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/* Copyright 2002-2024, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems                */
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/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    */
/* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain    */
/* a copy of the License at                                                   */
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/* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                 */
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/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        */
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/* limitations under the License.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef SNAPSHOTS_H_
#define SNAPSHOTS_H_

#include <string>
#include <map>

#include "Template.h"

class VectorAttribute;

 *  This class represents a list of Snapshots associated to an image or Virtual
 *  Machine Disk. The list is in the form:
 *   <DISK_ID>: of the disk the snapshots are taken from (the initial backing)
 *   <ACTIVE>: the current snapshot in use by the VM. 0 for the original DISK
 *     <ID>
 *     <NAME>: Description
 *     <DATE>: the snapshot was taken
 *     <PARENT>: backing for this snapshot, -1 for the original image
 *     <CHILDREN>: comma separated list of children snapshots
class Snapshots

     *  ALLOW_ORPHANS: Define how child snapshots are handled.
     *    - ALLOW: Children can be orphan (no parent snapshot)
     *      |- snap_1
     *      |- snap_2
     *      |- snap_3
     *    - DENY: New snapshots are set active and child of the previous one
     *      |- snap_1
     *         |- snap_2
     *            |- snap_3
     *    - MIXED: Snapshots are children of last snapshot reverted to
     *      |- snap_1 (<--- revert)
     *         |- snap_2
     *         |- snap_3
     *    - FORMAT: Depends on the image format, (used in shared TM)
     *              - for qcow2 -> DENY
     *              - for raw   -> ALLOW
    enum AllowOrphansMode
        ALLOW  = 0,
        DENY   = 1,
        MIXED  = 2,
        FORMAT = 3

    static std::string allow_orphans_mode_to_str(AllowOrphansMode aom)
        switch (aom)
            case ALLOW:  return "YES";
            case DENY:   return "NO";
            case MIXED:  return "MIXED";
            case FORMAT: return "FORMAT";

        return "NO";

    static AllowOrphansMode str_to_allow_orphans_mode(const std::string& aom)
        if (aom == "YES")
            return ALLOW;
        else if (aom == "MIXED")
            return MIXED;
        else if (aom == "FORMAT")
            return FORMAT;
            return DENY;

    Snapshots(int _disk_id, AllowOrphansMode orphans);

    Snapshots(const Snapshots& s);

    Snapshots& operator= (const Snapshots& s);

    ~Snapshots() = default;

    // *************************************************************************
    // Inititalization functions
    // *************************************************************************

     *  Builds the snapshot list from its XML representation. This function
     *  is used when importing it from the DB.
     *    @param node xmlNode for the template
     *    @return 0 on success
    int from_xml_node(const xmlNodePtr node);

     *  XML Representation of the Snapshots
    std::string& to_xml(std::string& xml) const
        return snapshot_template.to_xml(xml);

     * Creates a new (empty) snapshot of the active disk
     *   @param name description of this snapshot (optional)
     *   @param size_mb of the snapshot (virtual size)
     *   @return id of the new snapshot
    int create_snapshot(const std::string& name, long long size_mb);

     *  Check if an snapshot can be deleted, for the snap_delete operation on
     *  VMs
     *    @param id of the snapshot
     *    @param error if any
     *    @return true if can be deleted, false otherwise
    bool test_delete(int id, bool persistent, std::string& error) const;

    // Version for the snap_delete operation on images
    bool test_delete_image(int id, std::string& error) const;

     *  Removes the snapshot from the list
     *    @param id of the snapshot
    void delete_snapshot(int id);

     *  Set the given snapshot as active. Updates the values of the current
     *  snapshot
     *    @param id id of the snapshot
     *    @param revert true if the cause of changing the active snapshot
     *                  is because a revert
    int active_snapshot(int id, bool revert);

     * Rename the given snapshot by the given name

    int rename_snapshot(int id, const std::string& name, std::string& str_error);

     *  Clear all the snapshots in the list
    void clear()
        active   = -1;
        _disk_id = -1;


     *  Return the disk_id of the snapshot list
    int disk_id() const
        return _disk_id;

     *  Sets the disk id for this snapshot list
     *    @param did the id
    void set_disk_id(int did)
        _disk_id = did;
        snapshot_template.replace("DISK_ID", did);

     *  Return the active snapshot id
    int active_id() const
        return active;

     *   Removes the DISK_ID attribute to link the list to an Image
    void clear_disk_id()
        _disk_id = -1;

     *  @return number of snapshots in the list
    unsigned int size() const
        return snapshot_pool.size();

    unsigned int next() const
        return next_snapshot;

     *  @return true if snapshot_pool is empty
    bool empty() const
        return snapshot_pool.empty();

     *   Check if snapshot exists
     *   @param snap_id of the snapshot
     *   @return true if the snapshot with snap_id exisits
    bool exists(int snap_id) const
        const VectorAttribute * snap = get_snapshot(snap_id);

        return (snap != 0);

     *  @return total snapshot size (virtual) in mb
    long long total_size() const;

     *  Get the size (virtual) in mb of the given snapshot
     *    @param id of the snapshot
     *    @return size or 0 if not found
    long long snapshot_size(int id) const;

     * Return Snapshot children
     *   @param if of the snapshot
     *   @param children the attribute string
     *   @return the number of children
     *     -1 No snapshot
     *      0 CHILDREN not defined
     *      N number of children in "0,2,3,5" ---> 4
    int children(int id, std::string& children) const;

     *  Get Attribute from the given snapshot
     *    @param id of the snapshot
     *    @param name of the attribute
     *    @return value or empty if not found
    std::string snapshot_attribute(int id, const char* name) const;


     *  Get a snapshot from the pool
     *  @param id of the snapshot
     *  @return pointer to the snapshot (VectorAttribute) or null
    const VectorAttribute * get_snapshot(int id) const;

    VectorAttribute * get_snapshot(int id)
        return const_cast<VectorAttribute *>(
                       static_cast<const Snapshots&>(*this).get_snapshot(id));

     *  Build the object internal representation from an initialized
     *  template
    void init();

     *  Updates children list for the current base snapshot in the tree
     *    @param snapshot new child to be added
    void add_child_mixed(VectorAttribute *snapshot);

     *  Updates children list of the active snapshot
     *    @param snapshot new child to be added
     *    @return -1 in case of error (current active does not exist)
    int add_child_deny(VectorAttribute *snapshot);

     *  Text representation of the snapshot pool. To be stored as part of the
     *  VM or Image Templates
    Template snapshot_template;

     *  Next id
    int next_snapshot;

     * Id of the active (current) snapshot, 0 represents the base image
    int active;

     * Id of the disk associated with this snapshot list
    int _disk_id;

     * Allow to remove parent snapshots and active one
    AllowOrphansMode orphans;

     * Snapshot pointer map
    std::map<int, VectorAttribute *> snapshot_pool;

     * Current snaphsot base for mixed mode
    int current_base;

#endif /*SNAPSHOTS_H_*/