog);
+ $('#img_name', image_dialog).val(value['name']||response['name']);
+ $('#img_path', image_dialog).val(response['links']['download']['href']+'/'+index);
+ $('#src_path_select input[value="path"]', image_dialog).trigger('click');
+ $('select#img_type', image_dialog).val(value['type']);
+ $('select#img_type', image_dialog).trigger('change');
+ //remove any options from the custom vars dialog box
+ $("#custom_var_image_box",image_dialog).empty();
+ var md5 = value['md5']
+ if ( md5 ) {
+ option = '';
+ $("#custom_var_image_box",image_dialog).append(option);
+ }
+ var sha1 = value['sha1']
+ if ( sha1 ) {
+ option = '';
+ $("#custom_var_image_box",image_dialog).append(option);
+ }
+ a_image_dialog.on('click', function(){
+ $create_image_dialog = image_dialog;
+ })
+ image_dialog.on("reveal:close", function(){
+ a_image_dialog.remove();
+ image_dialog.remove();
+ if ($('a', $("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs")).size > 0) {
+ $('a', $("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs")).first().click();
+ } else {
+ $marketplace_import_dialog.trigger("reveal:close");
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $("a[href='#img_manual']", image_dialog).closest('dl').remove();
+ tab_id++;
+ })
+ if (response['opennebula_template'] && response['opennebula_template'] !== "CPU=1") {
+ $create_template_dialog.remove();
+ // Template
+ // Append the new div containing the tab and add the tab to the list
+ var template_dialog = $(''+
+ create_template_tmpl +
+ '').appendTo($("ul#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs_content"));
+ var a_template_dialog = $("\
+ "+tr("Template")+"\
+ ").appendTo($("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs"));
+ initialize_create_template_dialog(template_dialog);
+ fillTemplatePopUp(
+ JSON.parse(response['opennebula_template']),
+ template_dialog);
+ a_template_dialog.on('click', function(){
+ $create_template_dialog = template_dialog;
+ })
+ template_dialog.on("reveal:close", function(){
+ a_template_dialog.remove();
+ template_dialog.remove();
+ if ($('a', $("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs")).size > 0) {
+ $('a', $("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs")).first().click();
+ } else {
+ $marketplace_import_dialog.trigger("reveal:close");
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $("a[href='#manual']", template_dialog).closest('dl').remove();
- popUpCreateImageDialog();
+ $('a', $("dl#marketplace_import_dialog_tabs")).first().click();
error: onError
@@ -97,6 +177,20 @@ var market_buttons = {
+var marketplace_import_dialog =
+ '
+ '
'+tr("Import Appliance")+''+
+ '
+ '
+ '
var marketplace_tab_content = '\