diff --git a/src/im_mad/remotes/vcenter.d/poll b/src/im_mad/remotes/vcenter.d/poll
index 2fff6ecebf..b4ad6037aa 100755
--- a/src/im_mad/remotes/vcenter.d/poll
+++ b/src/im_mad/remotes/vcenter.d/poll
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ begin
     puts cluster.monitor
     puts cluster.monitor_host_systems
-    vm_monitor_info, last_perf_poll = cluster.monitor_vms
+    # Print VM monitor info
+    vm_monitor_info, last_perf_poll = cluster.monitor_vms(host_id)
     if !vm_monitor_info.empty?
         puts "VM_POLL=YES"
         puts vm_monitor_info
@@ -61,8 +62,15 @@ begin
     # Print last VM poll for perfmanager tracking
     puts "VCENTER_LAST_PERF_POLL=" << last_perf_poll << "\n" if last_perf_poll
-    puts cluster.monitor_customizations
+    # Retrieve customizations
+    begin
+        puts cluster.monitor_customizations
+    rescue
+        # Do not break monitoring on customization error
+        puts "ERROR=\"Customizations couldn't be retrieved, please check permissions\""
+    end
+    # Print Datastore information
     dc = cluster.get_dc
     ds_folder = dc.datastore_folder
diff --git a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/host.rb b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/host.rb
index 8003caf7f0..cdac561e04 100644
--- a/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/host.rb
+++ b/src/vmm_mad/remotes/lib/vcenter_driver/host.rb
@@ -308,18 +308,20 @@ class ClusterComputeResource
         return host_info
-    def monitor_vms
+    def monitor_vms(host_id)
         vc_uuid = @vi_client.vim.serviceContent.about.instanceUuid
         cluster_name = self["name"]
         cluster_ref = self["_ref"]
         # Get info of the host where the VM/template is located
-        host_id = nil
-        one_host = VCenterDriver::VIHelper.find_by_ref(OpenNebula::HostPool,
-                                                       "TEMPLATE/VCENTER_CCR_REF",
-                                                       cluster_ref,
-                                                       vc_uuid)
+        one_host = VCenterDriver::VIHelper.one_item(OpenNebula::Host, host_id)
+        if !one_host
+            STDERR.puts "Failed to retieve host with id #{host.id}"
+            STDERR.puts e.inspect
+            STDERR.puts e.backtrace
+        end
         host_id = one_host["ID"] if one_host