mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 14:50:08 +03:00
Bug #3251: Use generic sunstone.js Host table for Clusters
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,26 +18,6 @@
/* ------------ Cluster creation dialog ------------ */
var host_datatable_table_tmpl='<thead>\
<th class="check"><input type="checkbox" class="check_all" value=""></input></th>\
<th>' + tr("ID") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Name") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Cluster") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("RVMs") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Real CPU") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Allocated CPU") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Real MEM") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Allocated MEM") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Status") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("IM MAD") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("VM MAD") + '</th>\
<th>' + tr("Last monitored on") + '</th>\
<tbody id="tbody_cluster_hosts">\
var vnet_datatable_table_tmpl='<thead>\
<th class="check"><input type="checkbox" class="check_all" value=""></input></th>\
@ -97,25 +77,7 @@ var create_cluster_tmpl ='<div class="row">\
<div class="tabs-content">\
<div id="tab-hostsTab" class="active content">\
<div class="row">\
<div class="large-8 columns">\
<button id="refresh_host_table_button_class" class="button small radius secondary action_button" value="ClusterHost.list"><i class="fa fa-refresh" /></button>\
<div class="large-4 columns">\
<input id="cluster_hosts_search" type="text" class="search" placeholder="'+tr("Search")+'"/>\
<div id="datatable_cluster_hosts_div" class="row">\
<div class="large-12 columns">\
<table id="datatable_cluster_hosts" class="datatable twelve">' + host_datatable_table_tmpl + '</table>\
<div class="row">\
<div id="selected_hosts_div" class="large-12 columns">\
<span id="select_cluster_hosts" class="radius secondary label">'+tr("Please select one or more hosts from the list")+'</span>\
<span id="cluster_hosts_selected" class="radius secondary label hidden">'+tr("You selected the following hosts:")+'</span>\
<div id="tab-vnetsTab" class="content">\
<div class="row">\
@ -173,11 +135,9 @@ var create_cluster_tmpl ='<div class="row">\
// Common utils for datatatables
// Holds the selected items
selected_hosts_list = {};
selected_vnets_list = {};
selected_datastore_list = {};
host_row_hash = {};
vnet_row_hash = {};
datastore_row_hash = {};
@ -197,24 +157,11 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
dialog.addClass("reveal-modal large max-height").attr("data-reveal", "");
// ------- Create the dialog datatables ------------
dataTable_cluster_hosts = $("#datatable_cluster_hosts", dialog).dataTable({
"sDom" : '<"H">t<"F"p>',
"oColVis": { //exclude checkbox column
"aiExclude": [ 0 ]
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [1] },
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0,5,7,10,11,12]} // 3 = cluster
"bSortClasses" : false,
"bDeferRender": true
$('#cluster_hosts_search', dialog).keyup(function(){
dataTable_cluster_hosts.fnFilter( $(this).val() );
var opts = {
multiple_choice: true
setupHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts", opts);
dataTable_cluster_vnets = $("#datatable_cluster_vnets", dialog).dataTable({
@ -256,46 +203,6 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
// ------- End of create the dialog datatables ------------
// Add listener to row select action
// Marks it in another background color
// Adds or removes the element from the list
$('#datatable_cluster_hosts tbody', dialog).delegate("tr", "click", function(e){
if ($(e.target).is('input') ||
$(e.target).is('select') ||
$(e.target).is('option')) return true;
var aData = dataTable_cluster_hosts.fnGetData(this);
var host_id = aData[1];
var name = aData[2];
if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_hosts_list)) {
$('#cluster_hosts_selected', dialog).show();
$('#select_cluster_hosts', dialog).hide();
if(!$("td:first", this).hasClass('markrowchecked'))
$('div#selected_hosts_div', dialog).append('<span id="tag_hosts_'+host_id+'" class="radius label">'+name+' <span class="fa fa-times blue"></span></span> ');
delete selected_hosts_list[host_id];
$('div#selected_hosts_div span#tag_hosts_'+host_id, dialog).remove();
if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_hosts_list)) {
$('#cluster_hosts_selected', dialog).hide();
$('#select_cluster_hosts', dialog).show();
return false;
$('#datatable_cluster_vnets tbody', dialog).delegate("tr", "click", function(e){
if ($(e.target).is('input') ||
$(e.target).is('select') ||
@ -378,18 +285,7 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
// Unselect row
var id = $(this).parent().attr("ID");
if (id.match(/host/g))
var host_id=id.substring(10,id.length);
delete selected_hosts_list[host_id];
$("td:first", host_row_hash[host_id]).parent().children().each(function(){$(this).removeClass('markrowchecked');});
if ($.isEmptyObject(selected_hosts_list)) {
$('#cluster_hosts_selected', dialog).hide();
$('#select_cluster_hosts', dialog).show();
else if (id.match(/vnet/g))
if (id.match(/vnet/g))
var vnet_id=id.substring(10,id.length);
delete selected_vnets_list[vnet_id];
@ -414,12 +310,6 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
$("#refresh_host_table_button_class", dialog).click( function(){
return false;
$("#refresh_vnet_table_button_class", dialog).click( function(){
return false;
@ -441,6 +331,14 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
return false;
var selected_hosts_arr = retrieveHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts");
var selected_hosts_list = {};
$.each(selected_hosts_arr, function(i,e){
selected_hosts_list[e] = 1;
var cluster_json = {
"cluster": {
"name": $('#name',dialog).val(),
@ -457,15 +355,12 @@ function setupCreateClusterDialog(){
function reset_counters(){
selected_hosts_list = {};
selected_vnets_list = {};
selected_datastore_list = {};
original_hosts_list = {};
original_vnets_list = {};
original_datastores_list = {};
host_row_hash = {};
vnet_row_hash = {};
datastore_row_hash = {};
@ -484,7 +379,7 @@ function popUpCreateClusterDialog(){
refreshHostTableSelect($create_cluster_dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts");
@ -562,9 +457,19 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
$('#name',dialog).attr("disabled", "disabled");
var original_hosts_list = [];
// Select hosts belonging to the cluster
if (host_ids)
original_hosts_list = host_ids;
var opts = {
ids : host_ids
selectHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts", opts);
dataTable_cluster_hosts.on('draw', function(){
var rows = dataTable_cluster_hosts.fnGetNodes();
@ -588,6 +493,7 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
original_hosts_list = $.extend({}, selected_hosts_list);
if (vnet_ids)
@ -649,7 +555,7 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
// Clone already existing resources (to keep track)
cluster_to_update_id = response.CLUSTER.ID;
refreshHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts");
@ -657,21 +563,21 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
// find out which ones are in and out
for (var host_id in selected_hosts_list)
if (!original_hosts_list[host_id])
var selected_hosts_list = retrieveHostTableSelect(dialog, "cluster_wizard_hosts");
$.each(selected_hosts_list, function(i,host_id){
if (original_hosts_list.indexOf(host_id) == -1)
for (var host_id in original_hosts_list)
if (!selected_hosts_list[host_id])
$.each(original_hosts_list, function(i,host_id){
if (selected_hosts_list.indexOf(host_id) == -1)
for (var vnet_id in selected_vnets_list)
@ -713,58 +619,6 @@ function fillPopPup(request,response){
/* -------- Host datatable -------- */
//Setup actions
var cluster_host_actions = {
"ClusterHost.list" : {
type: "list",
call: OpenNebula.Host.list,
callback: function(request,host_list){
dataTable_cluster_hosts.fnSort( [ [1,config['user_config']['table_order']] ] );
error: onError
"ClusterHostInfo.list" : {
type: "list",
call: OpenNebula.Host.list,
callback: function(request,host_list){
dataTable_cluster_hosts_panel.fnSort( [ [1,config['user_config']['table_order']] ] );
error: onError
//callback to update the list of hosts for Create dialog
function updateClusterHostsView (request,host_list){
var host_list_array = [];
//Grab table data from the host_list
//callback to update the list of hosts for info panel
function updateClusterHostsInfoView (request,host_list){
var host_list_array = [];
if(this.HOST.CLUSTER_ID == cluster_info.ID)
/* -------- Virtual Networks datatable -------- */
//Setup actions
@ -1123,7 +977,6 @@ var cluster_info_panel = {
@ -1248,9 +1101,7 @@ function updateClusterInfo(request,cluster){
icon: "fa-hdd-o",
content : '<div class="row">\
<div id="datatable_cluster_hosts_info_div" class="large-12 columns">\
<table id="datatable_cluster_hosts_info_panel" class="table twelve">' +
host_datatable_table_tmpl +
@ -1289,21 +1140,22 @@ function updateClusterInfo(request,cluster){
// Hosts datatable
dataTable_cluster_hosts_panel = $("#datatable_cluster_hosts_info_panel").dataTable({
"sDom" : "<'H'>t<'row'<'large-6 columns'i><'large-6 columns'p>>",
"oColVis": { //exclude checkbox column
"aiExclude": [ 0 ]
"bSortClasses" : false,
"bDeferRender": true,
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [1] },
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [9] },
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0,5,7,10,11,12]}
var host_ids = cluster_info.HOSTS.ID;
if (typeof host_ids == 'string'){
host_ids = [host_ids];
} else if (host_ids == undefined){
host_ids = [];
var opts = {
read_only: true,
fixed_ids: host_ids
setupHostTableSelect($("#cluster_info_panel"), "cluster_info_hosts", opts);
refreshHostTableSelect($("#cluster_info_panel"), "cluster_info_hosts");
// Virtual networks datatable
@ -1340,7 +1192,6 @@ function updateClusterInfo(request,cluster){
// initialize datatables values
@ -1402,7 +1402,9 @@ function updateView(item_list,dataTable){
if (dataTable) {
// dataTable.fnSettings is undefined when the table has been detached from
// the DOM
if (dataTable && dataTable.fnSettings()) {
var dTable_settings = dataTable.fnSettings();
var prev_start = dTable_settings._iDisplayStart;
@ -5781,7 +5783,9 @@ function generateHostTableSelect(context_id){
"id_index": 1,
"name_index": 2,
"select_resource": tr("Please select a Host from the list"),
"you_selected": tr("You selected the following Host:")
"you_selected": tr("You selected the following Host:"),
"select_resource_multiple": tr("Please select one or more hosts from the list"),
"you_selected_multiple": tr("You selected the following hosts:")
return generateResourceTableSelect(context_id, columns, options);
@ -5790,6 +5794,11 @@ function generateHostTableSelect(context_id){
// opts.bVisible: dataTable bVisible option. If not set, the .yaml visibility will be used
// opts.filter_fn: boolean function to filter which elements to show
// opts.select_callback(aData, options): function called after a row is selected
// opts.multiple_choice: boolean true to enable multiple element selection
// opts.read_only: boolean true so user is not asked to select elements
// opts.fixed_ids: Array of IDs to show. Any other ID will be filtered out. If
// an ID is not returned by the pool, it will be included as a
// blank row
function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
if(opts == undefined){
@ -5808,6 +5817,18 @@ function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
opts.bVisible = config;
if(opts.multiple_choice == undefined){
opts.multiple_choice = false;
var fixed_ids_map_orig = {};
if(opts.fixed_ids != undefined){
fixed_ids_map_orig[this] = true;
var options = {
"dataTable_options": {
@ -5823,6 +5844,10 @@ function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
"multiple_choice": opts.multiple_choice,
"read_only": opts.read_only,
"fixed_ids": opts.fixed_ids,
"id_index": 1,
"name_index": 2,
@ -5832,6 +5857,8 @@ function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
success: function (request, resource_list){
var list_array = [];
var fixed_ids_map = $.extend({}, fixed_ids_map_orig);
var add = true;
@ -5839,11 +5866,31 @@ function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
add = opts.filter_fn(this.HOST);
if(opts.fixed_ids != undefined){
add = (add && fixed_ids_map[this.HOST.ID]);
delete fixed_ids_map[this.HOST.ID];
var n_columns = 13; // SET FOR EACH RESOURCE
$.each(fixed_ids_map, function(id,v){
var empty = [];
for(var i=0; i<=n_columns; i++){
empty[1] = id; // SET FOR EACH RESOURCE, id_index
updateView(list_array, datatable);
error: onError
@ -5856,6 +5903,22 @@ function setupHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
return setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options);
// Clicks the refresh button
function refreshHostTableSelect(section, context_id){
return refreshResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
// Returns an ID, or an array of IDs for opts.multiple_choice
function retrieveHostTableSelect(section, context_id){
return retrieveResourceTableSelect(section, context_id);
// Clears the current selection, and selects the given IDs
// opts.ids must be a single ID, or an array of IDs for options.multiple_choice
// opts.names must be an array of {name, uname}
function selectHostTableSelect(section, context_id, opts){
return selectResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, opts);
function generateDatastoreTableSelect(context_id){
@ -6212,9 +6275,8 @@ function setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options) {
} else if(options.multiple_choice){
$('#selected_ids_row_'+context_id, section).data("ids", {});
function row_click(row){
function row_click(row, aData){
var aData = dataTable_select.fnGetData(row);
var row_id = aData[options.id_index];
var row_name = aData[options.name_index];
@ -6253,7 +6315,8 @@ function setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options) {
$('#datatable_'+context_id+' tbody', section).on("click", "tr", function(e){
var aData = dataTable_select.fnGetData(this);
row_click(this, aData);
$(section).on("click", '#selected_ids_row_'+context_id+' span.fa.fa-times', function() {
@ -6262,7 +6325,7 @@ function setupResourceTableSelect(section, context_id, options) {
// TODO: improve preformance, linear search
$.each(dataTable_select.fnGetData(), function(index, row){
if(row[options.id_index] == row_id){
row_click(dataTable_select.fnGetNodes(index), row);
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user