diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/dashboard-tab/hosts.hbs b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/dashboard-tab/hosts.hbs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af8a7e53d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/dashboard-tab/hosts.hbs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/datatable.js b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/datatable.js
index eceb6f94d1..1bda2b3926 100644
--- a/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/datatable.js
+++ b/src/sunstone/public/app/tabs/hosts-tab/datatable.js
@@ -66,12 +66,25 @@ define(function(require) {
"you_selected_multiple": Locale.tr("You selected the following hosts:")
+ this.totalHosts = 0;
+ this.onHosts = 0;
+ this.offHosts = 0;
+ this.errorHosts = 0;
+ this.maxCPU = 0;
+ this.allocatedCPU = 0;
+ this.realCPU = 0;
+ this.maxMemory = 0;
+ this.allocatedMemory = 0;
+ this.realMemory = 0;
Table.prototype = Object.create(TabDataTable.prototype);
Table.prototype.constructor = Table;
Table.prototype.elementArray = _elementArray;
+ Table.prototype.preUpdateView = _preUpdateView;
+ Table.prototype.postUpdateView = _postUpdateView;
return Table;
@@ -85,8 +98,31 @@ define(function(require) {
var cpuBars = CPUBars.html(element);
var memoryBars = MemoryBars.html(element);
- // TODO Calculate table footer TOTAL ON OFF ERROR
- // TODO Update dashboard
+ this.totalHosts++;
+ var stateSimpleStr = OpenNebulaHost.simpleStateStr(element.STATE);
+ switch (stateSimpleStr) {
+ case "INIT":
+ case "UPDATE":
+ case "ON":
+ this.onHosts++;
+ break;
+ case "ERROR":
+ case "RETRY":
+ this.errorHosts++;
+ break;
+ case "OFF":
+ this.offHosts++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ this.maxCPU += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.MAX_CPU);
+ this.allocatedCPU += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.CPU_USAGE);
+ this.realCPU += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.USED_CPU);
+ this.maxMemory += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.MAX_MEM);
+ this.allocatedMemory += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.MEM_USAGE);
+ this.realMemory += parseInt(element.HOST_SHARE.USED_MEM);
return [
' 0) {
+ ratio_allocated_cpu = Math.round((this.allocatedCPU / this.maxCPU) * 100);
+ info_str = this.allocatedCPU + ' / ' + this.maxCPU ;
+ } else {
+ info_str = "- / -";
+ }
+ //$("#dash_host_allocated_cpu").html(usageBarHtml(allocated_cpu, max_cpu, info_str, true));
+ $("#dashboard_host_allocated_cpu").html(quotaDashboard(
+ "dashboard_host_allocated_cpu",
+ Locale.tr("Allocated CPU"),
+ "30px",
+ "14px",
+ {"percentage": ratio_allocated_cpu, "str": info_str})
+ );
+ var ratio_real_cpu = 0;
+ if (this.maxCPU > 0) {
+ ratio_real_cpu = Math.round((this.realCPU / this.maxCPU) * 100);
+ info_str = this.realCPU + ' / ' + this.maxCPU;
+ } else {
+ info_str = "- / -";
+ }
+ $("#dashboard_host_real_cpu").html(quotaDashboard(
+ "dashboard_host_real_cpu",
+ Locale.tr("Real CPU"),
+ "30px",
+ "14px",
+ {"percentage": ratio_real_cpu, "str": info_str})
+ );
+ var ratio_allocated_mem = 0;
+ if (this.maxMemory > 0) {
+ ratio_allocated_mem = Math.round((this.allocatedMemory / this.maxMemory) * 100);
+ info_str = Humanize.size(this.allocatedMemory) + ' / ' + Humanize.size(this.maxMemory);
+ } else {
+ info_str = Humanize.size(this.allocatedMemory) + ' / -';
+ }
+ $("#dashboard_host_allocated_mem").html(quotaDashboard(
+ "dashboard_host_allocated_mem",
+ Locale.tr("Allocated Memory"),
+ "30px",
+ "14px",
+ {"percentage": ratio_allocated_mem, "str": info_str})
+ );
+ var ratio_real_mem = 0;
+ if (this.maxMemory > 0) {
+ ratio_real_mem = Math.round((this.realMemory / this.maxMemory) * 100);
+ info_str = Humanize.size(this.realMemory) + ' / ' + Humanize.size(this.maxMemory);
+ } else {
+ info_str = Humanize.size(this.realMemory) + ' / -';
+ }
+ $("#dashboard_host_real_mem").html(quotaDashboard(
+ "dashboard_host_real_mem",
+ Locale.tr("Real Memory"),
+ "30px",
+ "14px",
+ {"percentage": ratio_real_mem, "str": info_str})
+ );
+ }
+ function quotaDashboard(html_tag, legend, font_large_size, font_small_size, quota) {
+ var percentage = quota.percentage > 100 ? 100 : quota.percentage;
+ return '' +
+ '
' +
+ ''+
+ '
' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' +
+ ' ' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '
' +
+ '' + quota.percentage + ' %' +
+ '' + quota.str + '' +
+ '
' +
+ '
+ }