/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Copyright 2002-2023, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems                */
/*                                                                            */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    */
/* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain    */
/* a copy of the License at                                                   */
/*                                                                            */
/* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                 */
/*                                                                            */
/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        */
/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          */
/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   */
/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        */
/* limitations under the License.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


#include "DriverManager.h"
#include "ProtocolMessages.h"
#include "Listener.h"

class DatastorePool;
class Image;
class ImagePool;
class Snapshots;
class Template;

class ImageManager : public DriverManager<Driver<image_msg_t>>

    ImageManager(time_t                    _timer_period,
                 time_t                    _monitor_period,
                 ImagePool *               _ipool,
                 DatastorePool *           _dspool,
                 const std::string&        _mads_location,
                 int                       _monitor_vm_disk):
            timer_thread(_timer_period, [this](){timer_action();}),

    ~ImageManager() = default;

     *  This functions starts the associated listener thread, and creates a
     *  new thread for the Information Manager. This thread will wait in
     *  an action loop till it receives ACTION_FINALIZE.
     *    @return 0 on success.
    int start();

    void finalize()


     *  Loads the Image Driver defined in configuration file
     *   @param _mads configuration of drivers
    int load_drivers(const std::vector<const VectorAttribute*>& _mads);

    /*                           Image Manager Actions                        */
    /* Operates in a semi-sinchronous mode. Operations will be granted or not */
    /* , when needed the image repository drivers will be used to perform FS  */
    /* operations in the background.                                          */

     *  Try to acquire an image from the repository for a VM.
     *    @param image_id id of image
     *    @param error string describing the error
     *    @param attach true if attaching the image to a VM
     *    @return pointer to the image or 0 if could not be acquired
    std::unique_ptr<Image> acquire_image(int vm_id, int image_id,
                                         bool attach, std::string& error);

     *  Try to acquire an image from the repository for a VM.
     *    @param name of the image
     *    @param id of owner
     *    @param error string describing the error
     *    @param attach true if attaching the image to a VM
     *    @return pointer to the image or 0 if could not be acquired
    std::unique_ptr<Image> acquire_image(int vm_id, const std::string& name,
                          int uid, bool attach, std::string& error);

     *  Releases an image and triggers any needed operations in the repo
     *    @param iid image id of the image to be released
     *    @param failed the associated VM releasing the images is FAILED
    void release_image(int vm_id, int iid, bool failed);

     *  Closes any cloning operation on the image, updating the state if needed
     *    @param iid image id of the image to that was being cloned
     *    @param ot Object type, image or market app
     *    @param clone_oid the cloned resource id
    void release_cloning_resource(int iid, PoolObjectSQL::ObjectType ot, int clone_oid);

     *  Closes any cloning operation on the image, updating the state if needed
     *    @param iid image id of the image to that was being cloned
     *    @param clone_img_id the cloned image id
    void release_cloning_image(int iid, int clone_img_id)
        release_cloning_resource(iid, PoolObjectSQL::IMAGE, clone_img_id);

     *  Closes any cloning operation on the image, updating the state if needed
     *    @param iid image id of the image to that was being cloned
     *    @param clone_oid the cloned marketplace app id
    void release_cloning_app(int iid, int clone_oid)
        release_cloning_resource(iid, PoolObjectSQL::MARKETPLACEAPP, clone_oid);

     *  Enables the image
     *    @param iid Image id
     *    @param to_enable true will enable the image.
     *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
     *    @return 0 on success
    int enable_image(int iid, bool to_enable, std::string& error_str);

     *  Adds a new image to the repository copying or creating it as needed
     *    @param img pointer to the image
     *    @param ds_data data of the associated datastore in XML format
     *    @param extra_data data to be sent to the driver
     *    @param error Error reason
     *    @return 0 on success
    int register_image(int iid,
                       const std::string& ds_data,
                       const std::string& extra_data,
                       std::string& error);

     * Checks if an image is ready to be cloned
     * @param cloning_id ID of the image to be cloned
     * @param oss_error Error reason, if any
     * @return 0 if the image can be cloned, -1 otherwise
    int can_clone_image(int cloning_id, std::ostringstream&  oss_error);

     * Sets the state to CLONE for the given image
     *   @param ot Object type, image or market app
     *   @param new_id for the target image or market app
     *   @param clonning_id the ID of the image to be cloned
     *   @param error if any
     *   @return 0 on success
    int set_clone_state(PoolObjectSQL::ObjectType ot, int new_id,
            int cloning_id, std::string& error);

     * Sets the state to CLONE for the given image
     *   @param new_id for the target image
     *   @param clonning_id the ID of the image to be cloned
     *   @param error if any
     *   @return 0 on success
    int set_img_clone_state(int new_id, int cloning_id, std::string& error)
        return set_clone_state(PoolObjectSQL::IMAGE, new_id, cloning_id, error);

     * Sets the state to CLONE for the given image
     *   @param new_id for the target market app
     *   @param clonning_id the ID of the image to be cloned
     *   @param error if any
     *   @return 0 on success
    int set_app_clone_state(int new_id, int cloning_id, std::string& error)
        return set_clone_state(PoolObjectSQL::MARKETPLACEAPP, new_id, cloning_id, error);

     *  Clone an existing image to the repository
     *    @param new_id of the new image
     *    @param cloning_id of the image to be cloned
     *    @param ds_data data of the associated datastore in XML format
     *    @param extra_data data to be sent to the driver
     *    @param error describing the error
     *    @return 0 on success
    int clone_image(int new_id,
                    int cloning_id,
                    const std::string& ds_data,
                    const std::string& extra_data,
                    std::string& error);
     *  Deletes an image from the repository and the DB. The Datastore image list
     *  is also updated
     *    @param iid id of image
     *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
     *    @return 0 on success
    int delete_image(int iid, std::string& error_str);

     *  Restores a backup image restoring the associated disk images and VM
     *  template.
     *    @param iid id of the backup image
     *    @param dst_ds_id destination ds where the images will be restored
     *    @param opts XML encoded options for the restore operation
     *    @param result string with objects ids or error reason
     *    @return 0 on success
    int restore_image(int iid, int dst_ds_id, const std::string& opts,
                  std::string& result);

     *  Gets the size of an image by calling the STAT action of the associated
     *  datastore driver.
     *  @param img_tmpl the template for the image
     *  @param ds_tmpl the template for the datastore
     *  @oaram result with a string representation of the size or if an error
     *         occurred describing the error.
     *  @result 0 on success
     int stat_image(Template* img_tmpl,
                    const std::string& ds_tmpl,
                    std::string& res);

      *  Trigger a monitor action for the datastore.
      *    @param ds_id id of the datastore to monitor
     void monitor_datastore(int ds_id);

     *  Set the snapshots for the given image. The image MUST be persistent
     *  and of type OS or DATABLOCK.
     *    @param iid id of image
     *    @param s snapshot list
     void set_image_snapshots(int iid, const Snapshots& s);

      *  Clear the snapshots of an image by setting an empty set.
      *    @param iid id of image
     void clear_image_snapshots(int iid);

     *  Set the size for the given image. The image MUST be persistent
     *  and of type OS or DATABLOCK.
     *    @param iid id of image
     *    @param size
     void set_image_size(int iid, long long size);

      *  Deletes the snapshot of an image
      *    @param iid id of image
      *    @param sid id of the snapshot
      *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
      *    @return 0 on success
     int delete_snapshot(int iid, int sid, std::string& error);

      *  Reverts image state to a previous snapshot
      *    @param iid id of image
      *    @param sid id of the snapshot
      *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
      *    @return 0 on success
     int revert_snapshot(int iid, int sid, std::string& error);

      *  Flattens the snapshot by commiting changes to base image.
      *    @param iid id of image
      *    @param sid id of the snapshot
      *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
      *    @return 0 on success
     int flatten_snapshot(int iid, int sid, std::string& error);

      *  Flattens the backup chain by commiting changes to first (full) backup
      *    @param iid id of image
      *    @param ds_id id of the datastore
      *    @param edata XML string with KEEP_LAST and VM_ID
      *    @param error_str Error reason, if any
      *    @return 0 on success
     int flatten_increments(int iid, int ds_id, const std::string& edata, std::string& error);

     *  Generic name for the Image driver
    static const char *  image_driver_name;

     *  Timer action async execution
    Timer                 timer_thread;

     *  Timer period for the Image Manager.
    time_t                timer_period;

     *  Datastore Monitor Interval
    time_t                monitor_period;

     *  Monitor Virtual Machine disk usage every X datastore monitoring.
     *  0 to disable
    int                   monitor_vm_disk;

     *  Pointer to the Image Pool to access VMs
    ImagePool *           ipool;

     *  Pointer to the DS Pool
    DatastorePool *       dspool;

    static const int drivers_timeout = 10;

     *  Returns a pointer to the Image Manager Driver used for the Repository
     *    @return the Image Manager driver or 0 in not found
    const Driver<image_msg_t> * get() const
        return DriverManager::get_driver(image_driver_name);

     *  Acquires an image updating its state.
     *    @param image pointer to image, it should be locked
     *    @param attach true if attaching the image to a VM
     *    @return 0 on success
    int acquire_image(int vm_id, Image *img, bool attach, std::string& error);

     *  Moves a file to an image in the repository
     *    @param image to be updated (it's source attribute)
     *    @param source path of the disk file
    void move_image(Image *img, const std::string& source);

     * Formats an XML message for the MAD
     *    @param img_data Image XML representation
     *    @param ds_data Datastore XML representation
     *    @param extra_data additional XML formatted data for the driver
     *    @return the XML message
    static std::string format_message(const std::string& img_data,
            const std::string& ds_data,
            const std::string& extra_data);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Protocol implementation, procesing messages from driver
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static void _undefined(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _stat(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _cp(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _clone(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _mkfs(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _rm(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _monitor(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _snap_delete(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _snap_revert(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _snap_flatten(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _increment_flatten(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    void _restore(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

    static void _log(std::unique_ptr<image_msg_t> msg);

     *  This function is executed periodically to monitor Datastores and
     *  check sync actions
    void timer_action();

#endif /*IMAGE_MANAGER_H*/