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/* Copyright 2002-2016, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems                */
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


#include "Quota.h"

 *  VM Quotas, defined as:
 *  VM  = [
 *        VMS               = <Max. number of VMs>
 *        MEMORY            = <Max. number of MB requested by VMs>
 *        CPU               = <Max. number of CPU units requested by VMs>
 *        SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE  = <Max. number of system disk MB>
 *        VMS_USED          = Current number of VMs
 *        MEMORY_USED       = Overall Memory requested
 *        CPU_USED          = Overall CPU requested
 *        SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE_USED = Overall system disk requested
 *    ]
 *   0 = unlimited, default if missing

class QuotaVirtualMachine :  public Quota

    QuotaVirtualMachine(bool is_default):


     *  Check if the resource allocation will exceed the quota limits. If not
     *  the usage counters are updated
     *    @param tmpl template for the resource
     *    @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits
     *    @param error string
     *    @return true if the operation can be performed
    bool check(Template* tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& error);

     *  Check if the resource update (change in MEMORY or CPU) will exceed the
     *  quota limits. If not the usage counters are updated
     *    @param tmpl with increments in MEMORY and CPU
     *    @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits
     *    @param error string
     *    @return true if the operation can be performed
    bool update(Template * tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& error);

     *  Decrement usage counters when deallocating image
     *    @param tmpl template for the resource
    void del(Template* tmpl);

     *  Gets a quota, overrides base to not to use ID.
     *    @param id of the quota, ignored
     *    @param va The quota
     *    @return a pointer to the quota or 0 if not found
    int get_quota(const string& id, VectorAttribute **va);


     * Gets a quota, overrides base to not to use ID.
     *    @param id of the quota, ignored
     *    @param va The quota
     *    @param it The quota iterator, if it is found
     *    @return 0 on success, -1 if not found
    int get_quota(
            const string& id,
            VectorAttribute **va,
            map<string, Attribute *>::iterator& it)
        it = attributes.begin();
        return get_quota(id, va);

     * Gets the default quota identified by its ID.
     *    @param id of the quota
     *    @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits
     *    @param va The quota, if it is found
     *    @return 0 on success, -1 if not found
    int get_default_quota(
        const string& id,
        Quotas& default_quotas,
        VectorAttribute **va);

    static const char * VM_METRICS[];

    static const int NUM_VM_METRICS;