/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Copyright 2002-2010, OpenNebula Project Leads (OpenNebula.org) */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef HOST_H_ #define HOST_H_ #include "PoolSQL.h" #include "HostTemplate.h" #include "HostShare.h" #include "ClusterPool.h" using namespace std; /** * The Host class. */ class Host : public PoolObjectSQL { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Host States // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- enum HostState { INIT = 0, /**< Initial state for enabled hosts. */ MONITORING = 1, /**< The host is being monitored. */ MONITORED = 2, /**< The host has been successfully monitored. */ ERROR = 3, /**< An error ocurrer while monitoring the host. */ DISABLED = 4 /**< The host is disabled won't be monitored. */ }; /** * Function to write a Host on an output stream */ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Host& h); /** * Function to print the Host object into a string in plain text * @param str the resulting string * @return a reference to the generated string */ string& to_str(string& str) const; /** * Function to print the Host object into a string in XML format * @param xml the resulting XML string * @return a reference to the generated string */ string& to_xml(string& xml) const; /** * Get the Host unique identifier HID, that matches the OID of the object * @return HID Host identifier */ int get_hid() const { return oid; }; /** * Check if the host is enabled * @return true if the host is enabled */ bool isEnabled() const { return state != DISABLED; } /** * Updates the Host's last_monitored time stamp. * @param success if the monitored action was successfully performed */ void touch(bool success) { last_monitored = time(0); if ( state != DISABLED) //Don't change the state is host is disabled { if (success == true) { state = MONITORED; } else { state = ERROR; } } }; /** * Disables the current host, it will not be monitored nor used by the * scheduler */ void disable() { state = DISABLED; }; /** * Enables the current host, it will be monitored and could be used by * the scheduler */ void enable() { state = INIT; }; /** * Returns host host_name * @return host_name Host's hostname */ const string& get_hostname() const { return hostname; }; /** Update host counters and update the whole host on the DB * @param parse_str string with values to be parsed * @return 0 on success **/ int update_info(string &parse_str); /** * Retrives host state * @return HostState code number */ HostState get_state() const { return state; }; /** * Retrives VMM mad name * @return string vmm mad name */ const string& get_vmm_mad() const { return vmm_mad_name; }; /** * Retrives TM mad name * @return string tm mad name */ const string& get_tm_mad() const { return tm_mad_name; }; /** * Retrives IM mad name * @return string im mad name */ const string& get_im_mad() const { return im_mad_name; }; /** * Sets host state * @param HostState state that applies to this host */ void set_state(HostState state) { this->state = state; }; /** * Retrives last time the host was monitored * @return time_t last monitored time */ time_t get_last_monitored() const { return last_monitored; }; /** * Sets the cluster for this host * @return time_t last monitored time */ int set_cluster(const string& cluster_name) { cluster = cluster_name; return 0; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Template // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Gets the values of a template attribute * @param name of the attribute * @param values of the attribute * @return the number of values */ int get_template_attribute( string& name, vector& values) const { return host_template.get(name,values); }; /** * Gets the values of a template attribute * @param name of the attribute * @param values of the attribute * @return the number of values */ int get_template_attribute( const char *name, vector& values) const { string str=name; return host_template.get(str,values); }; /** * Gets a string based host attribute * @param name of the attribute * @param value of the attribute (a string), will be "" if not defined */ void get_template_attribute( const char * name, string& value) const { string str=name; host_template.get(str,value); } /** * Gets a string based host attribute * @param name of the attribute * @param value of the attribute (an int), will be 0 if not defined */ void get_template_attribute( const char * name, int& value) const { string str=name; host_template.get(str,value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Share functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * * */ int get_share_running_vms() { return host_share.running_vms; } int get_share_disk_usage() { return host_share.disk_usage; } int get_share_mem_usage() { return host_share.mem_usage; } int get_share_cpu_usage() { return host_share.cpu_usage; } int get_share_max_disk() { return host_share.max_disk; } int get_share_max_mem() { return host_share.max_mem; } int get_share_max_cpu() { return host_share.max_cpu; } int get_share_free_disk() { return host_share.free_disk; } int get_share_free_mem() { return host_share.free_mem; } int get_share_free_cpu() { return host_share.free_cpu; } int get_share_used_disk() { return host_share.used_disk; } int get_share_used_mem() { return host_share.used_mem; } int get_share_used_cpu() { return host_share.used_cpu; } /** * Adds a new VM to the given share by icrementing the cpu,mem and disk * counters * @param cpu needed by the VM (percentage) * @param mem needed by the VM (in Kb) * @param disk needed by the VM * @return 0 on success */ void add_capacity(int cpu, int mem, int disk) { host_share.add(cpu,mem,disk); }; /** * Deletes a new VM from the given share by decrementing the cpu,mem and * disk counters * @param cpu useded by the VM (percentage) * @param mem used by the VM (in Kb) * @param disk used by the VM * @return 0 on success */ void del_capacity(int cpu, int mem, int disk) { host_share.del(cpu,mem,disk); }; /** * Tests whether a new VM can be hosted by the host or not * @param cpu needed by the VM (percentage) * @param mem needed by the VM (in Kb) * @param disk needed by the VM * @return true if the share can host the VM */ bool test_capacity(int cpu, int mem, int disk) { return host_share.test(cpu,mem,disk); } private: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Friends // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- friend class HostPool; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Host Description // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- string hostname; /** * The state of the Host */ HostState state; /** * Name of the IM driver used to monitor this host */ string im_mad_name; /** * Name of the VM driver used to execute VMs in this host */ string vmm_mad_name; /** * Name of the TM driver used to transfer file to and from this host */ string tm_mad_name; /** * If Host State = MONITORED last time it got fully monitored or 1 Jan 1970 * Host State = MONITORING last time it got a signal to be monitored */ time_t last_monitored; /** * Name of the cluster this host belongs to. */ string cluster; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Host Attributes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The Host template, holds the Host attributes. */ HostTemplate host_template; /** * The Share represents the logical capacity associated with the host */ HostShare host_share; // ************************************************************************* // DataBase implementation (Private) // ************************************************************************* /** * Execute an INSERT or REPLACE Sql query. * @param db The SQL DB * @param replace Execute an INSERT or a REPLACE * @return 0 one success */ int insert_replace(SqlDB *db, bool replace); /** * Callback function to unmarshall a Host object (Host::select) * @param num the number of columns read from the DB * @param names the column names * @param vaues the column values * @return 0 on success */ int select_cb(void *nil, int num, char **values, char **names); /** * Bootstraps the database table(s) associated to the Host */ static void bootstrap(SqlDB * db) { ostringstream oss_host(Host::db_bootstrap); ostringstream oss_share(HostShare::db_bootstrap); db->exec(oss_host); db->exec(oss_share); }; protected: // ************************************************************************* // Constructor // ************************************************************************* Host(int id=-1, string _hostname="", string _im_mad_name="", string _vmm_mad_name="", string _tm_mad_name=""); virtual ~Host(); // ************************************************************************* // DataBase implementation // ************************************************************************* enum ColNames { OID = 0, HOST_NAME = 1, STATE = 2, IM_MAD = 3, VM_MAD = 4, TM_MAD = 5, LAST_MON_TIME = 6, CLUSTER = 7, TEMPLATE = 8, LIMIT = 9 }; static const char * db_names; static const char * db_bootstrap; static const char * table; /** * Reads the Host (identified with its OID=HID) from the database. * @param db pointer to the db * @return 0 on success */ virtual int select(SqlDB *db); /** * Writes the Host and its associated HostShares in the database. * @param db pointer to the db * @return 0 on success */ virtual int insert(SqlDB *db, string& error_str); /** * Writes/updates the Hosts data fields in the database. * @param db pointer to the db * @return 0 on success */ virtual int update(SqlDB *db); /** * Drops host from the database * @param db pointer to the db * @return 0 on success */ virtual int drop(SqlDB *db); /** * Function to output a Host object in to an stream in XML format * @param oss the output stream * @param num the number of columns read from the DB * @param names the column names * @param vaues the column values * @return 0 on success */ static int dump(ostringstream& oss, int num, char **values, char **names); }; #endif /*HOST_H_*/