diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/datastores-tab.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/datastores-tab.js
index a9a454e933..9913f3d759 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/datastores-tab.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/datastores-tab.js
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ var create_datastore_tmpl =
'+tr("Paths that can not be used to register images. A space separated list of paths. This will prevent users registering important files as VM images and accessing them thourgh their VMs. OpenNebula will automatically add its configuration directories: /var/lib/one, /etc/one and oneadmin's home ($HOME).")+'
'+tr("If you need to un-block a directory under one of the RESTRICTED_DIRS")+'
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ var create_datastore_tmpl =
'+tr("If you need to un-block a directory under one of the RESTRICTED_DIRS")+'
'+tr("Paths that can not be used to register images. A space separated list of paths. This will prevent users registering important files as VM images and accessing them thourgh their VMs. OpenNebula will automatically add its configuration directories: /var/lib/one, /etc/one and oneadmin's home ($HOME).")+'
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/oneflow-services.js b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/oneflow-services.js
index acf83c033a..1b40c156e5 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/oneflow-services.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/js/plugins/oneflow-services.js
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ function updateServiceInfo(request,elem){
'+ tr("Period") +'
'+ tr("Seconds between each group of actions") +'
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ function updateServiceInfo(request,elem){
'+ tr("VMs per period") +'
'+ tr("Number of VMs to apply the action to each period") +'
@@ -1513,10 +1513,23 @@ function updateServiceInfo(request,elem){
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("# Periods")+'
+ '+tr("Expression to trigger the elasticity")+'
+ '+tr("Example: ATT < 20")+' \
+ \
'+tr("# Periods")+'\
+ '+tr("Number of periods that the expression must be true before the elasticity is triggered")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Duration, in seconds, of each period in '# Periods'")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Cooldown period duration after a scale operation, in seconds")+'\
+ \
@@ -1564,8 +1577,17 @@ function updateServiceInfo(request,elem){
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("Time format")+'
'+tr("Time expression")+'
'+tr("Time format")+'\
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+'
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+'\
+ \
'+tr("Time expression")+'\
+ '+tr("Time expression depends on the the time formar selected")+'
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+' \
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+' \
+ \
'+ tr("VM shutdown action: 'shutdown' or 'shutdown-hard'. If it is not set, the one set for the Service will be used") +'
@@ -335,10 +335,23 @@ var role_tab_content = '\
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("# Periods")+'
+ '+tr("Expression to trigger the elasticity")+'
+ '+tr("Example: ATT < 20")+' \
+ \
'+tr("# Periods")+'\
+ '+tr("Number of periods that the expression must be true before the elasticity is triggered")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Duration, in seconds, of each period in '# Periods'")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Cooldown period duration after a scale operation, in seconds")+'\
+ \
@@ -379,8 +392,17 @@ var role_tab_content = '\
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("Time format")+'
'+tr("Time expression")+'
'+tr("Time format")+'\
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+'
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+'\
+ \
'+tr("Time expression")+'\
+ '+tr("Time expression depends on the the time formar selected")+'
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+' \
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+' \
+ \
@@ -826,10 +848,23 @@ function updateServiceTemplateInfo(request,elem){
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("# Periods")+'
+ '+tr("Expression to trigger the elasticity")+'
+ '+tr("Example: ATT < 20")+' \
+ \
'+tr("# Periods")+'\
+ '+tr("Number of periods that the expression must be true before the elasticity is triggered")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Duration, in seconds, of each period in '# Periods'")+'\
+ \
+ '+tr("Cooldown period duration after a scale operation, in seconds")+'\
+ \
@@ -877,8 +912,17 @@ function updateServiceTemplateInfo(request,elem){
'+tr("Optional parameter for PERCENTAGE_CHANGE adjustment type. If present, the policy will change the cardinality by at least the number of VMs set in this attribute.")+'\
'+tr("Time format")+'
'+tr("Time expression")+'
'+tr("Time format")+'\
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+'
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+'\
+ \
'+tr("Time expression")+'\
+ '+tr("Time expression depends on the the time formar selected")+'
+ '+tr("Recurrence: Time for recurring adjustements. Time is specified with the Unix cron syntax")+' \
+ '+tr("Start time: Exact time for the adjustement")+' \
+ \