mirror of https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git synced 2025-03-23 22:50:09 +03:00

feature #2166: Add easy provisioning button to vm and template tabs

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Molina 2013-07-11 20:04:20 +02:00
parent a345a7c23b
commit f8f5be2de2
3 changed files with 338 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ tabs:
VM.refresh: true
VM.create_dialog: true
VM.easy_provision: false
VM.chown: true
VM.chgrp: true
VM.chmod: true
@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ tabs:
Template.refresh: true
Template.create_dialog: true
Template.easy_provision: false
Template.update_dialog: true
Template.instantiate_vms: true
Template.chown: true

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ tabs:
VM.refresh: true
VM.create_dialog: true
VM.easy_provision: false
VM.chown: false
VM.chgrp: false
VM.chmod: true
@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ tabs:
Template.refresh: true
Template.create_dialog: true
Template.easy_provision: false
Template.update_dialog: true
Template.instantiate_vms: true
Template.chown: false

View File

@ -89,54 +89,203 @@ var vms_tab_content = '\
//var create_vm_tmpl ='\
// <div class="panel">\
// <h3>\
// <small id="create_vnet_header">'+tr("Create Virtual Machine")+'</small>\
// </h3>\
// </div>\
// <form id="create_vm_form" action="">\
// <div class="row centered">\
// <div class="four columns">\
// <label class="inline right" for="vm_name">'+tr("VM Name")+':</label>\
// </div>\
// <div class="seven columns">\
// <input type="text" name="vm_name" id="vm_name" />\
// </div>\
// <div class="one columns">\
// <div class="tip">'+tr("Defaults to template name when emtpy")+'.</div>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// <div class="row centered">\
// <div class="four columns">\
// <label class="inline right" for="template_id">'+tr("Select template")+':</label>\
// </div>\
// <div class="seven columns">\
// <select id="template_id">\
// </select>\
// </div>\
// <div class="one columns">\
// <div class=""></div>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// <div class="row centered">\
// <div class="four columns">\
// <label class="inline right" for="vm_n_times">'+tr("Deploy # VMs")+':</label>\
// </div>\
// <div class="seven columns">\
// <input type="text" name="vm_n_times" id="vm_n_times" value="1">\
// </div>\
// <div class="one columns">\
// <div class="tip">'+tr("You can use the wildcard &#37;i. When creating several VMs, &#37;i will be replaced with a different number starting from 0 in each of them")+'.</div>\
// </div>\
// </div>\
// <hr>\
// <div class="form_buttons">\
// <button class="button radius right success" id="create_vm_proceed" value="VM.create">'+tr("Create")+'</button>\
// <button class="close-reveal-modal button secondary radius" type="button" value="close">' + tr("Close") + '</button>\
// </div>\
//<a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>\
var create_vm_tmpl ='\
<div class="panel">\
<small id="create_vnet_header">'+tr("Create Virtual Machine")+'</small>\
<div class="panel">\
<small id="create_vnet_header">'+tr("Create Virtual Machine")+'</small>\
<div class="reveal-body">\
<form id="create_vm_form" action="">\
<div class="row">\
<legend>'+tr("Step 1: Specify a name and the number of instances")+'</legend>\
<div class="seven columns">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="inline right" for="vm_name">'+tr("VM Name")+':</label>\
<div class="seven columns">\
<input type="text" name="vm_name" id="vm_name" />\
<div class="one columns">\
<div class="tip">'+tr("Defaults to template name when emtpy. You can use the wildcard &#37;i. When creating several VMs, &#37;i will be replaced with a different number starting from 0 in each of them")+'.</div>\
<form id="create_vm_form" action="">\
<div class="row centered">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="inline right" for="vm_name">'+tr("VM Name")+':</label>\
<div class="seven columns">\
<input type="text" name="vm_name" id="vm_name" />\
<div class="one columns">\
<div class="tip">'+tr("Defaults to template name when emtpy")+'.</div>\
<div class="five columns">\
<div class="six columns">\
<label class="inline right" for="vm_n_times">'+tr("# VMs")+':</label>\
<div class="row centered">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="inline right" for="template_id">'+tr("Select template")+':</label>\
<div class="seven columns">\
<select id="template_id">\
<div class="one columns">\
<div class=""></div>\
<div class="five columns">\
<input type="text" name="vm_n_times" id="vm_n_times" value="1">\
<div class="row centered">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="inline right" for="vm_n_times">'+tr("Deploy # VMs")+':</label>\
<div class="seven columns">\
<input type="text" name="vm_n_times" id="vm_n_times" value="1">\
<div class="one columns">\
<div class="tip">'+tr("You can use the wildcard &#37;i. When creating several VMs, &#37;i will be replaced with a different number starting from 0 in each of them")+'.</div>\
<div class="one columns">\
<div class="tip">'+tr("Number of Virtual Machines that will be created using this template")+'.</div>\
<div class="form_buttons">\
<button class="button radius right success" id="create_vm_proceed" value="VM.create">'+tr("Create")+'</button>\
<button class="close-reveal-modal button secondary radius" type="button" value="close">' + tr("Close") + '</button>\
<a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>\
<div class="row">\
<legend>'+tr("Step 2: Select a type of instance")+'</legend>\
<div class="row collapse">\
<div class="seven columns">\
<button id="refresh_template_templates_table_button_class" type="button" class="button small radius secondary"><i class="icon-refresh" /></button>\
<div class="five columns">\
<input id="template_templates_table_search" type="text" placeholder="'+tr("Search")+'"/>\
<table id="template_templates_table" class="datatable twelve">\
<th>'+tr("Registration time")+'</th>\
<tbody id="tbodytemplates">\
<div class="row hidden">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="right inline" for="TEMPLATE_ID">'+tr("TEMPLATE_ID")+':</label>\
<div class="six columns">\
<input type="text" id="TEMPLATE_ID" name="TEMPLATE_ID"/>\
<div class="two columns">\
<div class="tip">\
<div id="selected_template" class="vm_param kvm_opt xen_opt vmware_opt">\
<span id="select_template" class="radius secondary label">'+tr("Please select a template from the list")+'</span>\
<span id="template_selected" class="radius secondary label hidden">'+tr("You selected the following template:")+'</span>\
<span class="radius label" type="text" id="TEMPLATE_NAME" name="template"></span>\
<div id="select_image_step" class="row">\
<legend>'+tr("Step 3: Select an operation system")+'</legend>\
<div class="row collapse">\
<div class="seven columns">\
<button id="refresh_template_images_table_button_class" type="button" class="button small radius secondary"><i class="icon-refresh" /></button>\
<div class="five columns">\
<input id="template_images_table_search" type="text" placeholder="'+tr("Search")+'"/>\
<table id="template_images_table" class="datatable twelve">\
<th>'+tr("Registration time")+'</th>\
<tbody id="tbodyimages">\
<div class="row hidden">\
<div class="four columns">\
<label class="right inline" for="IMAGE_ID">'+tr("IMAGE_ID")+':</label>\
<div class="six columns">\
<input type="text" id="IMAGE_ID" name="IMAGE_ID"/>\
<div class="two columns">\
<div class="tip">\
<div id="selected_image" class="vm_param kvm_opt xen_opt vmware_opt">\
<span id="select_image" class="radius secondary label">'+tr("Please select an image from the list")+'</span>\
<span id="image_selected" class="radius secondary label hidden">'+tr("You selected the following image:")+'</span>\
<span class="radius label" type="text" id="IMAGE_NAME" name="image"></span>\
<div class="form_buttons reveal-footer">\
<div class="form_buttons">\
<button class="button radius right success" id="instantiate_vm_tenplate_proceed" value="Template.instantiate_vms">'+tr("Create")+'</button>\
<button class="close-reveal-modal button secondary radius" type="button" value="close">' + tr("Close") + '</button>\
<a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>\
var vmachine_list_json = {};
var dataTable_vMachines;
@ -157,7 +306,16 @@ var vm_actions = {
"VM.create_dialog" : {
type: "custom",
call: popUpCreateVMDialog
call: function(){
"VM.easy_provision" : {
type: "custom",
call: function(){
"VM.list" : {
@ -692,6 +850,12 @@ var vm_buttons = {
layout: "create",
alwaysActive: true
"VM.easy_provision" : {
type: "action",
layout: "create",
text: tr("Launch"),
alwaysActive: true
"VM.chown" : {
type: "confirm_with_select",
text: tr("Change owner"),
@ -2732,28 +2896,123 @@ function setup_vm_snapshot_tab(){
// Sets up the create-template dialog and all the processing associated to it,
// which is a lot.
function setupCreateVMDialog(){
function setupCreateVMDialog(include_select_image){
dialogs_context.append('<div title=\"'+tr("Create Virtual Machine")+'\" id="create_vm_dialog"></div>');
//Insert HTML in place
$create_vm_dialog = $('#create_vm_dialog')
var dialog = $create_vm_dialog;
dialog.addClass("reveal-modal large max-height");
//Prepare jquery dialog
// autoOpen: false,
// modal: true,
// width: 400
var dataTable_template_templates = $('#template_templates_table', dialog).dataTable({
"iDisplayLength": 4,
"sDom" : '<"H">t<"F"p>',
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [0,1] },
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [1,2,3,5]}
"fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings) {
var nodes = this.fnGetNodes();
$.each(nodes, function(){
if ($(this).find("td:eq(1)").html() == $('#TEMPLATE_ID', dialog).val()) {
$("td", this).addClass('markrow');
$('input.check_item', this).attr('checked','checked');
// Retrieve the images to fill the datatable
$('#template_templates_table_search', dialog).keyup(function(){
dataTable_template_templates.fnFilter( $(this).val() );
$('#template_templates_table tbody', dialog).delegate("tr", "click", function(e){
var aData = dataTable_template_templates.fnGetData(this);
$("td.markrow", dataTable_template_templates).removeClass('markrow');
$('tbody input.check_item', dataTable_template_templates).removeAttr('checked');
$('#template_selected', dialog).show();
$('#select_template', dialog).hide();
$('.alert-box', dialog).hide();
$("td", this).addClass('markrow');
$('input.check_item', this).attr('checked','checked');
$('#TEMPLATE_NAME', dialog).text(aData[4]);
$('#TEMPLATE_ID', dialog).val(aData[1]);
return true;
$("#refresh_template_templates_table_button_class").live('click', function(){
if (include_select_image) {
$("#select_image_step", dialog).show();
var dataTable_template_images = $('#template_images_table', dialog).dataTable({
"iDisplayLength": 4,
"sDom" : '<"H">t<"F"p>',
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sWidth": "35px", "aTargets": [0,1] },
{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [2,3,7,8,5,9,12]}
"fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings) {
var nodes = this.fnGetNodes();
$.each(nodes, function(){
if ($(this).find("td:eq(1)").html() == $('#IMAGE_ID', dialog).val()) {
$("td", this).addClass('markrow');
$('input.check_item', this).attr('checked','checked');
// Retrieve the images to fill the datatable
$('#template_images_table_search', dialog).keyup(function(){
dataTable_template_images.fnFilter( $(this).val() );
$('#template_images_table tbody', dialog).delegate("tr", "click", function(e){
var aData = dataTable_template_images.fnGetData(this);
$("td.markrow", dataTable_template_images).removeClass('markrow');
$('tbody input.check_item', dataTable_template_images).removeAttr('checked');
$('#image_selected', dialog).show();
$('#select_image', dialog).hide();
$('.alert-box', dialog).hide();
$("td", this).addClass('markrow');
$('input.check_item', this).attr('checked','checked');
$('#IMAGE_NAME', dialog).text(aData[4]);
$('#IMAGE_ID', dialog).val(aData[1]);
return true;
$("#refresh_template_images_table_button_class").live('click', function(){
} else {
$("#select_image_step", dialog).hide();
var vm_name = $('#vm_name',this).val();
var template_id = $('#template_id',this).val();
var template_id = $('#TEMPLATE_ID',this).val();
var n_times = $('#vm_n_times',this).val();
var n_times_int=1;
@ -2766,29 +3025,40 @@ function setupCreateVMDialog(){
var extra_info = "";
var extra_msg = "";
if (n_times_int > 1) {
extra_info = n_times_int+" times";
extra_msg = n_times_int+" times";
notifySubmit("Template.instantiate",template_id, extra_info);
notifySubmit("Template.instantiate",template_id, extra_msg);
var extra_info = {};
if ($("#IMAGE_ID", this).val()) {
image_id = $("#IMAGE_ID", this).val();
extra_info['template'] = {
'disk': {
'image_id': image_id
if (!vm_name.length){ //empty name use OpenNebula core default
for (var i=0; i< n_times_int; i++){
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, "");
extra_info['vm_name'] = "";
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
if (vm_name.indexOf("%i") == -1){ //no wildcard
if (vm_name.indexOf("%i") == -1){//no wildcard, all with the same name
for (var i=0; i< n_times_int; i++){
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, vm_name);
extra_info['vm_name'] = vm_name;
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
} else { //wildcard present: replace wildcard
var name = "";
for (var i=0; i< n_times_int; i++){
name = vm_name.replace(/%i/gi,i);
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, name);
extra_info['vm_name'] = vm_name.replace(/%i/gi,i);
Sunstone.runAction("Template.instantiate_quiet", template_id, extra_info);
@ -2802,7 +3072,8 @@ function setupCreateVMDialog(){
// Open creation dialog
function popUpCreateVMDialog(){
function popUpCreateVMDialog(include_select_image){